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Reading comprehension

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§Ò 02- Page 1
Paper one: Reading comprehension
Section A: Choose the word or phrase from the list below which best completes each sentence
hear because put off According to information
talking joined give In spite of from Tokyo
telling to see prefer injured has
joined in died was consisls exists
to seeing gave would rather replace happened
dead is in case information has come
pain about instead in Tokyo performances
heard is coming programmes put out has happened
1.We’ll have to ................................................................ the meeting until next week because no one can come
2.I wish I could ................................................................ up smoking
3.Charles Dickens ................................................................ on 9 June 1870
4.It’s rude to interrupe when someone eles is ................................................................
5.At the age of eighteen, he ................................................................ the army
6.We are looking forward ................................................................ when you next come to England
7.On the whole, I ................................................................ eating at home to eating out
8.If it ................................................................ fine, I’ll go out
9.Take an umbrella ................................................................ it rains
10. ................................................................ the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow
11.Fortunately nobody was ................................................................ in the accident
12.When he stays in her house he always complains ................................................................ her dogs
13.Why don’t you do something ................................................................ of just complaining
14.The book is full of ................................................................
15.A man ................................................................ came to see you this morning
16.Their office ................................................................ of three small rooms
17.It ................................................................ a year ago
18.Look, the bus ................................................................
19.Are there any good ................................................................ on television tonight ?

20.No sooner had she ................................................................ the news than she fainted
Section B: Read these passages and answer briety the questions that follow
Passage 1:
Earnest Hemingway was began his writing carrer as an ambitious American newspaperman in
Paris after the First World War. His early books, including “The Sun Also Rises”, were published in
Europe before they were released in the United States.
Hemingway always wrote from experience rather than from imagination. In “Farewell To Arms”,
published in 1929, he recounted his adventures as an ambulance drive in Italy during the war. In
“For Whom the Bell Tolls”, published in 1940, he retold his memories of the Spanish Civil War.
21.When did Earnest Hemingway start his writing career ?
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22.In which novel did he retell his memories of the Spanish Civil War ?
23.When was “Farewell to Arms” published ?
24.Did Hemingway always write from imagination ?
25.In which novel can we read about his adventures in Italy during the war ?
Passage 2:
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) exists in order to make the public more aware of the
dangers of smoking. It tries to make people give up the habit by organizing anti-smoking
campaigns, and it is especially concerned with limiting cigarettes advertising. So far, it has
succeeded in persuading the government to ban cigarettes adventising on television
26.What does ASH stand for ?
27.What is the purpose of ASH ?
28.What particular things does it do ?

29.What has it done so far ?
30.What does the word ‘habit’ (to in dam) in this passage refer to ?
Passage 3:
The city with the highest temperature yesterday was Singapore. At noon the temperature in
Singapore was 33
C and at midnight the temperature there was 25
C. Tokyo had the second highest
temperature. It was only 2
C lower than in Singapore at noon. The temperature in Rome at noon was
C, the same as in New York, one degree higher than that in Athens and Hongkong. The
temperature at midnight in Paris was only 14
C. Stockholm’s temperature at midnight, was the same
as the temperature at midnight in Paris, but its noon temperature was 24
C. The coolest city was
London with a temperature of only 22
C at noon and 13
C at midnight.
The five cities with the highest temperature had a lot of sunshine throughout the day. Although it

was cloudy in Athens and Paris, it didn’t rain. It was also cloudy and dry in Stockholm, but its
rained heavily in both London and Hongkong.
31.What’s the highest temperature in Singapore ?
32.What city had got the same temperature as in New York ?
33.What city was the coolest city on that day ?
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34.Where didn’t it rain ?
35.Where does the passage come from ?
Passage 4:
I’m a nurse and don’t carn very much money at all. In fact, I have a lot of difficulty in just
making ends meet as we say. But I like being a nurse. I suppose it’s because I enjoy helping people.
Being a nurse it is hard work. It means working all sorts of hours. And it isn’t very pleasant
sometimes. There are all sorts of things I don’t enjoy. For example I don’t enjoy seeing people in
pain. Working ten hours a day and more in a hospital isn’t much fun, but at least you know you’re
doing something worthwhile
36. Can she make ends meet from her job?
37. Does she like her job as a nurse? Why?
38. Why does she think that her job is hasd work
39. What does not she like or enjoy?
40. How many hours does she have to work in her hospital a day?

Section C: In this section you must fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with
one suitable word.
Watching TV and going for a walk (41) ........................................................ the most popular leisure
activities in Britain, but although longer holidays and shorter (42) ........................................................hours,
have given people more free (43) ........................................................ . Women generally have less free time
(44) ........................................................ men, because they spend time (45) ........................................................ domestic
work, shopping and child care
(46) ........................................................survey showed that men were (47) ........................................................ to read
newspapers than women, while (48) ........................................................ slightly higher proportion of adults read
(49)........................................................newspapers than read daily morning national (50)........................................................
Part two: Writing
Section A: Guided sentence Building
Make all changes and additions necessary to prodecs sentences from the following sets of words and
§Ò 02- Page 4
Example: I / hope / you / my letter / before now
Answer: I was hoping you should have replied to my letter before now
51. I / be very delighted / get / your letter
52. I / did not know/ you / had arrive back / United States
53. / you / have / good time / London?
54. I / bo looking / forward / to hearing / all / about
55. Thank you / for inviting / me/ dinner / next / weekend
56. I / be afraid / I / shall not / able / come / Sundays
57. But / I / will not / free / following weekend

58. Why / don’t / you call / me / in / next few days ?
59. We / must / see / each other / soon / possible
60. I / look forward / see / you
Section B: Sentence Transfomation.
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printer before it.
Example: They serviced my car last week.
Answer: I had my car serviced last week
61. If you don’t start at once you’ll be late.
62. Hanoi has a lot of interesting places
There are.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
63. My brother is taller than me
64. Do you like that film ? Nancy asked me
Nancy asked if.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
65. The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it
The water was not...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
66. I advised you to put your money in the bank
Đề 02- Page 5
67.He prefers playing football to tennis
Hed rather................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
68.He has also been collecting stamps for five years
He also started........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
69.How long is it since he bought the house ?

70.He couldnt repair his broken vase
Section C: English translation
a.Vietnamese - English translation:
71.Chỉ có 3% nớc trên thế giới là nớc ngọt
72.Anh ấy không thể giải quyết đợc vấn đề này và các bạn anh ấy cũng thế
73.Khi nghe thấy tiếng ồn ào tôi vội chạy ra ngoài để xem điều gì đang xảy ra
74.Vì không có lý do gì để chờ đợi nên họ đã đi
75.Bạn đã đọc tin về trận động đất ở ý cha ?
b.English- Vietnamese translation:
76.In 1785 the Congress of the United States chose the dollar as the unit of currency
77.The size of the audience as we expected was well over twenty thousand
78.The earth has a tremendous amount of water but almost all of it is in the oceans
79.I argely through the work of the World Health Organization most developed countries have
eardicated malaria or brought under control
80.They made themselves understood by using sign language

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