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bai tap neither...nor, either...or,both...and

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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
A- Đặc điểm:
*Either = hoặc cái này, hoặc cái kia, hoặc người này hoặc người kia.
*Neither = Không phải cái này mà cũng không phải cái kia, không phải người này mà không phải
người kia.
*Both = cả hai
Có một số điểm giống nhau:
a> Ba từ nói trên chỉ có thể dùng để chỉ hai người hoặc hai vật, không thể chỉ ba người hay ba
vật trở lên.
Ví dụ: Either shirt is OK : cái áo sơmi nào cũng được (nghĩa là cái này hay cái kia đều được)
I like neither of them : tôi không thích người nào cả (trong số hai người)
They are both too young to go to school : cả hai đứa đều còn nhỏ quá chưa đi học được.
22. Peter doesn't like scuba-diving. ______ does his brother.
A. Too B. Neither C. Either D. So
b> Ba từ nói trên đều có thể dùng như một tính từ, đại từ hay liên từ.
+ Tính từ
Ví dụ:
* Neither student is good at maths.
* There are trees on either side of this treet.
* Both these girls are married.
+ Đại từ
Ví dụ:
* Either (of them) can swim.
* Neither (of them) has a bicycle.
* I know both (of them).
+ Liên từ
Ví dụ:
* He neither drinks nor smokes.
* A bird may be either shot or trapped.

* The statue of Liberty was both designed and presented to the American people by the sculptor
Auguste Bartholdi.
Trong phần liên từ này ta có thể kể thêm tương liên từ (correlative) not only…but also… (không
những….mà còn…. Vì cấu trúc gần giống như các liên từ = either…or…, neither…nor…, và both…
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
Riêng về trạng từ, thì “either” “neither” có khi được dùng ở vị trí trạng từ, nhưng “both” thì không.
Trái lại “both” có thể lảm nhiệm vụ đồng vị khi chủ ngữ là một đại từ nhân xưng.
Ví dụ:
* We both cut ourselves while shaving.
Từ đồng vị “both” cũng có thể đứng giữa một trợ từ và động từ chính hay sau động từ “to be”.
Ví dụ:
* They can both swim well
* You are both late.
* They have both gone to market.
B- Cấu trúc
1) Tính từ (part1)
2) Trạng từ (Adverb)
Ví dụ:
* She can’t climb the mountain and he can’t EITHER.
* I wasn’t at the beauty contest and NEITHER was she.
* Thuy didn’t have her hair cut, NEITHER did her brother.
* A: I shan’t go overseas next month.
B: I shant’t EITHER/ NEITHER shall I.
Từ các ví dụ trên ta có thể thấy, EITHER và NEITHER khi được dụng như một trạng từ thì chỉ có
thể sử dụng ở thể phủ định.
a, EITHER (Adv)
i) Cả hai vế, trước và sau, đều ở thể phủ định.
ii) EITHER đứng sau “to be”, sau trợ động từ (trong câu hỏi ngắn gọn) và ở cuối câu.

Ví dụ:
* I’m not happy and you aren’t EITHER.
* She can’t ski and I can’t EITHER.
* The boy didn’t do his homework, he didn’t learn his lesson EITHER.
* He hasn’t been to Halong Bay and his sister hasn’t been there yet EITHER.
i) NEITHER và NOR có thể được dùng để bày tỏ sự động ý với một lời phát biểu phủ định.
Ví dụ:
* A: I can’t dance
Chú ý: Trong đàm thoại còn có thể nói: Me NEITHER! / NOR me!
ii) NEITHER và NOR trong câu nói mà chủ ngữ ở cả hai vế trước và sau đều là một người nói thì
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
có hai cách:
Cách thứ nhất: Trước NEITHER hay NOR có thêm một liên từ kết hợp là AND hay BUT (động từ
ở mệnh đề sau ở dạng nghi vấn)
Ví dụ:
* He can’t dance and NEITHER/NOR can his sister.
* I can’t play the violin but NEITHER/NOR can she.
Chú ý: Cách dùng AND và BUT với NOR thì người Anh thường dùng hơn các người nói tiếng Anh
khác trên thế giới (Úc, philipin…). Ngược lại, các nơi khác thì thường dùng AND và BUT với
Cách thứ hai: Tiếp theo vế thứ nhất, không cần dùng liên từ AND hay BUT mà chỉ cần ngăn cách
giữa hai mệnh đề bằng một dấu phẩy(,) (lẽ dĩ nhiên động từ vẫn ở thể nghi vấn)
Ví dụ:
* He wasn’t invited to the party, NOR did he want to join in.
iii) Đôi khi NEITHER/NOR (trạng từ) cũng được dùng trong một câu mà vế trước dùng ở thể
khẳng định (thường thì giữa hai mệnh đề độc lập có một dấu phẩy(, )
Ví dụ:

* He slept all day; NOR did he eat anything.
4.Liên từ
a) Quy luật chung:
ALSO…. có một quy luật chung, gọi là quy luật cân đối, nghĩa là trong câu kép (compound
sentence) hễ trong vế đầu hay mệnh đề đầu EITHER, NEITHER, BOTH, NOT ONLY đi với
loại từ nào thì trong vế sau hay mệnh đề sau OR, NOR, AND, BUT ALSO cũng phải đi với loại
từ đó.
Ví dụ:
* He speaks BOTH English AND French. (vế trước BOTH đi với 1 danh từ, vế sau AND cũng đi
với 1 danh từ)
Chú ý:
Nếu ta nói: “He BOTH speaks English AND French” thì mất cân đối nhưng trong văn đàm thoại
vẫn chấp nhận được.
Ví dụ:
* She NEITHER smokes NOR drinks. (NEITHER, NOR đều đứng trước động từ)
* He is BOTH deaf AND dumb. (BOTH, AND đều đứng trước tính từ)
* You can speak EITHER slowly OR fast. It doesn’t matter to me. (EITHER, OR đều đứng trước
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
trạng từ)
* Your father was NEITHER at home NOR in his office. (NEITHER, NOR đều đứng trước giới từ)
* She gave up her job NOT ONLY because she had a baby BUT ALSO because the pay was low
(NOT ONLY, BUT ALSO đều đứng trước một liên từ)
b) Những trường hợp cá biệt:
- EITHER và NEITHER liên từ, khác với EITHER và NEITHER tính từ ở chỗ danh từ đi sau
EITHER…OR… và NEITHER…NOR… có thể có mạo từ xác định, hay không xác định, có
this, that hay tính từ sở hữu đứng trước:
Ví dụ:

* EITHER my father of my mother will see me off.
* I have got NEITHER the time NOR the money to go travelling.
* EITHER a boy OR a girl can do callisthenics.
* NEITHER this hat NOR that one suits me.
- EITHER…OR…, NEITHER…NOR…, có khi được áp dụng cho ba người hay vật.
Ví dụ:
* You can EITHER make some coffee OR you can make some tea, OR you can do BOTH.
* NEITHER enticement, NOR threat, NOR torture could make him supply any information.
- Nếu chủ từ khác nhau về số (nhiều hay ít) hay về ngôi (person) thì động từ hiệp theo từ gần
nhất, tức theo nguyên tắc từ gần nhất (principle of proximity).
Ví dụ:
* NEITHER he NOR his friends were seen at the meeting.
* EITHER the boy OR his brothers have been there.
* EITHER you OR I am to blame.
* NEITHER you NOR she was wrong.
Tuy nhiên, người ta thường tránh lối để chủ ngữ như vậy và tách riêng chủ ngữ ra hai vế khác
Ví dụ:
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
* EITHER you are to blame OR I am.
* You were not wrong, NOR was she.
-Trong câu “NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO…”, vế sau có thể để nguyên BUT ALSO, nhưng cũng
có thể bớt Also hay tách rời also khỏi but và để also trở thành một trạng từ thêm nghĩa cho
động từ, có khi cả But cũng có thể bỏ.
Ví dụ:
* NOT ONLY children but grown up people also love Walt Disney cartoons.
* NOT ONLY children but (also) grown up people love Walt Disney cartoons.
- Khi NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO… cùng đi với động từ nhưng ta lại muốn nhấn mạnh để

người nghe hay người đọc chú ý hơn thì có thể để NOT ONLY ở đầu câu và động từ thì ở dạng
nghi vấn.(INVERSION)
Ví dụ:
* NOT ONLY did the bush crash into a tree, (but) it also ran over a child.
I. Hãy viết lại các câu dưới đây bằng cách dùng liên từ trong ngoặc.
Ex: He enjoys collecting stamps AND old china (BOTH…AND…)
=> He enjoys collecting BOTH stamps AND old china.
1. The chickens haven’t been fed; the pigs haven’t been fed EITHER (NEITHER…NOR…)
2. She carried me in her arms AND she lutted me to sleep. (NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO…)
3. You were mad OR drunk. (EITHER…OR…)
4. You can find it in the library OR in a second-hand book shop (EITHER…OR…)
5. The boy is intelligent AND hardworking. (BOTH…AND…)
6. He didn’t want his coffee OR his tea strong. (NEITHER…NOR)
7. You can take these tablets OR seek a doctor’s advice. (EITHER…OR…)
8. The thief stole my money AND tore up my identify card. (NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO)
9. He spoke French fluently AND correctly. (BOTH…AND…)
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
10. She should get a scholarship OR she should work her way through medical school. (EITHER…

11. Fred likes helping his friends. So does Linda. (both and)
@ Both Fred and Linda like helping their friends
12. Harry used to date Ann. Or was it Helen? (either or)
@ Harry used to date either Ann or Helen
13. We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths. (not only but also)
@ We should learn to accept not only our weaknesses but also our strengths
14. He never listens to or advises his friends when they have a problem.(neither nor)
@ He neither listens to nor advises his friends when they have a problem
15. I've betrayed your trust. I've betrayed your love for me. (not only but also)
@ I've betrayed not only your trust but also your love for me
16. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. (both and)
@ He felt both disappointed and misunderstood
17. Brian isn't very considerate. Neither is Tom.(neither nor)
@ Neither Brian nor Tom are very considerate
18. A true friend is someone who is caring and loving. (both and)
@ A true friend is someone who is both caring and loving
19. Rachel should apologise or leave. (either or)
@ Rachel should either apologise or leave
20. Richard and John didn't keep her secret. (neither nor)
@ Neither Richard nor John kept her secret
1. I’m going to bed early tonight. I’m too tired; I can’t watch movie on TV. - ____ can I.
A. Either B. Not C. So D. Neither
2. I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer.
A. either – nor B. neither – or C. either – or D. either – either
3. ____ the radio ____ the television works properly.
A. Neither – nor B. Neither – or C. Either – nor D. Not – nor
4. He ____ could not come ____ did not want to.
A. either – or B. neither – or C. either – nor D. nor – nor

5. The hotel is neither spacious ____.
A. or comfortable B. nor comfortable C. or comfort D. nor comfort
6. Not ____ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. even B. only C. at all D. always
He neither drank ____ smoked so he had good health.
A. nor B. or C. but D. also
7. Neither the TV nor the video sets ____ properly.
A. works B. work C. has worked D. is working
8. Now women work both before ____ after having their children.
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
A. or B. also C. nor D. and
9. It is the event ____ a lot.
A. has been talked about B. that has been talked about
C. Has talked about D. that has talked about
10. She ____ hard but also gets on well with her classmates.
A. doesn’t only study B. studies not only
C. not only studies D. not studies only
11. Either you leave now ____!
A. I will also call the police B. but I will call the police
C. or will I call the police D. or I will call the police
12. Not only John but also his two brothers ____ football as their recreation every weekend.
A. play B. plays C. were playing D. has played
13. I left it ____ on the table ____ in the drawer.
A. either – nor B. neither – or C. either – or D. either – either
14. Not only John but also his two brothers ____ football as their recreation every weekend.
A. play B. plays C. were playing D. has played
15. It is the library ____.
A. that often I borrow books from B. which I often borrow books from
C. where I often borrow books from D. from that I often borrow books

16. ____ Julia ____ her sister are going to the party.
A. Both - and B. Neither - nor C. Either - or D. Not only – but also
17. It was the electric guitar ____ was bought by my uncle.
A. that B. whom C. it D. who
III. Put in both / either / neither.
1. Ann has two sisters and a brother. _________ sisters are married.
2. These were two pictures on the wall. I didn’t like …………… of them.
3. It was a very good tennis match. _________ players played well.
4. It wasn’t a good tennis match. _________ player played well.
5. “Is your friend Canadian or American? _________ she’s Australian.”
6. We went away for two days. But the weather wasn’t very good. It rained _________ days.
7. “I bought two newspapers. Which one do you want? “_________. It doesn’t matter which one.”
8. I invited Jack and Linda to my party, but _________ of them came.
9. “Do you go to work by car or by bus? “_________ . I always walk. ”
10. “Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one? “I don’t like _________ of them. ”
11. “Do you work or are you a student?” “_________ . I have a job, but I study too.”
12. Ann and I didn’t know the time because _________ of us had a watch.
IV. Choose the correct statement to AGREE with the first sentence.
1. The students weren’t able to finish the test quickly.
A. I was either. B. Neither was I. C. Neither did I either. D. Neither was I able.
2. I am not ready for the next exercise!
A. Neither will I! B. Neither do I! C. I do either! D. Neither am I!
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Either – Neither – Both – Not only …. But also
3. I am not a smart student.
I won’t either. B. I don’t either. C. I am not either. D. I can’t either.
4. She shouldn’t study more!
Neither will B. I! Neither shall I! C. Neither should I! D. I couldn’t either!
5. Lucard doesn’t comes from Italy.
I am not either. B. Neither don’t I. C. Neither do I. D. Neither am I.

6. I don’t drive a Honda.
A. I am not either. B. Neither am I. C. Neither do I. D. Neither is mine.
7. I won’t go tonight.
A. Neither will I. B. I can’t either. C. I am either. D. I would not.
8. Jacques doesn’t go to school to study English.
A. I am either. B. Neither am I. C. Neither can I. D. I don’t either.
9. Erika won’t watch the news on TV tonight.
A. I didn’t either. B. Neither did I. C. Neither will I. D. Neither would I.
10. They won’t buy a new car.
A. I might either. B. Neither will I. C. I must either. D. And I might not.
11. Stan isn’t at work right now.
A. Neither will I. B. Neither am I. C. Neither should I. D. Neither do I.
12. Kathy doesn’t like cats!
A. I don’t either! B. Neither am I! C. I am not either! D. And I am either!
13. I don’t go to work every day.
A. Neither do I. B. Do I either. C. Neither am I. D. I am not either.
14. Phillip can’t type well.
A. I will either. B. Neither could I. C. I could either. D. I can’t either.
15. I don’t need to go to work.
A. I don’t work either. B. Neither need I.
C. I wasn’t either. D. I don’t either.
16. He doesn’t need to study.
A. I don’t need either. B. Neither do I.
C. I should either. D. Neither need I.
17. She doesn’t wish to stop smoking.
A. I wasn’t either. B. Neither am I. C. Neither wish I. D. Neither do I.
18. Margaret couldn’t go.
A. I wouldn’t either. B. I shouldn’t either.
C. I could either. D. Neither could I.
19. Maria shouldn’t do her homework now.

A. I am not either. B. I shouldn’t either. C. Shouldn’t I either. D. Neither do I.
20. I am not writing a letter to a friend.
A. I can’t either. B. Neither do I. C. I don’t either. D. I am not either.
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