Session 6
Module 8: More on Classes
Module 9: Exceptions
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Module 7 - Review
Overloading of methods
Using abstract keyword
Using final keywords
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Module 8 - Objectives
Class variables
Nested class
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Class variables
Are declared using the static keyword
Once the value is modified, all instances of the class are
updated to share the same value
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Access Class variables
Can also be manipulated without creating an
instance of the class
Are referenced by the class name itself
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Static methods
Also known as class methods, do not have
reference to any instance variable in a class, used
to access class variables and methods.
The keyword this cannot be used inside a static
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Accessing class method
Can be accessed by
using a class name
an instance name (not
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Static initializer
Is a block of code embraced
in curly braces
It is preceded by the static
It initializes the static
variables in class
The static initialization block
can reference only class
variables that have been
declared before it
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Nested class
A class defined within another class
It can have access to members of the outer class
(enclosing class) even if the members are declared
It can be used for:
Allow logical grouping of classes
Increases encapsulation
More maintainable code
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Different type of nested class
Member classes or non-static nested classes
Local classes
Anonymous classes
Static nested classes
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Member classes or
non-static nested classes
It can access all fields and methods of the
outer class, but the reverse is not true.
An outer class cannot access a member of
an inner class even if it is declared as public
because members of an inner class are
declared within the scope of inner class
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Local classes
A local class is declared within a method,
constructor or an initializer.
In other words, a local class is declared within a
block of code and is visible only within that
particular block.
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Anonymous classes
An anonymous class does not have a name. It is a type of local
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Static nested classes
A static nested class is
associated with its outer class.
It cannot refer directly to
instance variables or methods
defined in its enclosing class,
but it can access class
methods or variables directly.
An object needs to be
instantiated to access the
instance variables and
methods of the enclosing
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Module 9 - Objectives
Introduction to Exceptions
Exception handling in Java
User defined exceptions
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Introduction to Exceptions
Explain the concept of Exceptions
Identify the different types of Exceptions
Knowledge Check
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Explain the concept of Exceptions
An exception are errors that
arises at runtime.
Exceptions object describles
detail of error.
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Causes for Exceptions
Program errors
Arise due to errors present in APIs, such as NullPointerException
Program using these APIs cannot do anything about these errors
Client code errors
Arise when client code attempts operations, such as reading content
from a file without opening it.
Exception will provide information about the cause of the error
Can be handled by client code
Errors beyond the control of a program
Raised by runtime environment, such as memory error or network
connection failure error.
These exceptions that are not expected to be caught by the client
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Classification of Exceptions
Checked Exceptions
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Checked Exceptions
Generated in situations that occur during the normal
execution of a program. For example:
Requesting for missing file, invalid user input, and network
These exceptions should be handled to avoid
compile-time errors. It is checked during the
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Types of Checked Exceptions
All Checked exceptions are derived from the Exception class.
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Unchecked Exceptions
Generated in situations that are considered non-recoverable for
a program (generated during the execution of the program). For
Attempting to access an element beyond the maximum length of
an array.
An application is not required to check for these kinds of
Unchecked Exceptions
RuntimeException class Error class
(ex: logical bugs)
(ex: Out Of Memory Error)
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Types of Unchecked Exceptions
All Unchecked exceptions are directly or indirectly derived from the
RuntimeException class
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Exception handling in Java
State the use of try-catch block
Describe the use of finally block
State the flow of execution in an exception
handling block
Describe the use of throw and throws
Describe the use of multiple catch block
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The use of try-catch block
try {
catch(ExceptionType ObjectName){