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GRADE / LỚP 11-12
We often want to tell someone what another person has said to us. In most cases we do not report the exact
words that we hear. Instead we make some changes so that what we say sounds more natural. This is called
reported speech (or indirect speech). Among forms of reported speech is the structure: PEOPLE SAY
THAT…/ IT IS SAID THAT… Here are some examples:
Henry is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but: It is said that he is 108 years old. Or
He is said to be 108 years old. Cả hai câu này đều có nghĩa: "People said that he is 108 years old."
Bạn có thể dùng cấu trúc này với một số động từ khác, đặc biệt là với: think, believe, consider, report, know,
expect, allege, understand… So sánh hai cấu trúc sau:
Cathy works very hard. It is said that she works 16 hours a day.
or She is said to work 16 hours a day.
The police are looking for a missing boy. It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and
blue jeans.
or The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.
The strike started three weeks ago. It is expected that it will end soon
or The strike is expected to end soon.
A friend of mine has been arrested. It is alleged that he kicked a policeman.
or He is alleged to have kicked a policeman.
Those two houses belong to the same family.*Hai ngôi nhà đó thuộc về cùng một gia đình} It is said
that there is a secret tunnel between them.
or There is said to be a secret tunnel between them.
Những cấu trúc này thường được dùng trong việc tường thuật hay đưa tin tức. Ví dụ trong bản tin về một tai
nạn. · 'It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion' or 'Two people are reported to have been
injured in the explosion.'
(Be) supposed to: Đôi khi it is supposed to = it is said to

· Let’s go and see that film. It’s supposed to be very good. (=it is said to be very good)
· "Why was he arrested?" "He’s supposed to have kicked a policeman." (He is said to have kicked a
Nhưng đôi khi supposed to có một nghĩa khác. "Something is supposed to happen" = Một việc gì đó
đã được sắp xếp, dự định hay mong chờ xảy ra. Thường thì điều này khác với những gì thực sự xảy
· I’d better hurry. It’s nearly 8 o’clock and I’m supposed to be meeting Ann at 8.15.(= I have arranged
to meet Ann. I said I would meet her)
· The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late. (=the train was expected to arrive
at 11.30 according to the timetable)
· You were supposed to clean the windows. Why didn’t you do it? “You’re not supposed to do
something” = it is not allowed or advisable for you to do it:
· “You’re not supposed to park your car here. It’s private parking only.
· Mr Bond is much better after his illness but he’s still not supposed to do any heavy work. (his doctor
has advised him not to )
It Is Said That / He Is Said To…
…(be) Supposed To
“Main clause + noun clause” can be made passive in two ways.
Example 1:
Active: People say that he lives abroad now.
Passive 1: It’s said that he lives abroad now.
Passive 2: He is said to live abroad now.
Also See:
Passive Voice
Example 2:
Active: People believe that he is the hero of the town.
Passive 1: It’s believed that he is the hero of the town.
Passive 2: He is believed to be the hero of the town.
Present "Be":

Active: They say (that) the man is a thief.
Passive 1: It’s said that the man is a thief.
Passive 2: The man is said to be a thief.
Simple Present Noun Clause:
Active: We understand that he dislikes children.
Passive 1: It’s understood that he dislikes children.
Passive 2: He is understood to dislike children.
Past "Be":
Active: They say that he was very rich in the past.
Passive 1: It’s said that he was rich in the past.
Passive 2: He is said to have been very rich in the past.
Simple Past Noun Clause :
Active: People claim that he left the country two months ago.
Passive 1: It’s claimed that he left the country two months ago.
Passive 2: He is claimed to have left the country two months ago.
Present Perfect Noun Clause :
Active: People think that he has deserted his family.
Passive 1: It’s thought that he has deserted his family.
Passive 2: He is thought to have deserted his family.
Present Continuous Noun Clause :
Active: We think he is waiting there now.
Passive 1: It’s thought that he is waiting there now.
Passive 2: He is thought to be waiting there now.
Past Continuous Noun Clause :
Active: People say he was working very hard.
Passive 1: It’s said that he was working very hard.
Passive 2: He is said to have been working very hard.
Future Tense(will or going to) Noun Clause :
Active: People expect that the rate of exchange will go down soon.
Passive 1: It’s excepted that the rate of exchange will go down soon.

Passive 2: The rate of exchange is excepted to go down soon.
Present Passive Noun Clause :
Active: They say that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.
Passive 1: It’s said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.
Passive 2: A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.
Past Passive Noun Clause :
Active: They report that two people were killed in the explosion.
Passive 1: It’s reported that two people were killed in the explosion.
Passive 2: Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.
Common verbs similar to “believe, say” are claim, understand, think, suppose, expect,
report, acknowledge, assume, estimate, consider etc.
I. Objective/Mục tiêu
1. Knowledge/ Kiến thức:
Sau khi học xong chuyên đề học sinh cần nắm được:
- Trình bày được cách sử dụng cấu trúc trên, các tình huống vận dụng trong thực tế.
- Nêu được công thức và cách vận dụng cấu trúc trên.
- Áp dụng cấu trúc trên vào các tình huống giao tiếp trong thực tế.
2. Kĩ năng:
- Rèn luyện kĩ năng làm bài tập tự luận, như điền động từ, viết lại câu, đặt câu, xây dựng câu, làm bài tập trắc
nghiệm, chọn đáp án đúng.
- Rèn luyện kĩ năng nói, viết, nghe, dịch.
- Rèn luyện kĩ năng phân tích, so sánh, liên hệ, lập bảng
3. Thái độ:
- Hiểu rõ ý nghĩa của các cấu trúc trên trong các tình huống giao tiếp thực tế.
- Hiểu rõ cách vận dụng cấu trúc trên.
4. Định hướng năng lực hình thành:
- Thực hành bộ môn: khai thác và sử dụng bài tập có liên quan đến chuyên đề.
- Năng lực tổng hợp, kĩ năng phân tích và vận dụng, khái quát hệ thống kiến thức.

II. Chuẩn bị của giáo viên và học sinh
1. Chuẩn bị của giáo viên
- Tranh ảnh, băng đĩa, phim ảnh, sách vở sách, giáo khoa, sách tham khảo, tài liệu, bài tập, đề thi, bài kiểm…
về cấu trúc trên.
- Các tư liệu: về cấu trúc PEOPLE SAY THAT…/ IT IS SAID THAT….
2. Chuẩn bị của học sinh
- Sưu tầm tranh ảnh, băng đĩa, sách vở, tài liệu, sách giáo khoa, sách tham khảo,bài tập, đề thi, bài kiểm liên
quan tới cấu trúc trên.
III. Thiết kế tiến trình dạy học chuyên đề
1. Giới thiệu của giáo viên
We often want to tell someone what another person has said to us. In most cases we do not report the exact
words that we hear. Instead we make some changes so that what we say sounds more natural. This is called
reported speech (or indirect speech). Among forms of reported speech is the structure: PEOPLE SAY
2. Các hoạt động học tập
(Hình thức tổ chức dạy học: là nhóm)
- GV cung cấp thông tin cho học sinh:
+ Thông tin 1: Here are some examples:
Henry is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but: It is said that he is 108 years old. Or
He is said to be 108 years old. Cả hai câu này đều có nghĩa: "People said that he is 108 years old."
+ Thông tin 2: Bạn có thể dùng cấu trúc này với một số động từ khác, đặc biệt là với: think, believe,
consider, report, know, expect, allege, understand… So sánh hai cấu trúc sau:
Cathy works very hard. It is said that she works 16 hours a day.
or She is said to work 16 hours a day.
The police are looking for a missing boy. It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and
blue jeans.
or The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.
The strike started three weeks ago. It is expected that it will end soon
or The strike is expected to end soon.

A friend of mine has been arrested. It is alleged that he kicked a policeman.
or He is alleged to have kicked a policeman.
Those two houses belong to the same family.*Hai ngôi nhà đó thuộc về cùng một gia đình} It is said
that there is a secret tunnel between them.
or There is said to be a secret tunnel between them.
Những cấu trúc này thường được dùng trong việc tường thuật hay đưa tin tức. Ví dụ trong bản tin về một tai
nạn. · 'It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion' or 'Two people are reported to have been
injured in the explosion.'
+ Thông tin 3: (Be) supposed to: Đôi khi it is supposed to = it is said to
· Let’s go and see that film. It’s supposed to be very good. (=it is said to be very good)
· "Why was he arrested?" "He’s supposed to have kicked a policeman." (He is said to have kicked a
Nhưng đôi khi supposed to có một nghĩa khác. "Something is supposed to happen" = Một việc gì đó
đã được sắp xếp, dự định hay mong chờ xảy ra. Thường thì điều này khác với những gì thực sự xảy
· I’d better hurry. It’s nearly 8 o’clock and I’m supposed to be meeting Ann at 8.15.(= I have arranged
to meet Ann. I said I would meet her)
· The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late. (=the train was expected to arrive
at 11.30 according to the timetable)
· You were supposed to clean the windows. Why didn’t you do it? “You’re not supposed to do
something” = it is not allowed or advisable for you to do it:
· “You’re not supposed to park your car here. It’s private parking only.
· Mr Bond is much better after his illness but he’s still not supposed to do any heavy work. (his doctor has
advised him not to )
- GV chia lớp thành 4 nhóm và phát phiếu học tập cho từng nhóm. Yêu cầu học sinh nghiên cứu tài liệu trong
sách giáo khoa, sách tham khảo, quan sát ví dụ, công thức trong sách giáo khoa để trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
+ Nhóm 1: Phân tích thành phần câu, từ loại, từ vựng của các ví dụ.
+ Nhóm 2: Dịch sang tiếng Việt các ví dụ trên, tìm các động từ liên quan thường gặp.
+ Nhóm 3: Phân tích và tự rút ra công thức của cấu trúc trên.
+ Nhóm 4: Nhận xét về cách vận dụng của cấu trúc trên trong thực tế.

- GV phát phiếu học tập cho học sinh:
It Is Said That / He Is Said
…(be) Supposed To
1 Phân tích thành phần câu, từ
loại, từ vựng của các ví dụ
2 Dịch sang tiếng Việt các ví dụ
trên, tìm các động từ liên quan
thường gặp
3 Phân tích và tự rút ra công
thức của cấu trúc trên
4 Nhận xét về cách vận dụng của
cấu trúc trên trong thực tế
- GV giúp học sinh nhận xét từng phần và chốt ý nội dung thảo luận của các nhóm.
(Hình thức tổ chức dạy học: là nhóm)
- GV cung cấp thông tin cho HS:
+ Thông tin 4: là công thức tối giản nhất:
S1 + V1(present) + (that) + S2 +V2 (present/future)+ (02)
= It + be + p.pV1+ (that) + S2 +V2 + (02)
= S2 + be + p.pV1 + to Inf V2 + (02)
= S (O2) + be +p.pV1 + to be + p.pV2
* S1 + V1(present) + (that) + S2 +V2 (past)+ (02)

=> S2 + be + p.pV1 + to have +p.p V2+ (02)
+ Thông tin 5: là công thức mở rộng:It Is Said That / He Is Said To…(be) Supposed To
“Main clause + noun clause” can be made passive in two ways.
Example 1:
Active: People say that he lives abroad now.
Passive 1: It’s said that he lives abroad now.
Passive 2: He is said to live abroad now.
Also See:
Passive Voice
Example 2:
Active: People believe that he is the hero of the town.
Passive 1: It’s believed that he is the hero of the town.
Passive 2: He is believed to be the hero of the town.
Present "Be":
Active: They say (that) the man is a thief.
Passive 1: It’s said that the man is a thief.
Passive 2: The man is said to be a thief.
Simple Present Noun Clause:
Active: We understand that he dislikes children.
Passive 1: It’s understood that he dislikes children.
Passive 2: He is understood to dislike children.
Past "Be":
Active: They say that he was very rich in the past.
Passive 1: It’s said that he was rich in the past.
Passive 2: He is said to have been very rich in the past.
Simple Past Noun Clause :
Active: People claim that he left the country two months ago.
Passive 1: It’s claimed that he left the country two months ago.
Passive 2: He is claimed to have left the country two months ago.
Present Perfect Noun Clause :

Active: People think that he has deserted his family.
Passive 1: It’s thought that he has deserted his family.
Passive 2: He is thought to have deserted his family.
Present Continuous Noun Clause :
Active: We think he is waiting there now.
Passive 1: It’s thought that he is waiting there now.
Passive 2: He is thought to be waiting there now.
Past Continuous Noun Clause :
Active: People say he was working very hard.
Passive 1: It’s said that he was working very hard.
Passive 2: He is said to have been working very hard.
Future Tense(will or going to) Noun Clause :
Active: People expect that the rate of exchange will go down soon.
Passive 1: It’s excepted that the rate of exchange will go down soon.
Passive 2: The rate of exchange is excepted to go down soon.
Present Passive Noun Clause :
Active: They say that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.
Passive 1: It’s said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.
Passive 2: A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.
Past Passive Noun Clause :
Active: They report that two people were killed in the explosion.
Passive 1: It’s reported that two people were killed in the explosion.
Passive 2: Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.
Common verbs similar to “believe, say” are claim, understand, think, suppose, expect,
report, acknowledge, assume, estimate, consider etc.
+ Thông tin 6: HS đọc và làm các bài tập mẫu theo yêu cầu, GV gợi ý HS nắm được những ý cơ bản sau: làm
bài tập tự luận, như điền động từ, viết lại câu, đặt câu, xây dựng câu, làm bài tập trắc nghiệm, chọn đáp án
EXERCISE 1: Changes the sentences as suggested:

1. Many people are said to be homeless after the flood.
2. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
3. He is believed to have driven through the town at 90km an hour.
4. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
5. Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
6. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
7. He is said to speak English very well.
EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences as suggested:
1. He is thought to be very clear.
2. The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
3. He is understood to be very rich.
4. The film is supposed to be very good.
5. Many people are thought to have been killed in the explosion.
6. About a million puppies are thought to be born each year.
7. The factories are said to be much worse.
8. Those dogs are said to be dangerous.
- GV chia lớp thành 4 nhóm và phát phiếu học tập thảo luận những nội dung sau:
Nhóm 2
Nhóm 3
Nhóm 4
It Is Said That /
He Is Said To…

Supposed To
Phân tích thành
phần câu, từ loại, từ
vựng của các ví dụ
Dịch sang tiếng
Việt các ví dụ trên,
tìm các động từ liên
quan thường gặp
Phân tích và tự rút
ra công thức của
cấu trúc trên
Nhận xét về cách
vận dụng của cấu
trúc trên trong thực
- GV giúp học sinh nhận xét từng phần liên quan đến cấu trúc và chốt ý nội dung thảo luận của các
Hoạt động 3: ÁP DỤNG THỰC TẾ
(hình thức tổ chức dạy học: cả lớp/ cá nhân)
- GV cung cấp thông tin 7: Thảo luận: Passive constructions “It is said,” “It is expected” etc
Question: Are these passive constructions common now? One native speaker sad to me that they are
extremely formal.
It is believed that Jesus was born, rose from the dead, and crucified and resurrected.
It is expected that the delegates will endorse the existing peace plan of the European Community.
It is alleged that he pays bribes to the Italian government or exports aphrodisiacs.
It is said that the gun can be fired twenty times in one minute.
Your examples are all entirely common, but also slightly formal. They might also be considered slightly
In casual speech you would more likely say, "they believe that " or "they say that ", etc. They is used as a

kind of catch-all subject when the actual subject is unknown.
In careful writing you might prefer to find some way to provide an actual subject for these sentences. For
Christians believe that Jesus was born, crucified, and resurrected.
Prosecutors allege that he pays bribes.

Exactly; in some of the OP's sentences, there's an implication that everyone believes/says/alleges [x],
and that's not true. I would say that the 2nd and 4th examples could reasonably remain as they are; it's
fair to assume that most people expect a certain result from the delegation, and "It is said that" is
actually a set phrase, I think. But I agree that the 1st and 3rd sentences really need a subject to be less

The place I usually see "it is said " is in trade magazines where they've just copy-and-pasted text from
a company's press release in to an "article". They tack "It is said" in front of each substantial claim to
distance themselves from the claim. But it makes for some really awkward reading.

@ThePhoton This is sometimes called using weasel words. (I think Wikipedia popularized the term, but
if not, then Wikipedia is at least where I first ran into it.)
- GV cung cấp thông tin 8: It is said that, He is said to, and sometimes (be) supposed to have the
meaning "people say " and they are often used in news reports.
i.e. An old lady in my town died last week, and people say that she gave a lot of money to charity.
It is said that He is said to (be) supposed to
It is said that she gave a lot of
money to charity.
She is said to have given a lot of money
to charity.
She is supposed to have given
a lot of money to charity.
Some other verbs are also

used in this construction:
thought, believed, considered, reported,
known, expected, alleged, understood
But (be) supposed to also has a few other meanings. It can also mean something that is planned,
arranged, or expected.
i.e. I have to go home now because I'm supposed to make dinner for my little sister.
not supposed to is used for things that are not allowed or not advisable.
i.e. You're not supposed to go outside with your hair wet.
- GV cung cấp thông tin 9: If the predicate of the passive sentence is a verb transitive like:
think, find, say, report, consider, understand, acknowledge, expect, tell, know
then you can change
the active sentence into passive using two ways. Look at the examples:
a) People say that he is handsome. (in the present)
∗It is said that he is handsome.
∗He is said to be handsome. (to + V1)
b) They knew he had an idea.
∗It was known that he had an idea.
∗He was known to have had an idea. (to + have V3)
These are formal structures. They are often used in news reports and on TV.
- HS nghiên cứu các câu hỏi sau:
1. Phân tích thành phần câu, từ loại, từ vựng của cấu trúc.
2. Các động từ liên quan thường sử dụng trong cấu trúc. Nghĩa tương đương trong tiếng Việt của cấu trúc.
3. Phân tích và rút ra công thức tổng quát của cấu trúc trên.
4. Tình huống áp dụng và cách vận dụng của cấu trúc trên trong thực tế.
- GV gợi ý HS trả lời các câu hỏi trên.
3. Củng cố bài và ra bài tập về nhà
- GV hệ thống kiến thức và nhấn mạnh những điểm chính của cấu trúc trên.
- Chọn một hoặc hai tình huống tiêu biểu nhất để liên hệ với thực tế giao tiếp.
- GV hướng dẫn HS rút ra khái niệm PEOPLE SAY THAT…/ IT IS SAID THAT…thông qua bảng gợi ý:

Thành phần câu của
cấu trúc
Các động từ thường
sử dụng trong cấu
Công thức tổng
quát của cấu trúc
Tình huống áp dụng
của cấu trúc trong
thực tế
I. Bảng mô tả các mức độ nhận thức
Nội dung Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng thấp Vận dụng cao
- Nhận biết các
động từ thường sử
dụng trong cấu trúc.
- Dịch sang tiếng
Việt các câu sử
dụng cấu trúc trên.
- Công thức tổng
quát của cấu trúc.
- Thành phần câu
của cấu trúc.
- Làm bài tập tự

luận, như điền động
từ, viết lại câu, đặt
câu, xây dựng câu…
- Làm các bài tập
trắc nghiệm, chọn
đáp án đúng, loại trừ
đáp án sai.
- Áp dụng cấu trúc
trong thực tế giao
- Nhận biết các
động từ thường sử
dụng trong cấu trúc.
- Dịch sang tiếng
Việt các câu sử
dụng cấu trúc trên.
- Công thức tổng
quát của cấu trúc.
- Thành phần câu
của cấu trúc.
- Làm bài tập tự
luận, như điền động
từ, viết lại câu, đặt
câu, xây dựng câu…
- Làm các bài tập
trắc nghiệm, chọn
đáp án đúng, loại trừ
đáp án sai.

- Áp dụng cấu trúc
trong thực tế giao
HE IS SAID TO… - Nhận biết các
động từ thường sử
dụng trong cấu trúc.
- Dịch sang tiếng
Việt các câu sử
dụng cấu trúc trên.
- Công thức tổng
quát của cấu trúc.
- Thành phần câu
của cấu trúc.
- Làm bài tập tự
luận, như điền động
từ, viết lại câu, đặt
câu, xây dựng câu…
- Làm các bài tập
trắc nghiệm, chọn
đáp án đúng, loại trừ
đáp án sai.
- Áp dụng cấu trúc
trong thực tế giao
II. Biên soạn câu hỏi, bài tập kiểm tra đánh giá trong quá trình dạy học theo chuyên đề
1. Câu hỏi mức độ nhận biết và thông hiểu
- Rephrase the sentences to make them more formal.
1) People think that the new prime minister is a good speaker.
It is .

The new prime minister .
2) They report that the suspended gunman is in custody.
The suspended .
It is .
3) People don't expect that the new party will win the election.
It isn't .
The new .
4) The police say that the principal is at large.
It is .
The principal .
5) The detective knows that the robber has left the city.
It is .
The robber .
6) People believe that giving encouragement is important at work, too.
It is .
Giving encouragement .
7) They told us that Charles drank too much at the party.
It was .
Charles .

– Rephrase the sentences to make them more formal.
1) People know that drug addiction is dangerous.
It is .
2) They believe that the lunch will be delicious.
The lunch is .
3) They think that the children are at school.
The children .
4) People said that the robbery lasted half an hour.
It is .

5) People acknowledge that he is talented.
He is .
6) The newspapers reported that he won the jackpot.
He was .
7) They think that your tea is too sweet.
It is .
8) Everybody says the old bridge will collapse.
The old .
– Rewrite the sentences. Look at the examples.
1) It is said that the thief stole several wallets.
The thief
is said to have stolen several wallets.
2) People think that the pigeons carry a lot of diseases.
It is
thought that the pigeons carry a lot of diseases.
3) Sarah is known to be the prettiest girl in the class.
It is .
4) It was understood that he got divorced.
He was .
5) Amy Winehouse was reported to have died.
It was .
6) It is acknowledged that she is a talented painter.
She is .
7) The Sun was believed to move round the Earth.
It was .
8) It is said that the pilot was drunken.
The pilot .
9) This kind of material is found to be poisonous.
It is .
10)The witness was thought to have injured.

It was .
2. Câu hỏi mức độ vận dụng:
1. People / believe /that /the number 79 /be/ very lucky.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The number 79 ____________________________________________________________
2. People / say that/ the quiz champion Claude Kenning /just lose/ his memory.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The quiz champion Claude Kenning ____________________________________________
3. People /know that /Tom eat/ worms.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 Tom _____________________________________________________________________
4. They /believe that /the hostages /be/ kill/ this morning.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The hostages ______________________________________________________________
5. Journalists /report that /a crowd / gather/ at the scene of the accident/now.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 A crowd __________________________________________________________________
6. Lots of people /believe that /the Prime Minister and his wife /already separated.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The Prime Minister and his wife ________________________________________________
7. They /report that /many people / die of /hunger /at that time.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 Many people ______________________________________________________________
8. People /understand that /fossil fuels / use up /soon.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 Fossil fuels ________________________________________________________________
9. They /think that /Henry commit/ crimes/when/ he/ be/ young.
 It ________________________________________________________________________

 Henry ____________________________________________________________________
10. People /know that /she /have/ 12 children.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 She _____________________________________________________________________
11. Everyone /expect that /the train/ arrive /at 11:30.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The train _________________________________________________________________
12. They/ report that /the gangsters /just/ arrest/ by the police.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The gangsters _____________________________________________________________
13. People /show that /the crash/ be/ the result of the pilot error/ last night.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The crash _________________________________________________________________
14. They /think that /the streets / clean/ every day.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 The streets ________________________________________________________________
15. People /say that /Julia / work/ here /since 1995.
 It ________________________________________________________________________
 Julia _____________________________________________________________________
