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Bài tập tiếng anh lớp 11 (unit1 - 11)

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I. Dùng những từ đã cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu:
acquaintances mutual give-and-take loyal
incapable selfish friendship intimate
emotional constancy trust sympathy
1. I have a lot of ________ at work but I don't have any real friends.
2. Despite differences in background and outlook, their partnership is based on _________ respect,
trust and understanding.
3. Our relationship can not last longer because he seems to be very __________. He only thinks
about himself.
4. I met her at the school opening in 1990. We have been _________ friends since then.
5. To keep a friendship, you can not always resist on your own way - there has to be some
6. When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained _________.
7. She is a brilliant mathematician, but as a lecturer, she is totally __________.
8. What do you know about a true _________? And what does it tell you?
9. You can _______ Jack to look after the money. He's completely honest.
10. The ________ of your love for Indian food really amazes me.
11. They really want to send my warm _______ to the people who lost their relatives in the
earthquake on December 13
12. That song is so ___________. It always brings a tear to my eye.
II. Đọc đoạn văn sau và làm các bài tập theo yêu cầu:
Americans are geographically mobile and learn to develop friendship easily and quickly.
Approximately one of every five Amerian families move every year. People relocate because they
begin their new jobs, attend distant colleges, get married, have children or simply want to change their
lives. Perhaps as consequence of these, people form and end friendships quickly. Students attending
two or three universities during their undergraduate and graduate years may change their circles of

friends several times.
Relationships based on a common activity may face or end when activity ends. Students might meet
in classes and remain friends for the duration of the course and then stop seeing each other after the
final examination. The same holds true for neighbors who are the closest of friends until one moves
away. In these friendships, shared daily experiences form the foundation for the friendship. Enduring
their friendships develop when individuals have similar interests and a common outlook on life. The
high rate of mobility in the United States can explain a great deal about transient friendships.
It is easy to be misled (bị hiểu sai) by instant friendship which may appear to be deep and personal
but are really superficial (hời hợt). Friendship and friendliness are not synonymous (đồng nghĩa).
Friendliness is characterized much of American daily interaction but is not always and indication of
friendship. Strangers may share life histories without any intention of pursuing a relationship.
Characterizing instant friendship is the appearance of two people becoming close but, in reality, there
is no strong bond between them. Brief encounters do not always imply desire for further contact. Many
people frequently smile or say, "Have a nice day!" or "See you later," or even extend an invitation as
part of a cultural pattern of politeness. Such expressions do not always suggest an offer of continued
Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn trên, trả lời câu hỏi sau:
1. Why do Americans form and end friendships quickly?
-> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Why do students in the USA change their circles of friends several times?
-> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. What can explain a great deal about transient friendship in the USA?
-> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. What is friendliness characterized?
-> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Is friendliness and indication of friendship? -> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn trên, xác định các câu sau là ĐÚNG, SAI hay KHÔNG THỂ BIẾT
ĐƯỢC (Không xác định được). Nếu đúng, điền "T". Nếu sai, điền "F". Nếu không thể biết được,

điền "I" vào chỗ trống đầu mỗi câu.
6. ________ Americans are geographically mobile so they develop friendship easily and quickly.
7. ________ American families move because they change their jobs, attend distant colleges, get
married, and have children.
8. ________ Students in the United States don't like to change their friends.
9. ________ Students meet in class and become permanent friends after the course.
10. ________ Americans should form the foundation for the frienship by sharing daily experiences.
11. ________ Friendship and friendliness are characterized the same.
12. ________ Instant friendship is the close relationship between two people for a certain tie, such
as job or school.
13. ________ We must form our friendship basing on mutual trust and self-sacrifice.
14. ________ Friendliness is an indication of friendship.
15. ________ "Have a nice day!" is a good expression to start a conversation to make friends.
Infinitives: Động từ nguyên thể
Động từ nguyên thể gồm các dạng: Full infinitive ("to"-infinitive) và Bare infinitive.
I. Full infinitive ("to"-infinitive): được dùng như một danh từ, nó có các chức năng sau:
1. Chủ từ trong câu: - To find the truth is not easy
- To eat means to live.
- To see means to believe.
2. Bổ ngữ của câu: - My plan is to start my business.
- To know her is to like her.
- His pleasure is to have a ride around the city.
3. Tân ngữ của động từ: - He decided to write to Annie.
- I hope to get her reply soon.
Khi "Full infinitive" được dùng như một trạng từ, nó có các chức năng sau:
- Bổ nghĩa cho động từ:
+ Chỉ mục đích: * We went to the library to borrow some English books.
* I study to find a better job in the future.
+ Chỉ nguyên nhân: * We laughed to hear you told that story.

* He pleased to know about your success.
- Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ:
+ We are eager to hear about the new school.
+ It's convenient to eat fast food.
+ I am glad to see some of my old friends.
Khi "Full infinitive" được dùng như một tính từ, nó có các chức năng bỗ nghĩa cho danh từ:
- Dạng chủ động: * He has a permission to stay out late.
* It's time to take a break.
- Dạng bị động: * The exercises to be done are on page 10 and page 20.
* He is the person to be trusted.
"Full infinitive" được dùng sau động từ dạng bị động:
- He was known to be a great scientist.
- She was seen to enter the room.
"Full infinitive" được dùng sau những từ như: "first, last, second, next".
- He was the first to get the prize.
- He was the last to hear about your news.
"Full infinitive" được dùng sau những từ như: "whom, what, when, where, which, how".
- He can not decide what to do next.
- He considered when to send her the present.
- She wondered how to solve the problem.
"Full infinitive" được dùng sau "to be".
- He is to stay here until we return.
- I am to inform you that you will be dismissed.
a. Subject + Verb + Object + Full infinitive.
Ví dụ : - We considered her to be the best person for the job.
- The police warned everyone to stay inside.
- My parents encouraged me to go to college.
Một số động từ phổ biến dùng với mẫu câu này: "allow, believe, consider, cause, command,
encourage, invite, order, persuade, teach, tell, . . ."

b. Subject + Verb + Full infinitive.
Ví dụ : - The shop refused to accept the cheque.
- He threatened to tell the boss.
- During the emergency many staff volunteered to work through the weekend.
II. Bare infinitive (infinitive without "to"): được dùng trong các mẫu câu sau:
1. Subject + Verb of perception + Object + Bare infinitive:
Ví dụ : - Did you notice anyone come in?
- We heard a famous opera star sing at the concert last night.
Một số động từ "chi giác" (verbs of perception) phổ biến như: see, notice, observe, feel, perceive,
mark, watch, hear, smell, . . ."
Lưu ý: Trong mẫu câu này, nếu ta quan sát, nghe, . . . toàn bộ hành động thì dùng "Bare infinitive" sau
- We heard a famous opera star sing at the concert last night.
Nhưng nếu ta chỉ quan sát, nghe, . . . một phần hành động thì dùng dạng (V-ing).
- I heard my room-mate singing when she was cooking.
2. Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Bare infinitive:
Ví dụ : - We have known him behave so badly before.
- What makes you laugh?
- Please help me carry his suitcase.
Bài tập 1: Dùng danh động từ hoặc động từ nguyên thể có "to" của động từ trong ngoặc đơn để
hoàn thành các câu sau:
1. I can't think of (go) _____ to visit her in hospital without (buy) ______ some plowers.
2. The examiner gave the students some time (think) ________.
3. The play is programmed (start) ________ at 7 a.m, so we have decided (meet) _______ at 6.30.
4. I am looking forward to (see) _____ the film again.
5. I intend (study) ______ English (understand) ______ American business methods.
6. She still plans on (marry) ______ him even after he refused (buy) ________ her an engagement
7. I can not resist (eat) ______ fish and chips when I am in England.
8. She enjoys (go) _____ to parties and (dance) _____ in the discos all the night long.

9. I stopped (live) _______ in London when I realized it was time for me (move) ______.
10. Don't forget (turn) _______ off the heating before (leave) ______ the house.
11. I understand (buy) ______ red roses for your girlfriend on St. Valentine's Day was a bit old-
12. You should think about (save) ______ until you have enough money.
13. We all dislike (have) ______ (work) _______ even though we are all anger (spend) ______ money
on (have) ______ a good time and (get) ______ the things we want.
14. You mustn't mind (take) ______ trouble over the cooking if you want your guests (enjoy) ______
their meal.
15. I like (watch) _______ the clouds at sunset because it seems (relax) _______ and puts me in the
right frame of mind (sleep) ______.
16. I enjoy (visit) ______ the internet cafe on my way home (check) ______ my e-mails and maybe
(surf) _____ the net for a while.
17. (Eat) ______ apples is better for you than (drink) ______ fizzy orange juice.
18. I meant (buy) ______ some croissants before (leave) _______ for work.
19. Don't hesitate (ask) ______ me if you have any questions.
20. (Be) _____ honest, she told me all her stories.
Viết về một người bạn
Trước khi viết bạn hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
- Who is your best friend?
- What does he / she look like?
- What kind of person he / she is?
- Why do you like him or her?
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I : Say who you are going to write about.
Đoạn II : - Tell how you met him / her.
- Describe what he / she looks like and what kind of person he /she is.
- State what two of you have in common.

Đoạn III : Give the reason why you like him / her and what you expect from him / her.
Gợi ý:
Hãy nói xem ai là người mà bạn đang có ý định viết.
- Of my friends at school, I like Viet Hoang best.
- Viet Hoang, a student of My Duc A High School, is my best friend.
- My best friend is Viet Hoang. He is a high school student at My Duc A High School.
Bạn gặp cậu ấy / cô ấy như thế nào.
- I met him / her at the school opening ceremony last month and we soon became friends.
- I met him / her at the party last week and we soon became friends.
- I met him / her at the Graduation ceremony last year and we soon became friends.
Miêu tả hình dáng, tính cách của cậu ấy cô ấy như thế nào.
- Lan is a pretty girl with short hair and an even set of teeth.
- Tam is a handsome boy with a bright face and glasses.
- Hieu is a tall boy with round eyes and a nice smile.
- He / She also has a friendly smile and he / she is very interesting to talk to.
- He / She also has a nice smile and he / she is very wonderful to talk to.
- He / he also has a graceful smile and he / she is very interesting to talk to.
- He / She seems to know about a lot of interesting topics: art, music, medicine, cuisine, ect.
- He / She seems to know well about many fields of study.
- He / She seems to excel others in many subjects.
- He / She is particularly interested in maths, chemistry, and biology.
- He / She is excellent in doing maths and solving chemistry problems.
- He / She is particularly gifted in painting and music.
Hãy nói xem hai bạn có điểm gì chung.
- We have a lot of common interests. We enjoy talking about school subjects, playing sports, and
taking part in school clubs.
- We have a lot of common interests: school subjects, sports, music, . . .
Nêu lý do tại sao bạn quý cậu ấy / cô ấy. Bạn mong muốn gì từ người bạn của mình.
- I like her because whenever I have problems, he / she is the first person to help. I really expect

she's my true friendship to last through times.
- I like the way she is and I really expect she is my true friend through times.
Bài viết mẫu
I have some friends at school, and I love them all. Among them, Viet Hoang is the person I like
I met him at the school opening ceremony last month and we soon became friends. Hoang is 17
years old and is a handsome boy with short dark hair and a kind-hearted face. He is also has a friendly
smile and he is very interesting to talk to because he seems to know a lot about a lot of interesting
topics: friendship, art, music, fashion, medicine, cuisine. Over the years, we have been friends through
good times and bad times with each other. And we have a lot of same interests. We enjoy talking about
school subjects, playing sports, and taking part in good school clubs.
I like Viet Hoang simply because whenever I have problems, he is the first person to help. I really
expect our true friendship to last through times.
Bài 1: Viết phiên âm cho phụ âm "n" gạch chân trong các từ sau:
1. many -> . . . . . . . . . . 2. thank -> . . . . . . . . . .
3. novel -> . . . . . . . . . . 4. think -> . . . . . . . . . .
5. news -> . . . . . . . . . . 6. run -> . . . . . . . . . .
7. stranger -> . . . . . . . . . . 8. bank -> . . . . . . . . . .
9. language -> . . . . . . . . . . 10. answer -> . . . . . . . . . .
Bài 2: Chọn một từ mà phụ âm "n" có cách phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại:
1.A. nerve B. night C. ink
2.A. single B. hungry C. change
3.A. ankle B. stronger C. next
4.A. jungle B. chunk C. dangerous
5.A. language B. danger C. uncle
Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời các câu hỏi sau bài đọc.

As a sale manager, I often take business trips to some countries. Of course, I prefer to travel by
plane due to its advantages. I really had many safe and pleasant flights. However, everything happened
on my flight last month still remained a fright to me.
I remember that I was with about 250 passengers on the plane flying from Guadalajara to Mexico
city. When the plane took off from Guadalajara, the wind was blowing hard and it was raining heavily.
Some passengers around me appeared the sign of nervousness, and so did I. The plane was all right for
about thirty minutes. I was listening to the airplane's radio. Other people were talking and exchanging
information. The stewardesses were serving drinks and food to the passengers. Looking out of the
window, I saw masses of dense black clouds flying past. Suddenly, lightening struck one of the
engines. The plane dropped rapidly. Some people were screaming and the stewardesses were falling
down. From the cabin, the co-pilot's voice was heard to require passengers to fasten their seatbelts and
keep calm. Some passengers couldn't control their fear, they shouted for help.
Though I got used to this experience, my heart was beating very fast and I was trembling with fear.
I thought I was going to die. But my fear didn't last long. After about thirty seconds, the pilots started
the engine. Everyone on the plane heaved a deep sign of relief. We landed safely at last.
That time I had to cancel my return flight. I took a sea voyage instead. I thought I would never fly
in bad weather condition.
1. Why does the author choose to go by plane on his business trip?
2. Which flight did he mention in the passage?
3. What was the weather like when the plane took off from Guadalajara?
4. What might be the cause of the sudden plane's drop?
5. Why did the author think he would never fly in bad weather condition?
Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn trên, xác định các câu sau là ĐÚNG, SAI hay KHÔNG THỂ BIẾT
ĐƯỢC (Không xác định được). Nếu đúng, điền "T". Nếu sai, điền "F". Nếu không thể biết được,
điền "I" vào chỗ trống đầu mỗi câu.
1. ________ The author of the passage often takes business trips to others countries.
2. ________ There were 250 passengers on the plane flying from Guadalajara to Mexico.
3. ________ When the plane took off from Guadalajara, the weather was in an extremely bad

4. ________ All passengers on the plane had no sign of fear.
5. ________ While other people are talking and exchanging information, the pilots were serving
drinks and food to the
6. ________ Some passengers screamed when the plane suddenly dropped.
7. ________ The co-pilot contacted the ground controller for help.
8. ________ Planes often drop when flying in bad weather conditions.
9. ________ The author learned how to keep calm in emergency on planes.
10. _______ There are two planes flying from Guadalajara to Mexico city every day.
Dùng những từ đã cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu:
embarrassing idols empathy witness
damaged pressure detect collapsed
eager echo fantastic recognition
1. We know that a quick ________ of disease is very important for effective treatment.
2. The Hollywood film _______are glamorous figures and adored by millions of fans.
3. Thousands of buildings ______ in the earthquake.
4. Which sea mammal can move and locate objects through ________?
5. Which insect can ________ movements through 5 cm of earth?
6. It is quite ________ to be caught telling a lie.
7. Many buildings were badly ________ during the war.
8. We will never forget the beautiful riverside, the ________ waterfall, and the spectacular valley in
our trip.
9. You've lived in other countries so I'd expect you to have some sort of ________ with people
who've just arrived here.
10. I don't like to do the work with a lot of __________.
11. Lots of _________ volunteers have come here to help the injured after the storm.
12. Following the crash on the motorway last night, police have appealed for _______ to the
accident to come forward.

I. Chia động từ trong ngoặc với quá khứ đơn (Past simple) hoặc hiện tại hoàn thành (Present
1. I (just / finish) _______ my homework. I'm going to watch TV.
2. Mary (already / write) ______ five letters. She's going to send one of them.
3. Tom (move) _______ to this town in 1994. He likes this city very much.
4. My friend (be) ______ in Canada two years ago. Now she is living in Australia.
5. I (not / be) _______ to Japan so far. I hear that it's a beautiful country.
6. I (already / travel) _______ to London a couple of times. London is an exciting city.
7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) ______ to the cinema.
8. I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) _______ a new film yet.
9. (they / spend) _______ their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
10. (you / ever / see) ______ a grey whale?
II. Chia động từ trong ngoặc với quá khứ đơn (Past simple) hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành (Past
1. They (spend) ______ their honeymoon in Paris, where they (meet) _______ two years before.
2. When Alice (do) ________ shopping, she (pick) _______ her children up from school.
3. He (show) _______ us the place where he (hurt) ________ his leg.
4. I (look) ________ at the photoes that he (send) ______.
5. Yesterday I (read) ________ an interesting article which my teacher (recommend) _________ to
6. Andy (win) _______ the match although he (not / play) _______ squash before.
7. When I (leave) _______ the house, I (not / have) _______ breakfast yet.
8. Jim (crash) ______ into another car because he (not / realize) _______ the red traffic light.
9. I (work) _______ on Saturday, so I (not / go) _______ to the party the day before.
10. Who (live) _______ in that house before the Smiths (buy) ______ it?
III. Chọn một phương án trả lời thích hợp nhất.
Câu 1: Before I ______ for that job, I ________ my parents for advice.
A. applied / had asked B. had applied / asked C. applied / asked D. have applied / asked
Câu 2: After Fred _______ his holiday in Italy, he ______ to learn Italian.

A. had spent / wanted B. had spent / had wanted
C. has spent / had wanted D. spent / wanted
Câu 3: By the age of 35, my uncle ________ his own business.
A. would start B. has started C. had started D. started
Câu 4: I ________ to bring my camera so I _________ any photographs.
A. forgotten / couldn't take B. had forgotten / couldn't take
C. had forgotten / didn't take D. had forgotten / can not take
Câu 5: When she _______, the match _________.
A. had arrived / started B. had arrived / had already started
C. arrived / already started D. arrived / had already started
Câu 6: I _________ you the work to do again because you _______ it badly.
A. gave / did B. gave / have done C. gave / done D. gave / had done
Câu 7: Ted ________ the match although he _________ before.
A. won / hadn't practised B. didn't win / didn't practise
C. won / didn't practise D. won / not practise
Câu 8: We _______ in the house that my grandparents _________.
A. lived / have built B. live / have been buliding
C. lived / had built D. lived / had been building
Câu 9: They _______ at the office when we ________ them.
A. hadn't been / telephoned B. weren't / telephoned
C. didn't be / telephoned D. weren't / had telephoned
Câu 10: The sky ________ black for sometime before the rain ________ to fall.
A. had been / had begun B. had been / began C. was / had begun D.
was / begun
Viết một bức thư mời
Trước khi viết bạn hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
- On what occasion are parties held?
- What kind of clothes do people often wear at the party?

- What kinds of presents do people often bring to the party?
- Who(m) do people often invite to the party?
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I: Say what party you are going to give and invite your friend to come.
Đoạn II: - Say where and when you intend to organize the party.
- Say how many people you plan to invite and who they are.
- Say what activities will take place at the party.
- Say what foods and drinks will be served at the party.
Đoạn III: Say you are delighted to see your friends coming.
Gợi ý:
Hãy nói xem bạn tổ chức liên hoan vì mục đích gì:
- We are having a bithday party for my little brother. We'd like you to come to this event.
- My little brother's birthday party will take place this Saturday. To celebrate this event, we'd
like you to come to our party.
Hãy nói xem bạn tổ chức liên hoan ở đâu:
- The party will take place at 7 p.m at the Red Restaurant.
- The party will start at 6 p.m at Friends' Club.
Hãy nói xem bạn dự định mời bao nhiêu người, họ là ai:
- We plan to invite some of our friends that you already know.
- We will plan to have some our classmates and my two cousins, who are both funny and
Hãy nói xem trong khi liên hoan có những hoạt động gì:
- Please come to join the singing and dancing activities with us.
- The party will have a lot of fun with games, singing, dancing, . . .
Hãy nói xem có thức ăn và đồ uống gì trong bữa liên hoan:
- There will be lots of special foods and drinks.
- Special foods and drinks will be served at the party.
Hãy nói rằng bạn rất hoan nghênh khách mời:
- I must be very delighted to see you at this event.
- I'd be happy if you could come.

- Your coming will be my pleasure.
Bài viết mẫu
Dear Hoa,
We are having a birthday party for my little brother Son this Saturday evening at 7 p.m and my
family and I would love to invite you to join us.
This year we are going to make it outside for a change, so please come to Friend Cafe. I hope you
still remember this place where our class once had a drink. We will also have some other friends that
you know and my two cousins, who are both funny and interesting. Please come to join the singing and
dancing activies with us. You will be surprised with the secret of the party, too. Of course, there will
be a lot of special foods and drinks I myself already ordered.
I would be very happy if you could come, Hoa. Please let me know if you need me to pick you up.
Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời các câu hỏi sau bài đọc.
A birthday party is a celeberation that occurs to celebrate the birth of the person being honored. The
birthday party is the most celebrated event in the world. While a child's party is usually at home and
consists of soft drinks and sweet foods as well as savory, adults' often take place in clubs with a butter
of savory food and alcohol.
In Western culture, particularly in the United States, birthday parties are often accompanied by
colourful decorations. A traditional birthday cake is often served with candles that are to be blown out
after a "birthday wish" has been made. This wish is usually kept secret, and represents some desire for
the time between the current birthday and the next. While the birthday cake is brought to the table, the
song "Happy Birthday" is generally sung. A birthday party may be an event planned carefully through
a special agency or through a party service.
A house-warming party is held on the occasion of moving into a new residence. It is an occasion for

the hosts to represent their new home to their friends, and sometimes for friends to give gifts to furnish
the new home. House-warming parties are generally informal; usually there are no planned activities
besides a possible tour.
Office parties are events held by corporations or businesses often either at the site of the business or
in high class venues. These celebrations can coincide with some change the business is making, or the
undertaking of a new enterprise that the business wants support or publicity for. Office parties are also
credited with boosting the general morale of those employed at the business. This can result in better
temperament in the workplace and higher productivity.
A dance party is an event where the main theme of the party involves in loud music and dance.
Conversation is not an integral part of these parties as those who attend express themselves through
their physical movements.
1. What is the meaning of a birthday celebration?
2. In which occasion is a housewarming party held?
3. What is the purpose of the housewarming party?
4. What is the benefit of an office party?
5. Is dance party an event when people can enjoy music and dance?
Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn trên, xác định các câu sau là ĐÚNG, SAI hay KHÔNG THỂ BIẾT
ĐƯỢC (Không xác định được). Nếu đúng, điền "T". Nếu sai, điền "F". Nếu không thể biết được,
điền "I" vào chỗ trống đầu mỗi câu.
1. _________ Children and adults have the same interest of celebrating their birthday party at home.
2. _________ In Western countries, birthday parties are often decorated with colourful decorations.
3. _________ The celebration of a birthday party in Western countries is different from one country
to another.
4. _________ House-warming parties are generally formal; usually they are planned carefully.
5. _________ A house-warming party should be planned carefully through a special agency or
through a party service.
6. _________ Nowadays, office parties are getting more and more popular in developed countries.

7. _________ Office parties are events held in oder to get a better temperament in the workplace
and higher
8. _________ Changes in the business or undertaking of a new enterprise can be the reasons of
holding an office party.
9. _________ Music and dance are the main parts of a dance party.
10. _________ At a dance, people can express themselves through a conversation.
Dùng những từ đã cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu:
sociable guests courtesies manner
ingredients interaction behaviour occasion
reinforce standard congenial etiquette
1. At the wedding, he sang a song specially written for the __________.
2. The UN is sending 800 troops to _________ the army patrolling the border area.
3. I like to make friends with a person who is ________ and friendly.
4. The metre is the ________ unit for measuring length SI.
5. The aim of the party is to bring people a _________ atmosphere.
6. Modern Western ________ instructs people to greet friends and acquaitances with warmth and
7. One way to encourage good _________ is to use a reward system.
8. The list of _________ included 500g of sugar and 200ml of cream.
9. How many ________ do you plan to invite to your wedding anniversary?
10. The president welcomed the Queen with the usual _________.
11. Language games are usually intended to encourage student _________.
12. Many visitors must be a little nervous about table _______ and how to eat Japanese food.
III. Đổi các câu sau thành câu bị động. Không cần đề cập đến tác nhân gây ra hành động nếu
không cần thiết
1. The police shouldn't allow people to park there.
2. They are watching my house.
3. The examiner will read the passage three times.

4. Candidates may not use dictionaries.
5. We cannot exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale. (Articles )
IV. Đổi các câu sau thành câu chủ động. Thêm chủ ngữ mới thích hợp cho câu chủ động.
1. He was made to surrender his passport.
2. This scientific theory has now been proved to be false.
3. The car which was blown over the cliff yesterday is now being salvaged.
4. The house where the dead man was found is being guarded by the police to prevent it from being
entered and the evidence interfered with.
5. Why wasn't the car either locked or put into the garage?
V. Chọn một phương án trả lời thích hợp nhất.
Câu 1: I object to ________ by non-professionals.
A. being criticized B. having been criticized
C. to have been criticized D. to be criticized
Câu 2: Minerals continue ________ from the earth in immense qualities.
A. to taken B. to take C. to be taken D. to took
Câu 3: The bus driver was so tired of ________ the same route every day.
A. to have driven B. driving C. having driven D. to drive
Câu 4: Travelling by public transport ________ the amount of exhaust fume from cars and
A. reduces B. will be reduced C. reduced D. will reduce
Câu 5: _______ more than half of the world's periodicals _________ are printed in English.
A. It was said that B. People said that C. It said that D. It is said that
Câu 6: Asprin _______ by people with history of stomach disorders.
A. was taken B. will be taken C. should be taken D. is taken
Câu 7: With the recent development of the country, many suburbs _________.
A. will be become urbanized B. will become urbanized
C. have been become urbanized D. have become urbanized
Câu 8: A lot of flats ______ at the moment to house the people moving to the city.
A. is built B. are built C. are being built D. is being built

Câu 9: We expect _________ at the airport and ________ at the Rex Hotel.
A. being welcome / being served B. to be welcome / to be served
C. to welcome / to serve D. be welcome / be served.
Câu 10: The new metro line linking the city to the airport _________ in three years' time.
A. are opened B. will be opened C. is opened D. has been opened
Câu 11: I appreciated ________ of the matter the day before.
A. to be informed B. being informed C. to have been informed D. having been
Câu 12: Oranges ________ in Valencia for centuries.
A. has been grown B. have been grown C. are grown D. is grown
Câu 13: ________ in recent years that more and more people have been paying for things by credit
A. It is said B. It will be said C. It has been said D. It was said
Câu 14: Instead of _______ about the good news, John seemed to be indifferent.
A. exciting B. being excited C. to be excited D. to excite
Câu 15: Please forgive me, I didn't mean ______ you.
A. being upset B. to be upset C. to upset D. upsetting
Câu 16: My teacher advised me ________ on a computer course.
A. to be taken B. being taken. C. taking D. to take
Câu 17: The new students hope _______ in many of the school's social activites.
A. to participate B. participating C. to be participated D. being paticipating
Câu 18: Many festivals _______ in January every year.
A. are celebrated B. celebrate C. has been celebrated D. was celebrated
Câu 19: We would like _______ to the president's reception, but we didn't.
A. to have been invited B. being invited C. to be invited D. having been invited
Câu 20: They arrange ________ a tennis tournament this year.
A. to organize B. being organizing C. to be organized D. organizing
Viết một bức thư cá nhân
Trước khi viết bạn hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:

- Have you ever been in an unexpected situation?
- How did it happen?
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I: Give the reason why you write the letter.
Đoạn II: - State what the problem was.
- Describe how the problem happened.
- Describe your feeling at the time.
Đoạn III: State what you learn from the situation
Gợi ý:
Nêu lý do viết thư:
- I'm going to tell you one of the most embarrassing experiences that has happened in my life.
- I'm writing to tell you one of my most embarrassing experiences.
Hãy nói xem điều gì đã xảy ra:
- I was invited to a party of one of my close friends, but I forgot to take her the present.
- I was invited to a big party but I left my gift at home.
Miêu tả sự việc:
- On hurrying to the party, I forgot taking the gift with me.
- I was absorbed in choosing my clothes, I forgot taking the gift with me.
Miêu tả cảm giác của mình lúc đó:
- I felt very embarrassed at that time.
- I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't say anything.
Bạn rút ra được bài học gì sau sự việc ấy:
- I must be careful and well-prepared before going to a party.
- I must considerate when doing something.
Bài viết mẫu
Dear John,
Thank you so much for your lovely photograph. You looked great in the ceremony. You want to
know my latest news, don't you? I'm going to tell you one of the most embarrassing experiences that
has happened in my life.

Last week, I was invited to a birthady party of one of my close friends, Fiona. I was excited about
going there. I went to a gift shop and chose a lovely present for her. Then I ran home and put the
present on the corner of the desk. The time for the party was coming, so I got dressed and hurried to
Fiona's house. On getting there, I saw some of my friends standing at the door giving Fiona cards,
flowers, and gifts. I didn't notice that I hadn't brought the present with me. When Fiona called me, I
realized that I forgot one big thing. "Oh, my god. I don't take my gift with me. What should I do?"
Some of my friends looked at me with a little surprise, so I felt very embarrassed and couldn't say
anything. Finally, I tried to keep calm and told her that I had forgotten the present at home and I would
send her later. You know I have never been in a situation like that. You can imagine how I felt at that
Since then I have learned that I must be very careful and well-prepared before going to a party.
Your friend,
MÔN: Test_yourself_1
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; (50 câu trắc nghiệm)
Mã đề thi 210
Họ, tên thí sinh:
Số báo danh:
Câu 1: Chọn câu tường thuật gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "If I were you, I wouldn't sign the contract."
said Henry.
A. Henry advised me not to sign the contract.
B. Henry asked my to sign the contract.
C. Henry encouraged me not to sign the contract.
D. Henry reminded me not to sign the contract.
Câu 2: We'd be _______ to be invited to your party on Friday.
A. prefered B. welcome C. delighted D. enjoyed
Câu 3: Alexander didn't mention ________ about his progress at work, but I'm sure he is.

A. concerning B. being concerned C. to concerned D. concern
Câu 4: Many people have complained about the _________ air in the area _______ the factory.
A. polluted / surrounded B. polluting / surrounding
C. polluted / surrounding D. polluting / surrounded
Câu 5: _______ between teachers and students is not recommended.
A. Cooperation B. Intimacy C. Talks D. Discussion
Câu 6: Now the old eagle ________ only in a few remote areas in Scotland.
A. was found B. is found C. will be found D. has been found
Câu 7: In order _________ the child's confidence, you must be strict but fair with him.
A. being gained B. to gain C. gaining D. gain
Câu 8: The tourist company is thought ________ money next year.
A. to be lost B. to have been lost C. to lose D. to have lost
Câu 9: I can remember ________ very proud and happy when I graduated.
A. to being B. be C. being D. to be
Câu 10: Câu nào là câu gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "It is usually forbidden to destroy old buildings
related to history."
A. It is usually forbidden to destroy historical buildings.
B. It is usually forbidden to destroy historic buildings.
C. It is usually forbidden to destroy historically buildings.
D. It is usually forbidden to destroy buildings.
Câu 11: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "We broke out journey in
Edinburgh before being travelled to London the next day."
A. being travelled B. journney C. broke D. the
Câu 12: Chọn câu gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "This is the most interesting story I have ever read."
A. The story that I have just read is interesting than ever before.
B. I have never read a more interesting story before.
C. I like reading interesting stories.
D. I have ever read stories if they are not interesting.
Câu 13: Thailand, a country of mysteries, _________ thousands of tourists.
A. will attract B. has attracted C. attracts D. attracted

Câu 14: Did you form any close ________ while you are at college?
A. leadership B. relationship C. scholarship D. friendship
Câu 15: ________ my father who encouraged me to enroll in the medical school.
A. He was B. It was C. This D. There was
Câu 16: More schools are hoped ________ in rural areas in the coming years.
A. to have been built B. to build C. to have built D. to be built
Câu 17: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "The exhibition was the centre of
attraction like it was of historical interest."
A. interest B. like C. centre D. exhibition
Câu 18: The mystery of the ocean began _________ by scientists
A. to be found out B. to be found out C. to find out D. finding out
Câu 19: Chọn câu gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "I found the drama interesting to watch, but my sister
A. I found the drama interesting to watch, while my sister wasn't.
B. While my sister didn't find the drama interesting, I liked watching it.
C. Both my sister and I found the drama interesting.
D. Although I found the drama interesting to watch, but my sister didn't.
Câu 20: All of the students in my school are accustomed ________ school uniform.
A. for wearing B. of wearing C. wearing D. to wearing
Câu 21: Chọn câu tường thuật gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "What about having your garden
landscaped?" Jolie said.
A. Jolie suggested I have someone landscape my garden.
B. Jolie suggested me on having my garden landscape.
C. Jolie asked me having someone to landscape my graden.
D. Jolie advised me to landscape my garden.
Câu 22: They ______ their childhood in the countryside. Life then _______ very hard.
A. spend / is B. spent / were C. spent / will be D. spent / was
Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn một từ thích hợp nhất điền vào chỗ trống, từ câu 23 đến câu 37
National Parks and Preserves, 23 ______ public lands or bodies of water within a country, set a side

by the 24 ______ to protect ecosystems, plants and animal species, scenic landscapes, geologic
formations, or historical or archaeological 25 _______.
National parks are managed primarily for public recreation, 26 _______ exceptional locations
where visitors can view wildlife and enjoy the 27 _______. Generally, these protected plublic lands are
off-limits to hunting, livestock grazing, logging, mining and other 28 _______ that exploit natural
resources. Some parks commemorate significant historical events. 29 _______, Gettysburg National
Military Park (1895) in Pennsylvania conserves the 13 km
(5 square miles) of the pivotal battle in the
30 _______ Civil War (1861 - 1865).
National Preserves, sometimes 31 _______ natural or wildlife reserves, often are located within or
near national 32 _______ These lands are managed by national governments primarily for wildlife
protection or scientific research 33 _______ recreation, and provide "living laboratories" in 34
_______ scientists observe plant and animal species in their natural habitat. 35 _______, fishing, and
mining are permitted within many United Sates Preserves 36 _______ the activities do not harm
resources. Many other countries specifically ban such activities in their 37 _______.
Câu 23: A. unique B. just C. only D. one
Câu 24: A. country B. hospital C. school D. government
Câu 25: A. places B. lands C. sots D. sites
Câu 26: A. providing B. giving C. sending D. throwing
Câu 27: A. indoors B. joy C. outdoors D. fun
Câu 28: A. animals B. things C. people D. activities
Câu 29: A. Moreover B. However C. In fact D. For example
Câu 30: A. African B. American C. French D. British
Câu 31: A. considered B. told C. known D. called
Câu 32: A. places B. sites C. parks D. resources
Câu 33: A. such as B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of
Câu 34: A. whom B. which C. that D. what
Câu 35: A. Hunting B. Hiking C. Swimming D. Camping

Câu 36: A. if B. unless C. when D. that
Câu 37: A. places B. preserves C. countries D. lands
Câu 38: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "The hospital has asked various
voluntary organizations to help raising money for the new operating threatre."
A. raising B. voluntary C. has asked D. to help
Câu 39: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "She's been trying passing her
driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded."
A. succeeded B. finally C. passing D. driving
Câu 40: Sarah ________ from a well-known university.
A. is said that she graduated B. was said to be graduated
C. is said to have graduated D. was said graduated
Câu 41: Chọn câu tường thuật gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "Would you like to stay for lunch with us?"
A. They wanted me to stay for lunch with them.
B. They invited me to stay for lunch with them.
C. They promised to offer me a lunch.
D. They offered me to stay for lunch with them.
Câu 42: _________ TV has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment.
A. Watching B. To watch C. To watching D. Watch
Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất cho các câu hỏi, từ câu 43 đến câu 47
In the United States, friendships can be close, constant, intense, generous and real, yet fade away in
a short time if circumstances change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas
greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while - then no more. If the same two people
meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship where they left off and are
In the United States, you can feel free to visit people's homes, share their holidays, or enjoy their
lives without fear that they are taking on a lasting obligation. Do not hesitate to accept hospitality
because you can not give it in return. No one will expect you to do so for they know you are far from
home. Americans will enjoy welcoming you and be pleased if you accept their hospitality easily.
Once you arrived there, the welcome will be full, warm, and real. Most visitors find themselves
readily invited into many homes there. In some countries it is considered inhospitable to entertain at

home, offering what it felt as only home cooked food, not "doing something for your guests." It is felt
that restaurant entertaining shows most respect and welcome. Or for the other reasons, such as
crowded space, language difficulties, or family customs, outsiders are not invited into homes.
In the United States, both methods are used, but it is often considered more friendly to invite a
person to one's home then go to a public place, except in a pure business relationships. So, if your host
or hostess brings you home, do not feel that you are being shown inferior treatment.
Don't feel neglected if you do not find flowers awaiting you in your hotel room, either. Flowers are
very expensive there; hotel delivery is uncertain; arrival times are delayed, changed or cancelled - so
flowers are not customarily sent as a welcoming touch. Please do not feel unwanted! Outward signs
vary in different lands; the inward welcome is what matters. And this will be real.
Câu 43: In the United States, friendship will _________ if circumstances change.
A. change suddenly B. be destroyed C. disappear gradually D. be broken
Câu 44: Americans ________ their foreign friends to make a return for their hospitality.
A. hope B. hesitate C. never allow D. don't expect
Câu 45: In the United States, inviting guests to a family dinner is ________ than inviting them to a
public place, except some situations.
A. less inferior B. less hospitable C. more natural D. more popular
Câu 46: According to the passage, which of the following is not definitely true?
A. Flowers are not customarily sent to guests.
B. Flowers are used as a sign of welcome.
C. Flowers are beautiful and available at all time.
D. Flowers are really expensive.
Câu 47: According to the passage, __________
A. Americans enjoy welcoming you if their hospitality is accepted.
B. in some countries it is considered hospitable to entertain at home.
C. inviting someone to a family dinner is considered an inferior treatment.
D. friendships in the United States last forever.
Câu 48: Chọn câu tường thuật gần nghĩa nhất với câu sau: "Don't forget to take your ticket with you."
A. His mother reminded him to take his ticket with him.

B. His mother told him to remind to take his ticket with him.
C. His mother advised him not to take his ticket with him.
D. His mother told him not to take his ticket with him.
Câu 49: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "The fund has launched to
alleviate famine and drought in the sounthern region."
A. has launched B. fund C. famine D. drought
Câu 50: If you are not completely ________ with the product, you can get a refund.
A. satisfied B. to satisfy C. satisfy D. satisfying
Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời các câu hỏi sau bài đọc.
Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical
humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics,
natural or man-made disaters, or exclusion from health are in more than 70 countries.
Each year, MSF doctors, nurses, logisticians, water-and-sanitation experts, administration, and other
medical and non-medical professionals depart on more than 3,800 field assignments. They work
alongside more than 22,500 locally hired staff to provide medical care.
In emergencies and their aftermath, MSF provides health care, rehabilitates and runs hospitals and
clinics, performs surgery, battles, epidemics, carries out vaccination campaigns, operates feeding
centres for malnourished children, and offers mental health care. When needed, MSF also constructs
wells and dispenses clean drinking water, and provides shelter materials like blankets and plastic
Through long-term programs, MSF treats patients with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,
sleeping sickness, and HIV/ AIDS, and provides medical and psychological care to marginalized
groups such as street children.
MSF was founded in 1971 as a non-governmental organization to provide both emergency medical
assistance and bear witness publicity to the plight of the people it assists. As a private non-profit
association, MSF is an international network with sections in 19 countries.
1. What does MSF mean?

2. What is the aim of MSF?
3. Who involves in the MSF?
4. Tell some activites that MSF carries out when dealing with emergencies.
5. What is MSF's long-term program?
Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn trên, xác định các câu sau là ĐÚNG, SAI hay KHÔNG THỂ BIẾT
ĐƯỢC (Không xác định được). Nếu đúng, điền "T". Nếu sai, điền "F". Nếu không thể biết được,
điền "I" vào chỗ trống đầu mỗi câu.
1. _______ MSF is often one of the first humanitarian organizations to arrive at the scene of
2. _______ MSF is a dependent international medical humanitarian organization.
3. _______ MSF was founded in 1971 as a non-governmental organization.
4. _______ MSF teams are composed of international volunteers and skilled local staff.
5. _______ MSF seldom carries out vaccination campaigns, or operates feeding centres for
malnourished children.
6. _______ For long-term goal, MSF only provides medical and spychological care to marginalized
7. _______ MSF, a private non-profit association, is an international network with sections in many
8. _______ MSF volunteers frequently work in the remote or dangerous parts of the world.
9. _______ MSF has proven expertise in the field of epidemiology.
10. _______ Founded in 1971, MSF provides emergency medical assistance and bears witness
publicity to the plight of people it assists.
Dùng những từ đã cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu:
evaluate campaign community cooperation
gratitude illiterate satisfied minority
charitable promote fruitful facilitator
1. She sent them a present to express her ________.
2. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to ________ products.
3. It's only a tiny ________ of people who are causing the violence.

4. I am completely _______ with what I have written in my last test. The result must be very
5. It's impossible to ________ these results without knowing more about the research methods.
6. Someone who is functionally ________ can only read and write just a little.
7. The government have just begun their annual Christmas ________ to stop drunken driving.
8. It's a _______ organization, depending for its income upon voluntary contributions from the
9. The company produces computers in ________ with a German firm.
10. I see my role as a ________ in my group. I have to enable other people to work in the way that
can bring the best result.
11. There's a large Jewish ________ living in this area.
12. This was the most _______ discussion. The both sides agreed to carry out the common policy.
Chọn một phương án thích hợp nhất điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu:
Câu 1: Will you give Mary my message when she ______ to her office?
A. is returning B. will be returning C. will return D. returns
Câu 2: "What are you doing here so early?" - "I came ________ some extra work done."
A. so that to get B. so to get C. for to get D. to get
Câu 3: I hope you're having a good time and _______ your meal.
A. you enjoying B. enjoying C. to enjoy D. enjoy
Câu 4: This house is _________ the others we've seen.
A. far more expensive than B. further more expensive
C. farther more expensive than D. far most expensive
Câu 5: "You put on some weight, haven't you?" - "Yes, It's because I've stopped _______."
A. to dieting B. dieting C. diet D. to diet
Câu 6: I don't like _______ what to do.
A. is told B. was told C. being tell D. being told
Câu 7: "I called earlier, but no one answered the phoned." - "I know. I was out _______ care of my

A. for taking B. taking C. to take D. to taking
Câu 8: Ann pretended _______ me as she passed me in the street.
A. not to see B. not see C. not seeing D. not to seen
Câu 9: Farmers look forward to _______ every summer.
A. participate in the country fairs. B. participating in the country fairs.
C. be participating in the country fairs D. have participated in the country fairs.
Câu 10: They do not permit _______ without a ticket.
A. entering B. to enter C. enter D. entered
Câu 11: ________ you go to Canada, you should visit Toronto.
A. As B. Since C. Unless D. When
Câu 12: It was very kind ________ me a ride to work today.
A. of you to give B. you have given C. you giving D. for you to give
Câu 13: _______ is extremely dangerous.
A. At very high speeds driving cars B. Driving cars at very high speeds
C. Cars at very high speeds driving D. Cars driving at very high speeds
Câu 14: I'm sure I locked the door. I clearly remember _______ it.
A. locking B. to be locked C. to lock D. to have locked
Câu 15: Mary was reading a book ________ waiting for a bus.
A. as though B. as soon as C. while D. so that
Câu 16: _______ able to find a taxi, we ended up walking to the airport.
A. Not being B. Being not C. We weren't D. We not
Câu 17: She suggested ______ for a swim.
A. goes B. going C. go D. to go
Câu 18: Her watch needs _______.
A. repairing B. to be repaired
C. both "repairing" and "to be repaired" D. repaired
Câu 19: Don't forget _______ the letter I gave you.
A. to post B. post C. posted D. posting
Câu 20: Because I grew up in a house, I find ________ in an apartment inconvenient.
A. having lived B. to live C. living D. to living

Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi chọn một từ thích hợp nhất điền vào chỗ trống, từ câu 21 đến câu 35
I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to a village
in Chad, about 500 kilometres from the capital N'Djamena. Coming from a 21______ country, I got
quite a shock, as conditions were much harder than I had 22______. But after a few days I soon got
used to 23______ there. The people were always very friendly and helpful, and I soon began to
appreciate how 24______ the countryside was.
One of my jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was long walk away, and the women
used to 25______ a long time every day 26______ heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I contacted
the organization and arranged to 27______ some pipes delivered. We built a simple pipeline and
pump, and it worked first time. It wasn't perfect - there were a few 28______, but it made a great
difference to the villagers, 29______ had never had running water before. And not 30______ did we
have running water, but in the evenings it was hot, because the pipe had been 31______ in the sun all
All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was not well-paid, it was
well 32______ doing, and I would recommend it to anyone who was 33______ working for charity.
Finally, there's one more reason why I'll never 34______ working for OV. A few months before I
left, I met and fell in love 35______ another volunteer, and we got married when we returned to
Câu 21: A. luxurious B. well-paid C. rich D. comfortable
Câu 22: A. planned B. expected C. felt D. found
Câu 23: A. live B. lives C. living D. lived
Câu 24: A. handsome B. sweet C. beautiful D. good-looking
Câu 25: A. spent B. spending C. spends D. spend
Câu 26: A. holding B. fetching C. wearing D. carrying
Câu 27: A. allow B. make C. let D. have
Câu 28: A. punctures B. leaks C. breaks D. splits
Câu 29: A. who B. that C. which D. they
Câu 30: A. only B. hardly C. also D. scarcely

Câu 31: A. lied B. laying C. lay D. lying
Câu 32: A. cost B. value C. worth D. price
Câu 33: A. considering B. thinking C. going D. planning
Câu 34: A. regret B. miss C. lose D. feel sorry
Câu 35: A. for B. at C. with D. to
I. Viết một bức thư bày tỏ lòng biết ơn
Trước khi viết bạn hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
- What kind of volunteer work do you know?
- Which areas in your country often get volunteer work?
- Which volunteer groups do you know?
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I : Express your gratitude and appreciation to the volunteer group(s) for what they have
done for your village.
Đoạn II : Say how the things are useful.
Đoạn III : Say Express your thanks to the volunteer group(s) again.
Gợi ý:
Hãy thể hiện lòng biết ơn và sự đánh giá của mình về những gì mà (các) tổ chức tình nguyện
làm cho cộng đồng dân cư của mình:
- I'm writing to send my warm thanks to you and your group for what you have done for our
village. We really appreciate your great help.
- I'm writing to show my deepest thanks to you and your group for what you have done for our
- I'd like to send our warm thanks to you and your group for what you have done for our
Hãy nói những gì mà tổ chức tình nguyện đã làm có lợi như thế nào:
- Transportation here seems easier thanks to the newly-built wooden bridge and newly-
upgraded roads your group did for us.
- With your one-month literacy program, all children now go to school and the elderly in our
village are now able to read and to write.

Thể hiện lại lòng biết ơn đối với tổ chức tình nguyện:
- Again, I would like to send my deepest thanks to all of you for your great devotion.
- Again, we would like to show our warm thanks to all of you for everything you all did for us.
Bài viết mẫu
Dear John,
I'm writing to send my warm thanks to you and your group for what you have done for our village.
We all really appreciate your great help.
Transportation here seems easier thanks to the newly-built wooden bridge and newly-upgraded
roads your group did for us. Also, with your one-month literacy program, all children now can go to
school and the elderly in our village are now able to read and to write despite some difficulties.
Again, on be half of my villagers, I would like to send my deepest thanks to all of you and your
great devotion.
All the best!
Sincerely yours
Anh Mai
Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời các câu hỏi sau bài đọc.
The Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition is an exciting national art competition for students
studying art and design in the UK.
This initiative is part of Nationwide's wider Nationwide Mercury Prize sponsorship and provides an
ideal opportunity to talk directly with students at over 100 art colleges and universities. It is another
great way for Nationwide to support UK popular culture and local communities.
Art and design students are set the challenge of creating a painting or work of art inspired by or on
the theme of music.
A panel of judges from the music and art worlds including musicians, artists and gallery owners
judge and shortlist around 50 winning works during April and announce the overall winner and three
highly commended artists. All the shortlisted works are then exhibited at a top London gallery.

The winning entry from the Art Competition is featured on the cover of the Nationwide Mercury
Prize compilation CD, which is related in August each year. The winning artist also receives £10,000
and a further three highly commended works receive £2,000
The winner of the 2006 Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition is Gethin Wyn Jones from the
Bath School of Art and Design with a sculpture "Colour Music".
1. Who can participate in the Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition?
2. Which organization sponsors the Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition?
3. What is the aim of the Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition?
4. Who are the panel of the judges?
5. What will awarded to the winner of the Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition?
Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn trên, xác định các câu sau là ĐÚNG, SAI hay KHÔNG THỂ BIẾT
ĐƯỢC (Không xác định được). Nếu đúng, điền "T". Nếu sai, điền "F". Nếu không thể biết được,
điền "I" vào chỗ trống đầu mỗi câu.
1. _________ The Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition is a national art competition for
students majoring in art in the USA.
2. ________ The aim of the Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition is to show the skills of
students and to introduce UK culture to the visitors.
3. _________ Art students all over the world will have a chance to express their ideas at the
Nationwide Mercury Prize Art Competition.
4. _________ 50 winning works will be shortlisted by the judges from the fields of music and art
5. _________ The winner of the competition won the award for creativity, worth £2,000.
6. _________ The competition is held every year and attracts art students at over 100 art colleges
and universities.
7. _________ Gethin Wyn Jones, a student from Bath School of Art and Design, hasn't received any
award before.
8. _________ Nationwide's plans to show a travelling exhibition produced by artists with
9. _________ The winner of the competition may find opportunities for travel and study abroad.

10. ________ All the shotlisted works are exhibited at a top London gallery.
Dùng những từ đã cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu:
long-distance fascinated representative stimulate
competition sponsored awarded announced
spirit participate performance contest
1. The players have a very strong team ________. They are loyal to each other.
2. Did you _________ in any of the school activities?
3. Lucy won three prizes at the beauty _________.
4. With Janes's initiative, the school has __________ her a £500 grant.
5. How do you contact a _________ friend?
6. The team is _________ by JVC, so players wear the letters JVC on their shirts.
7. The two companies are in ________ with each other in advertising their products to the market.
8. Everyone will be ________ the result be e-mail two weeks after the examination.
9. The film was so interesting. All of us were _________ by it.
10. The new government plans to cut taxes in order to _________ the country's economy.
11. Our school is going to have meeting to welcome of the ________ of the Education Ministry.
12. This was a very inpressive _________ by the young player.
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; (50 câu trắc nghiệm)
Mã đề thi 136
Câu 1: Elephants scratch themselves with sticks _________.
A. holding in their trunks B. held in their trunks
C. hold in their trunks D. in their trunks holding
Câu 2: _________ for overall health.
A. One’s diet is helpful in extra fiber B. Helpful one’s diet is extra fiber
C. Extra fiber is one’s helpful diet D. Extra fiber in one’s diet is helpful
Câu 3: He played an active _________ in politics until he was well over 80.
A. job B. position C. game D. part
Câu 4: Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries _________ the participants are not careful.

A. with B. if C. that D. to
Câu 5: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "More people are infecting with
HIV this year than they were 5 years ago."
A. this B. were C. infecting D. More
Câu 6: The man _________ daughter teaches me maths, is a doctor.
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
Câu 7: If _________ it would stop raining for a morning, we would cut the grass.
A. ever B. even C. just D. only
Câu 8: I rode bicycle trips to the countryside _________ I can enjoy pure air.
A. whose B. which C. when D. where
Câu 9: Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với từ còn lại:
A. gay B. great C. gentle D. gate
Câu 10: I have just met the girls, some of _________ were your friends.
A. which B. whom C. whose D. who
Câu 11: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "I think that you are drawn up
some excellent plans. I must congratulate you.
A. are B. must C. think D. some
Câu 12: My secretary can’t get a telephone. Telephones are hard to _________.
A. find B. receive C. obtain D. take
Câu 13: _________ to the party, Nam was happy.
A. Invited B. To invite C. Inviting D. Be invited
Câu 14: A well-known large natural lake is Lake Tahoe, _________ straddles the California-Nevada
A. since B. and C. for D. which
Câu 15: The house _________ he used to live in has been collapsed.
A. that B. when C. whom D. who
Câu 16: Warmth, moisture and oxygen are three necessary requirements _________ most seedlings.
A. for cultivating B. for cultivate C. can cultivate D. as cultivating
Câu 17: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "The cost of living has increasing

so much that he finds it difficult to live within his income."
A. living B. increasing C. much D. within
Câu 18: Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the _________ of her children.
A. advantage B. care C. concern D. sake
Câu 19: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "Throughout his speech, the boys
were deeply attention."
A. attention B. speech C. deeply D. Throughout
Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn một từ / cụm từ thích hợp nhất trả lời câu hỏi hoặc điền vào chỗ trống
của câu hỏi, từ câu 20 đến câu 24
The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per
hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car
he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500 horse-
power engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty
in controlling the car because a type burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was
disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later,
he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that
time, racing drivers have reached speeds of over 400 miles an hour. Following his father's footsteps
many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving
a car called Bluebird.
Câu 20: One of these statements is true. Which one?
A. Sir Malcolm's average set up a new world record.
B. Sir Malcolm's car had a 250 horses-power engine.
C. Sir Malcolm's average speed was 299 miles per hour.
D. There was some doubt whether Sir Malcolm had manitained an average speed of 301 miles per
Câu 21: One of these statements is true. Which one?
A. Donald Campbell couldn't beat his father's record.
B. No one has ever driven faster than Sir Malcolm Campbell.
C. More than one racing driver has driven faster than 300 miles per hour since Sir Malcolm set up
his record.

D. Donald Campbell drove at 400 miles an hour.
Câu 22: _______ to control the car.
A. It was difficult for him B. It was difficulty
C. He was difficult D. It was difficulty for him
Câu 23: Since that time, racing drivers have driven _______ 400 miles per hour.
A. beyond B. farther C. further D. up
Câu 24: He was disappointed to learn this. He felt ________.
A. hopeless B. sorry C. desperate D. despair
Câu 25: An advisor to both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman, _________ of Bethune-
Cookman College.
A. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune, who was the founder
B. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune was the founder
C. did the founder Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune
D. the founder was Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune
Câu 26: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "Keeping calmly is the secret of
passing your driving test."
A. calmly B. driving C. passing D. Keeping
Câu 27: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "Winning that prize have made
him very conceited."
A. Winning B. conceited C. have D. him
Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn một từ / cụm từ thích hợp nhất điền vào chỗ trống, từ câu 28 đến câu 37
In the future, machines will take the place of many bank tellers. A new ___28___, electronic funds
transfer (EFT) allows the bank or the ___29___ to move money from one account to another. For
example, a worker ___30___ her monthly paycheck, her salary. Her employer, the company that she
works for, can ___31___ her salary into her checking account ___32___. She doesn't have to go to the
bank. Her bank can also pay her monthly ___33___: the telephone, the water, the gas, and the
electricity. It will also be possible for her to pay for food at the supermarket by EFT. The supermarket
will automatically ___34___ money from her account at the bank to pay for food that she ___35___.

Some employers already deposit their ___36___ checks in the bank directly. Maybe, in the future,
people will not ___37___ money, and machines will pay for everything.
Câu 28: A. system B. systematic C. system D. systematically
Câu 29: A. customs B. customer C. customary D. custom
Câu 30: A. receives B. received C. receiver D. receipt
Câu 31: A. depositor B. deposit C. depositing D. deposits
Câu 32: A. indirectly B. directly C. indirect D. direct
Câu 33: A. billfold B. billboards C. billiards D. bills
Câu 34: A. withdrawing B. withdrawal C. withdrawn D. withdraw
Câu 35: A. bought B. buy C. buys D. buying
Câu 36: A. unemployment B. employees C. employer D. employment
Câu 37: A. carried B. carrying C. carry D. carriage
Câu 38: The police has just arrested a gang of _________ in the city.
A. revolutions B. revoltings C. revelations D. revolvers
Câu 39: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "It was hard not to start laughing
when she started to singing."
A. singing B. laughing C. started D. hard
Câu 40: Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với từ còn lại:
A. coach B. cease C. cut D. cull
Câu 41: Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với từ còn lại:
A. hull B. study C. bull D. hut
Câu 42: Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với từ còn lại:
A. master B. ask C. absent D. cast
Câu 43: Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than _________.
A. is of all human beings B. that of all human beings
C. to all human beings D. all human beings is that
Câu 44: Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với từ còn lại:
A. durable B. pure C. pull D. bureau
Câu 45: In the west, the birth of a girl is welcome with an enthusiasm _________ to that of a boy.
A. they are equal B. and equal C. equally D. equal

Câu 46: Before _________, they had used horse-drawn wooden carts.
A. tractors owned by farmers B. having tractors farmers
C. farmers have had tractors D. farmers had tractors
Câu 47: It’s impossible for me to offer him the job because he has no _________.
A. qualification B. facility C. convenience D. prescription
Câu 48: I would like to offer a small _________ to anyone who finds the missing dog.
A. reward B. expense C. award D. payment
Câu 49: Tuna, _________, may weigh up to 1,000 pounds.
A. can be giants of the sea B. the sea of the giant
C. one of the sea giants D. is the sea giant
Câu 50: Chọn một từ / cụm từ gạch chân trong câu sau cần phải sửa: "Although he is industrious, he
hasn’t successed."
A. industrious B. Although C. successed D. is
I. Viết một bức thư đề nghị cung cấp thông tin
Trước khi viết bạn hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
- Are you interested in joining a competition at school?
- Do you want to get the details about the competition before joining?
- What detailed information would you like to know?
Viết một bức thư đề nghị cung cấp thông tin:
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I : Say you are really interested in the competition and would like to join it.
Đoạn II : Say you would like to know about the details of the competition: the theme, the
Đoạn III : Say you are waiting for the reply letter.
Gợi ý:
Hãy thể hiện bạn thực sự quan tâm đến cuộc thi và muốn tham dự:
- I am really interested in the competition and would like to join it.
- I am really interested in the idea and would like to join it.

- I would like to join the competition because it sounds very interesting.
Hãy nói bạn muốn biết chi tiết về cuộc thi: chủ đề, hạn chót đăng ký, . . .
- Would you send me the details of the competition?
- Can you send me the details of the competition?
- It would be nice of you to send me the details of the competition?
Hãy nói bạn mong đợi nhận được thư hồi âm:
- I'd like to get your reply letter in the short coming time.
- I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
- I hope to get your answer as soon as possible.
Bài viết mẫu
Viết một bức thư đề nghị cung cấp thông tin:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I read the information about the Logo Design Competition on your school's website. I am very
interested in this idea and would like to get some information about the competition.
Would you please send me the details of the competition, including the theme of the the logo and
the deadline to submit the design? Please also let me know if students from other schools are eligible
to participate in this competition.
Because the work of the designing will take a lot of time and creation, I'd like to get your reply
letter in the short coming time.
Yours truly,
Doan Minh Tam
II. Đại diện cho ban tổ chức, viết một bức thư cung cấp thông tin cần thiết:
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I: Thank for someone's interest in the competition and writing to you.
Đoạn II: Give him / her the details of the competition: the theme, the deadline, the award.
Đoạn III: - Give him / her the phone number or e-mail to contact when needed.
- Say you are waiting for the design.
Gợi ý:
Cám ơn về sự quan tâm của ai đó đến cuộc thi, đã viết thư cho bạn.
- Thank you very much for being interested in our Logo Design Competition and for writing to

- We'd like to thank you very much for being in our competition and for writing to us.
Cung cấp cho anh ấy / chị ấy chi tiết về cuộc thi: chủ đề, hạn chót đăng ký và giải thưởng:
- The theme of the competition is about a logo for our school.
- The competition will start from June 21
, 2008.
- The deadline to submit the logo design is August 31
, 2008
- The results will be announced six weeks after that.
- The winner (if any) will be awarded VND 5,000,000.
Cung cấp cho anh ấy / chị ấy số điện thoại hoặc địa chỉ thư điện tử cần thiết khi liên lạc:
- If you have other questions, please call us at 034 3847 300 or e-mail us at our school's
- We are ready for answering your questions. Please contact us at 034 3847 300 or e-mail us at
our school's website.
Hãy nói bạn mong nhận được mẫu thiết kế:
- Hope to get your best design soon.
- Hopefully you can send us your best design as soon as possible.
Bài viết mẫu
Dear Mr. Doan Minh Tam,
We got your letter dated July 25
, 2008. Thank you very much for being interested in our Logo
Design Competition and for writing to us. You are very welcome to participate in the competition for it
is open to everyone.
As informed in our school's website, the competition will start from June 21

, 2008 and it would not
be our attempt to assign any particular theme for the designed logo. We believe this open-ended theme
will help enhance the designers' artistic creativity. However, it may better help if you have some
knowledge of the history and mission of our school over the past forty years. The deadline to submit
the logo design is August 31
, 2008. The results will be announced six weeks after that and the winner
(if any) will be awarded VND 5,000,000.
If you have other questions, please call us at 034 3847 300 or e-mail us at our school's website. We
look forward to receiving your best design.
Yours respectfully,
III. Viết một bức thư về tổ chức các hoạt động
Trước khi viết bạn hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
- What is your favorite holiday?
- When is it celebrated?
- What do people often do on the holiday?
- What is the meaning of the holiday?
- Why do you like it?
Dàn bài gợi ý:
Đoạn I: Introduce the holiday you are going to describe.
Đoạn II: - Say why people celebrate it.
- Say what students do on this day.
Đoạn III: Describe people's feeling on this day.
Gợi ý:
Giới thiệu về ngày nghỉ / kỳ nghỉ mà bạn sẽ miêu tả.
- One of the most traditionally celebrated holidays in Vietnam is Vietnamese Teacher's Day, which
falls on the twentieth of November every year.
- Vietnamese Teacher's day, one of the most traditionally celebrated holidays in Vietnam, takes
place on November 20

Hãy nói xem tại sao mọi người tổ chức ngày nghỉ này:
- People celebrate this special day to honor all Vietnamese teachers for their devotion to the
education cause of the country.
- People celebrate this special day to honor all Vietnamese teachers for their devotion to the
education development of the country.
Hãy nói xem học sinh, sinh viên làm gì vào ngày này:
- Students visit their teachers, wishing them good health, happiness, and career success and
respectfully presenting them gifts like flowers, especially roses.
- Students visit their teachers and wish them good health, good luck and happiness. Flowers,
especially roses.
- Students who are out of town and can not visit their teacher often send their favorite teachers
greeting cards.
Miêu tả cảm nhận của mọi người về ngày này:
- Both teachers and students are very happy on this interesting holiday because they have a
chance to recall their funny and good memories.
- Teachers and students all feel excited because this is a good chance for them to meet together
to talk about the past memories with many feelings.
Bài viết mẫu
