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Proceedings VCM 2012 100 hệ thống tạo ảnh toàn nét và ứng dụng thời gian thực

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Tuyển tập công trình Hội nghị Cơ điện tử toàn quốc lần thứ 6 729
Mã bài: 157
Hệ thống tạo ảnh toàn nét và ứng dụng thời gian thực
trong các hệ robot cấp độ micro
All-In-Focus imaging and real-time microrobotic applications
Nguyễn Chánh Nghiệm
Trường ĐH Cần Thơ, e-Mail:
Văn Phạm Đan Thủy
Trường ĐH Cần Thơ, e-Mail:
Kenichi Ohara and Tatsuo Arai
Osaka University
Tóm tắt
Trong khoa học sự sống, việc quan sát và thao tác các vật thể vi sinh diễn ra rất thường xuyên và mang tính
lập lại trong đó việc điều chỉnh lấy nét là một yêu cầu tiên quyết. Nhiều giải thuật lấy nét tự động đã được đề
xuất để giúp thao tác viên giảm thiểu thời gian điều chỉnh lấy nét. Những giải thuật này cũng có thể được áp
dụng để tự động hóa các khâu vi cảm biến hay thao tác các vi vật thể như đo độ cứng của tế bào, gắp thả, hay
giữ cố định các vật thể di động. Bài nghiên cứu này đề xuất ứng dụng giải thuật tạo ảnh toàn nét để giúp tự
động hóa thao tác các vi vật thể trong khi có thể quan sát chúng được rõ nét trong thời gian thực. Thí nghiệm
gắp thả các vi vật thể với kích thước khác nhau được thực hiện để kiểm tra tính khả dụng của một hệ vi thao
tác tự động thời gian thực.
In life sciences, observing and manipulating various microbiological objects may be performed frequently
and repeatedly in which object focusing is the preliminary task of the operator. In order to reduce the manual
focusing time, various autofocus algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms can also be implemented to
automate microsensing and micromanipulation tasks such as measurement of cell stiffness, pick-and-place of
various microobjects, immobilization of moving objects, etc. This paper proposes the All-In-Focus algorithm
to automate micromanipulation of microobjects while they can be observed clearly in real-time. Pick-and-
place of single microobjects with different sizes is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of a real-time
micromanipulation system.

Chữ viết tắt
IQM Image Quality Measure
AIF All-In-Focus
LTPM Line-Type Pattern Matching

1. Introduction
Focusing a target microobject is a frequent and
preliminary task in observing the microobject and
further manipulating it. The difficulty of this
manual task depends on the size of the target
object. A small microobject requires larger
magnification lens with a narrower depth of field.
A thick microobject thus requires longer manual
focus adjustment. The transparency of most
microbiological objects, in addition, contributes
more difficulties for precise focusing. In order to
reduce the operator time in manual focusing of
microobjects, various autofocus algorithms have
been proposed.

An introduction and comparison of various
autofocus algorithms ranging from the well-known
to the most recently proposed algorithms can be
found in [1]-[3]. Based on the choice of evaluation
criteria for the best-focused position, these
algorithms are classified into four categories, i.e.,
derivative-based, statistic-based, histogram-based,
and intuitive-based algorithms [2].

Using the Image Quality Measure (IQM) to detect

an in-focus area in an image, a Micro VR camera
system had been developed to provide real-time
all-in-focus image which is a composite image
created by merging all in-focus areas from various
images of the observed object taken at different
730 Chanh Nghiem Nguyen, Dan Thuy Van Pham, Kenichi Ohara and Tatsuo Arai
focal distances [4]. This algorithm can thus be
called All-In-Focus (AIF) algorithm and is
classified into derivative-based category. The
system also provides a depth image in real time so
that 3D positions of microobjects can be obtained
to facilitate automated micromanipulation, e.g.,
automated grasping and transporting an 8 μm
microsphere [5].

The real-time micro VR camera system estimates
the depth from in-focus pixels extracted from a
series of images taken along z-direction. It is,
therefore, independent on the shape of the object.
There are, however, a few problems towards
obtaining accurate 3D information from this
imaging system. For example, there is a trade-off
between the frame rate and the accuracy of the
system. In order to achieve real-time detection,
fewer images are used to create the AIF image
which increases the resolution error. To capture
images at different focal position, an actuator is
used to move the lens in the optical axis. Vibration
from the actuator may also reduce the quality of

the AIF image and contribute noise to the system.
Thus, the error in depth information of a
transparent object in fast motion can be significant.

Fig. 1 System overview

By integrating a micromanipulation system and
utilizing the depth information obtained from the
system to find the 3D position of both the end-

of the micromanipulator and the target object, it is
possible to develop an automated
micromanipulation system. This paper proposes an
automated micromanipulation system that uses a
two-fingered microhand as the micromanipulator
because it is capable of dexterous
micromanipulation such as cell rotation [7], and
measurement of mechanical properties of a living
cell [8, 9].

To solve the inherent problems of real-time AIF
imaging, this paper proposes Line-Type Pattern
Matching and Contour-Depth Averaging to
measure 3D positions of a micromanipulator's tip
and a target micro transparent object, respectively.
The effectiveness of the proposed methods is
experimentally demonstrated with the pick-and-
place of single microobjects with different sizes.
The proposed method can be applied to find the

3D positions of transparent end-effector tips of
common microtools, as well as glass micropipettes,
and other micro biological cells. This helps the
All-In-Focus imaging system a versatile 3D
imaging system that can be integrated into a
micromanipulation system to provides not only
real-time extended depth of field with the AIF
image but also the 3D positions of transparent
microobjects to handle them automatically.

Fig. 2 Illustration of All-In-Focus algorithm

2. System overview
2.1 All-In-Focus imaging system
The All-In-Focus imaging system is developed
based on the Micro VR camera system [4] and
consists of a piezo actuator and its controller, a
processing unit to create the AIF and HEIGHT
image, and a high-speed camera attached to the
camera port of the microscope (Fig. 1). The piezo
actuator can move the objective lens cyclically up
and down over a
distance up to 100 µm
along the optical z-axis. When the system is
running, the high-speed camera (Photron
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Mã bài: 157
Focuscope FV-100C) captures images at different
focal planes at the rate of 1000 frames per second.

As the lens traverses a cyclic
distance, the
focal plane changes and a stack of images at
consecutive focal planes is collected. These
images in the stack all have the same number of
pixels. The best focal distance for each pixel
location is obtained by evaluating the local
frequency of image intensities around that pixel
location in all images in the image stack [10].
Thus, the AIF image is created by combining all
best-focused pixels from the image stack. Fig. 2
illustrates the AIF imaging algorithm and the AIF
image of a protein crystal. The best focal distance
at each pixel location is normalized to a pixel
value at that pixel location in the HEIGHT image
(Fig. 2). Therefore, the AIF image provides good
visualization of microobjects (Fig. 3a) while the
HEIGHT image provides their positions (Fig. 3b)
in the z-axis.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 AIF image (a) and HEIGHT image (b) of
protein crystal

Fig. 4 The world coordinate system

The world coordinate system is shown in Fig. 4.
The Z-axis of the world coordinates is parallel to

the optical axis of the microscope. The
( , )

plane lies on the object plane and its X-axis and Y-
axis align with the horizontal x-axis and vertical y-
axis of the AIF image, respectively. The
relationship between the distance in
( , )
and in the number of pixels of the AIF image is
obtained by measuring the pixel size of an AIF
image of a scalar.

SWING  be the distance
over which the piezo actuator moves objective lens.
This distance is normalized into a gray scale from
0 to 255 in the HEIGHT image. Therefore, the z-
coordinate of a pixel at position
( , )
x y
can be
estimated from the corresponding pixel value
( , )
H x y
in the HEIGHT image as

 
H x y
Height SWING

The distance between two consecutive focal planes
which is also the resolution of the AIF imaging
system can be calculated as
 

 


FRAME  determines the

frequency of scanning or the frame rate of the AIF
imaging system as
 
_ frames per second
frame rate


Fig. 5 Two-fingered microhand for dexterous
micromanipulation applications

The highest and lowest frame rate of the AIF
imaging system is 30 and 5 frames per second,
respectively (Eq. 3). With the lowest frame rate

and with

(μm) the
best resolution of the system becomes
 

(μm). It should be noted that the higher the frame
rate, the more vibration is introduced to the system
since the objective lens moves faster in a cyclic
up-and-down motion.

2.2 Two-fingered microhand
Glass end-effectors are generally more preferable
for biological applications because of its
biocompatibility. In this study, a two-fingered
microhand [6] that is mounted on the stage of the
inverted microscope
(Fig. 5) is used as the manipulator of the
732 Chanh Nghiem Nguyen, Dan Thuy Van Pham, Kenichi Ohara and Tatsuo Arai
micromanipulation system. The microhand has
two microfingers that are fabricated by pulling
glass rods or capillary tubes. In addition, it is a
potential microtool with dexterous
micromanipulability for potential biological
One of the two microfingers of this microhand is
controlled by a 3-DOF parallel link mechanism.
The parallel link mechanism and the other
microfinger are mounted on a three-dimensional
motorized stage to provide the global motion of
the microhand in a large workspace. Dexterous
manipulation is realized by the microfinger which
is controlled by the parallel link mechanism. This
configuration enables manipulation of multisized

microobjects in a large workspace.

3. Measuring microobject position in 3D
3.1 Measuring 3D positions of end-effectors
Having an elongated shape, a few lines can be
detected along the microfinger in its AIF image.
The 2D position of the fingertip can be thus
obtained from these detected lines. The z-position
of the fingertip is estimated from the HEIGHT
image using the information of the detected lines.
The process is as follows.

(a) (b)
Fig. 6 (a) Microfingers and 55 μm microsphere.
(b) Detected lines superimposed on detected

Fig. 7 Line grouping using middle position of
lower endpoints of detected lines in x-

3.1.1 Line detection
The two microfingers are set in the vertical
direction and inclined toward each other (Fig. 6).
Due to the shallow depth of field, only part of the
microfinger can be in focus. The curvature of the
surface of the microfinger functions as the surface
of a lens. Therefore, the middle region of this local
area will be brighter when it is in focus. This

phenomenon was shown in a relevant section and
figure in [11]. The AIF imaging system merges all
in-focus parts of the object; it thus creates an
image of a microfinger with the brighter region
inside. As a result, there exist three regions with
different intensity levels for each microfinger in
the AIF image among which the middle region is
the brightest (Fig. 6a).

Merging all in-focus regions along the elongated
microfinger, four lines are ideally detected in the
AIF image for each microfinger by split and merge
algorithm [12]. A threshold is set for the length of
a detected line to eliminate false lines that may
result from the ghost of a microfinger in its AIF
image especially when it is moving.

The four detected lines for a microfinger
characterize a microfinger in the AIF image. Two
of these are located at the borders of the
microfinger; they are thus termed border lines. The
other two lines which are in between the border
lines are termed inner lines.
3.1.2 Microfinger classification
Since there are two microfingers in the AIF image,
it is necessary to classify the detected lines in the
A I F .
The x-coordinates of the lower endpoints of all
detected lines are compared to their average value
x_midpoint as shown in Fig. 7. A detected line is

classified as left-microfinger group if its lower
endpoint’s x-coordinate is smaller than
x_midpoint; otherwise, it belongs to the right-
m i c r o f i n g e r g r o u p .

3.1.3 Line-type pattern matching for fingertip
identification in 2D
The AIF imaging system needs at least 30 images
to create the AIF image in real-time at 30 frames
per second. The system can provide good AIF
observation of the microobject even when it is
moving. However, line detection for identifying
two microfingers of the microhand becomes more
difficult if it moves in high-speed. The edges along
the microfinger may form broken line segments
due to the limited processing speed of the AIF
imaging system hardware.
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Because the microhand is set in a vertical direction
in the image and three regions with different
intensity levels are observed for each microfinger
in the AIF image, the image intensity can change
either “from bright to dark” or “from dark to
bright” when going across a detected line from left
to right. This detected line is defined to be type
“0” and type “1”, respectively. Let L
, L

, L
, L

be the four detected lines for a microfinger in
order from left to right. The line-type pattern in
case of four lines correctly found from a
microfinger is shown in Table 1. This holds true
because the microfinger is darker than the image
background and the middle region is the brightest
among the three image region of the microfinger.

Table 2 shows the line-type patterns of three lines
inferred from that of the four-line case when a
certain line L
cannot be detected. By matching
with these patterns, the line-type pattern of three
detected lines can also be used to identify a

Table 1 Ideal line-type pattern of 4 detected lines
Line L


Line type 0 1 0 1

Table 2 Line-type patterns of 3 detected lines
Line type


1 0 1

0 0 1

0 1 1


0 1 0

(a) (b)
Fig. 8 (a) Detected lines from the microfingers.
(b) Fingertip positions when microhand was
moving at 100 μm/s





yx ,

yx ,

fitted line

(a) (b)
Fig. 9 Pixel values from HEIGHT image along
inner line on left microfinger (a) and right
microfinger (b) at initial setup. Fitted line is
calculated from 80 points

It is also possible that a line-type pattern of four
detected lines does not match with that in Table 1.
This can happen when the microhand is moving in
fast motion so that the two broken lines can be
found on the finger border (right finger in Fig. 8a).
In addition, a line can also be found from the ghost
of the microfinger border (left finger in Fig. 8b)
due to limitations of the AIF processing speed of
the hardware. In these cases, the line-type pattern

of a set of three neighboring lines from the four
detected lines can give a correct match as shown in
Fig. 8.

When the actual existence of the microfinger is
validated from the detected lines by Line-Type
Pattern Matching, the 2D position of the fingertip
can be accurately found from these lines. Because
the microfinger tip is quite sharp, the y-coordinate
of a microfinger tip can be set the same as the y-
coordinate of the topmost endpoint of all the lines
detected from that microfinger. With the y-
coordinate known, the x-coordinate of the tip is
computed from the equation of either inner line L

or L

3.1.4 Inclination measurement and depth
estimation of the end-effector
Depth estimation of the end-effector means
finding the position of the microfinger tip in z-axis.
The z-position of the microfinger tip found at
( , )
x y
tip tip
in the AIF image can be

directly estimated from the gray value
( , )
H x y
tip tip
of the pixel at location
( , )
x y
tip tip
the HEIGHT image using Eq. 1. However, the
HEIGHT image is very noisy. Therefore, more
information is required to obtain accurate z-
position of the tip. In this paper, the angle of
734 Chanh Nghiem Nguyen, Dan Thuy Van Pham, Kenichi Ohara and Tatsuo Arai
inclination of the microfinger is utilized to obtain
accurate depth information of the fingertip.

Given the positions of the pixels which lie on a
line detected from the microfinger in the AIF
image, the pixel values in the HEIGHT image at
these positions are collected. A line is fitted from
the values of 80 pixels along the tip’s part of the
detected line. The angle of inclination of the fitted
line estimates the inclination angle of the
microfinger to the object plane. Figure 9 shows the
values of the HEIGHT image’s pixels along the
inner lines of the left microfinger and the right
microfinger. Because of the limited SWING range
of the AIF imaging system, only the upper part of

the detected line in the AIF image (the tip’s part)
i s u s e d i n t h i s f i t t i n g p r o c e s s .

The z-coordinate of the fingertip is estimated from
the fitted line at
( , )
x y
tip tip
rather than the single
pixel value
( , )
H x y
tip tip
in the HEIGHT image. In
Fig. 9, the ordinate of the rightmost point on the
fitted line at
( , )
x y
tip tip
relates with the z-
coordinate or z-position of the tip of the
microfinger according to Eq. 1. In this sense, the
inclination of the microfinger is utilized to
eliminate noise in the HEIGHT image to estimate
accurate depth information of its tip. The
inclination angle of the microfinger can also be
useful information when oriented
micromanipulation is required although the
inclination angle is not controlled in the current
microhand system.

The inclination angle and depth information can be
obtained from either the border lines or the inner
lines. However, it is observed that the inner lines
are clearer and less broken especially when the
microfinger is in fast motion. For this reason, the
inner lines of a microfinger are used to estimate its
tip’s position in z-axis. If two inner lines can be
found for a microfinger after Line-Type Pattern
Matching, the z-position of the fingertip is
estimated from the fitted line with the smaller
regression error.

Since microfingers and micropipettes can be
fabricated similarly by pulling a glass rod or tube,
they may have similar elongated shapes. Thus, the
proposed method can also be applied to measure
the 3D position of a micropipette. However, a
micropipette may have less-invasive rounded
shape. Therefore, the method should be modified
to identify the position of the tip in the 2D AIF
image. Unlike the tip of a sharp microfinger, the
x-coordinate of the rounded tip of a micropipette
(pointing in y-direction) should be determined as
the average of the x-coordinates of the upper
endpoints of the detected lines on the micropipette.

3.2 Measuring 3D positions of target objects
The AIF imaging system can also be used to find
the 3D position of micro transparent objects.

Unlike the tip of a microfinger or a sharp end-
effector whose position can be characterized by a
single point in 3D space, the 3D boundary of a
microobject characterizes its 3D position. Under
optical microscopes, it is difficult to reconstruct
3D model of a micro- transparent object. Thus, the
contour of the object and its centroid in the AIF
image provide its 2D position. The z-coordinate of
the object can be considered as its centroid
position in z-axis.

Assuming that the object is round-shaped and
suspended on the glass plate, the contour of the
object on the plane that passes through the object’s
center and is perpendicular to the z-axis can be
considered as the outermost contour in the 2D AIF
image. Using this assumption, Contour-Depth
Averaging is proposed to estimate the z-position of
the object as

1 ( , )
( , )
H x y
Height SWING
x y C


is the contour or the boundary of the
object in the AIF image and
is the number of
pixel points on the contour

In this paper, a glass microsphere is used as the
target object. The microsphere is transparent and
qualifies our assumption. Thus, its 2D contour in
the AIF image is detected as a circle using Hough
gradient algorithm [13].

4. Experimental methods
The performance of the AIF system depends on
the parameter

is a trade-off between the
resolution (Eq. 2) and the frame rate of AIF
imaging (Eq. 3). The resolution of AIF imaging is
also determined by changing the scanning range
of the AIF imaging system (Eq. 2).

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In the experiment, the values of these parameters


. These settings
are to achieve adequate resolution of AIF imaging
 
μm for objects with different sizes in the
scanning range of 80 μm. However, frame rate of
AIF imaging is reduced to 15 frames per second.


Pixel Gray Value

Fig. 10 Intensity histogram of pixels on the circle
around a microsphere in HEIGHT image

The AIF imaging system is integrated into an
Olympus IX81 inverted microscope under
transmitted light bright-field observation mode.
An Olympus LUCPlan-FLN 20X/0.45na Ph1
objective lens is used to achieve comfortable
visualization of microobjects which are of
different sizes in the desired range from 10 μm to
100 μm.

4.1 Accuracy assessment of depth measurement
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the AIF
imaging system, it is necessary to assess the
accuracy of depth estimation or measurement of z-
positions of both the end-effector tip and the target

4.1.1 Depth measurement of the target object
Figure 10 shows the histogram of the gray values
of the pixels on the circular contour around a 55
μm microsphere in the HEIGHT image. Most of
the pixels (88%) have the gray value of 119 and
127. The standard deviation of these pixel values
is about 4.0. This corresponds to about 1.24 μm
which is about the same as the resolution of the
AIF imaging system at the chosen settings.
Therefore, the average gray value of all the pixels
along the detected circle in the HEIGHT image
can be used to find the z-coordinate of the center
of that microsphere using Eq. 4.

In order to evaluate the linearity against z-position
of the object, a microsphere was moved 60 μm in
z-direction with a step-distance of 2 μm. The plot
of measured z-position of the microsphere versus
its displacement is shown in Fig. 11. A high
linearity can be observed from the dotted trend

4.1.2 Depth measurement of the microhand
A linear displacement of 30 μm in z-direction was
sent to the microhand and the measured z-position
of the moving microhand is shown in Fig. 12.
Good linearity of the measured data can also be
observed from the trend lines.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Measured z-position (micrometer)
Displacement in z-direction (micrometer)

Fig. 11 Measured z-position of a microsphere

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Measured z-position (micrometer)
Displacement in z-direction (micrometer)
Linear (f1)
Linear (f2)

Fig. 12 Measured z-position of left microfinger f1

and right microfinger f2

4.3 Pick-and-place of different-sized
As an application of the AIF imaging system,
pick-and-place task was performed to single
microspheres by using a two-fingered microhand
[6]. The microspheres are suspended in the water
on a glass plate to resemble biological cells in their
culture medium. The 3D positions of the two
microfingers of the microhand and of a
microsphere estimated from the AIF imaging
system helped automate the pick-and-place task.

Because the microhand was developed to have a
multi-scale manipulability, microspheres of 96 μm,
55 μm, and 20 μm in diameter were used. This is
736 Chanh Nghiem Nguyen, Dan Thuy Van Pham, Kenichi Ohara and Tatsuo Arai
also the size range of our currently interested
objects; for example, lung epithelial cells whose
stiffness was measured [8] were about 20 μm in

In this experiment, the microhand is placed over
100 μm from a target microsphere in the 2D object
plane. It is manually brought to about the same z-
level of the microsphere and coarsely focused so
that both the microhand and the target object are
within the scanning range of the AIF imaging

system. After this initial setup (Fig. 13a), the
position of the two fingertips are calculated and
the automatic z-alignment is performed by moving
the right microfinger to the z-level of the left
microfinger (Fig. 13b). A cycle of pick-and-place
task is then performed for the target microsphere
as follows.

Fig. 13 (a) Initial setup. (b) After automatic z-
alignment. A cycle of pick-and-place: (c)
Approach, (d) pick-up, (e) transport, (f)
release target

Step 1:The position of the microsphere is
calculated and the two fingers are
automatically opened wider than its width
about 5 μm. The microhand approaches
the microsphere so that the microsphere is
in between the two microfingers (Fig.

Step 2:The microsphere is grasped by closing the
right microfinger so that the distance
between the two microfingers is less than
the microsphere’s diameter about 5 μm to
hold the microsphere firmly. In the case
of grasping microbiological objects, they
may deform slightly but they should not
be damaged by this slight deformation.
The microsphere is then picked up a


that is about the object
diameter (Fig. 13d).

Step 3:The microsphere is transported
100 μ
 
away from its position (Fig.

Step 4:The microsphere is moved down the same

by the microhand and is
released (Fig. 13f).
5. Results and discussion
5.1 Real-time tracking of the microhand
The microhand was tracked for 500 image frames
in this experiment. The success rate was about
93.2%. The average computation time for
searching the microhand was about 14.5 ms. The
tracking frame rate was about 21 frames per
second. Thus, real-time tracking was achieved.

During tracking, the performance of LTPM was

also recorded. In detecting the two microfingers in
500 successive AIF images for 20 times, the case
where 3 lines were found was about 58% and
about 93% of these cases have similar line-type
patterns shown in Table 2.

Although the detection of a high-speed moving
micro transparent object is not the scope of this
paper, the microhand moved at the highest speed
of the system which is limited to 100 μm/s. If the
microhand moves faster, the success rate of real-
time tracking of the microhand may decrease
dramatically due to the hardware limitations of the
AIF imaging system.

5.2 Pick-and-place of different-sized
Table 3 shows the success rate of pick-and-place
experiment with different-sized microspheres after
20 trials. The success rate decreased for smaller

It was observed that smaller objects were more
adhesive to the microfinger and they were difficult
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to release. In addition, the AIF imaging system
was set up for an appropriate scanning range
= 80 μm for different-sized objects. With

= 2, the resolution of the system was
about 1.3 μm which may not be suitable for a
perfect spherical object such as a 20 μm
microsphere. Since the experiment was performed
to evaluate the method of obtaining 3D
information from the AIF imaging system, no
treatment to the microfingers was performed to
overcome adhesion problem that might have
contributed to the decrease of the success rate.

The success rate might also attribute to the
vibration generated by the piezo actuator when
grasping smaller microspheres. In the case of a
microsphere, it can slide out of the two
microfingers while being grasped if large vibration
occurs. In the case of grasping a biological cell,
vibration may not affect much at the grasping step
since cells are generally adhesive. However,
releasing a cell will be more difficult. Using a
fingertip to push a cell which is adhered to the
other microfinger may help to successfully release
the cell.

Table 3 Pick-and-place performance for
microspheres of different sizes
Microsphere 96 μm

55 μm 20 μm
Success rate 90% 80% 74%

Although a trade-off between the accuracy and the
scanning frequency of AIF imaging was
considered when determining
better piezo actuators with less
vibration and higher scanning frequency may
improve the accuracy as well as the
real-time performance of the system. The success
rate of pick-and-place task can also increase with
better experimental setup to reduce vibration and
by giving the feedback of the object’s size to
adaptively change parameter
to obtain
higher resolution or accuracy of AIF imaging.

In this experiment, the size of the smallest
microsphere is 20 μm in diameter. The z-
resolution of the AIF imaging system might be
large compared with the size of the smallest
microsphere. To achieve higher success rate of
pick-and-place of smaller microobjects such as 20
μm microspheres, the parameter
should be
adjusted to improve AIF resolution depending on
the detected size of the target object before
handling it. The resolution of AIF imaging can

also be improved by increasing the value of
however, this adjustment
lowers the frame rate and affects the real-time
performance of AIF imaging directly.

6. Conclusion
This paper presents the AIF imaging system which
is used to extend the depth of focus when
observing microobjects. In addition, it also
provides 3D information of microobjects being
observed. Thus, 3D position measuring techniques
have been proposed for both the end-effector and
the target object so that handling microobjects can
be automated.

As a potential tool for micromanipulation, a two-
fingered microhand was used in the experiment.
Line-Type Pattern Matching was proposed to
detect the 3D positions of the tips of the

Multisized microspheres were used as target
objects in the pick-and-place experiment and their
z-coordinates could be estimated with Contour-
Depth Averaging.

As AIF observation of microobjects and their 3D

information can be obtained in real-time, an
automated micromanipulation system for potential
real-time microrobotic applications can be
developed by integrating the AIF imaging system
to a micromanipulation system such as a dexterous
two-fingered microhand.

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