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I. Complete the second sentence, beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same.
1. When you phoned me, it was my lunch time.
When you phoned me, I______________________________________
2. I started working for the company three years ago.
I’ve _________________________________________________
3. David went home before we arrived.
When we ____________________________________________
4. I’ve only recently started wearing glasses.
I didn’t _______________________________________________
5. During my dinner, the phone rang.
While _______________________________________________
6. I started this job five years ago.
I have ________________________________________
7. I haven’t been to the cinema for two years.
The last time ____________________________________
8. How long have Nam and Lan been married?
When did Nam ______________________________________________
9. My responsibility is to take out the garbage every day.
I am ___________________________________________________
10. We have the same interest in watching football.
The interest ___________________________________________
11. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music before he was 35.
By the age ______________________________________________
12. My wait for a bus has lasted 30 minutes so far.
I _____________________________________________________
13. I haven’t gone to the concert for ages.
It’s _____________________________________________________
14. I have never stayed in such an expensive hotel before.
This is ____________________________________________________

15. In the middle of our sleep, there was a knock at the door.
When ___________________________________________________
II. Write meaningful sentences, using the cues in order to make a complete paragraph.
many modern countries / people /think/ a / family / mother/ father / children./ But/ this / not / only /
kind / family group./ In / parts / world / family group / have / many / other members./ This kind /
large / family / called / “extended family” / “joint family”./ Joint family/ include / all living relatives /
on / either / mother’s / or / father’s side / the family./ It / be / make up / grandparents / parents /
brothers / sisters / uncles / aunts / cousins./ They / live / together / large house / huts / built / close
I. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given in brackets.
1. Do some revision and then I’ll give you a test. until
I won’t give ……………………………………………………
2. Our tennis match started atone o’clock and we were still playing at four. been
At four o’clock, we ……………………………………………… three hours.
3. In the past people wouldn’t go as far away on holiday as they do today. use
In the past, people …………………………………………… as far away on holiday as they
do today.
4. This is my first experience of flying alone. time
It is the first …………………………………………………………………….
5. I’ll send out all the invitations before lunchtime. have
By lunchtime, ……………………………………………… all the invitations.
6. I haven’t been to the cinema for two months.
The last time ……………………………………………………………………… .
7. Our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is at the end of next year.
By the end of next year we…………………………………………………………
8. I’ve only recently started wearing glasses.
I didn’t ………………………………………………………………………………
9. I haven’t had a Chinese meal for ages.
It’s ages……………………………………………………………………………

10. How long have Helen and Robert been married?
When …………………………………………………………………………………
I. Complete the second sentence using the correct form of Reported speech.
1. “I left my umbrella here two days ago.”
Susan told them .
2. “Why did you apply for this job? ” asked the sales manager .
The sales manager asked me .
3. “Are you taking much money with you to France?”
My bank manager wanted to know .
4. “When will I know the results of the examination.”
Maria asked the examiner .
5. “I’m not going to do anything this weekend,” said Christine.
Christine said that she .
6. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” George said to me.
George said to me that .
7. “I’ve been working very hard today,” said Alison.
Alison said that .
8. “What time did you get home last night?”
My parents asked me .
9. “The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week. “
Brian said .
“Please don’t smoke in the house,” she said to us.
She asked us .
II. Use the words to make sentences. Change the forms of the verbs if necessary:
1. an important part/ thank people / be / of every culture.

2. for many things, / include information, / invitations and compliments / we thank people

3. express / ways / our / we / gratitude / in many.

4. for something / after you be thanked, the common / most / response / be / "You're welcome".

5. other ways / there be / respond / too, but / they / be not mention / here.

Exercise 1. Use the words and expressions below to make complete and meaningful sentences.
Changes and addition are required, but no omission is allowed.
1. education system/ Vietnam/ divide/ 3 levels/ primary/ lower secondary/ upper secondary

2. Primary / lower secondary education / compulsory / Vietnam.

3. Children start / go / primary school / age / six / after five years / move /lower secondary
school / stay / four years

4. When / finish / lower secondary school / have / take an examination / go to upper secondary
school / three years.

5. school curriculum / made up / than 12 different subjects.

6. school year/ Vietnam/ 9 months/ September/ May/ divide/ 2 terms.

7. national curriculum/ set / MOET/ follow / schools / throughout country

8. national graduation examination/ upper-secondary students/ organise/ June/ every year

Exercise 2. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1. Payment must be made at the time of booking.
You must ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. They say the actor's wife has had two operations.
The actor's wife …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. They began to abolish the Intermediate Graduation Examination for lower secondary school
students in 2006.
The Intermediate Graduation
4. It is considered that he is a very strict teacher.
5. This is a non-smoking area.
You are………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Primary education used to be taught by the village school master whose home was served as the
village school.
The village school master………………………………………
7. It’s time people did something about reforming education
It’s time ………………………………………………………………………………………
8. People are holding evening classes to raise literacy rate among older people.
Evening classes………………………………………………………………………………
9. When we arrived, they were cleaning the classroom.
The classroom………………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Nobody knows what is happening to that boy.
What ………………………………………………………………………………………………
I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. I didn’t have an umbrella with me so I got wet.
I wouldn’t
2. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone!

3. In the snowy weather we don’t go to school.
4. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
5. You drink too much coffee, that’s why you can’t sleep.
If you
6. You press the button to stop the machine.
7. Make me some coffee, and I give you one of my biscuits.
8. If you hadn’t told me about Sue’s hair, I wouldn’t have noticed.
9. If you see Peter, tell him he should be here at 8.00.
If you should
10. I wouldn’t accept if you asked me to marry you!
If you were

Writing a letter of request

Dear Sir / madam,
1. I / write /in reference / information / one / universities / England.

2. I / now/ final year / high school/ and /finish / secondary education / 5 months.

3. I / like / applicant / undergraduate course / Business management / Sunderland University.

4. you / please / send / information / admission requirements / tuition fees/ accommodation there.

5. I / would / happy / supply/ any information / myself / my English proficiency/ record of secondary
education study / if required.

6. I / look forward /hear / you/ soon.

Faithfully yours,

I. Complete the sentences, using relative clauses.
1. Joey is talking to a woman. The woman is his aunt.
 The woman……………………………………………………………………….
2. They took me on a tour. It was very boring.
 The tour……………………………………………………………………………
3. Emma had lunch with a woman. The woman was her client.
 The woman ………………………………………………………………………
4. Jenny is looking for a book. The book belongs to her mother.
 The book……………………………………………………………………………
5. Todd is playing with his toy. The toy is very expensive.
 The toy…………………………………………………………………………….
6. Oliver has gone to a meeting. The meeting is very important.
 The meeting………………………………………………………………………
7. Rachel went to the park with a girl. The girl is her best friend.
 The girl……………………………………………………………………………
8. Lydia is looking at the painting. The painting is very famous.
 The painting…………………………………………………………………………
9. This is Andrew. He is studying philosophy at Boston University.
 This is……………………………………………………………………………….
10. That’s Bob. His mom is an accountant.
 That’s ……………………………………………………………………………….
II. Make all changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and
phrases, sentences which together make a complete formal letter of job application.
Letter 1.

73 Nguyen Du
Danang, Vietnam
May 2014
Trade Company
64 Bach Dang, Danang
Dear Sir/ Madam,
1. I/ write/ apply/ position/ interpreter/ be/ advertise/ Work For Young Graduates Website/ a week
2. I/ think/ I/ meet/ all/ the qualifications/ you/ specify/ advertisement.
3. In addition/ I/ work/ a part-time interpreter/ a few times/ when/ I/ be/ student/ so/ I/ have/ some
working experiences.
4. Moreover/ I/ have/ quite good appearance/ and/ ability/ work/ hard/ long hours.
5. If/ recruit/ your company/ I/ be/ available/ work/ any time.
6. I/ look forward/ interview/ soon.
Your faithfully,
Nguyen Hieu Tri.
Letter 2.
73 Nguyen Cong Tru
Danang, Vietnam
May 2014
Export Company

64 Nguyen Hue, Danang
Dear Sir/ Madam,
1. I/ write/ reply/ advertisement/ Economic Magazine/ position/ accountant.
2. I/ think/ qualities/ skills/ definitely/ meet/ all requirements/ job/ you/ specify/ advertisement.
3. In addition/ I/ train/ accountant/ my University/ and/ I/ have/ one year/ experience/ accountant/
Trading Company.
4. Furthermore/ be recruited/ and/ work/ your prosperous company/ be/ my dream/ since/ I/ university
5. Enclosed/ be/ a copy/ my resume/ a letter/ reference.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Your faithfully,
Nguyen Minh Hieu
I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. I will begin to play golf this year.
I will take…………………………………………………………………………
2. Read the report carefully before you submit it.
3. You have to get up early tomorrow
It is necessary……………………………………………………………………
4. Things will be worse than they are nowadays. (good)
5. We will be better looked after by a modern medical system. (thanks)
6. She prided herself on her cooking. ( proud)

7. What will life be like in the future? (look)
8. Our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is at the end of next year. (married)
9. She really enjoys listening to rock music. ( interested)
10. We’ll get to the theater after the beginning of the play. (by the time)
B. Write complete sentences from the cues
1. ideal world/ be/ peaceful/ happy/ green planet/ human beings/ animals/ plants/ co-exist
2. There /be /no threat/ terrorism.
3. people/have/ well-paid jobs/ so that/ make ends meet.
4. We/ use/ modern computers/ and/ robots/ replace/ do household chores.
5. There/ be/ lots/ trees/ streets / parks/ so that/ people/ breathe/ fresh air / live/ clean environment.
6. Moreover, /people / use motorbikes / run on solar energy.
7.Last but not least, people/ live / harmony. There/ be/ no conflicts/ wars/ nations.
