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Đề thi học sinh giỏi bậc THPT tỉnh Ninh Thuận năm 2014 - 2015_MÔN ANH

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(Đề chính thức)
(Đề thi gồm 10 trang/ 20 điểm)
NĂM HỌC 2014 – 2015
Khóa ngày: 09 / 11 / 2014
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH - Cấp THPT
Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
(Không kể thời gian phát đề)
 Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 15 giây, mở đầu và kết
thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Choose the best answer (A, B or C)
and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.

1. You hear the beginning of a lecture in a university. What is the lecture going to be about?
A. the history of a place B. social problems C. a person's life and work
2. You hear part of a radio programme about an island. Why are there so few trees on the island now?
A. because of urban development
B. because of the expansion of agriculture
C. because of the action of the sea
3. You hear a teenage boy talking on the radio about his family's efforts to earn money. What will the
money be used for?
A. computer games B. new clothes C. an expensive car
4. You hear an announcement at a railway station. What should you do if you want to go to London?
A. await further instructions
B. travel from a different platform
C. get on the next train to arrive
5. You hear a man talking about newspapers. What does he say about the newspaper he reads?
A. It is an essential part of life.
B. It is an important source of information.
C. It is useful for passing the time.
6. You hear a conversation on the radio. What is the programme about?
A. solving traffic problems in cities
B. studying nature and wildlife
C. finding part of an ancient town
7. You hear two people talking about a music festival they have been to. What do they agree about?
A. the quality of the performances
B. the fairness of the prices
C. the standard of the accommodation
8. You hear a travel writer speaking on a radio programme. What aspect of his travels is he talking
A. what he does to keep healthy
B. how he reduces the risk of accidents
C. illnesses from which he has suffered

Your answers:
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Part 2: For question 1-6, complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND /
OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Moving Company Service Report
Phone number:
USA Adress:

509 (2)
1137 (3) in Seatle
Packing day:
Clean-up by:
About the Price:
Rather expensive
Storage time:
For question 7-10:
Where does the speaker decide to put items in?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 7-10.
A. in emergency pack
B. in personal package
C. in storage with the future
7. cutlery and dishes
8. kettle
9. alarm clock
10. CD player
Part 3: You will hear an interview with a man called Stan Leach who is talking about adventure
sports. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) and write your answers in the corresponding numbered

1. Stan says that the best thing about walking is that you can
A. get fit by doing it. B. please yourself how you do it. C. do it on your own.
2. Stan's opinion on scrambling is that
A. people doing it may need to be accompanied. B. it is unsuitable for beginners.
C. it is more exciting than walking.
3. What did Stan discover when he went climbing?
A. It was not enjoyable. B. It was harder than he expected. C. It can be very frightening.
4. What does Stan say about mountain biking?
A. Britain is not the best place for it. B. It is more expensive in Britain than elsewhere.
C. It is best where there are lots of downhill slopes.
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5. Stan's advice on scuba diving is that
A. most of the courses for it are good. B. it is easier than it seems.
C. you should think carefully before trying it.
6. What is Stan's view of skydiving?
A. It is surprisingly popular. B. It is best when done in teams.
C. Only certain types of people like it.

7. What does Stan say about canoeing?
A. You can do it in conditions that suit you. B. It is best at certain times of the year.
C. There are few places in Britain to do it.
Your answers:
Part 1: Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions and write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. Paul wasn’t keen on ______ of the jobs she was offered.
A. neither B. both C. none D. either
2. Brian has been working ______ since he was promoted.
A. as harder B. Just as hardly C. much harder D. more hardly
3. I wish you wouldn’t show off and ______ your success so much!
A. boast about B. full of C. bored by D. congratulate on
4. Tom’s employment ______ would be better if he had a clean driving licence.
A. opportunities B. prospects C. odds D. likelihood
5. We stopped watching the game before the end, but I thought we ______.
A. had won B. have won C. will have won D. have been winning
6. Remember to wear a helmet ______ your head is protected.
A. to B. that C. in order that D. so as
7. I was passing their house, so I ______ Claire and Michael.
A. came up with B. got on with C. ran into D. dropped in on
8. He didn’t want to ______ of seeing New York, so he agreed to go on the trip.
A. pass up the chance B. pass with chance C. catch the chance D. miss up the chance

9. Everyone was ______ to bits that Joe was so successful in the competition.
A. blissful B. thrilled C. exultant D. insatiable
10. The new manager made a useful ______ the discussion of the meeting last week.
A. comment to B. statement for C. contribution to D. contribution for
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Part 2: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in each

column on the right. (0) has been done as an example.
Marie Curie (1867-1934)
Marie Sklodowska was born on 7th November 1867. From early (0. CHILD)
_____, she was fascinated by science and showed great (1. ENTHUSE)
______ for it, as well as (2. ORDINARY) ______ talent. However, it was her
marriage to Pierre Curie in 1895 that marked the start of a partnership that was
to achieve results of world (3. SIGNIFY) ______ in particular the discovery of
the radioactive metals polonium and radium in 1898. By this time Marie Curie,
though quiet and unassuming, was held in great esteem by scientists
throughout the world. In 1903 she became the first woman to receive the Nobel
Prize for Physics. Although the premature death of her husband in 1906 was a
bitter blow to her, it so marked a (4. DRAMA) ______ turning point in her
career. From this time on, she was to put all her energy into completing alone
the work they had originally (5. TAKE) ______together.

0. childhood
1. __________
2. __________

3. __________

4. __________

5. __________

Part 3: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in
each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding boxes provided below the passage.

Dealing with waste plastic
Every year people throw away millions of tonnes of plastic bottles, boxes and wrapping. These create
huge mountains of waste that are extremely hard to get (1)______of. Now a new recycling process
promises to reduce this problem by turning old plastic into new.
Scientists have taken (2)______long time to develop their ideas because waste plastic has always been
a bigger problem (3)______substances like waste paper. You can bury plastic, but it takes many years
to break down. If you burn it, it just becomes another form of pollution. A (4)______products, for
example bottles, can be re-used, but it is expensive or difficult to do this (5)______a lot of plastic
Now a group of companies has developed a new method (6)______recycling that could save almost
any plastic waste. Nearly every type of waste plastic can be used: it does (7)______have to be sorted.
In addition, labels and ink may be left (8)______the products. Everything is simply mixed together
(9)______heated to more than 400 degrees centigrade (10)______that it melts. It is then cooled,
producing a waxy substance that can be used to make new plastic products, including computer
Your answers:
Part 1: Read the passage and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according
to the text. Write your answers in the numbered boxes.
Language Acquisition

Regardless of culture or language, children around the world tend to go through the same stages
when first developing their ability to speak. Initially, children practice communication through
"conversations" with those close to them, usually a parent, sibling, or caregiver. In the course of daily
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activities and routines, children first express themselves through two modes of communication:
gestures and sounds. As a child continues to develop, the motions and sounds he or she uses become
more complex until finally the child is able to express intended messages through speech and gestures.
The first sounds and gestures a child makes are used in reference to his or her immediate
surroundings. This stage of communication can typically be observed between six and eighteen months
of age. Starting with basic gestures, most often pointing, children indicate their intentions or show that
they recognize familiar objects. These gestures are later accompanied by sounds, approximations of
simple words that the child hears often in routine household interactions. Refined through copious
repetition, some of these sounds eventually become recognizable as words. For example, when the
family dog enters the room, a child might point and say "doddie," trying to replicate the sounds of
"dog" or "doggie," that other family members so often say. Interestingly, at this point, the child does
not yet realize that "dog" refers to a type of animal rather than just the family pet. As the child
grows older and uses the word more frequently, the more general application of the word becomes

clear, and the child will begin to demonstrate appropriate usage of the word.
From eighteen to twenty-four months of age, children continue to refine and add to their store of
sounds and words. The words used at this stage are mainly nouns, such as the names of people around
them, or verbs that refer to their ability to interact in the environment, such as "give," "take," and "go."
Their speech is very concrete and focused on phenomena that make a strong sensory impression, as
one might expect from children still in what Piaget called the sensorimotor stage of cognitive
development. During this stage, children continue to add content and meaning to their speech,
particularly by moving from one-word utterances like "doggie," to multi-word strings such as,
"doggie go." As the complexity of a child's speech increases, the number of gestures that accompany
the speech also increases. In fact, researchers have noted that the lengths of a child's verbal and
gestural expressions are similar.
By two-and-a-half years of age, children can speak in sentences made up of several words.
Furthermore, as children's verbal skills mature, so too do their gestures. These gestures are often used
to support their verbal communication, to indicate recognition of an object, or to illustrate an object's
function. For example, children at this stage of communicative development may mime actions, such
as panting or barking, to show their recognition of "dog." Children's interactions with their
conversation partners also change during this period. At this stage, children more often look at the
person being spoken to rather than at the object of their gestures.
 A) From the age of thirty months, there is an explosion in a child's ability to form sentences. In
mere months, the child goes from limited short sentences of only a few words to adult-like complexity
in the structure of their speech, such as responding to a question like, "Did you see the dog?" with the
sentence, "Yes, I did see doggie."  B) In fact, the child's language develops so rapidly at this stage
that it is difficult for researchers to describe the exact pattern of acquisition.  C) It is during this final
stage that children acquire the majority of the grammar they need to communicate effectively in their
first language. Interestingly, children seem able to systematically use grammar in their speech, as
though they somehow realize the inherent rules behind different linguistic elements.  D)
To recap, children all over the world go through the same basic stages of language acquisition,
going from mere sounds at about six months to complete sentences by the age of three. This process is
all the more interesting because it happens naturally, irrespective of any formal education.

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1. The word those in the passage refers to _______.
A. conversations B. people C. children D. words
2. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the
passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
A. The child thinks that "dog" is the name of her family pet.
B. The child thinks that "dog" is the word for all pets.
C. The child thinks that all family pets are dogs.
D. The child thinks that all dogs are her family pet.
3. According to paragraph 2, the first words a child speaks are determined by all of the following
EXCEPT _______.
A. how simple the word is B. how frequently the word is heard
C. how old the child is D. how often a child practices sounds
4. According to paragraph 3, what stage of cognitive development are children still at between
eighteen and twenty-four months of age?
A. The refinement stage B. The sensorimotor stage

C. The gestural stage D. The environmental stage
5. The word ‘utterances’ in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. extremes B. choices C. demands D. expressions
6. The author mentions "doggie" and "doggie go" in the passage in order to _______.
A. define verbal and gestural expressions
B. illustrate phenomena that make a strong sensory impression
C. provide examples of single-word and multi-word utterances
D. explain nouns and verbs
7. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about a child's earlier interactions with her
conversation partners?
A. The child often does not look at her partners.
B. Her partners often object to her use of gestures.
C. The child cannot tell the difference between people and objects.
D. The child uses gestures more effectively than she uses words.
8. According the passage, which of the following is true about the gestures a child makes?
A. They have their own form of grammar.
B. They are less important for communication than spoken words.
C. They become increasingly complex, just as speech does.
D. They develop more slowly than spoken communication.
9. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the
passage: ‘The final stage of language development is a rapid one’.
Where would the sentence best fit? Choose the square [] where the sentence should be added to the passage.
A. 1
square B. 2
square C. 3
square D. 4

10. The phrase ‘irrespective of any formal education’ in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. showing the value of formal education B. demonstrating that formal education is not necessary
C. in conjunction with formal education D. no matter how much formal education one has
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Part 2: Read the text and choose the correct heading for sections 1—7 from the list of headings below.
There are more extra headings which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered boxes.
A. Common objections
B. Who's planning what
C. This type sells best in the shops
D. The figures say it all
E. Early trials
F. They can't get in without these
G. How does it work?
H. Fighting fraud
I. Systems to avoid
J. Accepting the inevitable

Paragraph 0: ____F______
Students who want to enter the University of Montreal's Athletic Complex need more than just a
conventional ID card — their identities must be authenticated by an electronic hand scanner. In some
California housing estates, a key alone is insufficient to get someone in the door; his or her voiceprint
must also be verified. And soon, customers at some Japanese banks will have to present their faces for
scanning before they can enter the building and withdraw their money.
Paragraph 1: __________
All of these are applications of biometrics, a little-known but fast-growing technology that involves the
use of physical or biological characteristics to identify individuals. In use for more than a decade at
some high-security government institutions in the United States and Canada, biometrics are now
rapidly popping up in the everyday world. Already, more than 10,000 facilities, from prisons to day-
care centres, monitor people's fingerprints or other physical parts to ensure that they are who they
claim to be. Some 60 biometric companies around the world pulled in at least $22 million last year and
that grand total is expected to mushroom to at least $50 million by 1999.
Paragraph 2: __________
Biometric security systems operate by storing a digitised record of some unique human feature. When

an authorised user wishes to enter or use the facility, the system scans the person's corresponding
characteristics and attempts to match them against those on record. Systems using fingerprints, hands,
voices, irises, retinas and faces are already on the market. Others using typing patterns and even body
odours are in various stages of development.
Paragraph 3: __________
Fingerprint scanners are currently the most widely deployed type of biometric application, thanks to
their growing use over the last 20 years by law-enforcement agencies. Sixteen American states now
use biometric fingerprint verification systems to check that people claiming welfare payments are
genuine. In June, politicians in Toronto voted to do the same, with a pilot project beginning next year.
Paragraph 4: __________
To date, the most widely used commercial biometric system is the handkey, a type of hand scanner
which reads the unique shape, size and irregularities of people's hands. Originally developed for
nuclear power plants, the handkey received its big break when it was used to control access to the
Olympic Village in Atlanta by more than 65,000 athletes, trainers and support staff. Now there are
scores of other applications.
Paragraph 5: __________
Around the world, the market is growing rapidly. Malaysia, for example, is preparing to equip all of its
airports with biometric face scanners to match passengers with luggage. And Japan's largest maker of
cash dispensers is developing new machines that incorporate iris scanners. The first commercial
biometric, a hand reader used by an American firm to monitor employee attendance, was introduced in
1974. But only in the past few years has the technology improved enough for the prices to drop
sufficiently to make them commercially viable. `When we started four years ago, I had to explain to
everyone what a biometric is,' says one marketing expert. 'Now, there's much more awareness out
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Paragraph 6: __________
Not surprisingly, biometrics raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse. Some
worry that governments and industry will be tempted to use the technology to monitor individual
behaviour. `If someone used your fingerprints to match your health-insurance records with a credit-
card record showing you regularly bought lots of cigarettes and fatty foods,' says one policy analyst,
'you would see your insurance payments go through the roof.' In Toronto, critics of the welfare
fingerprint plan complained that it would stigmatise recipients by forcing them to submit to a
procedure widely identified with criminals.
Paragraph 7: __________
Nonetheless, support for biometrics is growing in Toronto as it is in many other communities. In an
increasingly crowded and complicated world, biometrics may well be a technology whose time has
Your answers:
0. F
Part 3: Choose ONE suitable word from the box below to complete in each blank. There are two

words that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the numbered boxes.
turned, expected, keen, ancient, advisable, inevitable, sight, changed, agree, other
In practically any country in the world you are sure to find a market somewhere. Markets have been
with us since (1) ______ times, and arose wherever people needed to exchange the goods they
produced. For example, a farmer might have exchanged a cow for tools. But just as times have (2)
______, so have market practices. So, whereas in early times the main activity associated with markets
would have been ‘bartering’ - in (3) ______ words exchanging goods - today most stall-holders
wouldn't be too (4) ______ on accepting potatoes as payment, for instance, instead of cash.
In contrast, what might be a common (5) ______ in a modern market in some countries is a certain
amount of ‘haggling’, where customer and seller eventually (6) ______ on a price, after what can
sometimes be quite a heated debate. However, behaviour which is (7)______in a market in one
country may not be acceptable in another. Even within one country, there may be some markets where
you could haggle quite easily and others where it would be (8) ______ not to try!
Your answers:
Part 1: For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. DO NOT change the word given. You must use between two and six
words, including the word given.
1. Lucy succeeded in passing her driving test, even though she had flu. (MANAGE)
Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….her driving test.
2. Nick’s cooking soon impressed his friends. (REPUTATION)

 Among his friends, Nick soon gained ……………….………………………………………………………… good cook.
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3. Do you think Tom is likely to win the competition? (CHANCE)
Do you think Tom is in ………………………………………………………………………………………… the competition?
4. The pool closes in ten minutes, so there isn’t enough time to go swimming now. (WORTH)
 It …………………………………………………………………………………………….now as the pool closes in ten minutes.
5. We will send your new passport tomorrow, provided your paperwork is in order. (LONG)
 Your new passport will……………………………………………………………………….… your paperwork is in order.
Part 2: The graph and the table below give information about water use worldwide and water
consumption in two different countries. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparison where relevant. Write at least 120 words.
Water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000
Irrigated land
Water consumption per person

176 million
26.500 km
359 m
Democratic Republic of Congo
5.2 million
100 km

8 m

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Part 3: Write about the following topic (about 250 words):
Some people believe that teachers should be responsible for teaching students the
difference between right and wrong. Others say that teachers should only teach academic
Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. (Do not include your personal information).

