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Phú Mỹ Bridge - MS 07 main bridge construction rev 3

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Date Document No.
Prepared: Reviewed: Approved:
04 Aug 2008 PM1-CO-MS-07 1/0 TP GM KF
20 Aug 2008 PM1-CO-MS-07 1/1 TP GM KF
25 Sep 2008 PM1-CO-MS-07 2/1 TP GM KF
03 Dec 2008 PM1-CO-MS-07 2/2 TP GM KF
24 Apr 2009 PM1-CO-MS-07 2/3 TP GM KF
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck
1 Rev. 3
Issue Rev. Description Prepared Reviewed Approved
1 0 Initial Issue TP GM KF
Revised Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5,
7, 10 and Appendix 6 as marked. Add Appendix 9.
2 1 Add Appendix 7, 8 and 10 TP GM KF
Minor revisions. Updated Appendices 1 and
9. Add Appendix 11.

Add Sections 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12.
Updated Section 5.
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck
2 Rev. 3
Table of Contents
Page No.

6. ACCESS 42
8. SAFETY 44
10. QUALITY 47
Appendix 1 : Deck Cycle
Appendix 2 : Deck Crane
Appendix 3 : Tower Crane
Appendix 4 : Telescopic Forklift
Appendix 5 : Casting Sequence
Appendix 6 : Survey Work Procedure
Appendix 7 : Method Statement for Post-Tensioning of Deck Tendons
Appendix 8 : Stay Cables Working Procedures (by Freyssinet)
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Appendix 9 : Deck Construction Engineering Records
Appendix 10: Form Traveller Operation Manual
Appendix 11: Method Statement for Buffeting Cables (by Freyssinet)
1.1 Scope of the Method Statement
This Method Statement describes the construction of the cable stayed bridge deck. This
• Form Travellers:
Including design, fabrication, assembly and erection.
• Deck Construction:

Including construction cycle, traveller operation and stay cable
• Construction Engineering
This Method Statement is to be read in conjunction with the contract drawings and
1.2 References to other Controlling Documents
The Method Statement must be read in conjunction with the following documents.
• PM1-CO-MS-04 - Main Bridge Towers Construction
• PM1-CO-MS-05 - Main Bridge Pier Table Construction
• PM1-CO-MS-13 - Heavy Lifting Works
• PM1-CA-DR-14 - Main Bridge Deck Erection Manual (by LAP)
• Form Traveller Operation Manual
1.3 Specialist Subcontractors
The following specialist subcontractors will perform the services as described:
Supply and install stay cables - Freyssinet
Heavy lifting and lowering - Freyssinet
Post Tensioning - Freyssinet
Form traveller steel fabrication - RIMP
Formwork tube steel fabrication - RIMP
1.4 Specialist Consultants
The following consultants will perform the services as described:
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck
4 Rev. 3
Permanent works design for cable stayed bridge - Arcadis
Construction Engineering and major temporary works - Cardno
The cable stayed bridge deck has been designed as a cast in-situ reinforced concrete

structure with an overall width of 27m. The 250mm deck slab is supported by cross beams at
5m centres with longitudinal edge beams supported by stay cables at 10m centres. The
clearance envelope is 45m across a 250m section located at the centre span.
The stay cables are in a vertical plane and are located in pods outside of the line of the edge
beam. Services are located beneath the deck and will pass through penetrations in the cross
beams. A 2.15m wide footpath cantilevers outside of the extent of the edge beam on each
side. The cross beam depth is 2.35m at the deck centreline from the top of concrete.
The typical deck configuration consists of two vehicle lanes in each direction plus one
motorcycle lane. The motorcycle lanes are separated by barriers and a line of barriers along
the deck centreline separates the eastbound and westbound lanes.
The deck is on a vertical curve with a longitudinal grade of 5% at the towers and has a
crossfall of 3% either side of centreline. The drainage is via scuppers located on the kerb line
outside of the edge beam. The final surfacing consists of 65 mm asphaltic concrete.
The deck has been designed as a cast in-situ balanced cantilever with movement joints at
each tie down pier and bearings at each tower lower cross beam.
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The following main temporary works will be required for the construction of the main
• Design of form travellers
• Design of form traveller erection and lowering scheme
• Design of pier table falsework and formwork
• Design of pier table falsework and formwork erection and lowering scheme
• Design of temporary tie down cable system
• Design of buffeting cable system
• Design of closure pour (midspan and landside) clamping and formwork

• Design of tie down pier falsework
• Design of midspan closure jacking arrangement.
The construction of tower struts and the heavy lift operation are covered in PM1-CO-MS-04
and PM1-CO-MS-13, respectively.
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4.1 Construction Sequence
The basic sequence of work will be as follows:
• Construct the lower cross beam on the pile cap directly below its final position.
• Erect the pier table falsework knee frames on top of the precast cross beam.
• Erect the formwork system on top of the falsework.
• Erect the lower cross beam for the District 7 (West) tower complete with pier table
falsework by heavy lift.
• Construct the District 7 pier table.
• Install the first stay cables.
• Lower pier table falsework.
• Erect the form travellers for the District 7 deck on each end of the pier table.
• Construct the western balanced cantilever deck working away from the D7 tower.
• Construct the District 2 pier table in parallel.
• Cast the District 7 landside closure pour (after completion of the approach deck).
• Lower the form travellers and re erect on the District 2 pier table.
• Construct the District 2 balanced cantilever deck working away from the D2 tower.
• Cast the District 2 landside closure pour.
• Cast the midspan closure pour.
• Remove the form travellers and complete bridge furniture and deck finishes.

4.2 Construction Engineering
The construction engineering will be performed by Cardno in conjunction with their specialist
partner Leonhardt Andra & Partners based in Germany. The Construction Engineering
involves the detailed calculation of the geometry and cable forces for each stage of the
construction. This will be represented by a step by step analysis in which all of the theoretical
loads and geometry for every stage of the construction are defined for a given construction
The step by step analysis will be incorporated into a document known as the Main Bridge Deck
Erection Manual (PM1-CA-DR-14). The global sequence of work for the construction of the
cable stayed deck is defined in the Main Bridge Erection Manual and on the Construction
Engineering drawings. The Erection Manual, through reference to the step-by-step analysis,
provides the detailed Construction Engineering parameters required for each stage of the
construction operation. This includes but is not limited to:
1. Detailed erection sequences for:
• Stay cable installation
• Installation and adjustment of temporary tie down cables
• Re-stressing of cables and cable adjustments
• Jacking operations for closure pours
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2. Determination of exact forces and deflections of all parts during all erection stages.
This includes:
• Cable forces and cable length
• Camber values of superstructure and towers
• Support reactions
• Forces in temporary tie down cables
3. Adjustment values to account for variations in:

• Temperature conditions
• Construction live loads
• Side span closure procedures
• Main span closure procedures
It is intended that the Erection Manual will be mainly used by the Construction Engineer, the
Design Manager and the Deck Engineer and as such will not be widely circulated. The
document will be updated with as constructed information relating geometry, forces and loads
at each stage of the construction. The input and updating of the erection manual to determine
the correct geometry and cable forces for each subsequent pour will be carried out by the site
based construction engineer with input from the deck manager responsible for the
The Construction Engineer will convey information to the construction team via the Deck
Engineer. Information conveyed to the construction engineer such as all post pour information
will be issued via the same engineer.
The pro-formas for conveying this information are included in Appendix 9 of this document.
4.3 Pier Table Construction
4.3.1 General
The pier table consists of the portion of bridge deck at the tower to be constructed on
falsework prior to erection of the form travellers for the segmental deck. This involves a central
portion of 10m centrally located at the tower axis and a regular 10m segment with a pair of
stay cables on either side of the central segment. These three (3) segments will be cast
separately in the sequence of centre, main span and side span.
The pier table will be constructed in accordance with Method statement PM1-CO-MS 05.
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MTB Pier Table during Construction
(Note the precast anchor pods and the precast cross beams)

4.4. Form Traveller
4.4.1 Design
The traveller is the travelling formwork system used for casting each deck segment. Two
travellers will be manufactured to facilitate the construction of one balanced cantilever at a
time. The travellers will then be relocated to the second tower to repeat the exercise. In
addition to providing a platform for the formwork, the traveller also provides sturdy access
platforms enabling the completed underside of the previous segment to be accessed following
launching to the following segment. This enables all concrete dressing operations to be done
off the critical path.
The travellers are designed by Cardno with an independent check carried out by specialist
partner LAP. The formwork arrangement will be designed by a suitable formwork specialist
and will be installed on site during the fabrication and assembly operation. The hydraulic
systems will be managed as a design, supply, install and commission contract. Separate
supply contracts or purchase orders will be issued for the rollers, sliding shoes and stress
bars. Platforms and ladders will be fitted on site during the assembly operation.
The traveller is designed as an underslung truss assembly supported from the deck by stress
bar during the setting, steel fixing and casting operations. The truss assembly generally
consists of a pair of longitudinal trusses connected by a transverse truss spanning between
them. The formwork will be supported from the forward section of the truss assembly and the
access platforms will be supported from the rear. The centre of gravity will be located forward
of the C-frame which means the traveller will always be front heavy. Rear reaction rollers will
provide stability during the raising, lowering and launching operation. During casting the pivot
point occurs at the C-frame position.
For the launching operation the travellers will be lowered sufficiently for the formwork to clear
the depth of the cross beams. The lowering will be done using 40mm stress bar located at the
C-frame position. The traveller must be lowered perpendicular to the deck to enable the
formwork to clear and thus the bars are also square to the deck.
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To maintain the rear reaction during lowering, raising and launching operations a pair of rear
props will be provided at the rear of the traveller. Contact with the underside of the deck will be
made using 100 tonne capacity rollers mounted on the top of the props which roll along the
soffit surface of the edge beams during the launching operation. As the travellers are lowered
for the stripping and launching operation each of the rear props will maintain contact with the
underside of the edge beams due to the out of balance moment of the traveller. To maintain
the traveller parallel to the deck soffit the rear of the traveller will be raised or lowered in
relation to the props via a pair of hydraulic bar jacks and stress bars with nuts located at the
top of the truss and above the jacks.
The main hanger bars will be located at the C-frame position and will be pre-stressed between
the top of the deck and the main block on the C-frame below the deck to ensure that no
vertical movement occurs at the joint during casting. The use of pre-stress also adds to the
safety of the system by ensuring that the critical loads are in the structure prior to casting.
During the launching operation the dead weight of the traveller is supported by two outside C-
frames from the top of the deck which make contact with the launching beams after lowering
the traveller. For launching the traveller must be lowered by the depth of the cross beam to
provide clearance to the formwork. The raising and lowering operations will be carried out by
hydraulic jacks moving a pair of steel blocks up and down the groups of stress bar on each
side of the C-frame.
The C-frame is rigidly connected at right angles to the main truss members of the traveller.
Due to the vertical gradient of the deck, stoppers must be fixed to the underside of the edge
beam at the rear roller position prior to lowering to prevent the traveller swinging back on the
stress bars.
On an uphill grade, the stoppers will be located directly behind the rear prop roller. On a
downhill grade, the stopper will be located in front of the roller. The stoppers will cause the
traveller to rotate from the rear during lowering which will assist the cross beam infill formwork
to clear the beam. The stoppers will be connected to the deck using removable cone anchors.
The traveller will be partially supported during casting by the permanent stay cables. The guide

tubes will be installed into the traveller in precast concrete pods during launching. The pods
will be secured to the traveller by means of temporary stress bar. This system enables the stay
cable to be installed into the permanent anchorage prior to casting.
Temporary struts will be required to carry the horizontal component of the cable force which is
generated prior to placement and strength gain of the deck concrete. These struts will be
incorporated into the traveller and will transfer the force back to the previous anchor pod. A
mechanism will be provided to simplify the handling of the struts which are located on each
side of the traveller.
As the stay cables are located outside the line of the edge beams temporary steel support
beams will be necessary to carry the full traveller weight between anchorage pods during
launching. The guide channels for the sliding mechanism will be located on top of these
beams. The beams have been designed as a box girder with lateral support legs.
The traveller will be designed to be fabricated in large welded components to minimise the
requirement for site welding. Bolted connections will be used for site assembly where practical.
For transportation reasons, the C-frame will be delivered in two sections to be assembled and
welded on site prior to installation. The weld preparation will be done in the workshop prior to
delivery by the fabricator. Upon completion of the District 7 cable stayed deck, the traveller will
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be lowered onto barges to be relocated onto the District 2 pier table. The C-frame will be
designed to hinge outwards to clear the deck during erection and dismantling of the traveller
by heavy lift.
An assumed traveller weight has been used by the construction engineer for calculation of the
step analysis. The assumed weight has been reassessed following finalisation of fabrication of
formwork and traveller components. A final assessment will be made when the true weight is
determined during the lifting operation by calculation from heavy lift jack pressures. This
weight will be conveyed to the construction engineer for assessment.

4.4.2 Fabrication and Assembly
Fabrication will be carried out by a suitably qualified fabricator and the components will be
shipped to site for assembly.
The traveller assembly will be done on a barge adjacent to a suitable jetty at the Lotus Port
using the Hitachi 200T crawler crane. The components will be unloaded from the delivery
vessel and transported to a position within the lifting radius of the Hitachi crane. The large
truss and C-frame components are likely to weigh up to 20 tonnes necessitating the use of the
large crane capacity offered by the 200T crawler crane.
All large components will be placed in designated positions on the Mersey river barge which
measures 70m by18m. Pedestals will be installed on the barge in appropriate locations to
support the various traveller components during assembly. The pedestals will be designed to
ensure that the rear of the traveller is high enough to clear the top of the pile cap during the
erection phase. The rear of the traveller will overlap the side of the pile cap by approximately
5m in plan position.
The form traveller access platforms will be constructed and installed upon completion of the
main structural assembly. Platforms will consist of mesh decking with lightweight bearers to
reduce weight. The structural design will ensure that the main structural elements have been
designed to support all of the necessary platforms.
The hydraulic system will be installed after the platforms have been completed. This operation
will be undertaken by the hydraulic supplier as a design, supply, install and commission
package based on the jack load requirements determined by the traveller designer Cardno.
The formwork will be installed following completion of the access platforms. The formwork will
be designed by an experienced form designer and will be manufactured as a fabrication
package combined with a proprietary shoring frame system. The facing will be designed as
plywood fixed to C-purlins. The formwork will be assembled on site prior to installation.
4.4.3 Operation Manual
A detailed operation manual will be provided prior to commencement of traveller operations.
This document will contain fail-safe step-by-step checklists for each operation of the traveller
as well as information on all aspects of the traveller operations such as jack pressures, bar
loads, allowable platform loads, operating procedures etc. The Operation manual will be

compiled by BBBH Staff.
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The basis of the operation manual will be the operational drawings contained at the back of the
form traveller drawing set provided by the traveller Designer and Construction Engineer
MTB Traveller on barge ready for erection.
(Note pier table formwork in background after lowering)

MTB Traveller during Erection.
(Note the C-frame arms in the hinged out position for erection and dismantling)
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Panama Bridge Traveller with 45T Deck Crane.
(80T capacity is required for Phu My Bridge for pod installation)
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MTB traveller in the raised/casting position
MTB Traveller in the raised/casting position
(Note the rolling beam which must be moved forward following the casting
to enable the traveller to launch to the next position)

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MTB Form Traveller
(Note the launching beams on top of the deck above the edge beams.
Also note the precast pods installed by the deck crane during launching)
MTB form traveller launched and re-set ready for rebar installation.

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Sliding shoe arrangement from Panama traveller.
The Phu My Bridge traveller arrangement will be similar.
4.5 Deck Construction
The construction of the cable-stayed deck will be in accordance with the sequences described
in the Erection Manual which will be provided by the Construction Engineering consultant
Cardno. This will outline the necessary sequence for casting of each stage together with the
sequence and timing for installation of temporary tie down cables and buffeting cables. A
summary of the content of this document is included in Section 4.2 of this document.
The construction of the cable-stayed deck commences following erection of the form travellers
onto the Pier Table. The operation of lowering the pier table falsework is described in method
statement PM1-CO-MS-13. The erection of the form travellers is also described in PM1-CO-
MS-13 “Method Statement for Heavy Lifting Works”.
The deck will be constructed with one segment out of balance towards the main span.
4.5.1 Traveller Operation and Deck Cycle
5-day Cycle

After the initial start up period and learning curve, it is anticipated that the deck construction
will proceed on a 6 day cycle reducing to a regular 5 day cycle. Critical elements of the cycle
will be determined by the time taken to achieve the required concrete strength nominated in
drawing CS-005 of the Erection Manual. A summary of the anticipated cycle together with the
nominated concrete strength limitations is included in Appendix 1 of this document. A flowchart
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of the cycle showing the key constraints to various operations is also included in Appendix 1
for clarity.
The anticipated 5-day cycle will be as follows:
Day 1
As-built Survey
Construction Engineering Calculation
Strip stop ends & clean up
Strip stitch forms
Relocate launching beams to Segment n
Partial stressing of front crossbeam
(to the force of 22 strands only)
Stage 2 stay cable adjustment
Destress and remove stress bars at pods
Dress concrete
Day 2
Release & lower longitudinal prop at pod
Restress front cross beam
Lower Traveller
Install and stress rear cross beam tendon
Advance traveller to accept pod (4m)

Install precast cable pod during advance
Complete advance (6m further launching)
Raise traveller & set. Lock off
Survey traveller position
Install precast cross beams
Stress cable pod to traveller
Install prefab edge beam rebar
Install prop between pods
Dress concrete
Day 3
Install PT anchorages & ducts to X beams
Grout ducts in crossbeams - (Segment n-1)
Install deck rebar - edge beams and wings
Day 4
Install stay cables Stage 1
Complete deck rebar- central portion
Complete deck rebar - wings & top of edge beam
Install stop ends
Set up for concrete
Install & check all embedments + QA checks
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Day 5
Finish & Cure
Flush Ducts
The cycle may be modified to better suit the production operation depending on the actual

concrete strength gained as determined by testing.
4.5.2 Reinforcement
Reinforcement will be preassembled into cages or mats where possible. This will include the
edge beams and possibly the mats on the deck for the wings and for the central portion.
Pre-fabrication of edge beam cages will be done on the deck and the elements will be
transported to the work front by the deck crane. Suitable lifting frames will be necessary for
each different element.
It is anticipated that the edge beam rebar will be pre assembled in jigs behind the leading
segment enabling the deck crane to set up on the previously cast segment (segment n), lift the
cage from n-1 and slew around to place the cage in segment n+1 eliminating the need for
transportation of the cage. The jig would then be shifted forward to the next segment at a
suitable time.
The details of the pod and cross beam reinforcement are described in the PM1-CO-MS-10
“Method Statement for Precast Concrete Production”.
The allowable weight of rebar (excluding rebar in precast elements) which can be installed
prior to stay erection is 25 tonne. The total weight of the edge beam and wings represents
approximately 20 tonne. The total weight of the central portion of deck rebar is 10 tonne.
4.5.3 Precast Concrete Elements
The production of precast concrete elements is described in detail in Method Statement for
Precast Concrete Production (PM1-CO-MS-10).
The stay cable guide tubes will be precast into pod units. This serves several functions:
1. It enables the geometry of the guide tubes to be accurately set in a precast bed.
2. The careful work of surveying and adjusting the geometry is done off the critical
3. The stay cable can be installed directly into the permanent anchorage prior to
casting the deck segment. This avoids the need for a temporary anchorage
The precast pod units are expected to weigh in the order of 20 tonnes. Due to their weight the
units need to be placed into the traveller during the launching operation as they will exceed the
lifting capacity of the deck crane after the traveller is fully launched. The weight of the pods will

be verified by carrying out a trial lift with the deck crane prior to the first erection into the
The crane must be located in accordance with the sketches included in Appendix 2 of this
document. The fundamental requirement is for the front outriggers to be located above the
front cross beam of the segment upon which the crane is located. The pod must be lifted from
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a position beside the crane to reduce load on the rear inside outrigger. The load shall not be
lifted from the rear of the crane and slewed 180 degrees as the rear outriggers are not located
over a cross beam.
Each cross beam will be placed into the traveller as two precast elements with a short in-situ
stitch portion in the centre. Each of the four (4) cross beam elements in each segment will
weigh around 12 tonnes and will be installed using the deck crane set up on the deck with the
front outriggers over the last cross beam, i.e., 2.2 m back from the leading edge of the deck
with the traveller in the final position. The crane may be located either in the centre of the deck
or at the outside position used for pod installation.
4.5.4 Concrete Placement
Concrete will be placed by pump. The basic pump unit will be located at the base of the tower
and concrete wagons will discharge directly into the hopper. The pump line will be run up the
tower crane mast and along the deck in both directions. A long radius 90-degree bend will be
provided at deck level to enable the main vertical supply line to be connected to the
appropriate deck line.
A manually operated concrete distributor boom will be located in the centre of the deck at the
end of the previous pour. This will have a boom length of at least 12m. The corners will be
reached using flexible hose. The horizontal deck pump line will be covered in Hessian which
will be kept wet during the pour to keep the line cool and to thus assist in avoiding blockages.
Electric immersion vibrators will be used for vibration of the concrete during placement. The

concrete will be placed from the leading edge of the form working back towards the joint
generally in accordance with the sequence outlined in Appendix 5. The concrete adjacent to
the construction joint in the upper portion of the edge beams and in the slab will be placed last
ensuring that all dead load deflection has already occurred prior to concrete placement against
the construction joint. Particular attention will be given to ensure that the joint interface
receives good vibration. The vibrators will be rubber tipped to avoid form damage.
4.5.5 Concrete Curing & Finishing
To control plastic cracking during surface finishing, an aliphatic alcohol evaporation retardant
such as Parchem’s Concure AV will be applied to the freshly screeded surface as necessary to
limit moisture loss in dry windy conditions.
A lightweight walkway system will be provided spanning 10m from the previous deck to the
front of the traveller to improve access for finishing operations. A broom finish will be applied
after screeding to enhance asphalt adhesion.
Polyethylene sheeting will be laid over the finished concrete for curing when the surface has
hardened sufficiently that the textured finish will not be damaged. Upon completion, the
polyethylene sheeting will be covered with a heavy matting or carpet to prevent it from being
lifted by wind and to protect it from pedestrian and vehicle traffic during the curing period.
Due to the presence of starter bars and stripping / traveller operations in the day after casting,
it is anticipated that there will be difficulty in maintaining the polythene sheeting in the wing
area for the full curing period. To ensure that adequate curing is achieved in this area, a curing
compound will be applied to the deck surface from the edge of the deck to the external barrier
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(i.e., the wing and motorcycle lane areas) in addition to polythene. This also covers the deck
surface above the edge beam
The beam sides and deck soffit will be cured with a suitable clear curing compound after
stripping. The proposed curing compound is Sika Antisol E or equivalent.

When the deck is being constructed on a 5-day cycle, the polythene will be removed on the
afternoon of Day 4 prior to early morning casting on Day 5.
With careful vibration, it is not envisaged that any surface dressing will be necessary to the
outside of the edge beam. However, should any work be necessary in isolated areas, this will
be carried out from the dedicated platforms at the rear of the form traveller.
All tie bar holes will be plugged and the joint between segments will be dressed from the rear
Patching and concrete repair works will be undertaken in accordance with the latest revision of
Section 7 “Concrete Repair” of Method Statement for Concrete Works”.
4.5.6 Construction Joints
Each segment will be cast as one continuous pour. As such, vertical construction joints will be
located every 10m through the deck section. These will be formed using a combination of steel
and timber. A suitable joint surface profile will be achieved using surface retarder painted onto
the formwork face followed by high-pressure water washing after stripping.
Horizontal construction joints are required for the central barriers which will be precast
elements with in-situ stitches. The surface profile will be achieved by using either a suitable
surface retarder to be applied after concrete finishing has taken place followed by high
pressure water washing, by scabbling or by green cutting.
4.5.7 Construction Engineering and Alignment Correction Measures
On the morning following the casting, the following information will be submitted to the
Construction Engineer under cover of the check sheets included in the Inspection and Test
Plan for Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck Construction (PM1-CO-ITP-07):
• As-Built Survey
• Cable Force Record
• Load Map at time of survey and load check
• Ambient Temperature at time of survey
The cable force record will be established by undertaking a 6 strand liftoff test in parallel with
the early morning survey on Day 1 of the cycle. The results of this test will be provided to the
construction engineer and will also be used to verify the strand force tolerance within the

Based upon this information, the Construction Engineer will provide;
• The adjustment to the cable force.
• The correction to the theoretical “f” value previously calculated in the step-by-step
analysis. The re-calculated “f” value will take into account any requirement for
“recovery of vertical alignment” which may be necessary from time to time.
• The shim dimension represented by the nominated “f” value.
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This procedure is included on Form A of Appendix 9.
The calculation for the new “f” value will be documented for each segment. The calculation will
be carried out within the constraints imposed in the Erection Manual.
After launching and resetting of the traveller on day 2 of the cycle a local survey will be
undertaken to check the achieved f value and to review the pod geometry. This survey may be
carried out at any time of the day and is not temperature dependant. This procedure is
included on Form B in Appendix 9.
The intended deck mix design will be 50D using 480 kg/m
of cement. The expected strength
gain is indicated on the 5 day deck cycle included in Appendix 1 of this document. The
concrete strength limitations required prior to various deck operations as nominated in the
Erection Manual will be determined by either testing or projection from reliable strength gain
curves. Initially, all results will be determined by testing.
A final local survey will be undertaken prior to casting. This procedure is included on Form C of
Appendix 9.
4.5.8 Stay Cable Installation
The stay cables will be installed as a two stage operation.
Stage 1 - Initial stay installation to be carried out after launching and re-setting traveller but

prior to concrete placement. All strands are installed to a nominal load nominated in the
Erection Manual. The permanent lower anchorage is accessible at the bottom of the pod from
the form traveller. The stressing operation is carried out in the tower head.
Stage 2 - On the morning after casting, stress the stay cable to the force provided by the
Construction Engineer.
Stage 1 Stay Cable Installation:
Stage 1 stay cable installation will commence when:
• The traveller has been launched and re-set.
• The temporary struts have been installed back to the last cable pod.
• The cable pods have been stressed to the traveller.
• The precast cross beams have been installed and the installation of rebar
has reached a suitable stage to suit the construction cycle.
Installation and tensioning of stay cables will be carried out in accordance with the method
statement for stay cable installation noted in Section 1 of this method statement. A brief
summary is as follows:
Strand dispensers with strand drums will be set up for each of the two (2) stay cables on the
previously cast deck segment during launching of the form traveller. The cutting bench and
deviator wheel will be set up on a suitable platform supported above the rebar at each cable
position when the traveller has been set in position after launching.
The cable sheath will be assembled on the deck in complete cable lengths to suit individual
cables with the top end within reach of the tower crane. The reference strand (a strand of
known accurate length supplied by the strand supplier) will be installed into the respective
sheath. At the time of cable installation, the sheath complete with reference strand will be lifted
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck
21 Rev. 3
by the tower crane and attached to the flange end of the formwork tube which is flush with the
tower surface.

The guide tubes have been designed with a flange sitting flush with the face of the tower
concrete. A temporary angle bracket will be fixed to the outside of the tube end so that the
sheath can be secured. The strand will then be manually pushed through the correct hole in
the top anchorage block. For this operation access is required to the outside face of the tower.

Flush ended guide tubes with angle bracket for sheath attachment
Attachment of cable sheath. Note the single strand in sheath for initial erection.
Access at tower head level will be provided by hanging platforms located on the outside of the
tower head and permanent platforms inside the tower head. Access to the external platform
will be via the man hoist and access to the internal platforms will generally be via ladders and
platforms down from the jump form or later, down from the top of the tower.
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck
22 Rev. 3
Hydraulic winches will be located both at deck level and inside the tower head to hoist each
individual strand up to the tower head as it unreels from the drum. The winch line will be
connected to a device known as a shuttle which is in turn connected to either one or two
strands depending on the cable installation operation. The shuttle enables the strand to be
pulled up the sheath without twisting and tangling with previously installed strand.

Return of shuttle to deck level
Strands connected ready for winching to tower head
When the strand has been fixed into the top anchorage the lower end will be cut to length at
deck level and the free end will be pushed manually into the correct hole in the lower
anchorage. This is done by looping the free end of the strand at deck level and pushing it
through the end of the guide tube. The permanent wedges will be installed as each strand is
installed into its respective anchorage position.
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck

23 Rev. 3
Each strand will be stressed individually to a nominal force provided by the construction
engineer prior to the installation of the next strand using the Freyssinet Isotension system
described elsewhere. The live end will be located in the tower head. After each strand
installation the winch line with the shuttle will be returned by the winch at deck level for the
next strand.
Stage 2 Stay Cable Adjustment:
On the next day after casting of the segment, the strands in the stay cables will be individually
tensioned to a force which will be calculated by the Construction Engineer. The force
calculation will be made on the basis of the as constructed survey and the load mapping which
will be completed early in the morning and provided to the Construction Engineer by the deck
construction team.
Stage 2 stay cable adjustment will commence when:
• The concrete has been cast and has achieved the strength nominated in the
Erection Manual. This will occur on day following the casting of Segment n;
• The as-constructed survey, the load mapping and other relevant information has
been completed by the deck team and provided to the Construction Engineer;
• The construction engineer has provided the calculated cable force;
• The initial stressing of the cross beam has been completed.
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck
24 Rev. 3
Installation of free-end strand loop into the bottom anchorage.
MS-07 Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck

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