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The data source WorldEnergy is associated with a Microsoft Access driver, according to
Figure 18.2.
Most Windows database programs include one or more ODBC dri-
vers that correspond to the format. Microsoft Access includes
ODBC drivers that can be used to connect to an Access database
Connecting to an ODBC Data Source
Your first project today is a Java application that uses a JDBC-ODBC bridge to connect
to an Access file.
The Access file for this project is world20.mdb, a database of world energy statistics
published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The Coal table in this data-
base includes three fields you will be using in the project:
Anthracite Production
The database used in this project is included on this book’s official website at http://
To use this database, you must have an ODBC driver on your system that supports
Access files. Using the ODBC Data Source Administrator (or a similar program if you’re
on a non-Windows system), you must create a new ODBC data source associated with
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
A listing of data
sources in the

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Other setup work might be needed depending on the ODBC drivers present on your sys-
tem, if any. Consult the documentation included with the ODBC driver.
After you have downloaded
world20.mdb to your computer or found another database
that’s compatible with the ODBC drivers on your system, the final step in getting the file
ready for JDBC-ODBC is to create a data source associated with it. Unlike other input-
output classes in Java, JDBC doesn’t use a filename to identify a data file and use its
contents. Instead, a tool such as the ODBC Data Source Administrator is used to name
the ODBC source and indicate the file folder where it can be found.
In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, click the User DSN tab to see a list of data
sources that are available. To add a new one associated with
world20.mdb (or your own
database), click the Add button, choose an ODBC driver, and then click the Finish
A Setup window opens that you can use to provide a name, short description, and other
information about the database. Click the Select button to find and choose the database
Figure 18.3 shows the Setup window used to set up world20.mdb as a data source in the
ODBC Data Source Administrator.
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
The ODBC driver
Setup window.
After a database has been associated with an ODBC data source, working with it in a
Java program is relatively easy if you are conversant with SQL.

The first task in a JDBC program is to load the driver (or drivers) that will be used to
connect to a data source. A driver is loaded with the Class.forName(String) method.
Class, part of the java.lang package, can be used to load classes into the Java inter-
preter. The forName(String) method loads the class named by the specified string. A
ClassNotFoundException can be thrown by this method.
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All programs that use an ODBC data source use sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver, the
JDBC-ODBC bridge driver included with Java. Loading this class into a Java interpreter
requires the following statement:
After the driver has been loaded, you can establish a connection to the data source by
using the DriverManager class in the java.sql package.
The getConnection(String, String, String) method of DriverManager can be used
to set up the connection. It returns a reference to a Connection object representing an
active data connection.
The three arguments of this method are as follows:
A name identifying the data source and the type of database connectivity used to
reach it
A username
A password
The last two items are needed only if the data source is secured with a username and a
password. If not, these arguments can be null strings (“”).
The name of the data source is preceded by the text jdbc:odbc: when using the JDBC-
ODBC bridge, which indicates the type of database connectivity in use.
The following statement could be used to connect to a data source called Payroll with a
username of “Doc” and a password of “1rover1”:
Connection payday = DriverManager.getConnection(

“jdbc:odbc:Payroll”, “Doc”, “1rover1”);
After you have a connection, you can reuse it each time you want to retrieve or store
information from that connection’s data source.
The getConnection() method and all others called on a data source throw
SQLException errors if something goes wrong as the data source is being used. SQL has
its own error messages, and they are passed along as part of SQLException objects.
Retrieving Data from a Database Using SQL
An SQL statement is represented in Java by a Statement object. Statement is an inter-
face, so it can’t be instantiated directly. However, an object that implements the interface
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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is returned by the createStatement() method of a Connection object, as in the follow-
ing example:
Statement lookSee = payday.CreateStatement();
After you have a Statement object, you can use it to conduct an SQL query by calling
the object’s executeQuery(String) method. The String argument should be an SQL
query that follows the syntax of that language.
It’s beyond the scope of today’s lesson to teach SQL, a rich, data-
retrieval and storage language that has its own book in this
series: Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, 4th Edition by Ron
Plew and Ryan Stephens (ISBN: 0-672-32451-2). Although you
need to learn SQL to do any extensive work with it, much of the
language is easy to pick up from any examples you can find, such
as those you will work with today.
The following is an example of an SQL query that could be used on the Coal table of the
world20.mdb database:
SELECT Country, Year, ‘Anthracite Production’ FROM Coal
WHERE (Country Is Not Null) ORDER BY Year

This SQL query retrieves several fields for each record in the database for which the
Country field is not equal to null. The records returned are sorted according to their
Country field, so Afghanistan would precede Burkina Faso.
The following Java statement executes that query on a Statement object named looksee:
ResultSet set = looksee.executeQuery(
“SELECT Country, Year, ‘Anthracite Production’ FROM Coal “
+ “WHERE (Country Is Not Null) ORDER BY Year”);
If the SQL query has been phrased correctly, the executeQuery() method returns a
ResultSet object holding all the records that have been retrieved from the data source.
To add records to a database instead of retrieving them, the state-
executeUpdate() method should be called. You will work
with this later.
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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When a ResultSet is returned from executeQuery(), it is positioned at the first record
that has been retrieved. The following methods of ResultSet can be used to pull infor-
mation from the current record:
getDate(String)—Returns the Date value stored in the specified field name
(using the Date class in the java.sql package, not java.util.Date)
getDouble(String)—Returns the double value stored in the specified field name
getFloat(String)—Returns the float value stored in the specified field name
getInt(String)—Returns the int value stored in the specified field name

getLong(String)—Returns the long value stored in the specified field name
getString(String)—Returns the String stored in the specified field name
These are just the simplest methods available in the ResultSet interface. The methods
you should use depend on the form that the field data takes in the database, although
methods such as getString() and getInt() can be more flexible in the information they
retrieve from a record.
You also can use an integer as the argument to any of these methods, such as
getString(5), instead of a string. The integer indicates which field to retrieve (1 for the
first field, 2 for the second field, and so on).
An SQLException is thrown if a database error occurs as you try to retrieve information
from a resultset. You can call this exception’s getSQLState() and getErrorCode()
methods to learn more about the error.
After you have pulled the information you need from a record, you can move to the next
record by calling the next() method of the ResultSet object. This method returns a
false Boolean value when it tries to move past the end of a resultset.
Normally, you can move through a resultset once from start to finish, after which you
can’t retrieve its contents again.
When you’re finished using a connection to a data source, you can close it by calling the
connection’s close() method with no arguments.
Listing 18.1 contains the CoalReporter application, which uses the JDBC-ODBC bridge
and an SQL statement to retrieve some records from an energy database. Four fields are
retrieved from each record indicated by the SQL statement: FIPS, Country, Year, and
Anthracite Production. The resultset is sorted according to the Year field, and these
fields are displayed to standard output.
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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LISTING 18.1 The Full Text of CoalReporter.java
1: import java.sql.*;
3: public class CoalReporter {
4: public static void main(String[] arguments) {
5: String data = “jdbc:odbc:WorldEnergy”;
6: try {
7: Class.forName(“sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”);
8: Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
9: data, “”, “”);
10: Statement st = conn.createStatement();
11: ResultSet rec = st.executeQuery(
12: “SELECT * “ +
13: “FROM Coal “ +
14: “WHERE “ +
15: “(Country=’” + arguments[0] + “‘) “ +
16: “ORDER BY Year”);
17: System.out.println(“FIPS\tCOUNTRY\t\tYEAR\t” +
19: while(rec.next()) {
20: System.out.println(rec.getString(1) + “\t”
21: + rec.getString(2) + “\t\t”
22: + rec.getString(3) + “\t”
23: + rec.getString(4));
24: }
25: st.close();
26: } catch (SQLException s) {
27: System.out.println(“SQL Error: “ + s.toString() + “ “
28: + s.getErrorCode() + “ “ + s.getSQLState());
29: } catch (Exception e) {

30: System.out.println(“Error: “ + e.toString()
31: + e.getMessage());
32: }
33: }
34: }
This program must be run with a single argument specifying the Country field in the
database from which to pull records, as in this example for the JDK:
java CoalReporter Poland
If the application were run with an argument of Poland, the output from the sample data-
base would be the following:
PL Poland 1990 0.0
PL Poland 1991 0.0
PL Poland 1992 0.0
PL Poland 1993 174.165194805424
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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PL Poland 1994 242.50849909616
PL Poland 1995 304.237935229728
PL Poland 1996 308.64718066784
PL Poland 1997 319.67029426312
PL Poland 1998 319.67029426312
Try running the program with other countries that produce anthracite, such as France,
Swaziland, and New Zealand. For any country that has a space in the name, remember to
put quotation marks around the country name when running the program.
Writing Data to a Database Using SQL
In the CoalReporter application, you retrieved data from a database using an SQL state-
ment prepared as a string, like this:
SELECT * FROM Coal WHERE (Country=’Swaziland’) ORDER BY YEAR

This is a common way to use SQL. You could write a program that asks a user to enter
an SQL query and then displays the result (though this isn’t a good idea—SQL queries
can be used to delete records, tables, and even entire databases).
The java.sql package also supports another way to create an SQL statement: a prepared
A prepared statement, which is represented by the PreparedStatement class, is an SQL
statement that is compiled before it is executed. This enables the statement to return data
more quickly and is a better choice if you are executing an SQL statement repeatedly in
the same program.
Prepared statements also have another advantage on Windows
systems: They make it possible to write data to an Access data-
base using the JDBC-ODBC driver. I’ve had little luck writing data
from Java to Access using statements but can use prepared state-
ments without any trouble.
To create a prepared statement, call a connection’s prepareStatement(String) method
with a string that indicates the structure of the SQL statement.
To indicate the structure, you write an SQL statement in which parameters have been
replaced with question marks.
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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Here’s an example for a connection object called cc:
PreparedStatement ps = cc.prepareStatement(
“SELECT * FROM Coal WHERE (Country=’?’) ORDER BY YEAR”);
Here’s another example with more than one question mark:
PreparedStatement ps = cc.prepareStatement(
“INSERT INTO BOOKDATA VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)”);
The question marks in these SQL statements are placeholders for data. Before you can

execute the statement, you must put data in each of these places using one of the meth-
ods of the PreparedStatement class.
To put data into a prepared statement, you must call a method with the position of the
placeholder followed by the data to insert.
For example, to put the string “Swaziland” in the first prepared statement, call the
setString(int, String) method:
ps.setString(1, “Swaziland”);
The first argument indicates the position of the placeholder, numbered from left to right.
The first question mark is 1, the second is 2, and so on.
The second argument is the data to put in the statement at that position.
The following methods are available:
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int)—At the position indicated by the first
argument, inserts the specified InputStream, which represents a stream of ASCII
characters. The third argument indicates how many bytes from the input stream to
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int)—At the position indicated by the
first argument, inserts the specified InputStream, which represents a stream of
bytes. The third argument indicates the number of bytes to insert from the stream.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int)—At the position indicated by the first
argument, inserts the specified Reader, which represents a character stream. The
third argument indicates the number of characters to insert from the stream.
setBoolean(int, boolean)—Inserts a boolean value at the position indicated by
the integer.
setByte(int, byte)—Inserts a byte value at the indicated position.

setBytes(int, byte[])—Inserts an array of bytes at the indicated position.
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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setDate(int, Date)—Inserts a Date object (from the java.sql package) at the
indicated position.
setDouble(int, double)—Inserts a double value at the indicated position.
setFloat(int, float)—Inserts a float value at the indicated position.
setInt(int, int)—Inserts an int value at the indicated position.
setLong(int, long)—Inserts a long value at the indicated position.
setShort(int, short)—Inserts a short value at the indicated position.
setString(int, String)—Inserts a String value at the indicated position.
There’s also a setNull(int, int) method that stores SQL’s version of a null (empty)
value at the position indicated by the first argument.
The second argument to setNull() should be a class variable from the Types class in
java.sql to indicate what kind of SQL value belongs in that position.
There are class variables for each of the SQL data types. This list, which is not complete,
includes some of the most commonly used variables: BIGINT, BIT, CHAR, DATE, DECIMAL,
The following code puts a null CHAR value at the fifth position in a prepared statement
called ps:
ps.setNull(5, Types.CHAR);
The next project demonstrates the use of a prepared statement to add stock quote data to

a database. Quotes are collected from the Yahoo! website.
As a service to people who follow the stock market, Yahoo! offers a Download
Spreadsheet link on its main stock quote page for each ticker symbol.
To see this link, look up a stock quote on Yahoo! or go directly to a page such as
this one:
/>Below the price chart, you can find a Download Data link. Here’s what the link looks
like for Sun Microsystems:
/>The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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You can click this link to open the file or save it to a folder on your system. The file,
which is only one line long, contains the stock’s price and volume data saved at the last
market close. Here’s an example of what Sun’s data looked like on Feb. 23, 2007:
The fields in this data, in order, are the ticker symbol, closing price, date, time, price
change since yesterday’s close, daily low, daily high, daily open, and volume.
The QuoteData application uses each of these fields except one—the time, which isn’t
particularly useful because it’s always the time the market closed.
The following takes place in the program:
The ticker symbol of a stock is taken as a command-line argument.
A QuoteData object is created with the ticker symbol as an instance variable called
The object’s retrieveQuote() method is called to download the stock data from
Yahoo! and return it as a String.
The object’s storeQuote() method is called with that String as an argument. It

saves the stock data to a database using a JDBC-ODBC connection.
The last task requires a stock quote database, which can be reached through JDBC-
ODBC, set up to collect this data.
Windows users can download quotedata.mdb, an Access 2000 database created to hold
Yahoo!’s stock quote data, from the book’s website. Visit
and open the Day 18 page. After you download the database (or create one of your own),
use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a new data source associated with the
database. This application assumes that the name of the source is QuoteData.
Enter the text of Listing 18.2 into your editor and save the file as QuoteData.java.
LISTING 18.2 The Full Text of QuoteData.java
1: import java.io.*;
2: import java.net.*;
3: import java.sql.*;
4: import java.util.*;
6: public class QuoteData {
7: private String ticker;
9: public QuoteData(String inTicker) {
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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LISTING 18.2 Continued
10: ticker = inTicker;
11: }
13: private String retrieveQuote() {
14: StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
15: try {
16: URL page = new URL(“ +

17: ticker + “&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv”);
18: String line;
19: URLConnection conn = page.openConnection();
20: conn.connect();
21: InputStreamReader in= new InputStreamReader(
22: conn.getInputStream());
23: BufferedReader data = new BufferedReader(in);
24: while ((line = data.readLine()) != null) {
25: buf.append(line + “\n”);
26: }
27: } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
28: System.out.println(“Bad URL: “ + mue.getMessage());
29: } catch (IOException ioe) {
30: System.out.println(“IO Error:” + ioe.getMessage());
31: }
32: return buf.toString();
33: }
35: private void storeQuote(String data) {
36: StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(data, “,”);
37: String[] fields = new String[9];
38: for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
39: fields[i] = stripQuotes(tokens.nextToken());
40: }
41: String datasource = “jdbc:odbc:QuoteData”;
42: try {
43: Class.forName(“sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver”);
44: Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
45: datasource, “”, “”);
46: PreparedStatement prep2 = conn.prepareStatement(

47: “INSERT INTO “ +
48: “Stocks(ticker, price, quoteDate, change, open, “ +
49: “high, low, volume) “ +
50: “VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)”);
51: prep2.setString(1, fields[0]);
52: prep2.setString(2, fields[1]);
53: prep2.setString(3, fields[2]);
54: prep2.setString(4, fields[4]);
55: prep2.setString(5, fields[5]);
56: prep2.setString(6, fields[6]);
57: prep2.setString(7, fields[7]);
58: prep2.setString(8, fields[8]);
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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LISTING 18.2 Continued
59: prep2.executeUpdate();
60: conn.close();
61: } catch (SQLException sqe) {
62: System.out.println(“SQL Error: “ + sqe.getMessage());
63: } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
64: System.out.println(cnfe.getMessage());
65: }
66: }
68: private String stripQuotes(String input) {
69: StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
70: for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
71: if (input.charAt(i) != ‘\”’) {

72: output.append(input.charAt(i));
73: }
74: }
75: return output.toString();
76: }
78: public static void main(String[] arguments) {
79: if (arguments.length < 1) {
80: System.out.println(“Usage: java QuoteData tickerSymbol”);
81: System.exit(0);
82: }
83: QuoteData qd = new QuoteData(arguments[0]);
84: String data = qd.retrieveQuote();
85: qd.storeQuote(data);
86: }
87: }
After you compile the QuoteData application, connect to the Internet and run the pro-
gram. Remember to specify a valid ticker symbol as a command-line argument. To load
the current quote for SUNW (Sun Microsystems):
java QuoteData SUNW
The retrieveQuote() method (lines 13–33) downloads the quote data from Yahoo! and
saves it as a string. The techniques used in this method were covered on Day 17,
“Communicating Across the Internet.”
The storeQuote() method (lines 35–66) uses the SQL techniques covered in this
The method begins by splitting up the quote data into a set of string tokens, using the
comma character (“,”) as the delimiter between each token. The tokens are then stored in
a String array with nine elements.
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC

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The array contains the same fields as the Yahoo! data in the same order: ticker symbol,
closing price, date, time, price change, low, high, open, and volume.
Next, a data connection to the
QuoteData data source is created using the JDBC-ODBC
driver (lines 41–45).
This connection is then used to create a prepared statement (lines 46–50). This statement
uses the
INSERT INTO SQL statement, which causes data to be stored in a database. In
this case, the database is quotedata.mdb, and the INSERT INTO statement refers to the
Stocks table in that database.
Eight placeholders are in the prepared statement. Only eight are needed, instead of nine,
because the application does not use the time field from the Yahoo! data.
A series of setString() methods puts the elements of the String array into the prepared
statement, in the same order that the fields exist in the database: ticker symbol, closing
price, date, price change, low, high, open, and volume (lines 51–58).
Some fields in the Yahoo! data are dates, floating-point numbers, and integers, so you
might think that it would be better to use setDate(), setFloat(), and setInt() for that
Some versions of Access, including Access 2000, do not support some of these methods
when you are using SQL to work with the database, even though they exist in Java. If
you try to use an unsupported method, such as setFloat(), an SQLException error
It’s easier to send Access strings and let the database program convert them automati-
cally into the correct format. This is likely to be true when you are working with other
databases; the level of SQL support varies based on the product and ODBC driver
After the prepared statement has been prepared and all the placeholders are filled, the
statement’s executeUpdate() method is called (line 59). This either adds the quote data
to the database or throws an SQL error. The private method stripQuotes() is used to

remove quotation marks from Yahoo!’s stock data. This method is called on line 39 to
take care of three fields that contain extraneous quotes: the ticker symbol, date, and time.
Moving Through Resultsets
The default behavior of resultsets permits one trip through the set using its next()
method to retrieve each record.
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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By changing how statements and prepared statements are created, you can produce
resultsets that support these additional methods:
afterLast()—Moves to a place immediately after the last record in the set
beforeFirst()—Moves to a place immediately before the first record in the set
first()—Moves to the first record in the set
last()—Moves to the last record in the set
previous()—Moves to the previous record in the set
These actions are possible when the resultset’s policies have been specified as arguments
to a database connection’s createStatement() and prepareStatement() methods.
Normally, createStatement() takes no arguments, as in this example:
Connection payday = DriverManager.getConnection(
“jdbc:odbc:Payroll”, “Doc”, “1rover1”);
Statement lookSee = payday.CreateStatement();
For a more flexible resultset, call createStatement() with three integer arguments that
set up how it can be used. Here’s a rewrite of the preceding statement:
Statement lookSee = payday.CreateStatement(

The same three arguments can be used in the prepareStatement(String, int, int,
int) method after the text of the statement.
The ResultSet class includes other class variables that offer more options in how sets
can be read and modified.
JDBC Drivers
Creating a Java program that uses a JDBC driver is similar to creating one that uses the
JDBC-ODBC bridge.
Java 6 includes the Java DB relational database, which is built from the open source
Apache Derby database, and comes with its own driver. For more sophisticated data-
bases, more than a dozen companies, including Informix, Oracle, Symantec, IBM, and
Sybase, sell drivers or package them with commercial products. A database of available
JDBC drivers can be found on Sun’s JDBC site at />jdbc/drivers.
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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The developers of the MySQL database offer Connector/J, a free
open source JDBC driver developed by Mark Matthews. Some of
these drivers are available to download for evaluation.
To download this driver or find out more about it, visit the web
page />Java DB can be found in a db subfolder of the JDK installation. To develop applications
that connect to the database, you must make its driver class library accessible. One way
to accomplish this is to edit your Classpath environment variable.
The driver library is found in derby.jar in the db/lib subfolder. If you installed the
JDK in C:\Program Files\jdk1.6.0, this library is in C:\Program Files\jdk1.6.0\
db\lib\derby.jar. Add the entire file reference, including the folder and filename, to
your Classpath.
The steps for setting up a data source for JDBC are similar to those employed with the

JDBC-ODBC bridge:
Create the database.
Associate the database with a JDBC driver.
Establish a data source, which may include selecting a database format, database
server, username, and password.
Listing 18.3 is a Java application that can perform two tasks:
Create a Java DB database named Presidents with a database table called con-
tacts that contains four records.
Read the records from this database table.
This database is an Access file with contact information for U.S. presidents.
LISTING 18.3 The Full Text of Presidents.java
1: import java.io.*;
2: import java.sql.*;
4: public class Presidents {
5: String home, system;
7: public Presidents() {
8: // set the database’s directory
9: home = System.getProperty(“user.home”, “.”);
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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LISTING 18.3 Continued
10: system = home + File.separatorChar + “.database”;
11: System.setProperty(“derby.system.home”, system);
12: }
14: public void createDatabase() {
15: // create the database
16: String data = “jdbc:derby:presidents;create=true”;
17: try {
18: // load the driver
19: Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”);
20: // create the connection
21: Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(data);
22: Statement st = conn.createStatement();
23: // create the contacts table
24: int result = st.executeUpdate(
25: “CREATE TABLE contacts (“
27: + “GENERATED ALWAYS AS identity “
28: + “(START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1), “
29: + “name VARCHAR(40), “
30: + “address1 VARCHAR(40), “
31: + “address2 VARCHAR(40), “
32: + “phone VARCHAR(20), “
33: + “email VARCHAR(40))”);
34: // insert four records into the new table
35: result = st.executeUpdate(
36: “INSERT INTO contacts (name, address1, address2, “
37: + “phone, email) VALUES(“
38: + “‘Jimmy Carter’, “

39: + “‘Carter Presidential Center’, “
40: + “‘1 Copenhill, Atlanta, GA 30307’, “
41: + “‘(404) 727-7611’, “
42: + “‘’)”);
43: result = st.executeUpdate(
44: “INSERT INTO contacts (name, address1, address2, “
45: + “phone, email) VALUES(“
46: + “‘George Bush’, “
47: + “‘Box 79798’, “
48: + “‘Houston, TX 77279’, “
49: + “‘(409) 260-9552’, “
50: + “‘’)”);
51: result = st.executeUpdate(
52: “INSERT INTO contacts (name, address1, address2, “
53: + “phone, email) VALUES(“
54: + “‘Bill Clinton’, “
55: + “‘15 Old House Lane’, “
56: + “‘Chappaqua, NY 10514’, “
57: + “‘(501) 370-8000’, “
58: + “‘’)”);
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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LISTING 18.3 Continued
59: result = st.executeUpdate(
60: “INSERT INTO contacts (name, address1, address2, “
61: + “phone, email) VALUES(“
62: + “‘George W. Bush’, “
63: + “‘White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.’, “
64: + “‘Washington, DC 20500’, “

65: + “‘(202) 456-1414’, “
66: + “‘’)”);
67: st.close();
68: System.out.println(“Database created in “ + system);
69: } catch (Exception e) {
70: System.out.println(“Error — “ + e.toString());
71: }
72: }
74: public void readDatabase() {
75: String data = “jdbc:derby:presidents”;
76: try {
77: // load the driver and connect to the database
78: Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”);
79: Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
80: data, “”, “”);
81: // load all records from the contacts table
82: Statement st = conn.createStatement();
83: ResultSet rec = st.executeQuery(
84: “SELECT * FROM contacts ORDER BY name”);
85: // loop through each record and display its fields
86: while(rec.next()) {
87: System.out.println(rec.getString(“name”) + “\n”
88: + rec.getString(“address1”) + “\n”
89: + rec.getString(“address2”) + “\n”
90: + rec.getString(“phone”) + “\n”
91: + rec.getString(“email”) + “\n”);
92: }
93: st.close();
94: } catch (Exception e) {

95: System.out.println(“Error — “ + e.toString());
96: }
97: }
99: public static void main(String[] arguments) {
100: Presidents prez = new Presidents();
101: if (arguments.length < 1) {
102: System.out.println(“Usage: java Presidents [create|read]”);
103: System.exit(-1);
104: }
105: if (arguments[0].equals(“create”)) {
106: prez.createDatabase();
107: }
The JDBC-ODBC Bridge
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LISTING 18.3 Continued
108: if (arguments[0].equals(“read”)) {
109: prez.readDatabase();
110: }
111: }
112: }
Using this application with another database and driver would require changes to lines
16, 19, 75, and 77.
Java DB requires a system property, derby.system.home, to be set to the location of the
root folder where its databases are located. If this folder does not exist, Java DB will
create it.
The Java DB JDBC driver can be loaded with the following statement:

The Presidents application is split into the createDatabase() and readDatabase()
methods whose functions are self-explanatory.
Database creation employs the following database connection string for the
DriverManager.getConnection(String) method in line 21:
This string follows the form “jdbc:derby:” followed by the database name, a semicolon,
and the parameter “create=true”, which causes the database to be created if necessary.
This string can include user and password parameters for a database that requires logon:
Making a connection to read from the database in line 79 is simpler:
After you’ve made a successful connection to Java DB, reading and writing database
records over JDBC follows the same process employed earlier today with JDBC-ODBC.
SQL statements are written to create a database table, insert records into the table, and
read those records.
The SQL employed by Java DB has different record types than Access, MySQL, and
other databases.
Run the Presidents application the first time with “create” as the only argument to cre-
ate the new database:
java Presidents create
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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If it is successful, the application outputs a message like the following:
Database created in C:\Documents and Settings\Rogers\.database
Run the application again with “read” as the argument to read and display the contents of
the database:
java Presidents read
The application produces the following output:
Bill Clinton

15 Old House Lane
Chappaqua, NY 10514
(501) 370-8000

George Bush
Box 79798
Houston, TX 77279
(409) 260-9552

George W. Bush
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1414

Jimmy Carter
Carter Presidential Center
1 Copenhill, Atlanta, GA 30307
(404) 727-7611

The presence of Java DB is one of the most noteworthy improvements in Java 6. The
availability of a relational database on all Java-equipped computers gives programmers a
chance to take advantage of persistent data storage.
For more information on Java DB, visit the Sun Microsystems website at http://develop-
ers.sun. com/prodtech/javadb.
Today you learned about working with data stored in popular database formats such as
Microsoft Access and Java DB. Using either Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) or a
combination of JDBC and ODBC, you can incorporate existing data-storage solutions
into your Java programs.

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You can connect to several different relational databases in your Java programs by using
JDBC or ODBC and Structured Query Language (SQL), a standard language for reading,
writing, and managing a database.
Q Can the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver be used in an applet?
A The default security in place for applets does not allow the JDBC-ODBC bridge to
be used because the ODBC side of the bridge driver employs native code rather
than Java. Native code can’t be held to the security restrictions in place for Java, so
there’s no way to ensure that this code is secure.
JDBC drivers that are implemented entirely in Java can be used in applets, and
they have the advantage of requiring no configuration on the client computer.
Q What’s the difference between Java DB and more well-known databases such
as Access and MySQL? Which should I use?
A Java DB is intended for database applications that have simpler needs than Access
and comparable databases. The entire application takes up 2MB of space, making
it easy to bundle with Java applications that require database connectivity.
Sun employs Java DB in several parts of the Java Enterprise Edition, which
demonstrates that it’s capable of delivering strong, reliable performance on impor-
tant tasks.
Review today’s material by taking this three-question quiz.
1. What does a Statement object represent in a database program?
a. A connection to a database
b. A database query written in Structured Query Language
c. A data source
2. Which Java class represents SQL statements that are compiled before they are exe-

a. Statement
b. PreparedStatement
c. ResultSet
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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3. What does the Class.forName(String) method accomplish?
a. It provides the name of a class.
b. It loads a database driver that can be used to access a database.
c. It deletes an object.
1. b. The class, part of the java.sql package, represents an SQL statement.
2. b. Because it is compiled, PreparedStatement is a better choice when you’re
going to execute the same SQL query numerous times.
3. b. This static method loads a database driver.
Certification Practice
The following question is the kind of thing you could expect to be asked on a Java pro-
gramming certification test. Answer it without looking at today’s material or using the
Java compiler to test the code.
public class ArrayClass {
public static ArrayClass newInstance() {
return new ArrayClass();
public static void main(String arguments[]) {
new ArrayClass();
int count = -1;

Which line in this program prevents it from compiling successfully?
a. count++;
b. return new ArrayClass();
c. public static void main(String arguments[]) {
d. int count = -1;
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The answer is available on the book’s website at . Visit the
Day 18 page and click the Certification Practice link.
To extend your knowledge of the subjects covered today, try the following exercises:
1. Modify the CoalReporter application to pull fields from the Country Oil Totals
table instead of the Coal table.
2. Write an application that stores Yahoo! stock quotes in a Java DB database.
Where applicable, exercise solutions are offered on the book’s website at http://www.
DAY 18: Accessing Databases with JDBC
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DAY 19:
Reading and Writing
RSS Feeds
Today you work with Extensible Markup Language (XML), a formatting
standard that enables data to be completely portable.
You’ll explore XML in the following ways:
Representing data as XML

Discovering why XML is a useful way to store data
Using XML to publish web content
Reading and writing XML data
The XML format employed throughout the day is Really Simple
Syndication (RSS), a popular way to publish web content and share infor-
mation on site updates adopted by millions of sites.
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Using XML
One of Java’s main selling points is that the language produces programs that can run on
different operating systems without modification. The portability of software is a big
convenience in today’s computing environment, where Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and a
half dozen other operating systems are in wide use and many people work with multiple
XML, which stands for Extensible Markup Language, is a format for storing and orga-
nizing data that is independent of any software program that works with the data.
Data that is compliant with XML is easier to reuse for several reasons.
First, the data is structured in a standard way, making it possible for software programs
to read and write the data as long as they support XML. If you create an XML file that
represents your company’s employee database, there are several dozen XML parsers that
can read the file and make sense of its contents.
This is true no matter what kind of information you collect about each employee. If your
database contains only the employee’s name, ID number, and current salary, XML
parsers can read it. If it contains 25 items, including birthday, blood type, and hair color,
parsers can read that, too.
Second, the data is self-documenting, making it easier for people to understand the pur-
pose of a file just by looking at it in a text editor. Anyone who opens your XML
employee database should be able to figure out the structure and content of each

employee record without any assistance from you.
This is evident in Listing 19.1, which contains an RSS file. Because RSS is an XML
dialect, it is structured under the rules of XML.
LISTING 19.1 The Full Text of workbench.rss
1: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
2: <rss version=”2.0”>
3: <channel>
4: <title>Workbench</title>
5: <link> />6: <description>Programming, publishing, politics, and popes</description>
7: <docs> />8: <item>
9: <title>Toronto Star: Only 100 Blogs Make Money</title>
10: <link> />11: <pubDate>Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:30:57 -0500</pubDate>
12: <guid isPermaLink=”false”>tag:cadenhead.org,2007:weblog.3132</guid>
13: <enclosure length=”2498623” type=”audio/mpeg”
DAY 19: Reading and Writing RSS Feeds
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LISTING 19.1 Continued
14: url=” />
15: </item>
16: <item>
17: <title>Eliot Spitzer Files UDRP to Take EliotSpitzer.Com</title>
18: <link> />19: <pubDate>Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:02:53 -0500</pubDate>
20: <guid isPermaLink=”false”>tag:cadenhead.org,2007:weblog.3130</guid>
21: </item>
22: <item>
23: <title>Fuzzy Zoeller Sues Over Libelous Wikipedia Page</title>
24: <link> />25: <pubDate>Thu, 22 Feb 2007 13:48:45 -0500</pubDate>
26: <guid isPermaLink=”false”>tag:cadenhead.org,2007:weblog.3129</guid>
27: </item>

28: </channel>
29: </rss>
Enter this text using a word processor or text editor and save it as plain text under the
name workbench.rss. (You can also download a copy of it from the book’s website at
on the Day 19 page.)
Can you tell what the data represents? Although the ?xml tag at the top might be indeci-
pherable, the rest is clearly a website database of some kind.
The ?xml tag in the first line of the file has a version attribute with a value of 1.0 and
an encoding attribute of “utf-8”. This establishes that the file follows the rules of XML
1.0 and is encoded with the UTF-8 character set.
Data in XML is surrounded by tag elements that describe the data. Opening tags begin
with a “<” character followed by the name of the tag and a “>” character. Closing tags
begin with the “</” characters followed by a name and a “>” character. In Listing 19.1,
for example, <item> on line 8 is an opening tag, and </item> on line 15 is a closing tag.
Everything within those tags is considered to be the value of that element.
Elements can be nested within other elements, creating a hierarchy of XML data that
establishes relationships within that data. In Listing 19.1, everything in lines 9–14 is
related; each element defines something about the same website item.
Elements also can include attributes, which are made up of data that supplements the rest
of the data associated with the element. Attributes are defined within an opening tag ele-
ment. The name of an attribute is followed by an equal sign and text within quotation
Using XML
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