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GSM Security Overview (part1) ppt

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Yuri Sherman
Yuri Sherman
GSM Security Overview
GSM Security Overview
(Part 1)
(Part 1)
Wireless telephone history
Wireless telephone history

It all started like this
It all started like this
First telephone (photophone) – Alexander
First telephone (photophone) – Alexander
Bell, 1880
Bell, 1880
The first car mounted radio
The first car mounted radio

telephone – 1921
telephone – 1921

Going further
Going further
1946 – First commercial mobile radio-
1946 – First commercial mobile radio-
telephone service by Bell and AT&T in
telephone service by Bell and AT&T in
Saint Louis, USA. Half duplex(PTT)
Saint Louis, USA. Half duplex(PTT)
1973 – First handheld cellular phone –

1973 – First handheld cellular phone –
First cellular net
First cellular net

Bahrein 1978
Bahrein 1978

But what’s cellular?
But what’s cellular?

Cellular principles
Cellular principles
Frequency reuse – same frequency in
Frequency reuse – same frequency in

many cell sites
many cell sites
Cellular expansion – easy to add new cells
Cellular expansion – easy to add new cells
Handover – moving between cells
Handover – moving between cells

Roaming between networks
Roaming between networks

Generation Gap
Generation Gap
Generation #1 – Analog [routines for
Generation #1 – Analog [routines for
sending voice]
sending voice]
All systems are incompatible
All systems are incompatible
No international roaming
No international roaming
Little capacity – cannot accommodate
Little capacity – cannot accommodate
masses of subscribers
masses of subscribers

Generation Gap(2)
Generation Gap(2)
Generation #2 – digital [voice encoding]
Generation #2 – digital [voice encoding]
Increased capacity
Increased capacity
More security
More security

Can use TDMA or CDMA
Can use TDMA or CDMA

for increasing
for increasing

Time Division Multiple Access
Time Division Multiple Access
Each channel is divided into timeslots,
Each channel is divided into timeslots,
each conversation uses one timeslot.
each conversation uses one timeslot.
Many conversations are multiplexed into a
Many conversations are multiplexed into a
single channel.
single channel.
Used in GSM
Used in GSM

Code Division Multiple Access
Code Division Multiple Access

All users share the same frequency all the
All users share the same frequency all the
To pick out the signal of specific user, this
To pick out the signal of specific user, this
signal is modulated with a unique code
signal is modulated with a unique code

Back to Generations
Back to Generations
Generation #2.5 – packet-switching
Generation #2.5 – packet-switching
Connection to the internet is paid by
Connection to the internet is paid by
packets and not by connection time.
packets and not by connection time.
Connection to internet is cheaper and
Connection to internet is cheaper and
faster [up to 56KBps]
faster [up to 56KBps]
The service name is GPRS – General
The service name is GPRS – General
Packet Radio Services
Packet Radio Services

The future is now
The future is now

Generation #3
Generation #3
Permanent web connection at 2Mbps
Permanent web connection at 2Mbps
Internet, phone and media: 3 in 1
Internet, phone and media: 3 in 1
The standard based on GSM is called
The standard based on GSM is called
UMTS. Not yet implemented.
UMTS. Not yet implemented.
The EDGE standard is the development of
The EDGE standard is the development of
GSM towards 3G.
GSM towards 3G.

More than 800 million end users in 190
countries and representing over 70% of
today's digital wireless market.

source: GSM Association

Orange uses GSM

Pelephone and Cellcom are about to use GSM

GSM Overview
GSM Overview

Into the architecture
Into the architecture
Mobile phone is identified by SIM card.
Mobile phone is identified by SIM card.
Key feature of the GSM
Key feature of the GSM
Has the “secret” for authentication
Has the “secret” for authentication

Into the architecture(2)
Into the architecture(2)
BTS – houses the radiotransceivers of the
BTS – houses the radiotransceivers of the
cell and handles the radio-link protocols
cell and handles the radio-link protocols
with the mobile
with the mobile
BSC – manages radio resources (channel
BSC – manages radio resources (channel
setup, handover) for one or more BTSs
setup, handover) for one or more BTSs

Into the architecture(3)
Into the architecture(3)
MSC – Mobile Switching Center
MSC – Mobile Switching Center
The central component of the network
The central component of the network
Like a telephony switch plus everything for

Like a telephony switch plus everything for
a mobile subscriber: registration,
a mobile subscriber: registration,
authentication, handovers, call routing,
authentication, handovers, call routing,
connection to fixed networks.
connection to fixed networks.
Each switch handles dozens of cells
Each switch handles dozens of cells

Into the architecture(4)
Into the architecture(4)
HLR – database of all users + current
HLR – database of all users + current
location. One per network
location. One per network
VLR – database of users + roamers in
VLR – database of users + roamers in
some geographic area. Caches the HLR
some geographic area. Caches the HLR
EIR – database of valid equipment
EIR – database of valid equipment
AuC – Database of users’ secret keys
AuC – Database of users’ secret keys

More GSM
More GSM
GSM comes in three flavors(frequency
GSM comes in three flavors(frequency
bands): 900, 1800, 1900 MHz. 900 is the

bands): 900, 1800, 1900 MHz. 900 is the
Orange flavour in Israel.
Orange flavour in Israel.
Voice is digitized using Full-Rate coding.
Voice is digitized using Full-Rate coding.
20 ms sample => 260 bits . 13 Kbps
20 ms sample => 260 bits . 13 Kbps

GSM uses TDMA and FDMA to let
GSM uses TDMA and FDMA to let
everybody talk.
everybody talk.
FDMA: 25MHz freq. is divided into 124
FDMA: 25MHz freq. is divided into 124
carrier frequencies. Each base station gets
carrier frequencies. Each base station gets
few of those.
few of those.
TDMA: Each carrier frequency is divided
TDMA: Each carrier frequency is divided
into bursts [0.577 ms]. 8 bursts are a
into bursts [0.577 ms]. 8 bursts are a


The physical channel in GSM is the
The physical channel in GSM is the
The logical channel is the information
The logical channel is the information
which goes through the physical ch.
which goes through the physical ch.
Both user data and signaling are logical
Both user data and signaling are logical

User data is carried on the traffic channel
User data is carried on the traffic channel
(TCH) , which is defined as 26 TDMA
(TCH) , which is defined as 26 TDMA
There are lots of control channels for
There are lots of control channels for
signaling, base station to mobile, mobile to
signaling, base station to mobile, mobile to
base station (“aloha” to request network
base station (“aloha” to request network

Signaling protocol for networks
Signaling protocol for networks
Packet – switching [like IP]
Packet – switching [like IP]
GSM uses SS7 for communication
GSM uses SS7 for communication
between HLR and VLR (allowing roaming)
between HLR and VLR (allowing roaming)
and other advanced capabilities.
and other advanced capabilities.
GSM’s protocol which sits on top of SS7 is
GSM’s protocol which sits on top of SS7 is
MAP – mobile application part
MAP – mobile application part
