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Planning of date: 12 / 08/ 2011 Teaching of date : 15/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
16/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Period 1 REVIEW
I, Phát âm những âm tận cùng là -s/-es = /s, z, iz/
Phát âm những từ tận cùng là -s ta phải dựa vào âm cuối cùng của động từ hoặc
danh từ trớc khi thêm _s hoặc _es.
Nguyên tắc:
1. -s> Tổng quát: Sau 5 âm là / p, t , k, f , / tận cùng là _s hay _es đều đọc là /s/
VD: stops = stop + /s/
works = work + /s/
laughs, thinks, stops, wants, roofs, rocks, coughs, physics, paragraphs,
2. -s> Ngoài 11 âm trên, các nguyên âm là /a, e, i, o, u / và các phụ âm /m, n, l, w, y,
r, j, ng, v, b, g, d/ nguyên âm + w/r/v / (âm hữu thanh): Khi phát âm -s thành /z/
VD: calls = call + /z/
plays = play + /z/
robs, adds, fills, runs, rings, draws, stirs, loves, lives, logs, trains, beds, wives,
3. -s> Tổng quát: Sau 6 âm là /s, x, z, , , t, d/ tận cùng là _s hay _es đều đọc
là /iz/
Eg: watches [wtiz], judges ['ddiz], wishes [wiiz] , voices [visiz],
* Danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng /ch, sh, s, xe /

Số nhiều thêm _es khi phát âm
thành /iz/
Eg: misses = miss + /iz/
watches = watch + /iz/
pushes = push + /iz/
classes, boxes, breezes, churches, , ,
* Danh từ số ít tận cùng bằng /ce, se, ge /

Số nhiều chỉ thêm _s khi phát âm

thành /iz/
Eg: sentence
house houses
rose roses
page pages
II, Phát âm những âm tận cùng là -ed = /t, d, id/
Phát âm những từ tận cùng là -ed ta phải dựa vào âm cuối cùng của động từ trớc khi
thêm -ed.
Nguyên tắc:
1. -ed> Sau 6 âm là / p, k, f, s, , t, hay sau chữ (p), (f, ph, gh), (s, x, ce), (sh), (ch),
(k) thì phát âm -ed thành /t/
VD: stopped = stop + /t/
worked = work + /t/
finishes, looked, pushed, laughed, photographed, liked, mixed, voiced, missed,
2. -ed> âm cuối là /t, d/ : Khi phát âm -ed thành /id/
VD: wanted = want + /id/
needed = need + /id/
needed, decided, wanted, invited,
* Ngoại lệ: aged, learned, legged, dogged, beloved, wicked, blessed, crooked, naked,
ragged, rugged, scared, wretched /_ed/ đọc là /_id/
3. -ed> âm cuối là m, n, l, w, y, r, j, ng, v, b, g, nguyên âm + w/ r/ v (âm hữu
thanh): Khi phát âm -ed thành /d/
VD: called = call + /d/
played = play + /d/
grabbed, learned, studied,
1. Definition.
- Câu hỏi đuôi là loại câu hỏi luôn gồm 2 vế : vế trần thuật ( Statement ) và
vế câu hỏi ( Question - Tag ).

- Câu hỏi đuôi thờng đợc dùng để khẳng định hoặc tìm sự đồng tình về
vấn đề nào đó.
2. Classification of tag questions
- Có 2 loại câu hỏi đuôi.
+ Loại 1: Nếu vế trần thuật là câu khẳng định thì vế câu hỏi là nghi vấn
phủ định ( dạng tắt )
Ex: They have been to Paris, havent they ?
You like listening to music, dont you ?
He left early, didnt he ?
+ Loại 2: Nếu vế trần thuật là câu phủ định thì vế câu hỏi là nghi vấn
khẳng định.
Ex: You cant swim, can you ?
They didnt come to school yesterday, did they ?
He shouldnt smoke , should he ?
3. Notes
Chủ ngữ của vế câu hỏi đuôi luôn phải là một đại từ nhân xng
( I / you / we / they / he / she / it )
Ex: That pen is very expensive, isnt it ?
Your father often goes to work by bus, doesnt he ?
Chủ ngữ của vế trần thuật là Lets + V thì vế câu hỏi là shall we .
Ex: Lets go out for dinner , shall we ?
Chủ ngữ của vế trần thuật là I am thì vế câu hỏi là arent I .
Ex: I am a teacher, arent I ?
Chủ ngữ của vế trần thuật là Nothingthì chủ ngữ của vế câu hỏi là it
Ex: Nothing is wrong, is it ?
Chủ ngữ của vế trần thuật là Noone / Someone / Everybody thì chủ
ngữ của vế câu hỏi là they
Ex: Nobody has been told, have they ?
Everyone is ready to leave now, arent they ?
Nếu vế trần thuật có chứa từ phủ định nh : never / rarely/ seldom / hardly

thì vế câu hỏi luôn phải là nghi vấn khẳng định.
Ex: You never work on Sundays, do you ?
Nếu vế trần thuật là câu mệnh lệnh thì vế câu hỏi là will you .
Ex: Dont talk in class, will you ?
Listen to the teacher, will you ?
III. Phõn bit cỏch dựng gia 2 thi
Present perfect Present perfect progressive
Hnh ng chm dt hin ti, do
ú cú kt qu rừ rt.
Vớ d:
I have waited for you for half an
hour (now I stop waiting)
Hnh ng vn tip tc tip din
hin ti do vy khụng cú kt qu rừ
Vớ d:
I have been waiting for you for half
an hour.
(and continue waiting hoping that
you will come)
Planning of date:14 / 08/ 2011 Teaching of date : 16/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
17/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Period 2
The first term of grade 12
I.PHONETICS: Choose one word whose the underlined part is pronouned
1 A. wanted B. worked C. cheated D. greeted
2 A. developed B. delivered C. talked D. washed
3 A. remembered B. received C. dismissed D. called
4 A. asked B. helped C. kissed D. wanted

II. GRAMMAR AND COVABULARY :Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to
complete the sentences.
5.He seldom goes to the market,………………?
A. doesn’t he B.does he C.is he D.isn’t he
6. You don’t want another ice cream,………….?
A.won’t you B.don’t you C.do you D. aren’t you
7. Tom …………buy a new house last month.
A.were able to B. was able to C.did be able to D. is able to
8. My grandfarther…………walk without any help last night.
A. was able B.can C.were able to D.was able to
9. I would like to …… play the piano.
A. can B. could C.am able to D.be able to
10. The children won’t want to go to bed early,…………?
A. do they B. does he C. will they D. won’t he
11.Did you see that fascinating wildlife programme …………television last night?
A. on B at C.in D. by
12.Neither or nor him …………singing in front of the crowd.
A. likes B.like C.don’t like D. doesn’t like
13. His letter is full …………interesting news.
A.on B.of C.about D. with
14. The Earth travels all the way around the sun once every year .This Journey is
called the Earth’s………….
A. atmosphere B.gravity C.orbit D.outer space
15.The earth is one of nice……… in our solar system.
A.planet B. stars C. planets D.galaxy
16.Gagari had a succesful historic…………intospace, which made him a hero.
A. discovery B. fly C.flight D.fall
17.People made space …………… a long time ago
A. conquest B. conquer C. request D. require
18.You are one of the best tennis players ……… I’ve ever known.

A. who B. that C.whom D.whose
19.Many people were thought………… in that earthquake.
A. tobe killed B.that they killed C. to kill D.that they were
20.People…………… that the superman would return to save their lives.
A. were believed B. believed C. beileve D. had beileved
21. The teacher next door are said ……… children foreign languages without tuition
A. tobe taught B. that they teach C. to teach D.they are
22. Many people ………… thought to have been killed in the accident
A. was B.are C. were D. is
23. He………….to be verry rich.
A. is know B. is knew C. is known D.is knowned
24. The factories ………….to be much worse.
A. is said B. was said C. are said D. were said
25. The movie was about a…………of the world.
A. tomb B. chamber C. ramb D.wonder

Planning of date:15 / 08/ 2012 Teaching of date : 20/08/ 2012 Class 12B5
18/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Unit 1: Home life
Period 3 Reading
I. Objectives:
1. Skills: Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students read and guess the meaning of new words from
the con text.

+ Read the passage and complete the tasks of the lesson.
- Language: Students could understand and use new words after reading
- New words: Words related to home life
3. Educational aim: Students should know about International Red Cross
II.Teaching aids:
1. Pupils: Text and note book, prepare some pictures in the textbook.
2. Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, and handout.
III . Procedure
1.Oral test: It will be done during the lesson.
2. New lesson:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- Ask students look at the picture
and ask some questions
- Let students understand more
about , house hold chores and
family life, today we learn Unit 1-
part A: Reading
Before you read :
Ask students to work groups to ask
and answer about the pictures
- Hang on the blackboard the table
of questions. Ask students to work
in pairs looking at the pictures to
ask and answer them.
1. Where is the family?
2. What is each member of the
family doing?

3Is the family happy?Why (not) ?
- Introduce the situation of the
- Read the context once to the class.
- Show students some new words:
+ to be caring
+ to be willing
to do st
+ to be close -knit
+ to bemischievous
- Help students to summary the
main ideas of the context .
* The first paragraph: the writer
says about the parents’ jobs and the
people in her family.
* The second paragraph :The writer
says about the activities of her
parents every day.
* The third paragraph: The writer
says about her younger brothers and
her herself.
* The writer says about the
happiness in her family.
- Open the book
- Listen to the teacher
- Look at the picture and answer
- Listen to the teacher and open the
book – Unit 1, part A: reading
- Work in groups to discuss about the

- Work in groups to ask and answer
the questions give by the teacher.
- Stand up to answer in front of the
P1: Thefamily is at home.
P2: The father is playing games with
his son and the mother is helping her
daughter do homework.
P3: Yes, it is.because they look warm
and close –knit.
- Look at the book and listen to the
- Listen
- Note down
- Work in groups and try to repeat
the main ideas in each paragraph.
-Practise speaking their ideas freely.
Listen to the teacher
- Ask students to think of their
thoughts about a happy family.
- Introduce the situation of the
While you read :
- Ask students to look through the
passage and read in silence
- Help students read the passage
- Explain pronunciation and meaning
of new words which appear in the

+ Task 1:
- Ask students to work in groups to
read the sentences in the task and
then choose the sentence A,B or C
that is nearest in meaning to the
sentence given.
- Read all the sentences which they
have chosen loudly to the class
Teach some new words: close –knit
(a), mischievous (a),
- Ask students to work in groups to
do the task.
- Call on some students to read the
- Common in whole class
+ Task 2:
- Divide the whole answers class
into 6 groups of 8 students .
1,How busy are the parents in the
2,How caring is the mother ?
3,How do the father and the
daughter share the household chore
4,What is the daughter attempting
to do after secondary school?
5,Why do the children feel they are
safe and secure in their family ?
- Ask students to read the questions

- Work in groups , read the sentences
- Listen to the teacher and read up the
sentences aloud .
- Note down the new words.
- Read up.
- Work in groups to do the task
- Read the passage
- Work in groups to find the sum up
of the passage
- Present the answers in front of the
- Commend
- Note down the reason of the choice
- Work in groups to ask and answer
the questions using the information
from the passage
- Some students answer the questions
in front of the class
carefully and discuss the answers
- Help students to find the
paragraph which contain the
information for the answers
- Call the leader of each group to
answer the questions
- Ask the whole class to commend
- Feedback and give the correct
answers and give point.
After you read :

- Ask the whole class to discuss
about a happy family.
- Call some students to say about
their thinking of a happy family
Listen and take notes
- Do the home work and prepare for
the next lesson.

3.Sumarise: 1’
Which mainly skill is used in this period?
4.Home work: 2’
a. Old lesson: Write a short paragraph about your family
Read the text again and learn by heart all the newwords
b. New lesson: Prepare the next period: Speaking
Planning of date:20 / 08 / 2011 Teaching of date : 22/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
23/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Unit 1: Home life
Period 4 Speaking
I. Objectives:
1. Skills: talking about Home life and their activities in the family
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: By the end of the lesson students can practise a dialogue about
a happy family
- Language: asking for and giving information from a passage
- New words: words related to the topic
3. Educational aim: Students can talk about their family and other families
+ Students can ask and answer about household chores and family
+ Students discuss their ideas about the true of a happy family
II.Teaching aids:
1.Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, handouts

2.Pupil: Text book and note book, preparation words at home.
III . Procedure
1 . Oral test: It will be done during the lesson
2 . New lesson:
Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
7 Warm-up:
-Asks the ss to listen and answer the
following questions.
? who does the household chores in your
-listen to the teacher and answer
the questions.
> all the members of my family
? what is your responsibility in your

? Who is the person you often share your
secrets with?
Task 1 Let students read the following
sentences and choose which apply to
them or their family.

- Ask students to work in groups to
speak the sentences
1, In my family ,only my father works.
2,Member of my family share the
household chores .
3,My responsibility in the family is to

wash the dishes.
4, In my family, the interest we share
closely is watching football.
5,I often share my personal secrets with
my father.
6, I always talk to my parent before
making an important decision.
- Go around and listen to the students –
Give more suggestions if they need
Task 2 - Work in pairs .
-Let students ask and answer the
questions about their family.
- Listen and give the ideas to each pair.

do the household chores.
> my responsibility in my family
is to clean the house.
> I often share my secrets with
my father
/my mother,…
- listen and write down.
+ work(v):
+ share(v):
+ share household chors:
An interest (closely):
Personal secrets:
- repeat in chorus the words and
phrases several times .
- work individually and do the

- give the answers individually in
front of the class.
- use the answers in tast 1 and
talk about the family.
*the students’answers:
+ in my family, both my father
and my mother work. all the
members of my family share the
household chores,I often share
my secrets with my father and I
always talk to my parents before
making an important decision.
- listen and write down
- work in pairs
- practise in pairs .
A:( secrets)
b: who is the person you often
share your secrets with?
a:what is your responsibility in
the family? ( the interest)
Task 3:Work with a different partner.
- Ask students to use the questions they
have form to ask about her/his family.
- Listen to the students and give
Task 4
- Let the students practise speaking

freely about their family.
-Go around to listen and give remarks .
- Ask some students to stand up and tell
- Listen and correct mistakes
B:what is the interest the family
members share closely? (talk)
A:who is the person you talk to
before making an important
- look at the handout on the
-work in pairs
- note down the answers in the
Who works in your
Who does the household
your friend’s
responsibility in the
The interest the family
members share closely?

The person your friend
often shares his/her
secrets with.
The person your friend
talks to before making
an important decision
listen and check
- work in pairs.
- talk infront of the class.
- I talk to mai.both her parents
work.but only her mother does
the household chores.mai’s
responsibility in her family is
studying.she usaully shares her
interest with her sister.and mai
often shares her secrets with her
mother.she often talks to her
parents before making an
important decision
- listen and check if it is
- the speaking skill
3.Sumarise: 1
Which mainly skill is used in this period?
4.Homework: 2’
a. Old lesson: Write a short paragraph talking about your friend’s family(60 words)

learn by heart all the newwords
bNew lesson: Prepare the next period: listening
Planning of date:20 / 08 / 2011 Teaching of date : 23/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
24/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Unit 1: Home life
Period 5 Listening
I. Objectives:
1. Skills: - Listening and comprehension questions
- Listening and deciding on True or False statements or no information
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Students learn more about a happy family
- New words: Words related to family
3. Educational aim: Students can listen to get information to decide True or False
+ Students can improve their ability of listening to write down the main ideals of the
II. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher: Text book, Lesson plan, handout ,teacher’s book, cassette tapes.
2. Pupil: Text and note book, preparation about new words.
1. Oral test:
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Time
- Ask students to close the books
- Give some pictures and answer some
1,Who are they?
2 ,What are the relationship among them ?
- Check some students and mark
- Close the books

- Listen to the teacher
- Work in groups and look at the
picture and answer
- If you want to know more details about
them we will go to Unit 1- part Listening
- Introduce the topic of the listening: In this
you will listen to people talk about their
friends. But now please talk about your
family first.
- Ask students to read all the words given
carefully and show the difficult words or
- Explain the words and structures to the
-reseved :
- leftover :
- spread out :
* Before you listen :
- Ask students to look at the picture and
say : +What are they doing ?
+How many people are there in the
family ?
Task 1
- Introduction: you are going to listen to
Paul and Andrea talk about their family.
Ask students to read the sentences carefully
first to get the True or False.

- Ask students to get the difficult words.
- Read the tape-script loudly to the class.
- Ask students to decide the answers .

- Listen and remark.
- Ask students the question :
- Why do you think it is true / false ?
- Help them if necessary
Task 2
- Ask students to look through the sentences
in task 2
- Ask students to listen again and note down
- Listen to the teacher and open
- 0ne or two students talk about
their family.
- Read the new words.
- Listen and note down
- Work in pairs to ask and
+ P : -They are having a party.
- There are 9 people in
the family
- Keep book open
- Listen to the teacher
- Read the sentence carefully to
get the True or False statements.
- Ask for the difficult ones.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Speak out the sentences

PS :
1, It is false
2, It is false
3, It is false
4, It is true
5, It is true
- Listen and work in pairs to
two things that are different about Paul’s and
Andrea’s families.
- Ask students to open the books
- Ask them to discuss the importance of
family in a person’s life
- Let them work in pairs
- Walk round and help students
- Ask some students to stand up and go to
board and write
- Listen and correct mistakes
speak out some information they
have heard from the tape.
-Discuss and find out the
the importance of family in a
person’s life
- The students who are called go
to board and write down your

3.Sumarise: 1’
Which mainly skill is used in this period?
4.Homework: 3’
1. Old lesson: Write a short paragraph talking about your mother(50 words)
learn by heart all the newwords
2. New lesson: Prepare the next period: writing
Planning of date:25/08/2011 Teaching of date : 27/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
27/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Unit 1: Home life
Period 6 Writing
I. Objectives:
1. Skills: Writing a narrative
2. General knowledge: Students learn how to write a description , stages of a
- Language:
- New words: Words related to the topic
3. Educational aim: Students can write a paragraph about family rules depending the
given prompts
II. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher: Textbook, Lesson plan, handouts.
2. Pupil: Text and Note book, Read the request before.
III. Procedure:
1 . Oral test:
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Time
- Arranges the ss to work in 6 groups.
- Asks the ss to think of one thing they are
allowed / not allowed /or have to do at the

school and write it on the slip of paper.
- Hangs the handout that tells the ss that they
have to use the following phases:
+ we aren’t allowed to …
+ … isn’t allowed./……… is required.
+ they won’t let us…
+ we have to……
* Example:
+ we are not allowed to ride motorcycles to
+ they won’t let us to smoke.
+ we all have to show respect to teacher.
+ we aren’t allowed to swear/fight/cheat in
the exam.
- Representatives from the groups take turns
to act out the meanings with gesture and
expressions ( without speaking and
writing).Asks the others in the class guess
what they are trying to communicate.
- each correct answer gets one point.
- the group guessing the most phraes or
sentences in the shortestrest time is the
winner of the game.
- most schools have their own rules and
discriplines and so do the families.
? what rules do you have in your family?
Today we will focus on writing about family
* before you write.

- put the ss into groups of four.
- in each group, each student in turn asks the
other three these questions, and put their
answers in the boxes.
- Hangs the handout and Tells the ss to put a
tick (v) for “yes” and a cross (x) for “no”.
Are you allowed
- work in 6 groups.
- write it on the slip of paper.
- Use the phrases given and
writing it on the slip.
- take turns to act out the
meanings with gesture and
- guess what they are trying to
- guessing
- Listen to the teacher
- work in groups of four.
- ask the other three these
questions, and put their answers in

the boxes.
- put a tick (v) for “yes” and a
Stay in bed late at
Come home late at
Watch TV after ten
Have a pet?
Wear whatever
clothes you want?
Do household
Invite your friends to
your house without
asking your parents?
- When the ss have finished, Asks them to
write about the results, using the phrases like
* All of us have to… (share household
* three of us are allowed to… (stay in bed
late at the weekend…)
* One of us is not allowed to…(have pets )
* None of us is allowed to …(have

- Invites some groups to report the results of
their to the class.
Variations:(for advanced students)
- Asks the ss to discuss the following
questions in small groups.
1. Were your parents strict with you when
you were younger?
2 What rules did you have about:
+ homework?
+ household choress?
+ television and music?
+ clothses.jewellery and hairstyles?
+ bedtime/staying out late?
3. What happened if you broke the rule?
* while you write.
- tells each student to write a letter to a pen
cross (x) for “no”.
Are you allowed
Stay in bed late at
Come home late at

Watch TV after ten
Have a pet? V V V
Wear whatever
clothes you want?
Do household
Invite your friends to
your house without
asking your parents?
- write about the results, using the
- report the results of their to the
- discuss the questions in small
pal about family rules, beginning as the
Every family has its own rules. Mine has a
few. First,….

- Goes around to control and give help if
-When the ss finished, collect ss’ writing.
* suggested writing.
Every family has its own rules. Mine has a
few .
My younger brother and I always have to
listen my parents’ advice and help around
the house. As the eldest child in my family
after school, I have to make time to help my
mother with housework and my brother with
homework while my brother is responsible
for cleaning the house. My parents are very
strict with us in all way. we do.
They don’t allow us to dress badly and have
ridiculous hairstyles or strange friends. They
never let us talk too long with friends on the
phone or watch too much TV. We are
allowed to go out with friends only on some
special occasions. None of us is allowed to
go out at night.
Sometimes we feel unpleasant with the rules
but we know we must stick to them to make
our parents happy.
* After you write
- Asks one or two ss to write their writing on
the board.
- tells the class to read together and corect
the mistakes.
- Gives feedback and comments.

- students’ answers
- write a letter to a pen pal about
family rules
- Write individually.
- Listen and check
write the writing on the board.
- read together and corect the
- listen and correct if necessary
- Writing skill
3 Sumarise:1’
Which mainly skill is used in this period?
4 Homework: 4’
a. Old lesson: There is one mistake in each of the following sentences, read
and correct its.
a. All of us has to share household chores.
b. three of us is allowed to stay in bed late at the weekend.
c. One of us is not allow to have pets.
d. None of us are allowed to have boyfriends/girlfriends.
learn by heart all the structures and make the sentences with
b. New lesson: Prepare the next period: language focus
Planning of date:25/08/2011 Teaching of date : 29/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
29/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Unit 1: Home life
Period 7 Language Focus
I. Objectives:

2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge:+ Students have to remind of tense :past simple, past progressive
and present perfect.
+ Students have to do some exercises of tense
- New words: Words related to topic
3. Skills: Intonation and phrasal verbs
3. Educational aim: Pupils can pronounce the endings /s/ ,/z/
II. Teaching aids:
1. Teacher: Lesson plan, Text book, pictures, handouts, coins,small pieces of
2. Pupil: Text and note book, preparation at home with the tenses
III. Procedure :
* Organization: Ask the monitor about the total
1.Oral test:
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Time
1. pronunciation
+ game : Sound discrimination
- Divides the class in to two groups.
- sticks 10 pictures on the board and tell
the groups to name the pictures.
- Asks each group to arrange the words in
to two groups according to the
pronunciation of the –s ending sound,
then write the results on the board.
- The groups with more correct answers
Expected answers:
+ Elephants + Woods

+ Books + Shoes
+ Lamps + Handbags
+ Months + Peas
+ Speaks + Ties
- Elicits the spelling rules from the ss:
? Why do we have to add –s or –es?
- Asks one or two ss to give the comments.
- Gives feedback and comments.
(a).We pronunce the –es ending suond/
iz / when the words ends with :
/ …ces / ; / …ses / ; /…ches / ; /…
shes / ; /…zes / or /…zes/
? can you give some examples?
(b). We pronunce the –s ending suond/ s /
- Work in gruops of two.
- Look at the pictures and name the
- arrange the words in to two groups
according to the pronunciation of
the –s ending sound, then write the
results on the board.
- correct answers and finding the
winning group.
- Answer the question
* We add-s or –es to a nuon to
make it a plural one. It is
pronunced / z / , / s / or / iz /
A bird > birds a hat > hats

A bus > buses a potato >
* We add –s / -es to make the
third person singular present. It
is the same.
To pass > passes to go > goes
when the words ends with :
/ p /; / t /; / k /; / f /; / h /.
- Asks th ss to give some examples.
(c). We pronunce the –s ending suond/ z /
when the words ends with all the suonds
except those in (a) and (b):
/ b /;/ d /; / m /; / n /; / l /; / g / and efter all
the vowels.
- Asks th ss to give some examples.
- Reads the words and asks the ss to
- Asks the ss to work in pairs and practise
reading the sentences on( page 18).
- Calls on some ss to read the sentences
- Makes some correction if necessary
2. Grammar: Present perfect and simple
* Presentation
- Shows the ss a picture and asks the

question to elicit the answers from the ss.
before Now
The shoes were dirty They are clean
? How did the shoes look a few minutes
? Look at them now? – They are clean.
Why is that?
- Asks the ss what tense is use in the
- Elicits the differences between the past
simple and the past perfect tense from the
The present perfect tense
- Asks the ss to write abuot the form.
To do > does to speak >
- give the comments
- Listen and write down
Examples: dances; misses; watches;
rushes; freezes; relaxes.
Examples: tops; meets; talks; roofs;
Examples: rubs; friends; swims;
learns; feels; rings
Bribes; knives; agrees; tries; stays.
- Listen and repeat
- work in pairs and practise reading
the sentences on( page 18).
- read the sentences aloud.

- Listen and check
- Look at the picture and answer the
+ They were very dirty / They look
b.The uses:
- Asks the ss to repeat about the uses of the
present perfect tense.
- Gives feedback and comments.
* The present perfect relate past time to
present tense. It has three main uses
+ To express unfinished past
EX1: I’ ve lived here for five years.
+ To express an experience that happened
sometimes in your life. It is the experience
that is important,not when it happened.
EX2: I have been to Australia.I went three
years ago.
+ To express the present importance of a
past event, usually a recent event.it is often
used when giving news.
EX3: I have lost my credit card. Haveyou
seen it?
The past simple tense.
- Asks the ss to write abuot the form.
b.The uses:
- Asks the ss to repeat about the uses of the
past simple tense.
- Gives feedback and comments.

+ The simple past refers to definite time in
the past. We can use simple past if the
context is in the past.
EX1:I saw her this morning.( = now it is
evening, the morning is finished).
EX2: He was in prison for 25 years (= the
context is a story in the past).
* practice
+ Activity 1:Choosing the right tense
(Exrecise 1 page18).
- Asks the ss to do the task individually.
- Go around to give the help if necessary.
- Calls on some ss to give the answers
+ They are clean because He has
just cleaned them.
- We use the past simple and the
past perfect tense.
a. form:
(+) S+have/has+PP+O/C/Adv
(-) S+ haven't/hasn't+PP+O/C/Adv
(?) Have/Has+S+PP+O/C/Adv?
Yes, S + have/has
No, S + haven’t/
- repeat about the uses of the
present perfect tense.
- listen and write dow
. Form:
S+didn't + V inf + O/C/Adv

Did + S + V inf + O/C/Adv?
Yes, S + did
No, S + didn’t
- repeat about the uses of the
present perfect tense
- do the task individually.
- give the answers
1. Have you seen 2. Has writen
3. Has asked 4. Did you
give- saw
5. Didn’t listen 6. Have you
two met
7. Did you meet
- Give the comments
- Calls on some ss to give the comments
- Gives feedback and comments.
+ Activity 2: Multiple choise ( Exercise 2
page 19).
- Asks the ss to work in pairs.
- Asks the ss to do the task.
- Goes over the answers with the whole
- Calls on some ss to give an other answers
if they have
- Gives feedback and comments.
- Listen and check if necessary
- Work in pairs
- Give the answers.
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5B
6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C

11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.B
- give an other answers if they have
- Listen and check if necessary.
- Pronunciation the sounds:
- The present perfect tense and past
perfect tense
3 Summarise:1’
? which is the main knowlegde in this period?
4.Home work: 2
a.Old lesson: Learn by heart the pronunciation of the - s ending sound
Learn by heart the forms and the uses of the present perfect and past
simple tense
b. New lesson: Prepare unit 2: L1: Reading with new words
Planning of date:25/08/2011 Teaching of date : 29/08/ 2011 Class 12B5
30/ 08/ 2011 Class 12B4
Unit 2: Cultural diversity
Period 8 Reading

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