1. Accounting entry: bút toán
2. Accrued expenses
3. Accumulated:
5. Advances to employees
6. Assets
7. Balance sheet
8. Bookkeeper:
9. Capital construction:
10. Cash
11. Cash at bank
12. Cash in hand
13. Cash in transit
14. Check and take over:
15. Construction in progress
16. Cost of goods sold
17. Current assets
18. Current portion of long-term liabilities
19. Deferred expenses
20. Deferred revenue
21. Depreciation of fixed assets
22. Depreciation of intangible fixed assets
23. Depreciation of leased fixed assets ê tài
24. Equity and funds
25. Exchange rate differences
26. Expense mandate:
27. Expenses for financial activities
28. Extraordinary expenses
29. Extraordinary income
30. Extraordinary profit
31. Figures in: millions VND
32. Financial ratios
33. Financials Tài chính
34. Finished goods
35. Fixed asset costs
36. Fixed assets
37. General and administrative expenses
38. Goods in transit for sale
39. Gross profit
40. Gross revenue
41. Income from financial activities
42. Instruments and tools
43. Intangible fixed asset costs
44. Intangible fixed assets
45. Intra-company payables
46. Inventory
47. Investment and development fund
48. Itemize:
49. Leased fixed asset costs
50. Leased fixed assets
51. Liabilities
52. Long-term borrowings
53. Long-term financial assets Các k
54. Long-term liabilities
55. Long-term mortgages, collateral, deposits
56. Long-term security investments
57. Merchandise inventory
58. Net profit
59. Net revenue
60. Non-business expenditure source
61. Non-business expenditures
62. Non-current assets
63. Operating profit
64. Other current assets
65. Other funds
66. Other long-term liabilities
67. Other payables
68. Other receivables
69. Other short-term investments
70. Owners' equity
71. Payables to employees
72. Prepaid expenses
73. Profit before taxes
74. Profit from financial activities
75. Provision for devaluation of stocks
76. Purchased goods in transit
77. Raw materials
78. Receivables
79. Receivables from customers
80. Reconciliation:
81. Reserve fund
82. Retained earnings L
83. Revenue deductions
84. Sales expenses Chi phí bán hàng
85. Sales rebates
86. Sales returns
87. Short-term borrowings
88. Short-term investments
89. Short-term liabilities
90. Short-term mortgages, collateral, deposits
91. Short-term security investments
92. Stockholders' equity
93. Surplus of assets awaiting resolution
94. Tangible fixed assets
95. Taxes and other payables to the State budget
96. Total assets
97. Total liabilities and owners' equity
98. Trade creditors
99. Treasury stock
100. Welfare and reward fund