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Period: 2 Class: 10D1 Teaching date:
I. Objectives:
By the end of lesson the students can
- use words and phrases related to topic "Household chores" to talk about sharing
housework in their family.
- pronounce and recognize the clusters /tr/, /kr/, /br/
- realize the difference between present simple and present continuous
II. Contents:
- review the vocabulary about household chores
- practice pronouncing /tr/, /kr/, /br/
- give the correct verb form
III. Teaching aids:
- Textbooks, CD, projectors
IV. Procedures:
Teacher/Students Contents
Warm-up - T says 8 words in Vietnamese, sts write the
words in English in groups. The winner is the
group with most correct words
Words for the game:
chore, homemaker, breadwinner,
groceries, split, laundry, heavy-
lifting, washing-up
Vocabulary 1. Matching
- Sts work in pair to match each word with its
definition in 5 minutes.
- T checks with whole class by saying the
number, sts say the letter. T can check their
understanding by asking "How do you know?"

1.f 2.e 3.a 4.h
5.b 6.g 7.d 8.c
2. Listing
- Sts work in groups this time, listing all
chores by scanning the dialogue. One pair
does the task simultaneously on the board to
get mark
- T checks by pointing at each words and sts
say no or yes. T also decides if any other
chores is suitable or not.
- T can organize a game to list other
household chores in 2 minutes
Chores from the dialogue
- prepare dinner, cook, shop,
clean the house, take out the
rubbish, do the laundry, do the
washing up, do the heavy-lifting,
household finances
Other chores:
- bathe the baby, feed the baby,
water flowers and plants, feed
pets, put away clothes, lay the
table for meals…
Pronunciation 1. Listen and repeat
- T asks 3 questions to elicit the pronunciation
of /tr/, /kr/, /br/
- T plays the CD and pause after each word
for sts to practice
- T asks 5 sts to read 5 rows of the table and
check their pronunciation if necessary.

1. What colour is chocolate?
- brown
2. How do you go to Hanoi?
- by train
3. What do you like eating in
- ice-cream
2. Listen and circle
- T introduces task 2 and plays the CD, sts
1.b 2.b 3.c 4.a
listen and circle the cluster they hear
3. Further practice
- T assigns /tr/, /kr/, /br/ to 3 lines/rows of
students then read 4/5 sentences containing
all three clusters. Sts listen and react by
standing or raising their hands.
Suggested sentences
1. There is a crane on the train
2. My brother cracks a big tree
3. Trash may create breakfast
4. The tread crash into an ice-
cream mountain
Grammar 1. Read and choose the correct verb form
- Sts work individually/pair, one st does the
task on the board ]
- T checks and elicit the use, the difference
and cue words of present simple and present
- Sts can look at the yellow and green box in

their textbook to review the two tenses
1.does 2.cooks
3.cleans 4.is watching
5.is doing 6.is doing
7. is tidying up 8.is trying
2. Give the correct verb forms
- Sts work individually first then work in pair
for peer check. One st does the exercise on the
board to get a mark
- T checks with the whole class and ask sts
why to make sure that they remember the
use, the difference and cue words of present
simple and present continuous.
1.does/isn't cooking/is working
2.is taking out
3.cleans/is cleaning
4.is preparing
5.looks after/works
6.is watching/watches
V. Homework:
Vocabulary: consider, rest, individual, psychologist, benefit, relationship, contribute, divorce,
atmosphere, especially, create, positive
Exercises in workbook: A1,A2, B1, B2, B3
