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(1-10) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence:
1/ I don’t like using the internet because it has some __________ .
A. benefits B. limitations C. advantages D. conveniences
2/ You should watch the news every day. It’s very __________ .
A. costly B. boring C. informative D. violent
3/ How much time do you spent __________ the web every day .
A. using B. posting C. responding D. surfing
4/ It __________ every day so far this week.
A. rains B. has been rained C. is raining D. has rained
5/ Nobody understands what he says, ___________?
A. do they B. don’t they C. does it D. doesn’t it
6/ Many people think chatting on the internet is _________ .
A. time-consumed B. consumed- time C. consuming- time D. time-consuming 7/ It is easy for
everyone to get access _________the internet .
A. earthquake B. tornadoes C. UFO D. volcanoes
8/ They differ __________ each other so much.
A. on B. in C. to D. for
9/ people ________ all ages can watch this film.
A. from B. of C. with D. in
10/ You like watching sports, don’t you? – “ ________________ .”
A. I’m the opposite. B. I think so. C. Yes, I like. D. No, I hate it.
1/ _____ 2/ _____ 3/ _____ 4/ _____ 5/ _____
6/ _____ 7/ _____ 8/ _____ 9/ _____ 10/ _____
(11-12) Choose the underlined word or phrase(A,B,C, or D) that needs correcting:
11/ We can’t swim in this river because of the water is awfully polluted
12 She has got a new job. You must congratulate her for her success.

11/ _____ 12/ _____
(13-16) Use the correct tense or form of the verbs in parentheses.
13/ We __________ in this school for three years . (study)
14/ I wish it ____________ now . ( not rain)
15/ She enjoys__________ to music in her free time. ( listen)
16/ A new style of Jeans ___________ in the USA last year. (introduce)
1/ _____ 2/ _____ 3/ _____ 4/ _____
17-22) Use the correct form of the words in parentheses:
17/ Thanks to television people can get the laĐỀ THI THỬ MÔN ANH VÀO LỚP 10 SỐ ___________ .
( inform)
18/ The internet is still __________for us. ( cost)
19/ __________ of the solar system began in the 19
century. ( explore)
20/ The internet has ___________ develop and become part of our daily life. increase)
21/ Everyone needs time for rest and _________ . ( relax)
22/ The accident was caused by _________ driving. (care)
1/ _____ 2/ _____ 3/ _____ 4/ _____ 5/ _____ 6/ _____
(23-28) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
The Word “telephone” means hearing the (23)___________ produced at the distance, just as we see distant
objects through a “ telescope” or we see things happening miles away through “ television”. The telephone
was(24) ________ more than one hundred years ago by Alexander Graham Bell, and an America. It is now very
extensively used everywhere. In Viet Nam, most of the people have their own telephone in their homes. It makes
us possible to talk to our friends far away without all the way to their homes.
In actually working it appears to be (25) ___________ . It has a transmitter into which you speak and a
receiver at which you hear, and these two are now (26) ________ in the same small instrument, one at each end.
The two persons who want to speak have each an instrument. Thereis a ( 27) _________ wire and electric battery
by the side of each, or there (28) __________ a common connecting station. It is the electric current that enables

the sound vibrations to be produced at the other end, and the person at the end hears the talk of his friend .
23/ A. sounds B. music C. films D. songs
24/ A. done B. discovered C. invented D. made
25/ A. simplify B. simplicity C. simply D. simple
26/ A. combined B. mixed C. fixed D. fitted
27/ A. connected B. connecting C. connective D. connection
28/ A. is B. are C. was D. has been
1/ _____ 2/ _____ 3/ _____ 4/ _____ 5/ _____ 6/ _____
(29-32) Read the dialogue and then decide whether the statements that follow are true or false. Write True
or False in your answersheet:
The radio is one of the wonders of modern inventions. It is a novel system of sending news like telephone or
telegraph but without wires. Marconi, an Italian scientist invented the radio. In 1896, the first wireless message
was send across Penrith and Westson through apparatus he invented. The receiving sets catch the sounds, which
are then broadcast. The more powerful a receiving set is, the greater it can catch broadcast sound from a long
The invention of the wireless or the radio is a wonder I this world. One can know everything instantly through
a radio set. Programs from distant countries can be heard promptly. The radio is also a source of amusement and
entertainment. Besides, news and messages, there are entertainment programs like music, dialogues and
educational items for children.
____ 29/ The radio was invented by an English scientist.
____ 30/ The radio is a wonderful invention.
____ 31/ people can listen to and talk on the radio.
____ 32/ Children can learn a lot of things from radio.
(33-36) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence
printed before them.
33/ Does he get up early in the morning?
He gets ____________________________________________________________
34/ She began playing the piano six years ago.
 She has ____________________________________________________________

35/ Do you like playing badmin ton?
 Are you ___________________________________________________________
36/ How long does it take you to do the homework?
How long do you _____________________________________________________
