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e 35
Mechanisms of In
and Cerebral Protection
Patrick W. Doyle & Arun K. Gupta
Mechanisms of Injury 37
Cerebral Protection 41
Clinical Practice 45
References 45
e 37
Mechanisms of neural injury, cerebral protection and cerebral resuscitation have been an area of intensive research over the last 20
years and the pathophysiological and biochemical processes responsible for the development and propagation of neural injury are
becoming clearer. Despite this explosion of research, current approaches to reducing permanent injury have remained largely
unchanged over the past few decades. The pathophysiological processes that lead to neuronal cell death and loss of function are
similar whether the CNS insult is the consequence of intraoperative injury, stroke or trauma. In its correct terminology, cerebral
protection refers to interventions aimed at reducing neural injury that are instituted before a possible ischaemic event, while cerebral
resuscitation refers to interventions that occur after such an event.
In practice, many of the mechanisms involved in both phases of
the process are identical and the following discussion will deal with both forms of intervention as one.
Mechanisms of In
All brain injury can be thought of as being constituted of basic primary, secondary and molecular and biochemical processes.
Whatever the primary insult, there will always be secondary and molecular damage, not only in the core of the lesion but also in the
penumbral region. Central to all mechanisms of injury are cerebral ischaemia and hypoxia. Global ischaemia refers to events which
result in complete hypoperfusion of the entire organ or where no potential for recruitment of collateral flow exists. Focal ischaemia
refers to the occlusion of an artery distal to the circle of Willis, which permits some collateral flow, thus resulting in a dense
ischaemic core with a partially perfused surrounding penumbral zone.
Tissues in the penumbral zone may be more salvageable and
hence provide a realistic target for neuroprotection.
asic Mechanisms of Injury
All the principal types of brain damage that occur clinically can now be reproduced in experimental models.
These can be
classified as traumatic, ischaemic or hypoxic. Traumatic brain injury may be due to the trauma associated with accidents or personal
violence. Alternatively, the trauma may be iatrogenic and accompany a variety of operative procedures, including retraction, shear
forces, direct tissue destruction, haemorrhage and vessel disruption with subsequent infarction. These injuries are typically followed
y brain swelling, leading to an increase in intracranial volume and intracranial pressure and a consequent reduction in cerebral blood
flow. In addition to direct tissue injury, acceleration-deceleration forces may result in shearing of nerve fibres and microvascular
structures in the process termed diffuse axonal injury.
While this was originally thought to occur at the time of injury, there is
accumulating evidence that the event of axonal shearing is the culmination of processes that mature over hours.
Secondary insults are initiated as a consequence of the primary injury but may not be apparent for an interval following the injury.
Intracranial haemorrhage is the most common local structural cause of clinical deterioration and death in patients who have
experienced a lucid interval after traumatic injury.
The pathophysiology associated with this process may reflect simple
hysiological consequences of ischaemia arising from pressure effects to underlying and distant brain regions, shift of vital structures
and axonal disruption, reductions in cerebral blood flow and metabolism, hydrocephalus and herniation. However, metabolic
processes may cause more subtle changes and ischaemia may not just be due to local microcirculatory compression but also the
consequence of vasoactive substances released from the haematoma. In addition, glucose utilization has also been found to be
markedly increased in pericontusional and perihaemorrhagic regions, possibly due to activation of excitatory neuronal systems.
addition, extravasated subarachnoid blood can cause vasospasm both locally and at distant sites with aggravation of ischaemia.
Systemic physiological insults may occur as a consequence of the primary lesion but can contribute to worsening neural injury. These
include hypoxia, hypotension, hypercarbia, hyperthermia, anaemia and electrolyte disturbances. Hypoxia may be the result of airway
obstruction, aspiration, thoracic injury, primary hypoventilation or pulmonary shunting.
Hypotension has been found to occur in 32–
35% of patients in emergency departments, which may be due to systemic causes.
This causes a decrease in cerebral perfusion
pressure, which may be aggravated by a high ICP, disruption of cerebrovascular autoregulation, vasospasm and change in cerebral
blood flow patterns. Hyperthermia may be due to infection, thrombophlebitis, drug reactions or a defect in the thermoregulatory
system. This results in excessive excitotoxic neurotransmitter release, altered protein kinase C activity and augmented
pathophysiological effects of ischaemia. Hypercarbia causes vasodilatation of cerebral blood vessels, with increased ICP, and
exacerbation of any mass or oedema effect. It may also be associated with cerebral metabolic acidosis.
e 39
While the general consensus is that preischaemic hyperglycaemia is deleterious, in some studies it has been shown to delay
the onset of ischaemic Ca
influx from the ECF and potentiate reextrusion of Ca
following recirculation. These findings may
reflect the modulatory effects of the type of ischaemia (focal versus global), its duration and extent and the completeness of the
ischaemic insult.
It is thought that acidosis enhances production of reactive free radicals, causes oedema, aggravated tissue
damage and delayed seizures and prevents recovery of mitochondrial metabolism.
However, it still remains to be fully
established whether exaggerated intra-ischaemic acidosis enhances postischaemic production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Ionic Pum
A variety of membrane ionic pumps, including Na
, Na
, and Ca
, as well as Cl
and HCO
leakage fluxes, maintain
electrical and concentration gradients for various ions across the cell membrane and hence generate the resting membrane potential.
Since these
are energy-consuming processes, ischaemia-induced decreases in ATP production result in loss of ionic pump function, with changes in
transmembrane concentrations of ions and electrical fluxes. Na
and Cl
influxes result in cellular swelling and osmolytic damage, whilst increased
cytosolic Ca
sets off a cascade of events that are discussed later in this chapter. K
also rapidly leaves cells. Not only must one consider ATP
pump failure but in the 'milieu' of ischaemic tissue, local depolarization leads to activation of ionic conductances. The increased energy demands of
olarization ma
er overt ener
failure and conse
transient ionic fluxes.
Siësjo and Siësjo describe three major cascades of reactions:
1. sustained perturbation of cell Ca
2. persistent depression of protein synthesis;
3. programmed cell death.
Ca ions play an important role in normal membrane excitation and cellular processes.
Normally extracellular concentrations are
maintained at a higher concentration than free cytosolic concentrations by an ionic ATP-dependent pump. Failure of ATP energy
metabolism will have a deleterious effect on this homoeostasis.
It is postulated that the primary defect in cells mortally injured by a
transient period of ischaemia is an inability to regulate Ca
The slow gradual rise in Ca
is caused by the release of glutamate
from the presynaptic nerve endings, primarily via activation of receptors of the NMDA type. This leads to excessively high cytosolic
levels. Activation of the AMPA receptors also results in a Na
dependent depolarization which causes further Ca
influx via
voltage-gated channels. The secondary loss of cell Ca
homoeostasis may also affect the relationship between Ca
leaks and Ca
extrusion across membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Exposure of mitochondria to excess Ca
causes them to swell and
release intramitochondrial components. This reflects a sudden increase in the permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane
which allows the release of H
, Ca
, Mg
, and other low molecular weight components. There is strong evidence that mitochondrial
dysfunction is an early recirculation event following long periods of ischaemia or ischaemia complicated by hyperglycaemia,
qualifying as a direct cause of bioenergetic failure.
The effects of Ca
are summarized in Figure 3.1.
epression of Protein Synthesis
ormal protein synthesis is an early casualty of the ischaemic cascade. Normally the glutamate-induced Ca influx would result in
transcription and translation of the immediate early genes (IEGs) c-fos and c-jun. These IEGs regulate the transcription of genes that
code for proteins of repair.
These include the heat shock protein family, nerve growth factors, brain-derived neurotrophic factor,
neurotropin-3 and enhanced expression of genes for glucose transports.
A block in translation due to focal or global ischaemia may
thus affect the production of these stress proteins, trophic factors or enzymes and enhance ischaemic damage (Fig. 3.2).
rammed Cell Death (PCD)
PCD, or apoptosis when it occurs during development, is a process that weeds out approximately half of all neurones produced
during neurogenesis, leaving only those that make useful functional connections to other neurones and end-organs.
It is a cell death
characterized by membrane blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation and fragmentation. There are considerable data that
indicate that the mechanisms leading to apoptotic and necrotic forms of cell injury are very similar.
In apoptosis, cells and nuclei
shrink, condense and fragment and are rapidly phagocytosed by macrophages. There is no leakage of cellular contents and thus no
reactive response. During cell injury, cells swell, burst and necrose. The rupture o
e 40
Figure 3.1
Role of Ca
in neuronal injury (redrawn from Andrews RJ. Mechanisms of injury
to the central nervous s
stem. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1996,
intracellular contents into the ECF space provides a stimulus for a reactive response.
PCD is an active process which requires
protein synthesis and is executed by the activation of 'death genes',
probably triggered by stimuli such as free radicals, Ca
accumulation, excitatory amino acids (glutamate), cytokines, antigens, hormones and apoptotic receptor signalling.
The apoptotic
rocess also involves changes in cell surface chemistry to enable recognition by macrophages. Much of the delayed neuronal necrosis
that accounts for cell death hours or days subsequent to reperfusion after ischaemic injury appears to be caused by PCD,
and signs
of apoptosis are often encountered in the penumbral zone of a focal ischaemic area.
id Peroxidation and Free Radical Formation
Free radicals are reactive chemical species that damage DNA, denature structural and functional proteins and result in peroxidation
of membrane lipids. Free radicals are formed as a consequence of several processes including phospholipase activation by cytosolic
, transitional metal reactions which involve free iron, arachidonate metabolism and oxidant production by inflammatory cells.
These processes result in the formation of superoxide radicals, which are protonated in the ischaemic environment of the ischaemic
brain to produce highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. Normally aerobic cells produce free radicals, which are then consumed by free
radical scavengers, e.g. a-tocopherol and ascorbic acid, or appropriate enzymes, e.g. superoxide dismutase. In states where enzymatic
processes are disrupted (ischaemia) or hyperoxia occurs (reperfusion), there may be excessive production of oxidants, in particular
superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and the hydroxyl radical. These highly reactive oxidant species cause peroxidation of membrane
phospholipids, oxidation of cellular proteins and nucleic acids and can attack both neuronal membranes as well as cerebral
It appears that free radicals target cerebral microvasculature and that with other inflammatory mediators, e.g. platelet-
activating factor, cause microvascular dysfunction and blood–brain–barrier disruption.
The brain is particularly vulnerable to
oxidant attack due to intrinsically low levels of tissue antioxidant activity.
Endothelial nitric oxide (NO) is normally associated with relaxation of vascular endothelium and in this setting may aid recovery
from acute ischaemic insults. However, generation of neuronal NO, often triggered by EAAs, may result in cellular injury. One of the
mechanisms of such injury involves the combination of NO with hydroxyl radicals to generate the highly reactive peroxynitrite
species, which can result in molecular oxidant injury.
Adhesion Molecule Ex
Acute brain injury is known to be associated with an inflammatory response
and there is evidence that leucocytes are involved in
the production of brain swelling up to 10 days postinjury. Gupta et al have demonstrated that normal brain endothelial cells express
low levels of leucocyte cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), and that these molecules are upregu-
e 41
Figure 3.2
(1) Ischaemia causes axon terminals to release excitoxic glutamate, which opens
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) channels, which allow calcium (Ca
) into the neurone.
(2) Excess calcium, sodium and other indicators of ischaemia activate protein kinases
which (3) phosphorylate immediate early gene (IEG) transcription factors. (4) These
travel from the cytoplasm into the nucleus where they induce the transcription of IEG
DNA (e.g. c-fos and c-jun), making IEG mRNA. (5) IEG mRNA leaves the nucleus
and is translated at ribosomes into IEG protein (e.g. Fos and Jun families). (6) These
gene-specific IEG products travel from the cytoplasm into the nucleus where they
initiate transcription of DNA that codes for proteins of repair or the endonucleases
that cause programmed cell death (PCD). (7) Repair or PCD mRNA then goes out
to ribosomes in the cytoplasm where it is translated into proteins of repair (e.g.
heat shock proteins) or PCD endonucleases. (8) Neurones that are distant from
the ischaemic area are signalled to induce IEG transcription and translation
(redrawn from reference
lated in a time-dependent manner following head injury in humans.
Activation of these CAMs recruits neutrophils to the damaged
area, thereby occluding capillaries and enhancing free radical production. This has important implications for the potential strategies
using antibodies that have been found experimentally.
Brain Oedema
Two types of oedema occur: cytotoxic and vasogenic. Cytotoxic oedema is due to failure of ionic pumps with resultant ionic and
fluid shifts. Vasogenic oedema is due to the release of mediators that damage endothelial cells, basement membrane matrix and/or
glial cells, resulting in blood–
rain barrier breakdown. Specific mediators that have been involved in this process include arachidonic
acid metabolites, free radicals, bradykinin and platelet-activating factor. The resulting oedema can cause increases in intracranial
ressure, with reduction in cerebral perfusion pressure (and cerebral ischaemia) and herniation of brain structures.
Cerebral Protection
Cerebral protection implies interventions designed to prevent pathophysiolgical processes from occurring, whilst cerebral
resuscitation refers to intervention instituted after onset of the ischaemic insult, in orde
e 42
to interrupt the process.
It goes without saying that any form of cerebral or neuroprotection begins with the fundamentals of any
resuscitative treatment, i.e. basic airway, respiratory and cardiovascular support. Unless normoxia and normotension are maintained,
the application of drugs that antagonize the processes listed above is bound to be ineffective. These basics of clinical management are
dealt with in appropriate sections elsewhere.
While this discussion will focus on agents that achieve neuroprotection by reversing one or more of the secondary injury processes
listed above, other therapeutic interventions can reduce neuronal injury by optimizing cerebrovascular physiology. Drugs such as
mannitol and dexamethasone can reduce posttraumatic and peritumoral oedema respectively and thus augment cerebral perfusion
pressure and oxygen delivery. Similarly, the use of haemodynamic augmentation with hypervolaemia and hypertension can enhance
cerebral blood flow in the setting of intracranial hypertension or cerebral vasospasm.
naesthetic A
As early as 1966 it was recognized that barbiturates had a neuroprotective effect and they have served as the prototype for anaesthetic
protection against cerebral ischaemia. The primary CNS protective mechanism of the barbiturates is attributed to their ability to
decrease the cerebral metabolic rate, thus improving the ratio of oxygen supply to oxygen demand.
More specifically, these agents
appear to selectively reduce the energy expenditure required for synaptic transmission, whilst maintaining the energy required for
asic cellular functions.
Mechanisms by which these effects may be exerted are listed in Box 3.1.
Maximal metabolic suppression by anaesthetic agents can reduce oxygen demands to approximately 50% of baseline values, since
the remaining oxygen utilization is required to support cellular integrity rather than suppressible electrical activity.
appear to be particularly protective in conditions of focal ischaemia as even though blood flow may be reduced, some synaptic
transmission continues and its suppression can improve oxygen demand/supply relationships.
Such electrical activity is absent
during global ischaemia and studies to date have failed to demonstrate any improved clinical outcome with anaesthetic
neuroprotection following cardiac arrest.
There is currently considerable caution in assigning neuroprotective properties to agents
ased on studies conducted before the confounding effects of mild hypothermia were well documented.
1. Reduction in synaptic transmission.
2. Reduction in calcium influx.
3. Ability to block sodium channels and membrane stabilization.
4. Improvement in distribution of regional cerebral blood flow.
5. Suppression of cortical EEG activity.
6. Reduction in cerebral oedema.
7. Free radical scavenging.
8. Potentiate GABA-ergic activity.
9. Alteration of fatty acid metabolism.
10. Suppression of catecholamine-induced hyperactivity.
11. Reduction in CSF secretion.
12. Anaesthesia, deafferentation, and immobilization.
13. Uptake of glutamate in synapses.
Box 3.1 Mechanisms by which anaesthetic agents may exert their neuroprotective
However, recent studies do confirm that these agents do have neuroprotective properties.
Propofol has been widely used for anaesthesia for a number of years now and it is known to decrease neuronal activity on the
electroencephalogram (EEG), with an accompanying decrease in cerebral oxygen utilization and cerebral blood flow.
As yet, there
are few published human clinical trials to show its clinical effectiveness as a neuroprotective agent. There are, however, a number of
animal studies that show that this may be the case.
These studies showed that in conditions of incomplete global ischaemia,
with hypotension or hypoxia, outcome was improved when animals were treated with doses of propofol that induced burst
suppression. These animals maintained better cerebral perfusion, ECF biochemical and electrolyte levels and aerobic metabolism
when compared with controls. While it is likely that propofol produces at least some of these neuroprotective effects via metabolic
suppression, it has been documented that the agent is a potent free radical scavenger.
Etomidate has been reported to possess similar cerebral metabolic protective effects to the barbiturates, but is disadvantaged by its
adrenal suppressant effects and ability to cause myoclonic movements.
As is the case with barbiturates, no further reduction o
e 43
CMR occurs when additional drug is administered beyond a dose sufficient to produce isoelectricity.
Again there appears to be no
enefit in complete global ischaemic states.
ioids, Ketamine and Benzodiaze
Opioids are not thought generally to have neuroprotective properties but they do blunt stress-induced responses. Ketamine is an
MDA antagonist and has been shown to be protective in animal models of ischaemia.
While the benzodiazepines decrease
cerebral blood flow and cerebral metabolic rate, these effects are less impressive than with the intravenous anaesthetic agents.
Despite occasional reports of neuroprotective benefit,
these drugs are not generally thought to be useful neuroprotective agents.
Inhalation Anaesthetic A
The primary mechanisms by which the inhalation agents, like the barbiturates, exert their cerebral protective effects may be their
ability to suppress cortical electrical activity, and thus reduce the oxygen demands associated with synaptic transmission.
reality of these effects is that they may be far more complex than once believed.
Halothane, not usually regarded as a cerebral
protectant, provides a similar degree of protection to sevoflurane although it results in less metabolic suppression.
It appears that
as inhalation agents only suppress cortical activity and not membrane/organelle function, the degree of suppression would only
translate into a very short time of additional preserved organelle homoeostasis and would not provide a major clinical benefit.
However, the idea that inhalation agents provide cerebral protection is well established. Mechanisms by which these may occur are
given in Box 3.1. Nitrous oxide is still used as part of a balanced technique for many procedures, without obvious adverse effect.
However, it is unique amongst inhalation agents in that if any effect on neuronal protection, that effect may be detrimental to
neuronal survival.
naesthetic A
Channel Blockers
As enhanced calcium influx and accumulation is assumed to be a major cause of the pathophysiologic sequelae that arise during
ischaemia, much interest has focused on drugs that reduce calcium influx through agonist-operated and voltage-sensitive calcium
channels. The exact mechanism of cerebral protective action of these drugs has not been fully elucidated but it is presumed to be their
ability to reduce calcium influx across plasma and mitochondrial membranes.
Only a few studies have, however, been performed
that actually document alterations in regional brain Ca
accumulation following CNS damage.
Calcium channel antagonists have been successful in treating patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage and though they were thought
to produce their effects by ameliorating vasospasm,
it now appears that direct cytoprotective effects may be important. However,
despite some initial enthusiasm,
studies in traumatic brain injury and stroke have generally shown no clinical benefit. One possible
explanation for these failures is that the calcium channel antagonists are only effective in blocking L-type channels, leaving T and N
channels functional.
However, magnesium and cobalt are non-selective antagonists at all types of voltage-sensitive and NMDA-
activated channels that are involved in calcium influx into neurones and this may account for their documented neuroprotective
Other calcium antagonists have been reported to ameliorate ischaemic lesions, namely isradipine, Semopamil and RS-87476
(a Na
channel modulator), but their neuroprotective efficacy and mechanisms of action are as yet not fully extablished.
Sodium channel blockers have also been used as neuroprotective agents. Lignocaine-induced anaesthesia involves the selective
blockade of Na channels in neuronal membranes, with resultant decrease in neuronal transmission. This reduces the CMRO
by that
component of cellular metabolism responsible for synaptic transmission. In addition, it also reduces ionic leaks, i.e. Na
influx and
efflux, and this reduces Na
ATPase pump energy requirements. While experimental studies are encouraging, human trials are
Other Na
channel blockers are the local anaesthetic agents QX-314 and QX-222 which have shown good in vitro results
ut again, human studies are awaited.
Enadoline is a new opioid with Na
locking properties under investigation.
The only ion channel blocker currently recommended for clinical use by the National Stroke Association in the USA is nimodipine in
the setting of subarachnoid haemorrhage but recent papers have challenged even this use.
While nicardipine is reputed to cause
less systemic hypotension than nimodipine and is marketed in the USA for similar clinical indications, no other channel blockers are
currently available in the UK.
Amino Acid Anta
To date, approximately 19 agents that block EAA receptors have been shown to be effective in a variety of experimental brain injury
e 44
competitive NMDA channel antagonists such as dizolcipine (MK-801) have a theoretical advantage over competitive agents such as
CGS 19755, in that competitive antagonism may be overcome by the pathologically high concentrations of glutamate associated with
cerebral ischaemia.
These two agents have proved particularly encouraging as neuroprotectants.
Again, as with so many
neuroprotective agents, these seem to be more effective in focal ischaemia
than global ischaemia, although this may be open to
One possible explanation for this is the occurrence of spontaneous depolarizations and repolarizations in the penumbral
tissues of an infarct. These processes produce a heavy metabolic demand on the tissues and it may be here that NMDA antagonists
In global ischaemia no such processes occur and thus the antagonists may have no target on which to act. Unfortunately the
non-selective blockers have been associated with the development of neuronal vacuolation in the posterior cingulate region in
experimental models,
and have hence not been rapidly brought into clinical use.
Other NMDA antagonists have been shown to have experimental neuroprotective properties,
including agents which have been
used in man. Ketamine has been shown to improve cognitive function
and dextromethorphan has been shown to improve
neurologic motor function and decrease regional oedema formation
in experimental models. The degree of physiological
blockade of the NMDA receptor by Mg
+ ions may also be important and administration has been reported to be protective against
cerebral ischaemia.
AMPA receptor antagonists may well be more effective for both global and focal ischaemia,
and they appear not to have the
same psychomimetic effects as the NMDA agents. Other agents that have been used in experimental neuroprotective research include
felbamate (acting at glycine sites) and nitroso compounds, such as nitroprusside and glyceryl trinitrate, that act at redox modulator
sites and prevent EAA-induced neuronal death in in vitro models.
Riluzole, a novel compound that inhibits presynaptic release of
glutamate, has neuroprotective effects in rodent models.
Free Radical Scaven
The efficacy of the administration of protective enzymes or free radical scavengers in ameliorating neurologic injury after cerebral
ischaemia is the subject of much investigation.
The beneficial effect depends on the involvement of free radicals in the pathological
process, the biologic compatibility of the scavengers, appropriate dose selection and the ability to deliver the agent to the cellular site
where the free radical is active. Pretreatment with α-tocopherol has been found to have beneficial effects in cerebral ischaemia,
subarachnoid haemorrhage,
spinal cord injury
and CNS trauma.
Other agents that have been tested include the iron chelator
superoxide dismutase,
dimethyl superoxide,
superoxide dismutase conjugated to polyethylene glycol
and tirilazad mesylate.
Although all these agents have been shown to exhibit neuroprotective efficacy in animal models, there have
been no successful clinical trials to date. Indeed, initial optimism regarding pegorgotein (PEG conjugated superoxide dismutase) and
tirilazad mesylate has recently been proven to be unfounded.
Free Fatt
Acids and Prosta
landin Inhibitors
Calcium-induced phospholipase activation during ischaemia releases free fatty acids from membrane phospholipids. These FFAs can
uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and cause efflux of Ca
+ and K+ into the cytosol and increases in levels of
arachidonic acid, which is the rate-limiting substrate for prostanoid synthesis. Increase of arachidonic acid (the commonest FFA),
during cerebral insults, results in increased concentrations of the endoperoxides PGG
and PGH
, which are the precursors of
prostacyclin (PC/PGI
), and thromboxane A
made in vascular endothelial cells and platelets respectively. This results in inactivation
of prostacyclin synthetase and relative overproduction of thromboxane A
This relative imbalance between vasoconstrictor and
vasodilator prostaglandins may contribute to postischaemic hypoperfusion. Arachidonic acid is also converted to leukotrienes which
act as inflammatory mediators and may be associated with further free radical generation.
It is debatable at this stage whether
inhibitors of the arachidonic cascade might be effective in ischaemia as although these compounds (indomethacin, ibuprofen) have
been found to show variable neuroprotective efficacy in some studies of global ischaemia,
there were inconsistent effects on
hypoperfusion and neurologic outcome.
Hypothermia treatment (mechanical cooling) was first described in 1943 and there have been sporadic attempts over the last 50 years
to use it as a treatment modality.
Recent trials have suggested that it may be useful in patients with head injury.
The most
recent trial
concludes that treatment with moderate
e 45
hypothermia (33–34°C) for 24 h, initiated soon after head injury, significantly improved outcome at three and six months in those
with a GCS of 5–7 (i.e. without flaccidity or decerebrate rigidity) and suggested improved outcome at 12 months. Mild hypothermia
is not associated with the cardiovascular and metabolic derangements commonly observed at lower temperatures. However, the
mechanisms by which hypothermia limits secondary brain injury are ill defined. Possible mechanisms are given in Box 3.2.
Hypothermia may be induced pharmacologically with chlorpromazine or other central nervous system cholinergic agonists.
Application of these methods requires further work. The question of whether hypothermia is clinically useful for stroke therapy
remains unanswered. Zivin
suggests that physical considerations of heat transfer rates make it unlikely that pharmacological
agents will be effective at reducing body temperature. The protective effects of the volatile agents may be as a result of the
prevention of a cerebral hyperthermic response to ischaemia.
In studies where brain temperature has been increased compared
with those with hypothermia, infarct size is increased. This highlights the importance of meticulous monitoring and control of
cerebral temperature in studies of pharmacological neuroprotection.
Clinical Practice
The success of experimental neuroprotection is undeniable and new publications continue to explore novel and exciting therapeutic
targets. However, the major challenge facing clinical neuroscientists is the general failure to translate these successes into positive
results from outcome trials, possible reasons for which are listed in Box 3.3.
1. Reduction of rate of energy use for electrophysiological cortical activity and the
homoeostatic functions required to maintain cellular integrity.
2. Reduction of extracellular concentrations of excitatory amino acids.
3. Suppressing the posttraumatic inflammatory response.
4. Attenuating free radical production.
5. Maintenance of high energy phosphate.
Box 3.2 Possible mechanisms for the neuro
rotective effects of h
• Experimental demonstration of neuroprotection incomplete (functional endpoints?)
• Inappropriate agent: mechanism of action not relevant in humans
• Inappropriate dose of agent (plasma levels suboptimal either globally or in
• Poor brain penetration by agent
• Efficacy limited by side effects that worsen outcome (e.g. hypotension)
• Inappropriate timing: mechanism of action not active at time of administration
• Inappropriate or inadequate duration of therapy
• Study population too sick to benefit
• Study population too heterogeneous: efficacy only in an unidentifiable subgroup
• Study cohort too small to remove effect of confounding factors
• Failure of randomization to evenly distribute confounding factors
• Insensitive, inadequate or poorly implemented outcome measures
Box 3.3 Possible causes of failure of trials of clinical neuro
Two radically different approaches have been suggested to overcoming the problems inherent in patient heterogeneity and lack of
sensitivity of outcome measures. The first of these is to accept that these problems are unavoidable and mount larger outcome trials
of 10–20,000 patients which will address benefits of a magnitude less than the 10% improvement in outcome that most drug trials are
designed to detect. The alternative strategy is to mount smaller but much more detailed studies in homogeneous subgroups of patients
whose physiology is characterized by modern monitoring and imaging techniques. Repeated application of these techniques during
the course of a trial can provide evidence of reversal of pathophysiology and hence mechanistic efficacy. Such surrogate endpoints
could then be used to select drugs or combinations of drugs for larger outcome trials. It is likely that both approaches will find a
lace, depending on the setting.
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e 51
Intracranial Pressure
John M. Turne
Introduction 53
Brain 53
Cerebrospinal Flui
Arterial Blood Volume 56
Venous Blood Volume 57
Quantifying the Degree of Intracranial Space Occupation 57
The Effect of Raised ICP on Cerebral Blood Flow 59
Drug Effects 59
Conclusion 61
References 61
e 53
The skull is a rigid, closed box and contains the brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), arterial blood and venous blood. Brain function
depends on the maintenance of the cerebral circulation within that closed space and arterial pressure forces blood into the skull with
each heartbeat. CSF is being formed and absorbed and the result of these forces is a distinct pressure, the intracranial pressure (ICP).
The difference between the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and the mean ICP is the pressure forcing blood through the brain, the
cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).
ICP is normal up to about 15 mmHg but it is not a static pressure and varies with arterial pulsation, with breathing and during
coughing and straining. Each of the intracranial constituents occupies a certain volume and, being essentially liquid, is
incompressible. In the closed box of the skull, if one of the intracranial constituents increases in size, then either one of the other
constituents must decrease in size or the ICP will rise. Two of the constituents, CSF and venous blood, are contained in systems that
connect to low-pressure spaces outside the skull, so displacement of these two constituents from the intracranial to the extracranial
space may occur. This mechanism, then, compensates for a volume increase affecting any one of the intracranial constituents. The
displacement of CSF is an important compensatory mechanism and is illustrated in the CT scan in Figure 4.1 where in response to
the generalized development of cerebral oedema following head injury, the ventricles have been so compressed by the brain swelling
that they are visible only as a slit. CSF absorption may increase as ICP rises and the CSF volume will be reduced.
Figure 4.1
CT scan of a patient after head injury
ression of the ventricles.
The compensatory mechanism for intracranial space occupation obviously has limits. When the amount of CSF and venous blood
that can be extruded from the skull has been exhausted the ICP becomes unstable and waves of pressure (plateau waves and B waves)
As the process of space occupation continues, the ICP can rise to very high levels and the brain can become displaced from
its normal position. High intracranial pressure can force the medulla out of the posterior fossa into the narrow confines of the
foramen magnum, where compression of the vital centres is associated with bradycardia, hypertension and respiratory irregularity
followed by apnoea.
The brain weighs about 1400 g and occupies most of the intracranial space. The soft cerebral tissue is very susceptible to injury,
although some protection is afforded by the skull and the CSF bathing the brain. Expanding mass lesions, such as a tumour, abscess
or haematoma, increase the volume occupied by the brain. When such a space-occupying lesion develops, the brain can distort in a
plastic fashion, allowing some compensation for the abnormal mass, but the distortion may produce neurological signs or CSF
obstruction. Figure 4.2 shows a CT scan of patient with an extradural haematoma and also shows a considerable shift of the midline
The symptoms and signs produced by a supratentorial tumour depend on its rate of growth and whether it is
Figure 4.2
CT scan of a patient showing an extradural
haematoma with considerable shift of the midline.
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developing in a relatively silent area of the brain or in one of the eloquent areas, such as the motor cortex. A tumour developing in a
silent area can achieve large size before presenting with symptoms and signs of raised ICP (Fig. 4.3). In this situation a major
disruption of ICP dynamics may be present, with significant brain shift. A tumour may present rapidly if it is in an eloquent area, if it
is a fast-growing tumour or if it causes CSF obstruction. Chapter 1 describes some of the common syndromes associated with tumour
Haematomas are usually fairly rapidly growing lesions and although they set in train the compensating mechanisms for intracranial
space occupation, they will produce signs of raised ICP at an earlier stage.
Space occupation in the posterior fossa has some characteristic features. The posterior fossa is a much smaller space than the anterior
and middle cranial fossae and as tumours developing in the posterior fossa are growing in a more confined space, they tend not to
grow to large size. The relatively small volume of the posterior fossa means that tumours tend to produce a rise in ICP early and this
is accentuated by the fact that they frequently produce CSF obstruction. Distortion of the mid brain and compression of the lower
cranial nerves may also be produced by posterior fossa tumours.
The bulk of the brain can also be increased by the development of cerebral oedema and frequently cerebral oedema is seen in
association with a tumour (Fig. 4.4). The degree of space occupation produced by the oedema can be so great as to turn a relatively
minor degree of space occupation from a small tumour into a major problem requiring urgent treatment. Klatzo
provided a simple
classification of cerebral oedema into two types: vasogenic and cytotoxic. In vasogenic brain oedema (VBO), the development of
oedema results from damage to the blood–brain barrier, so that there is an increase in permeability of the cerebral capillaries and
serum proteins leak into the brain parenchyma. The hydrostatic forces generated by the Starling balance at the capillary provide the
impetus for the oedema fluid to spread through the brain; white matter, which has a less dense structure than grey, tends to offer less
resistance. VBO may develop around neoplasms, haematomas and cerebral abcesses and in traumatized areas of the brain.
Figure 4.3
CT scan of a patient with a large,
calcified frontal menin
Figure 4.4
CT scan with contrast of a patient with a moderate
lioma showin
the extent of oedema formation.
Once the primary lesion has allowed the initial formation of the protein-rich oedema fluid, several factors combine to spread the
oedema and may be the result of arteriolar dilatation, increased systemic arterial pressure or a combination of both.