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1. People believed that the Earth (be) _________ flat on ancient day.
2. My brother (join) _________ the army since 1975, but later he (leave) _________ the army
and (begin) _________ to find job in 1985.
3. They (build) _________ this company for 10 years.
4. A : What (do / you ) _________ ?
B : I (cook) _________ dinner.
A : Hurry ! I (be) _________ hungry now.
5. Tree (grow) _________ more quickly in summer than in winter.
6. In 1788, he (write) _________ his last great play in Vienna.
7. She (arrive) _________ at Kennedy Airport at 2 o’clock this morning.
8. Frank (collect) _________ stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby.
9. At the moment, I (read) _________ chapter four of this book.
10. I’d like to borrow this book. (you / read ) _________ it yet ?
11. We (be) _________ in this town for a long time. We (come) _________ here 16 years ago.
12. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He (not eat) _________ breakfast.
13. The World War II (begin) _________ in 1939 and (end) _________ in 1934.
14. I’ll will see him when he (be) _________ here tomorrow.
15. The last time I (go) _________ swimming was when we were in Spain.
16. The house was very quiet when I (get) ________ home. Everybody (go) _________ to bed.
17. I (learn) _________ English for 4 years now.
18. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates (leave) _________.
19. They (live) _________ in London for ten years. Now they (live) _________ in Scotland.
20. My father usually (have) _________ tea for breakfast.
21. Please don’t make so much noise. I (study) _________.
22. Tom (play) _________ tennis every Saturday.
23. The water (boil) _________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
24. Listen ! I (hear) _________ someone knocking at the door.
25. Look ! somebody (climb) _________ up that tree over there.
26. They (have) _________ lunch in the cafeteria now.
27. Something (smell) _________ good in the kitchen now.

28. Why _________ you usually (do) _________ at weekend ?
29. My sister (study) _________ English at the moment.
30. I (not see) _________ her since last week.
31. These students ( study) _________ English for 4 years now.
32. We (go) _________ on a picnic in the countryside several times before.
33. I (wait) _________ here for her since 5 o’clock and she (not come) _________ yet.
34. How long _________ you (know) _________ Tom ?
35. The weather generally (get) _________ quite hot in July and August.
36. I (watch) _________ the film with my sister last week.
37. My father (travel) _________ by air many times in the past.
38. _________ you (read) _________ that novel yet ?
39. We (study) _________ almost every lesson in this book so far.
40. Miss Lan (teach) _________ English in this school since she (graduate) _________ from
the University in 1990.
41. Mary (burn) _________ her hand yesterday when she (cook) _________ the dinner.
42. While we (cross) _________ the street, the policeman (shout) _________ at us last week.
43. What _________ you (do) _________ at this time yesterday ?
44. He (already / go) _________ before I (come) _________ there.
45. It was the first time I (ever / see) _________ such a beautiful.
46. What _________ you (do) _________ yesterday ?
47. The light (go) _________ out while we (have) _________ dinner.
48. He (win) _________ the gold medal in 2004.
49. I hope it (not rain) _________ when we (start) _________ early tomorrow.
50. We (wait) _________ right here until you (get) _________ back.
51. What (happen) _________ to you yesterday ?
52. Galileo proved that the Earth (move) _________ around the sun.
53. I (be) _________ in the countryside with my grandfather some weeks ago. One night I
(walk) _________ along the country road when I suddenly (hear) _________ footsteps
behind me. Somebody (follow) _________ me. Then I (start) _________ to run.
54. He (buy) _________ a new car recently.

55. The soccer fans (crowd) _________ into the stadium since we (arrive) _________ 10
minutes ago.
56. They (play) _________ tennis at 10:30 yesterday morning.
57. _________ you (see) _________ Nam yesterday ? – Oh, no I (not see) _________ him for a
long time.
58. I (just / receive) _________ Nga’s letter.
59. Mary (come) _________ back a moment ago. Now she (sit) _________ on the sofa in the
living room and (watch) _________ TV. She (look) _________ a bit tired.
60. I think she is the nicest person I (ever / meet) _________.
61. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce) _________ the telephone in 1876.
62. Pierre (learn) _________ French for several years.
63. When I (come) _________ home yesterday, everyone (go) _________ out. No one (be)
_________ there.
64. I feel terrible. I think I (be) _________ sick.
65. Tom (study) _________. Please don’t disturb him.
66. When Tom arrived at the cinema, the film (start) _________.
67. My brother (enjoy) _________ swimming since he (be) _________ young
68. What _________ you (do) _________ at this time yesterday ?
69. Before I (go) _________ to bed last night, I (already / finish) _________ my homework.
70. Last night while I (write) _________ a letter, the phone (ring) _________.
71. The baby (behave) _________ wonderfully up to now.
72. We stopped for a rest after we (walk) _________ for 2 hours.
73. Look ! That plane (fly) _________ towards the airport. It (land) _________.
74. Listen ! Somebody (knock) _________ at the door.
75. I usually (wear) _________ jeans and a T – shirt on the weekend.
76. This is the first time I (do) _________ this experiment.
77. She often (go) _________ to the pagoda because her religion is Islam.
78. I (walk) _________ to school every day.
79. He usually (get) _________ up at 6 o’clock.
80. The sun (rise) _________ in the East and (set) _________ in the West.

81. We (want) _________ to leave now.
82. The president (try) _________ to contact his advisors now.
83. We (fly) _________ to Paris next month.
84. He often (go) _________ to school by bike, but today he (walk) _________ to school.
85. John (travel) _________ around the world.
86. George (watch) _________ this movie for 3 times.
87. I (eat/just) _________ a delicious cake.
88. I feel a bit dizzy. I think I (faint) _________.
89. We (write/already) _________ our reports.
90. _________ you (write) _________ your reports yet ?
91. So far the problem (not resolve) _________.
92. John (live) _________ in that house for 20 years.
93. He (go) _________ to Spain last year.
94. Bob (buy) _________ a new bicycle yesterday.
95. Mafia (wash) _________ the dishes after dinner last night.
96. I (watch) _________ TV when she (come) _________ home.
97. Henry (eat) _________ a snack at midnight last night.
98. John (go) _________ to the store before he (go) _________ home.
99. The police (come) _________ when the robber (go) _________ away.
100. John (live) _________ in New York for ten years before he (move) _________ to VN.
101. We (accomplish) _________ the English grammar course by the end of next week.
102. How long is it since you (buy) _________ this car ?
103. Ann (look) _________ for a new appointment at the moment.
104. My sister disliked her math teacher because he (always/pick) _________ on her.
105. They (learn) _________ at Hùng Vương high school since 2008.
106. He (drive) _________ fast when a dog (cross) _________ the street.
107. She (teach) _________ their students at present.
108. I’m sorry. I (forget) _________ your name.
109. By next October, my parents (live) _________ here for 30 years.
110. My father (work) _________ for the same company for 40 years before he (retire)

_________ last year.
111. My bus (arrive) _________ at half past six.
112. You (pass) _________ the exam. Don’t worry !
113. This time next year, he (work) _________ in Hồ Chí Minh City.
114. I (learn) _________ English for six years now.
115. I (live) _________ here since 1979.
116. Last year, she (marry) _________ a Russian dancer.
117. A : _________ you (be) _________ to Hồ Chí Minh City ?
B : Not yet.
118. I’m sorry I (not meet) _________ you yesterday.
119. When we reached the station, the train (already/start) _________.
120. She (just/hang) _________ up the receiver.
121. How long _________ you (study) _________ here by the end of next year ?
122. The teacher (already/come) _________ into the room.
123. I (cycle) _________ to school when I (meet) _________ him last month.
124. I (live) _________ here since I (be) _________ young.
125. She (bear) _________ on June 26
, 1995.
126. We (go) _________ to the cinema last night.
127. By the time I applied, all the holiday vouchers (be) _________ used up.
128. The grocer’s shop (close) _________ since the supermarket (open) _________.
129. Before I (apply) _________ for that job, I (ask) _________ my parents for advice.
130. Up to now, we (learn) _________ about two thousand English words.
131. Last Monday (be) _________ a holiday, so my brother (not have to) _________ go to work
132. Yesterday afternoon I (see) _________ you on Hang Dao street. You (talk) _________ to
some foreigners.
133. Mrs.Quyen (be) _________ a short story writer. She (write) _________ several books of
short stories, and she (win) _________ several rewards for her books. A few years ago, she
(receive) _________ the prize for the most promising author of the year. At the moment, she

(write) _________ a detective story.
134. Linh (live) _________ in Hà Nội but her brother Minh (live) _________ in Hải Phòng. He
(arrive) _________ yesterday to visit her. She (love) _________ her brother and is happy to
be with him. Tomorrow she (take) _________ him to some interesting places in Hà Nội.
135. Please wait for a while. The manager (be) _________ busy now. He (talk) _________ to
one of the staff.
136. My brother (like) _________ collecting stamps. He (have) _________ a big collection. He
often (exchange) _________ stamps with his friends.
137. I (know) _________ her for several years, but I (never/like) _________ her very much.
138. Now that you (pass) _________ the TOEFL, you can apply for the scholarship.
139. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce) _________ the telephone in 1876.
140. Pierre (learn) _________ French for several years.
141. When we came home, everyone (go) _________ out. No one was there.
142. I feel terrible. I think I (be) _________ sick.
143. I (not go) _________ to school yesterday.
144. The computer (be) _________ the most wonderful invention in the 20
145. How often _________ you (go) _________ to the library ?
146. They used to be the good friends when they (be) _________ young.
147. People (show) _________ more than 50 films in Hà Nội since June.
148. They (invite) _________ the wheel thousands of years ago.
149. Linda is from England, but she (live) _________ in the USA. She (work) _________ for a
women’s magazine. She (start) _________ writing articles many years ago. She (write)
_________ many articles. As a journalist, she (visit) _________ nearly every city in the
world. Recently, she (be) _________ to a number of countries in Africa. Now she (be)
_________ on holiday in July. She (go) _________ there three days ago.
150. We (not go) _________ to the cinema last night.
151. I (not have) _________ any news of Liz since 2003.
152. My aunt (be) _________ in Hồ Chí Minh City since 1995.

153. There (not be) _________ a winter like his past one since I (be) _________ young.
154. Who (win) _________ the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001 ?
155. Bangkok (be) _________ the capital of Thailand.
156. The teacher (already/come) _________ into the room.
157. When water freezes, it (turn) _________ into ice.
158. Last Tuesday, Mr.Hoang (not go) _________ to work because of his illness.
159. John (not write) _________ to me since he (come) _________ back to his town.
160. We (have) _________ a small party next Sunday.
161. “When _________ your pen pal (arrive) _________ ?” – Last Monday.
162. Viet (spend) _________ 2 hours a day practicing his piano lesson.
163. We (not meet) _________ each other since we (leave) _________ school.
164. Yesterday she (burn) _________ her aunt while she (cook) _________ dinner.
165. She usually (go) _________ by bus.
166. I lost my pen. I (look) _________ for it for all the morning.
167. Last night, we (come) _________ to the show late because the traffic was horrible.
168. My mother (read) _________ the newspaper now.
169. Those children (sleep) _________ for two hours every afternoon.
170. We (study) _________ the use of verbs in English at the moment.
171. Cuckoos (not build) _________ nests. They (use) _________ the nests of other birds.
172. By next June he (write) _________ his second novel.
173. Look at those black clouds ! It (rain) _________.
174. My uncle (not visit) _________ us since he (move) _________ to the new town.
175. Last week I (walk) _________ home after playing tennis when it (start) _________ raining
very heavily.
176. In 1981, a tornado (lift) _________ a baby into the air and (put) _________ it down safely
100 meters away.
177. My father always (go) _________ to bed by bus.
178. Listen ! Someone (knock) _________ at the door.
179. Yesterday (be) _________ the first day of the new school year.
180. When he came, we (do) _________ our homework.

181. While she (run) _________, she fell.
182. The sun (rise) _________ in the East. Now it (set) _________.
183. Susan (drink) _________ tea when she saw her friends.
184. John (sell) _________ a lot of books last month.
185. Action (speak) _________ louder than words.
186. Men (get) _________ and (forget) _________. Women (give) _________ and (forgive)
187. Mrs Green (cook) _________ in the kitchen at the moment.
188. At this time last week, the students (not go) _________ to school.
189. _________ he often (play) _________ tennis at the weekend ?
190. It was a record that no one (ever/make) _________ before.
191. Jack (already/go) _________ by the time we (arrive) _________.
192. They (drink) _________ small cups of coffee after they (finish) _________ dinner.
193. When the Greens (come) _________ to the circus, the show (already/begin) _________.
194. We (not buy) _________ any newspaper for 3 months.
195. Cats (often/catch) _________ mice.
196. Look ! The bus (come) _________.
197. He (teach) _________ English for 10 years.
198. When An (call) _________ me yesterday, I (be) _________ in my room.
199. Water (boil) _________ at 100 degree Celsius.
200. The water (boil) _________. Can you turn it off ?
201. The moon (go) _________ round the Earth.
202. John is never satisfied. He (always/complain) _________.
203. You (not tidy) _________ this room for weeks.
204. Gravity (help) _________ us stand on the ground.
205. People believed that the Earth (be) _________ flat on ancient days.
206. “Oh ! This bag is so heavy.” – “You (need) _________ some help.”
207. Keep silence ! The babies (sleep) _________.
208. At 6 o’clock yesterday, I (play) _________ badminton.
209. They (make) _________ a speech at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

210. Look at the waiter. He’s carrying too much, he (drop) _________ all these plates.
211. I hope that you (will) _________ a good time tomorrow.
212. I (cook) _________ chicken soup tonight. I’ve already bought chicken and mushroom.
213. What color _________ you (like) _________ best ? – I (like) _________ red and yellow.
214. My father (travel) _________ now. He (travel) _________ every month. He (travel)
_________ two days last month.
215. In the old days, people (believe) _________ that the Earth (be) _________ flat.
216. The street (become) _________ very crowded after 5 pm every day.
217. The rivers (flow) _________ fast today – much faster than usual.
218. Everything is going fine. We (not have) _________ any problems so far.
219. My cousin (just/tell) _________ me about you.
220. I (help) _________ this woman last week.
221. _________ you (see) _________ Nam and Mai recently ?
222. We (eat) _________ this food several times.
223. My father (plant) _________ this tree 6 years ago.
224. He (not make) _________ any mistake yet.
225. What _________ he (do) _________ yesterday ?
226. They (go) _________ home after they (finish) _________ their work.
227. Who (speak) _________ at the meeting last years ?
228. Where _________ you (go) _________ for your holidays last year ?
229. She (not be) _________ here now. She (wash) _________ dishes.
230. Since I (be) _________ sick, I (not go) _________ on a picnic with you.
231. Rice (grow) _________ in tropical countries.
232. I (work) _________ for a computer company since I (graduate) ________ from university.
233. The house was very quiet when I (get) _________ home. Everybody (go) ________ to bed.
234. Mrs. Green always (go) _________ to work by car, but this week she (travel) _________
by bus.
235. I (write) _________ photographs every week.
236. Sorry, I’m late. How long _________ you (wait) _________ ?
237. People (speak) _________ English and French in Canada.

238. Don’t make noise. My mother (talk) _________ to his friends.
239. One day people (travel) _________ to Mars.
240. She’s going out. She (post) _________ these letters.
241. They (go) _________ to the zoo last Sunday.
242. Mai (learn) _________ English for 5 years.
243. His father (work) _________ in this factory since 1990.
244. Jane used to live in Hồ Chí Minh City, but now he (live) _________ in Hà Nội.
245. By the time he arrived, his friends (leave) _________.
246. Mary hopes they (invite) _________ her to join the private club.
247. At this time tomorrow, we (sit) _________ on the train to Hồ Chí Minh City.
248. I and my sisters (visit) _________ my grandparents next weekend.
249. I think it (rain) _________. Take an umbrella.
250. Be careful ! The bus (come) _________ near.
251. Trees (grow) _________ more quickly in summer than in winter.
252. What’s that terrible noise ? The neighbors (have) _________ a party.
253. _________ you (ever/eat) _________ durian when you lived in Malaysia ?
254. Hurry. The bus (leave) _________ at 7:15.
255. What _________ he (do) _________ in the evening ?
- He usually (play) _________ cards or (watch) _________ television.
256. Carol (miss) _________ her plane yesterday because of a traffic jam on her way to the
airport. By the time she (get) _________ to the airport, her plane (already/leave) _________.
257. We were not hungry. We (just/have) _________ a big breakfast.
258. Mozart (start) _________ to compose at the age of five and (write) _________ more than
600 pieces of music.
259. It’s very cold. I (light) _________ a fire.
260. You must wake her. She (sleep) _________ soundly for 10 hours.
261. My teacher (teach) _________ English at this school for six years.
262. It usually (rain) _________ very much in that part of the country.
263. Up to the present, George (do) _________ good work in his class.
264. Look ! That light (burn) _________ all night.

265. My mother (arrive) _________ while I (clean) _________ the kitchen.
266. Albert Einstein (die) _________ in 1955.
267. He fell while he (go) _________ downstairs.
268. When the students (hear) ________ the bell, they (get) ________ up and (leave) _______.
269. Professor Kenneth (teach) _________ another class last year.
270. Just a minute ! I (look) _________ up that word in the dictionary.
271. He generally (sing) _________ in English but today he (sing) _________ in French.
272. Please don’t make so much noise. I (study) _________.
273. Tom (play) _________ tennis every Saturday.
274. Listen ! I (hear) _________ somebody (knock) _________ at the door.
275. Look ! Someone (climb) _________ up that tree over there.
276. They (have) _________ lunch in the cafeteria now.
277. Something (smell) _________ good in the kitchen at present.
278. What _________ you usually (do) _________ at weekend ?
279. My sister (study) _________ English at the moment.
280. I (do) _______ an exercise and I (think) _______ that I (know) _______ how to use it now.
281. The weather (get) _________ hot in July and August.
282. How long _________ you (learn) _________ English ?
283. My father (work) _________ thirty five hours a week.
284. Her brother always (wash) _________ his hands before meals.
285. Now that she (realize) _________ the situation, it was too late !
