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Tiếng Anh cho người làm công ty nước ngoài

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u a m c o iiA M fi . hinnr u iivp m
T I E M f * A M U M f ^ U I E P \ / l l
nUIMv^ WUMNb flU YtN
l l t N b A I N U I M V ^ n i C r v y N
n q iifa la m
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J lk
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English for
reign Company
cho n giidi lam cdng ty nifdc ngoai
(jlON'C (Jl'ANC N(.(K HUYI^^ S3Ch
English for Foreign Company
L o ' i n o i d a u
rong cuoc song hoi nliap ngay nay, eiing vai chink
such mu cifa, co hoi ticp xuc, trao doi ciia ban doc
vai ngudi nifdc ngoai ngay cang nhicu; hinh thi'fc giao

ticp co the la vi cong vide, xd giao hoac du lich.
Ilo sack T ie n g A nli N g h ie p Vu " sc Ian lifqt giai
thicu den ban doc cdc tit vitng, can noi tliiiang gap dtfoc
phdn locii thco chii dc nhdm dap itng nhu can hoc, doc
ciici tifng doc gia.
Cudn T ien g A n li C lio N gu'oi L a m C o n g Ty Nud'c
N g o d i" dc cap den cdc chii dc:
* Ngi7 phdp can ban
* Thu xd giao
Gio'i thicu cong ty
N oi dung duac trinh bay dudi clang cdc can, ti( xac
tlu/c, can thict cho tifng chii dc.
Day sc Id mot bo sdeh hrtu ich, thict tlu /c giiip ban
tU tin. viTng vcing khi thani nhdp tlu/c tc cung nhu khi
giao dich vdi ddi tdc.
Clnic cdc ban thdnh cong!
Tac gid
(mimic i,
TH l/C K N G D U N G T R O N G
® d ( 1 :
Phan tich Fax
1. (Headings)
2. (Inside address)
3. (Greeting/Salutation)
Dear Sirs
Madams, Ladies

Dear Sir or Madam
4. (Body)
5. (Ending/Closing)
(trong dia chi)
chao hoi
Thi/a ngai
Thifa cac ngai
Thtfa quy ba
Thtia quy ong ba
(phan than)
(phan ket)
Yours affectionately; Yours; Your loving son;
Love; Affectionately 'yours.
Than ai; Than men; Con trai yen dau; Thuong men.
Yours respectfully; Yours obediently.
Tran trong; Tran trong kinli clido.
Yours sincerely; Yours friend; Yours; Sincerely
Kinli tint, Than men.
Yours truly; Very truly yours; Yours respectfully;
Sincerely yours.
Kinh tint; Kinli chao; Tran trong kinli chao.
6 . (Signature)
7. (Subject)
(Reference Number)
(Chur ky)
(Tieu de)
(Dinh kern)

(Tai but)
No. 5 Middle School
23 Guangyuan Road
Guangzhou, Guangdong
P. R. China
M ay 10. 2001
So 5 Middle School
23 duang Qudng Tdy
Qudng Chau, Qudng Dong
Cong hda Nhdn dan Trung Hoa
Ngay 10 tliang 5 nani 2001
Mr. John Smith
382 Hast, 60 St root
Now York, N Y 10053
II. S. A
Dear Mr. Smith,
Ong John Smith
382 duang 60 khu Dong
new york, N Y 10053
U. S. A
Thu'a ong Smith,
Enclosure/ Post script
(Phan ket)
(Chtf k y)
(Dinh kem/tai b u t)
No. 5 Middle School,
23 Guangyuan Road

Guangzhou, Guangdong
P. R. China
M ay 10, 2001
So 5 Middle School
23 duang Qudng Tdy
Qudng Chau, Qudng Dong
Cong hda Nhan dan Trung H<>a
Ngay 10 thang 5 nam 2001
Mr. John Smith
382 Ea st 60 Street
N ew Y ork, N Y 1 0053
II. S. A
Doar Mr. Smith,
Ong John Smith
382 duang 60 khu Dong
New York, NY 10053
U. S. A
Thu'a ong Smith
Enclosure/ Post script
(Phan ket)
(Chu ky)
(Dinh kem/tai but)
No. 5 Middle School,
23 Guangyuan Road
Guangzhou, Guangdong
P. R. China (£fT
M ay 10, 2001

So 5 Middle School
23 duang Qudng Tdy
Qudng Chau, Qudng Dong
Cong lioa Nhan dan Trung Hoa
Ngay 10 thang 5 nam 2001
Mr. John Sm ith,
38 2 East 60 Street,
New York, N Y 10053,
U. S. A
Dear Mr. Smith,
Ong John Smith
382 duang 60 kliu Dong
New York, NY 10053
U. S. A
TliUa ong Smith
Bruce ( ’hen, Director
Room D 4/F
Baihui Plaza
110 Zhongsh an Road
Guangzhou, (iuangdong
1’ . R China
Mr. Brian Davis
Flat A 12/1'
Paramount ( ’ourt
20 Kennedy Road
1 longkong

Giam doe Bruce Chen
Plibng D4 /F
Khu thu'ang mat Baihu
110 Duang Zhongslian
Qudng Chau, Qudng Dong
Cong hda Nhan dan Trung Hoa
Ong Brian Davis
Tcing A 12IF
Paramount Court
20 duang Kennedy
Hong Kong
(To bia)
1. (Nhan hieu)

Dinh kem

□ khong
Thu mat

Cau hoi am
co (trong - ngay)

khong Q

Ban sao

Thu khan
[Company Name]
(Ten cong ty)
[Street Address]
{Dia chi (dudng)l
[City, State/Province :
{Thanh pho, Bang/tinh
Zip/Postal Codel
Ma vung, ma thu tin)
Fax Cover
To bia fax
11:00 AM
January 15, 2002
15 thang 1 nam 2002
[Their phone number 1

{So dien thoai)
[Their fax number 1
{Ten cong ty!
[Company Name]
(Ten cong ty I
[Company Name]
(Ten cong ty)
Hoi am
Ban sao
Number of pages
including cover sheet
So trang - luon bia
Noi dung thtf.

(So fax)
[Their phone number]
(So dien thoai)
[Their fax number]
(So Fax)
(Tieu de)
[Type number of pages here]
(So trang giay]
[Type your message here]
(Nhap noi dung thii a day)
May 6, 2002
Ngay 6 thang 5 nam 2002
from time to time
Ngay qua ngay, thinh thoang
X a i 2 :
Thif nghiep vu thiftfng mai
( j g z i r
G entlem en,
W e are d esirou s of exp anding our b usines s in your
country and shall be much appreciated if you will give us a
list of som e reliable business houses in To kyo w ho are in
terested in the importation of household appliance.

W e are one of the most reputable household appliance
expo rters in China, w ho has been eng age d in this line of
business since 1983. Therefore, we are confident of giving
out custom ers the fullest satisfaction.
To justify our co nfid ence in ad dressin g you, we refer
you to the following:
The Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing
Y our co urte sy will be apprecia ted, and we e a rn es tly
await your reply.
Yours faithfully,
G uan gzh ou H ongyuan Trading Co., Ltd.
Kinli tluta ong,
Chiing toi muon mo rong hoqt dong kinli doanli
a nitac ong va rat biet on neu ong cung cap cho
cluing toi danli sack cdc nha kink doanli dang tin
cay a Tokyo co quail tarn den tarn quail trong cua
cdc thict hi gia dung.
Cluing toi la mot trong cdc nha xuat khan hcing
thict hi gia dung clanli tieng tqi Trung Qudc - da
kinli doanli mat kctng nay tit ncim 1983. Vi vay, cluing
toi rat tit tin khi cung cap cho khdeh lidng sit hai
I dug illicit.
Dc mink clu'tng cho nieni tin cua cluing toi vai
dug, xin lien lie:
Ngdn hang Trung Uoa, tru so cliinli BCic Kink.
Cluing toi sc rat cam kick sit quan tam ciici ong,
va mong sam nhan ditac koi cun.
Kink tint,
Cong ty TNII1I Tlutong mqi H ong Vicn, Qudng

Clici u.
Tu’ vitng
• desirous : mong muon, lio'c ao
• list : danh sach
• expand mo long
• reliable : dang tin
appliance : do gia dung
• importation
• exporter
• reputable
• confident
• satisfaction
• await
sU nhap khau
danh tieng
co danh tieng tot
tii tin
man nguyen, hai long
cho doi
V£n dung tif vtfng
1. desirous adj: mong muon, Udc ao
desirous of
Most people are desirous of peace and happiness.
Moi nguai dcu mong muon lwa binh va hank phitc.
2. list n. : danh sach
I ca n’t find my nam e on the list.
Toi kliong the tim thay ten trong danh sach.
3. expand v. : md rong
W e plan to expand our business in Asia-P acific region.

Chung toi co kc hoach ma rong kinli doanli a vung
Chau A Thai Binh Duong.
Her face expande d in a smile of happiness.
Khuon mat co ay tifoi citoi rang ra.
4. confident adj. : tu' tin
confident of
I feel confident that I’ll win the first prize.
Toi cam thay tin rdng toi sc thdng gidi illicit.
W e are confident of success.
Cluing toi tin sc chien tlidng.
5. satisfaction /?.: man nguyen
To m y g reatest satisfaction, my proposal has bee n
adopted by the chairman.
Toi rat man nguyen, kicn nghi eiia toi da di(qc
ong chii tick chap tliuan.
My success will be a great satisfaction to m y parents.
Cha me toi sc rat hai long vai thank tiCu ma toi
dqt duqc.
6. await v. \ chd dqi
They are awaiting your instructions.
Ho dang cho chi dan eiia anli.
| Mau 27
D ear Sirs,
W e have learned from the C ha m be r of C o m m e rc e of
New York that you are a leading importer of household elec
tric appliances, and at present you are in the m arket for re 
frig erators. W e, the re fore , take the liberty to write you with
the earnest desire of having the opportunity to enter into busi
ness relation with you.

W e are an e nterprise m anufacturing various refrige ra 
tors and have recen tly produced a ne w model of re frige ra 
tor entitled “Mei Di 22 3” w ho se quality as well as functions
has been proved by a scrupulous test, and the de signs and
colors have been clearly explained in our illustrated ca ta 
log en closed. C on sid ering the im pro vem e nts it offers, we
believe you will find our “Mei Di 22 3” a very good seller in
your m arket.
If you have interest in dealing with us in “Mei Di 22 3”
or other types of the goods show n in our catalog, please in
form us of you r requ irem e nts togethe r with yo ur b an ke r’s
nam e and address.
For our cre dit standing, please refer to the follow ing
bank: Th e C o m m u n ica tio n Bank of China, G ua ng zho u
Your im mediate reply w ould be greatly appreciated.
Your faithfully,
Tluta ngai,
Phong tliitong mqi Nciv York cho chung toi biet
ong la m ot nha nhap khdu thict bi dien gia dung, va
hien tqi ong dang kink doanli mat hang til lank. Vi
vqy, cluing toi giti tint den ong vai nieni mong nidi
co ditqc co hoi quail lie lam an vdi ong.
Chung toi la nha sail xuat tu lanh da dang va
gdn day dang gidi thicu mot mau tu lanh nidi mang
ten “Mei Di 2 2 3 ” vdi chat litqng cung nhu elide ndng
dci ditac cluing tlntc qua cdc cuoc kiem tra khdt klie,
kieu dang vd mau sdc ditqc mink hoa ro trong cuon
catalo dinh Item. Vdi cdc itu diem do, cluing toi tin

rdng ong sc thay “Mei Di 2 2 3” la mot son pliam (hap
dan) ban cliay tren tlii tritang. N eu ong quail tain
den “Mei Di 2 23 ” hoqc cdc mat hang khde trong catalo,
xin bcio cho toi biet nhu can ci/a ong vdi ten vci dia
clii ngan hang eiia ong.
Dc biet thong tin tdi khoan cua cluing toi, xin
lien lie ngan hang sau day:
N gan lidng Nlidn dan Trung Hoa, ch i nlianli
Qudng Clidu.
Cluing toi sc rat hcin lian/i lieu di/oc ong hoi dm
Kinli tin/,
Tu" vufng
• learn :
• leading :
• electric :
• at present :
• refrigerator
• be in the market for sth :
• desire :
• opportunity :
• various :
• enter into :
• scrupulous :
• inform
• together with :
dan dau
dien tuf

vao luc nay
tu lanh
dang co tren thi tn/ong
mong muon
co hoi
khac nhau
gia nhap vao
de dat
thong bao
cung vdi
Van dung t€f vtfng
1. learn v. : hoc
I’m very glad to learn that you have been prom oted.
Toi mitng khi tlmy vide hoc eiia anli tien bo.
2. electric adj.: d ie n tiif
How much is this electric fan?
Cai quat dien ncty gia bao nhieu?
3. at present: vao luc nay
I d on ’t need any more at present.
Toi khong can gi them vao liic nay.
4. desire /?.: mong muon
I have no desire for m oney.
Toi khong ham tien.
He w orks hard from a desire to becom e rich.
Anh ciy chain lam vdi hy vong tra lien giau co.
5. opportunity n .: co hoi
opp ortunity for sth/of doing sth/to do sth:
co hoi cho viec gi/ lam viec gi
I have opportunity to go abroad for further study.

Toi co co hoi di du hoc a nitoc ngoai.
6. enter into: gia nhap vao
W e are lo ok in g forw ard to e nte rin g into b us in es s
relation with you.
Cluing toi mong muon thict lap nidi lam an vdi ong.
7. scrupulous adj.: de dSt, kin dao
I am not scrupulous in my business dealings
Toi khong dc dat trong cdc phi vu lam an.
8. inform v .: thong bao
inform sb (of sth ) / (that ) : thong bao cho ai
biet viec gi
Keep me informed of the latest developm ents.
Hay thong bao cho toi biet sit tricn khai mai nhdt.
9. together with: cung vdi
An expert, together with som e assistants, w a s se nt to
help in this work.
Mot chuyen gia va mot vdi tro ly ditqc giti toi de
ho tro cho cong viec nay.
Dear Sirs,
Yo ur nam e was referred to us as an im po rta nt trade
referen ce by the JVC com pan y, which is see king ca pab le
dealers in our area.
It is reported that they are one of the fam ous electronic
products m an ufac turers having do ne a great de al of b u si
ness with you for m any years.
W e shall be much obliged of you will give us such in 
form ation as your actual relations with them , and yo ur c a n 
did opinion on their business prospects in the future.

W e will be very glad to reciprocate your assistan ce at
any time.
Yours faithfully,
Kinli clic'io Ngai,
Chung toi biet clen quy clank cua ong let mot nha
kink, doanli tieu bieu quart trong qua cong ty JVC, Id
cong ty dang tint ltiem cdc nha ban si co kltd ndng
trong klu/ vitc.
Cliung toi duoc biet rang ho Id mot trong nliUng
nlid son xuat hang dien tit noi tieng da co nhieu moi
giao click vdi ong trong cdc nam qua.
Chung toi se rat biet on neu ong cung cap clio
cliung toi tliong tin ve moi quan lie vdi ho, va y kien
chan tkdnli ve vicn cdnk 1dm an trong tifong lai.
Cluing toi se rat vui mitng cion nhan sit gii/p do
eiia ong belt cit li/c ndo.
Tran trong kink chao.
Tu* vu’ng
• important
• seek
• capable
• reciprocate
• assistance
quan trong
tim kiem
co kha nang
trao doi lan nhau
sif giup do'
Van dung tif vtfng

1. im portant adj. : quan trong
It’s very im portant for me to find the lost file.
Viec tim ra tap tin bi mat doi vai toi la rat quan
2. seek v. : tim kiem
Is he seeking a quarrel?
An/t ay muon cai co a?
3. capable ad j. : co k h a n a ng
The girl is very capable
Co ay rat co nang I tic.
| M au 4:
Dear Sirs,
W e have received an order worth $4 0,0 00 from JA V
Trading Co., Ltd. of 54 Peach Street, N ew Y ork an d they
have given us your name as bank reference.
Before we grant credit of this am ou nt we sh ould be
oblig ed if you could let us have your opinion on their re p u 
tation and their financial standing.
Yours faithfully,
Thu'a Ong,
Cluing toi da nliqn di(ac dan dot lictng tri gia
40.000 do tu Cong ty TN HII Thuang mai ■JAV so 54
duang Peach, N ew York vci ho da cung cap quy danh
cua on g de giao dicli ngan hang.
Trudc khi cung cap lidng, cliung toi se rat biet
on tieu ong cho biet y kien ve danh tieng cung nlut
tinh hinh tai clianli cua lio.
Tran trong ldnli clido.
Tijf vtfng

• receive
• order
• grant
• amount
• reputation
dat hang
thCra nhan, chap thuan
so litong
danh tieng
Van dung tif vtfng
1. receive v. : nhan
W he n did you receive the fax from Mr. Lee?
Anli nlian duoc fax eiia ong Lee tic khi nao?
2. am ount n. : so ltfong
W h at’s the total amount?
Tong so la bao nhicu?
A large am ount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
Hhng nam luang tien chi dung cho thuoc Id la rat Ion.
3. re
putation n. : danh tieng
‘ 1

x-*: <-r C 0U ra(
long can dam.
He has a reputation for courage
Anli ay noi tieng ve ,x " ~


4. standing n. : v i tr i, d ia v i
He is a m an of high standing.
Anli ay co dia vi rat cao.
Dear Sirs,
W e are interested in doing business with Oriental C o m 
mercial G roup with head office located in N ew York. W e are
investing their financial status and reputation. O rien tal's fi
nancial records are held by N ew Y our C entral B ank
W e will ap precia te your a ssistan ce in this m atter and
assure you we will keep any inform ation you p rovide in the
strictest of confidence.
Yours faithfully,
Ngai kinli men,
Cluing toi rat thick tliu duqc giao dich vai cong
ty tap doan tliUong nmi Plulang Dong co tru sa chink
tqi N ew York. Cliung toi dang dau tu cho tinli hinh
tai clidnli va danh tieng cua lio. Cdc ban bao cdo tdi
clianli cua con g ty Phuong Dong dang nam tai Ngan
Hang Trung Uang New York.
Cliung toi se rat biet on neu on g giiip do trong
van de nay vd cluing toi dam bao rclng moi tliong tin
se tuyet mat.
Tran trong.
Tif vtfng
• locate : nam tai, d tai
• invest : dau tif
• assure : bao dam
• provide : cung cap
V a n du n g tif vtfng

1. locate v. : nkm tai
be located
Our factory is located in the suburbs.
Nha may cluing toi ndm a ngoai o.
2. invest u. : dau tif
I plan to invest all my savings in a business enterprise.
Toi dinh dau til tat ca tien tiet kiem vao mot hang
kinli doanli.
3. assure v. : bao dam
She assured me of her readiness to help.
Co ay cam doan rdng co ay sdn sang giup toi.
4. provide v. : cung cap
provide sth (for sb); provide sb with sth:
cung cap cai gi (cho ai), cung cap cho ai cai gi
They provided food for us.
Ho cung cap thifc an cho cluing toi.
