Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of
English to the second year students of
Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial
Vocational College
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hòa
Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ
Luận văn Thạc sĩ ngành: English teaching Methodology; Mã số: 60 14 10
Người hướng dẫn: M.A. Khoa Anh Việt
Năm bảo vệ: 2010
Abstract. Pictures have played an important role in teachers and students’ success in
teaching and learning. In acquiring a foreign language, learning vocabulary is considered as one
of the main tasks, especially for those who are not majors in that language. They often find
learning English in general and vocabulary in particular have a lot of difficulty. Therefore, the
question raised here is that what the teachers can do to help the students learn vocabulary more
effectively. So, using pictures is one of methods which have been highly appreciated in teaching
vocabulary so far. In this case, the study is carried out to investigate the current situation of using
pictures in teaching vocabulary to the second year students of Mechanical Department at
Haiphong Industrial Vocational College.
Keywords. Từ vựng; Tiếng Anh; Phương pháp dạy học
1. Rationale
Nowadays, English is not only seen as an effective medium of international communication but
it also has wide and deep influence on many various fields of life such as science, technology,
education, economics, politics, culture, etc. It plays an important role in the development of
society. Millions of people in all over the world are learning and using English in their study or
in their work.
English teaching involves four language skills Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. In
teaching and learning a language, there are four elements that support four language skills above:
grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation that are also taught in English teaching and
learning process.
In four elements above, vocabulary plays an important role in learning language as Wilkin
(1972:11) emphasizes: “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary
nothing can be conveyed”.
In Vietnam in general and Haiphong Industrial Vocational College in particular vocabulary
teaching has not been paid attention deservedly. Vocabulary has been taught within lesson of
reading, writing, speaking and listening. There are many difficulties in teaching such as mixed-
level students, large class, and passive students in order to apply suitable teaching method. So
skills and techniques of teaching vocabulary are crucial for language teachers.
Besides, students in Haiphong Industrial Vocational College in particular and Vietnam students
in general have not changed their habits of learning vocabulary through the teacher
explanations. Being a teacher of English at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College, the author
realizes a number of problems that the teachers and students encounter in teaching and learning
vocabulary. That is the reason why the author would like to carry out this research entitled:
“Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical
Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College”. As states by Gerlach and Emily
(1980:273) “A picture may not only be worth a thousand words but it may also be worth a
thousand years or a thousand miles. Through pictures, learner can see people, place and things
from areas far outside their own experiences. Pictures can represent images from ancient times or
portray the future.”
2. Aims of the study
The study is aimed at:
a. better understanding the notions, types and roles of vocabulary and pictures
b. offering English teaching and learning context at Haiphong Industrial Vocational
c. determining the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the
second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational
Hopefully, based on the results of the study, the research aims to offer English teachers some
suggestions for the better use of pictures in their classes.
3. Scope of the study
It is impossible to cover every aspect of language theory and practice in this study.
Therefore, the study focuses on using pictures in teaching vocabulary to the second year
students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College.
4. Methods of the study
The study applied both qualitative and quantitative approaches with two methods of data
collection: survey and observation. The quantitative data were collected from questionnaires
and were analyzed statistically, while the qualitative data were collected from the class
observation. Survey questionnaires were used to collect information and evidence for study
with the hope that the research would be reliable. Class observation was carried out to
supplement the survey questionnaires. It is hope the combination of the two methods would
make the data more valid and reliable.
5. Design of the study
This study is divided into three parts:
Part A presents a general introduction of study including the rationale, the aims, the scope,
the method and the design of the thesis.
Part B presents the development consisting of four chapters:
Chapter 1 deals with the theoretical background of the research. It is concerned with the
issues relevant to the topic of the research: Vocabulary theory consists of definitions of
vocabulary, the classification of vocabulary, the roles of vocabulary, the stages in teaching
vocabulary and picture theory includes concept of pictures, the principles of selecting a
pictures, the types of pictures, the roles of pictures.
Chapter 2 presents English teaching and learning vocabulary context at Haiphong Industrial
Vocational College.
Chapter 3 presents the methodology including the research, the information of instruments,
participants, and the procedures of data collection.
Chapter 4 deals with the data presentation and discussion consisting of the data collected
from the survey questionnaires and class observation and discussion of these data.
Part C is the conclusion of the study consisting of the implication and review of the study
ending with suggestions for further research. Finally, the appendix, presents the survey
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