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Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
<1> The simple present tense: ( thì hiên tại đơn ).
A/ Formation:
1/ Tobe: am/ is /are ( thì , là , ở)
+Affirmative: I + am
He/ She / It / dt số ít + is.
You / We/ They/dt số nhiều + are.
+Negative: S + am/ is/ are + not.
+Interrogative: Am / Is / Are + S …. ?
2/ Ordinary Verbs: ( động từ thường )
+Affirmative: I/ You/ We/ They/ dt số nhiều + V
He/She/ It/ dt số ít + V_s /es
( thêm “es” sau các động từ tận cùng bằng o, s, sh, ch, x, z).
+Negative: I/ You/ We/ They/ dt số nhiều + don’t + V
He/ she/ it/ dt số ít + doesn’t + V.
+Interrogative: Do + I / you/ we/ they/ dt số nhiều + V …………?
Does + He/ she/ it/ dt số ít + V ……… ?
3/ To have: ( có , ăn, uống).
+ Affirmative: I/ You/ We/ They/ dt số nhiều + have
He/ She/ It/ dt số ít + has
+ Hình thức phủ đònh và nghi vấn giống như hình thức của động từ thường.
B/ Usage:
- Diễn tả một thói quen hoặc một việc xảy ra thường xuyên.
- Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên.
- Diễn tả môt trạng thái , ý thích hoặc khả năng ở hiện tại.
- Nói về nghề nghiệp , xuất xứ , quốc tòch, thời khoá biểu , chương trình ,………
C/ Signs:
- Today : hôm nay
- Always = all the time : luôn luôn
- Usually = often = frequently = generally = normally : thường (thường)
- Sometimes = at times = occasionally : thỉnh thoảng.

- Seldom , rarely : ít khi, hiếm khi.
- Never: không bao giờ.
- Every + thời gian : mỗi …… ( everyday/ week/ month…….: mỗi ngày / tuần /tháng …… )
- Once, twice, three times…… + thời gian : một lần, hai lần, ba lần……….
( once / twice ……… + aday / week …… : một lần / hai lần … một ngày / tuần …… )
<2> The simple past tense: ( thì quá khứ đơn )
A/ Formation.
1. Tobe : was/ were
( các thì căn bản)
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
+ Affirmative: I/ He/ She/ It/ dt số ít + was
You/ We/ They/ dt số nhiều + were
+ Negative: S + was / were + not.
+ Interrogative : Was/ Were + S …………?
2.Ordinary Verbs: ( động từ thường )
+ Affirmative: S + V_ ed/2 ( động từ có qui tắc thêm _ed, bất qui tắc cột 2 )
+ Negative: S + didn’t + V
+ Interrogative: Did + S + V …… ?
B/ Usage:
- Diễn tả một việc xảy ra ở thời gian xác đònh trong quá khứ.
- Diễn tả một thói quen trong quá khứ.
C/ Signs:
- Yesterday: hôm qua.
- Last + thời gian:…… qua, rồi (last night/week/month/year: tối/tuần/tháng/năm qua)
- Ago: cách đây.
- In + năm quá khứ ( in 1990)
When + S+ was / were + a child (a boy , a baby, a kid, young, tuổi), S + V ( QKĐ)
<3> The simple future tense : ( thì tương lai đơn )

A/ Formation.
+ Affirmative: S + will/ shall + V ( Shall dùng với I / we )
+ Negative : S + will/ shall + not + V
+ Interrogative: Will/ Shall + S + V ……… ?
B/ Usage: Diễn tả một việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.
C/ Signs:
- Tonight : tối nay.
- Tomorrow : ( ngày ) mai.
- Next + thời gian : …… tới ( next week / month ………: tuần / tháng ……………… tới )
- Someday : một ngày nào đó.
- Soon : chẳng bao lâu nữa.
- In the future : trong tương lai.
- In + năm tương lai ( in 2010 )
- In + khoảng thời gian ( in a few days )
<4> The present continuous tense: ( thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
A/ Formation
+ Affirmative : S + am / is / are + V_ing
+ Negative : S + am / is / are + not + V_ ing
+ Interrogative : Am / Is / Are + S + V_ ing ……… ?
B/ Usage: Diễn tả một việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại.
C/ Signs
- Now : bây giờ.
- Rightnow : ngay bây giờ.
- At present = presently = at this time = at the moment : hiện giờ , vào lúc này.
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
- Sau các câu đề nghò , mệnh lệnh : Look ! , Listen !,Watch! , Be quiet ! , Be silent ! , Be
careful ! . Hurry up ! , ………
<5> The past continuous tense : ( thì quá khứ tiếp diễn )
A/ Formation

+ Affirmative : S + was / were + V_ing
+ Negative : S + was / were + not + V_ ing
+ Interrogative : Was / Were + S + V_ ing ……… ?
B/ Usage:
- Diễn tả một việc đang xảy ra ở thời điểm xác đònh trong quá khứ.
- Diễn tả một việc kéo dài một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ ( nhưng không biết rõ lúc bắt
đầu và kết thúc ).
- Diễn tả hai việc xảy ra cùng một lúc trong quá khứ . ( while).
- Diễn tả một việc đang xảy ra thì có một việc khác xen vào ( nếu việc đang xảy ra ta dùng
QKTD, việc xen vào ta dùng QKĐ ) ( when, while, as )
C/ Signs :
- At + giờ yesterday / last ………
( At ) this time
- At that time : vào lúc đó .
- Then : lúc đó ( thường gặp trong đoạn văn )
- All + last week / month ……… : cả tuần / tháng ………… rồi.
- All morning (afternoon) yesterday : cả buổi sáng (chiều) ngày hôm qua.
- S + V ( QKTD) + While + S + V ( QKTD)
- S + V ( QKTD ) + When + S + V ( QKĐ)
V ( QKĐ ) V ( QKTD)
* Lời dặn
- Các động từ sau đây không thể ở thì tiếp diễn ( continuous tenses ) mà phải ở thì đơn
( Simple tenses ).
- Be ( thì , là , ở ) , seem ( dường như ) , look ( có vẻ ) , smell ( có mùi ), feel ( cảm thấy), see
( thấy ), hear ( nghe thấy) , love , like ( thích ) ,hate ( ghét), want ( muốn ) , need ( cần ), know
( biết ), understand ( hiểu ), possess ( có ), own ( làm chủ ), have ( có ).
<6> The present perfect tense . ( thì hiện tại hoàn thành )
A/ Formation
+ Affirmative : S + have / has + P.P ( V_ed / 3)
+ Negative : S + have / has + not + P.P

+ Interrogative : Have / Has + S + P.P ……… ?
B/ Usage:
- Diễn tả một việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không biết rõ thời gian ( before).
- Diễn tả một việc vừa mới xảy ra , vừa mới kết thúc ( just ).
- Diễn tả một việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn kéo dài đến hiện tại . ( since , for )
- Diễn tả một việc mà thời gian của nó chưa kết thúc ( today, this morning / everning / week /
month / term …… ).
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
- Diễn tả một việc được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ tính cho đến thời điểm hiện tại
( once , twice , three times , several times , many times ).
C/ Signs :
-Just : vừa mới
- Already : rồi
- Ever : đã từng
- Never : không bao giờ
- ( Not ) yet : chưa
- Recently = lately : gần đây
- Before : trước kia.
mốc ( điểm ) thời gian
- Since
S + V ( QKĐ )
- For + khoảng thời gian.
- So far = until now = up to now = up to the present : cho đến bây giờ.
- Once : một lần
- Twice : hai lần
- Three times : ba lần
- Several times : một vài lần
- Many times : nhiều lần
- Sau so sánh nhất ( This is the most intelligent boy that I’ve ever met )

- Sau cấu trúc : This / It is the first time / the second time / the third time ……… : đây là lần
thứ nhất / hai / ba ………
<7> The past perfect tense : ( thì quá khứ hoàn thành )
A/ Formation
+ Affirmative : S + had + P.P ( V_ed / 3)
+ Negative : S + had + not + P.P
+ Interrogative : Had + S + P.P ……… ?
B/ Usage:
- Diễn tả một việc xảy ra trước một thời điểm ở quá khứ ( before , by ).
- Diễn tả một việc xảy ra trước một việc khác ở quá khứ ( nếu việc xảy ra trước ta dùng quá
khứ hoàn thành , việc xảy ra sau ta dùng quá khứ đơn ) ( after , before, by the time , when )
C/ Signs :
- Before / By ( trước ) + thời gian. ( before 1975….)
- S + V ( QKHT) + before + S + V(QKĐ )
by the time
- S + V(QKĐ ) + after + S + V (QKHT)
S + V ( QKHT) + when + S + V( QKĐ)

( Thể bò động )
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
A/ Definition: ( đònh nghóa )
+ Câu chủ động ( active ) là câu mà chủ ngữ làm chủ hành động.
Ex: Mr Brown teaches English.
+ Câu bò động ( passive ) là câu mà chủ ngữ không làm chủ hành động trong câu mà chó chòu tác
động của hành động.
Ex: English is taught by My Brown
B/ The way to turn an active sentence into a passive one : ( cách chuyển một câu chủ động
sang câu bò động ) .

* Công thức tổng quát:
(A) : S + V + O
( P ) : S + be + P. P + ( by O )
Ex : (A) : Shakespeare wrote “ Hamlet”
( P) : “Hamlet “ was written by Shakespeare
(1) (2) (3) (4)
* Muốn đổi môt câu chủ động sang câu bò động, ta thực hiện các bước sau:
(1) O (S) S ( A)
(2) Thêm “be” cùng thì ( dạng) với động từ chính ở câu (A)
(3) V chính (A) PP ( V_ed/ 3 ) (P)
(4) S (A) O đứng sau by ( P) nếu có
C. The passive of tenses : (Thể bò động của các thì )
1. Simple present tense : ( thì hiện tại đơn )
Ex : Tom writes a letter
A letter is written by Tom
2. Simple past tense: ( thì quá khứ đơn )
Ex : Tom wrote a letter
A letter was written by Tom
3. Present continuous tense : ( thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
Ex : Tom is writing a letter
S + am / is / are + PP ( + by O )
S + was / were + PP ( + by O)
S + am / is / are + being + PP ( + by O)
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
A letter is being written by Tom
4. Past continuous tense : ( thì quá khứ tiếp diễn )
Ex : Tom was writing a letter
A letter was being written by Tom.
5 . Present perfect tense: ( thì hiện tại hoàn thành )

Ex : Tom has written a letter
A letter has been written by Tom.
6. Past perfect tense : ( thì quá khứ hoàn thành )
Ex: Tom had written a letter
A letter had been written by Tom
7. Modals : ( động từ khiếm khuyết )
( will / shall / can / may / must / be going to / have to / ought to / would / could / should / used to
Ex : Tom will write a letter
A letter will be written by Tom
D/ Notes: ( ghi chú )
+ Nếu chủ ngữ của câu ( A) là các từ như : people , one , someone, somebody, everyone,
everybody, và các đại từ nhân xưng ( I / you / we / they / he/ she/ It ) ta có thể bỏ by O ở câu
Ex: People speak English all over the world
English is spoken all over the word.
+ Nếu chủ ngữ của câu (A) là các từ như : noone, nobody, no + noun thì sang câu (P) phải ở hình
thức phủ đònh.
Ex: Noone helps her
She is not helped
+Nếu câu ( A) có hai túc từ (O) thì ta nên lấy túc từ chỉ người ra làm chủ ngữ ở câu (P).
Ex: My mother gives me a present.
I am given a present by my mother.
+ Trạng từ chỉ thể cách ( well , badly, quickly, carefully, fluently……) trước PP.
S + was / were + being + PP ( + by O )
S + have / has + been + PP ( + by O )
S + had + been + PP ( + O)
S + modals + be + PP ( + by O )
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ

Ex: The boss has treated them badly.
They have been badly treated by the boss.
+ Trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn trước by, thời gian sau by.
Ex : My father saw him in the garden last night
He was seen in the garden by my father last night
• Wish : ao ước
• Sau Wish ta dùng một mệnh đề chỉ một điều ao ước một điều không có thật.
• Có 3 loại câu sau Wish được dùng để chỉ sự ao ước ở tương lai, hiện tại và quá khứ.
<1> Future wish ( ao ước ở tương lai )
a) Formation
Ex : I wish I would go to the moon tomorrow
b) Signs:
_ Tonight , tomorrow , next , some day , soon , again , in the future
<2> Present Wish : ( ao ước ở hiện tại)
a) Formation
S + wish + S + V_ed /2
be : were
Ex : I wish I had a new bicycle
I wish I were a doctor
b) Signs:
- Today, often ,every day, now , rightnow, at present ………
<3> Past Wish : ( ao ước ở quá khứ )
a) Formation
Ex: I wish they had known the truth yesterday.
b) Signs:
- Yesterday , last , ago , this morning ………
(Câu ao ước)
S + wish + S + would / could + V

S + wish + S + V ( QKHT)
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
• Câu điều kiện bao gồm 2 mệnh đề : mệnh đề chính ( main clause ) và mệnh đề phụ
( dependent clause ) bắt đầu bằng If hoặc Unless (nếu không, trừ khi ) hay còn được gọi
là mệnh đề điều kiện ( conditional clause / If clause )
• Có 3 loại câu điều kiện :
<1> Possible condition : ( điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai ) thật.
* Formation
If + S + V ( HTĐ ) + , S + will / shall + V
have to / must
should / ought to
Ex : If I have time , I will help you .
<2> Present Unreal condition : ( điều kiện không thật ở hiện tại )
* Formation
If + S + V ( QKĐ) , S + would / should / could/ might + V
be: were
Ex : If I had time , I would help you .
<3> Past unreal condition : ( điều kiện không thật ở quá khứ )
* Formation:
If + S + V ( QKHT) , S + would / should / could / might + have + P.P
Ex : If I had had time , I would have helped you .
* Notes : ( ghi chú )
+ Mệnh đề điều kiện có thể đi với câu mệnh lệnh , yê cầu ở câu điều kiện loại I.
Ex : If you meet him , please phone me.
+ Câu điều kiện phủ đònh “ If ………… not “ ta có thể thay bằng Unless và câu điều
kiện được diễn tả bằng Or cũng được thay thế bằng Unless .
Ex : 1 / If you don’t study hard , you’ll fail in the exam.
 Unless you study hard , you’ll fail in the exam.
2/ Study hard or you will fail in the exam.

 Unless you study hard , you will fail in the exam.
* Khi ta đổi một câu điều kiện với “ If” sang “ Unless” , ta theo công thức sau :
If_ clause Unless.
o Phủ đònh Khẳng đònh ( mệnh đề chính không đổi )
o Khẳng đònh Khẳng đònh ( đổi động từ trong mệnh đề
chính sang thể ngược lại).
Ex: 1/ If it doesn’t rain , I will go to the movies.
( câu điều kiện )
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
 Unless it rains , I will go to the movies.
2/ If I have money , I will buy a motorcycle.
 Unless I have money , I will not buy a motorcycle.
+ Provided ( that ) , On condition ( that ) , As long as , So long as ( miễn là , với điều kiện
là ) ; suppose , supposing ( giả sử như ) , In case ( trong trường hợp ), Even if ( ngay cả
khi , dù cho ) …… có thể dùng thay cho If trong câu điều kiện.
Ex : In case I forget , please remind me of my promise.
1. At: ( vào lúc ) đứng trước.
+ Giờ ( at 4 o’clock, at 6 p.m…)
+ Những dòp lễ ( at Christmas; at Easter )
+ At night, at midday , at midnight , at weekends, at once, at noon, at last, at present, at the
moment, at lunchtime, at sunset, at dawn.
2.In: ( vào) đứng trước:
+ Năm ( in 1980)
+ Tháng ( in January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June/ July/ August/ September / October /
November / December).
+ Mùa ( in Spring/ Summer/ Autumn ( Fall)/ Winter).
+ Buổi ( in the morning/ the afternoon/ the evening.)
+ Thế kỷ ( in the 21 st century ….)

+ In time: đúng giờ
3.On :( vào ) đứng trước:
+ Thứ ( ngày trong tuần ) ( on Sunday/ Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/
+ Ngày tháng (năm) ( on June 10 th …)
+ Các ngày cụ thể (on Christmas Day/ my birthday/ New Year’s Eve)
+ On ( the) weekends.
+ On time: đúng giờ ( chính xác)
4.Since: ( từ, từ khi) đứng trước:
+ Mốc ( điễm) thời gian ( since yesterday/ 2000….)
5.For: (khoảng) đứng trước :
+ Khoảng ( số lượng) thời gian .( for a long time/ ages / two hours…)
6.Before: ( trước ) đứng trước :
+ Cụm từ chỉ thời gian ( before 7 o’clock/ meal….)
7. After: ( sau) đứng trước:
+ Cụm từ chỉ thời gian ( after 7 o’clock/ meal….)
8.Between: ( giữa hai khoảng thời gian ) đi với “ and”
+ Between ………. and ( between 7.00 and 9.00)
( Giới từ chỉ thời gian)
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
9. From … to/ upto / till / untill … ( từ ……… đến … )
( from 11 am to 2 pm , from Tuesday to Friday )
* Câu gián tiếp hay câu tường thuật là cách diễn đạt câu nói của người khác theo từ của mình mà
ý nghóa không thay đổi.
* Các loại lời nói gián tiếp ( câu tường thuật ):
I/ Command and request: ( câu mệnh lệnh và yêu cầu ).
Loại câu này được mở đầu bằng các động từ như : told, asked, ordered, commanded, requested, ……
thêm sau nó một túc từ ( người nghe ) nếu chưa có và động từ dùng ở dạng nguyên mẫu có “ TO “

. Nếu là hình thức phủ đònh ta thêm “ NOT” trước động từ nguyên mẫu có “TO”.
EX: He said , “ Give me your book, please”
 He told me to give him my book.
 He asked me to give him my book
II/ Statements :( câu kể, câu phát biểu)
Loại câu này được mở đầu bằng các động từ như : say / said ( to) , tell / told
EX: Lan said to me, “My uncle will come here tomorrow”
 Lan said to me ( that ) her uncle would come there the following day
 Lan told me ( that ) her uncle would come there the following day.
III/ Yes _ No Questions :( Câu hỏi phải không )
Loại này được mở đầu bằng các loại động từ như : ask(ed), wonder(ed), inquire(d), want(ed) to
know ……… và theo sau có “if” hoặc “ whether” (hay không). Sau “ whether” ta có thể thêm “or
EX: Nhi said. “ Do you know My Son, Nga”
 Nhi asked Nga if she knew My Son.
 Nhi asked Nga whether she knew My Son ( or not )
IV / WH ( H) _ Questions : ( Câu hỏi có nghi vấn từ )
Loại này được mở đầu bằng các loại động từ như : ask(ed), wonder(ed), inquire(d), want(ed) to
know ……… và theo sau là các nghi vấn từ ( WH(H)_) : What, where, when, who, why, what time,
how old …
( Lời nói gián tiếp)
(người nói)
+ told / ordered/ commanded + O
(người nghe)
+ ( not) + To V
asked/ requested

(người nói)
+ say / said + ( to O )
(người nghe)
+ ( that ) + S + V
tell/ told + O
(người nghe)
( người nói)
+ ask(ed) / wonder(ed) / inquire(d) + ( O)
(người nghe)
+ if ( whether) + S+V
want(ed) to know
( người nói)
+ ask(ed) / wonder(ed) / inquire(d) + ( O)
(người nghe)
WH (H)_ + S + V
want(ed) to know
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
EX: He said to me , “ What time does class start ? “
 He asked me what time class started.
** Cách đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp:
Muốn đỏi từ câu trực tiếp ( Direct speech) trong dấu trích dẫn sang gián tiếp ( reported Speech)
ta cần phải biết đó là loại câu gì , và sau đó áp dụng qui tắc đổi của loại câu đó.
* Nếu động từ của mệnh đề chính ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại hoàn thành, hoặc thì tương lai đơn thì
trong lời trích dẫn ta phải đổi ngôi của đại từ ( pronouns) và tính từ sở hữu ( possessive pronouns).
+ Ngôi thừ nhất ( I , me , my, we , us, our ) đổi theo người nói
+ Ngôi thứ hai ( you, your ) đổi theo người nghe.
+ Ngôi thứ ba ( he, him, his, she, her, it, its, they, them , their ) giữ nguyên.
EX: He says, “ I’m tired now “

 He says ( that) he is tired now.
* Nếu động từ trong mậnh đề chính ở thì quá khứ đơn thì trong lời trích dẫn ta phải đổi thì, tính từ
chỉ đònh, trạng ngữ chỉ không gian, thời gian, đại từ và tính từ sở hữu.
(1) Changes in tenses of verbs (đổi thì động từ)
* Direct Speech * Reported Speech
+ Simple present ( HTĐ) Simple past ( QKĐ )
+ Present continuous ( HTTD) Past continuous ( QKTD )
+ Simple past ( QKĐ) / Present perfect (HTHT) Past perfect ( QKHT)
+ Simple future ( TLĐ ) : will / shall Future in the past ( TL trong QK).
would/ should
+ may might
+ Can could
+ must had to/ would have to
+ mustn’t was/ were not to.
+ need not ( needn’t) didn’t have to.
* Might, could, should, ought to được giữ nguyên.
(2) Demonstrative adjectives: (tính từ chỉ đònh)
+ This that
+ These those
(3) Adverbs of place and time : (trạng ngữ chỉ không gian và thời gian)
+ now then
+ today that day
+ tonight that night
+ tomorrow the following day / the next day/ the day after.
+ next week the following week / the next week / the week after.
+ yesterday the previous day/ the day before
+ ago before / earlier.
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
Unit 1

1. I wish Susan ……………. harder for her exams.
A.worked B.works C. will work D.has worked
2. What were you doing when she ……………?
A.came B.to come C.comes D.coming
3. A good letter needs perfect ………………….
A.introduction B.introduce C.introducing D.introductory
4. It seems difficult for us …………………abroad at the moment.
A.to go B.go C.went D.gone
5. There used ………………… a movie theater here, but it closed a long time ago.
A.to be B.be C.being D.been
6. I come from Vietnam so I am not used to……………on the left.
A.driving B.driven C.drove D.drive
7. Although we are far away from each other, we still……………………
A.keep in touch B.say hello C.keep together D.keep on
8. Music and painting are………………………subjects.
A.optional B.option C.optionally D.optioning
9. The children are playing………………in the schoolyard.
A.happily B.happy C.happiness D.
10. I wish they …………here tomorrow.
A.would come B.came C.comes D.coming
11. Malaysia is divided………… 2 regions.
A.into B.to C.in D.on
12. The USA has a ……………… of 250 million.
A.population B.seperation C.addition D.introduction
13. Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists……………?
A.of B.to C.with D.in
14. Mary was really ………………….by the beauty of Hanoi.
A.impressed B.impression C.impressive D.impress
15. They were welcomed by friendly……………….in Vietnam.
A.atmosphere B.air C.matter D.impression

16. It is vere kind …………………you to say so.
A.of B.for C.to D.in
Unit 2
1. Mary …………… to write to me last year.
A.used to B.uses to C.is used to D.was used to
2. He describes himself…………………… a fashion designer.
A.as B.by C.in D.from
3. He ………………….with friends in an apartment in Hanoi since last week.
A.has lived B.live C.lives D.living
4.I wish you…………………here tomorrow.
A.would come B.came C.will come D.come
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
5. I …………… English here since I graduated from university.
A.have taught B.teach C.taught D.am teaching
6. Wearing uniform helps students …………….equal in many ways.
A.feel B.felt C.fell D.felt
7. It is dangerous ……………………… in this river.
A.to swim B.swim C.swimming D.swam
8. Millions of Christmas cards ……………………last month.
A.were sent B.sent C.send D.are sent
9. Marie Curie ……………………the Nobel prize for Physics in 1903.
A.was awarded B.award C.has awarded D.awarded
10. He hates being………………………… at
A.looked B.look C.looking D.to look
11……………… clothes do you prefer, T-shirt or pullover?
A.What B.How C.Which D.Where
12.My uncle was a ……………….He had a large collection of musical instruments.
A.musician B.music C.musical D.musically
13. Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing ………………… at work.

A.at B.in C.to D.with
14. Peter got ………………………quickly and went to school.
A.dressed B.dress C.dressing D.dresses
15. The Ao dai is the ……………………dress of Vietnamese people.
A.traditional B.tradition C.casual D.baggy
16. The word Jeans comes ………………….a kind of material that was made in Europe.
A.from B.at C.in D.on
Unit 3
1. They often go to that ……………….to pray.
A.shrine B.market C.hotel D.hostel
2. We have some ……………………….students for the program.
A.exchanged B.exchange C.to exchange D.exchanging
3. Are you a stamp……………………?
A.collector B.collecting C.collect D.collection
4. The weather is nice. Shall we …………………….mountains this morning?
A.climb B.go C.travel D.come
5. My village lies near the ……………… of the mountain and by the river.
A.foot B.leg C.feet D.legs
6.There is a small bamboo……………………at the entrance of the village.
A.forest B.forestation C.forest ranger D.forestry
7. I wish you …………….here now.
A.were B.is C.are D.was
8. He used to……………………full time, but now he is a part time worker.
A.work B.working C.worked D.works
9. Let’s ………………… somewhere for a drink?
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
A.go B.do C.going D.doing
10. I wish you……………… go camping with us, tomorrow.
A.would go B.go C.went D.are going

11. The stamp collection made him ………………famous in the country.
A.be B.to be C.been D.being
12. They ………………in that house for some months.
A.have lived B.lived C.are living D.live
13. It rains heavily, …………………….I can’t go to the movies with you.
A.so B.and C.but D.because
14. My father………………teaching in a small village 10 years ago.
A.started B.has started C.starts D.is starting
15. Minh wishes he ………………….on the beach now.
A.were B.is C.are D.was
16. I wish you ………………….it again.
A.wouldn’t do B.won’t do C.do D.don’t do
Unit 4
1. This year the only award for the …………….student belongs to him
A.best B.better C.well D.good
2. …………….aspects of learning English do you find the most difficult?
A.What B.Where C.When D.Why
3. They couldn’t pass the final……………
A.examination B.exam C.examine D.examining
4. We have many well ……………………teachers here.
A.qualified B.qualification C.quality D.qualify
5. If you study at the Brighton Language Center- UK, you can live in ……… on campus.
A.dormitory B.mobile room C.hotel D.private room
6. I saw your school’s ………………… in today’s edition of the Vietnam News.
A.advetisement B.advertise C.advertiser D.advertising
7. I can complete a ………………… English test if you want.
A.spoken B.speak C.spoke D.speaking
8.She said that she …………………learning English with you.
A.liked B.like C.liking D.to like
9. The government supplied the victims ………………food and water.

A.with B.on C.for D.to
10. She asked me where I …………………from.
A.came B.come C.to come D.coming
11. What aspects of………………… English do you find most difficult?
A.learning B.learnt C.study D.studied
12. If you want to attend the course, you………………… pass the examination.
A.have to B.has to C.had to D.could
13. She ………….me whether I liked classical music or not.
A.asked B.asks C.ask D.asking
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
14. He asked me who the editor of this book…………….
A.was B.is C.were D.are
15. He told me he …………………leave the city the next day.
A.will have to B.would have to C.has to D.had to
16. I wonder why he…………………… love his family.
A.doesn’t B.don’t C.didn’t D.hasn’t
Unit 6
1. This newspaper is every day. It's a daily newspaper
A. publishing B. published C. to publish D. publish
2. He shouted and looked at me when I broke the vase.
A. angry B. angrier C. angrily D. angriest
3. He is tired he stayed up late watching TV.
A. because B. so C. but D. and
4. We are talking about the preservation of resources.
A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalize
5. Is he really that you can't come there?
A. disappointed B. disappoint C. disappointing D. to disappoint
6. I think most children are creative enough to write poems.
A. beautiful B. protecting C . beautifully D. beauty

7. Is he really that you can't come there?
A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. to disappoint
8. It is our policy to forests and increase forestation.
A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protected
9. Everyone must take part in deforestation.
A. preventing B. prevent C. to prevent D. prevented
9. I suggest . to the movies.
A. go B. to go C. going D. went
10. They made their living by fish in the ocean everyday.
A. catching B. catch C. to catch D. caught
11. I will be . . . . . . . . if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price.
A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising . D. to surprise
12. Unless you understand. I explain it again to you
A. am B. was C. will. D. would
13. If you know where she lives, please let me
A. know B. knew C. known D. to know'
14. If he a student, he will get a discount.
A. were B. was C. were D. will be
15. you are interested in this film, don't go to see it at any cost.
A. Unless B. If C. Because D. So
16. If you like that book. l will give it you as my present.
A. to B. from C. at D. for
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
Unit 7
1. Can you turn the light? It's too dark.
A. on B. off C. in D. for
2. What are you looking ? .My picture book. I've lost it.
A. for B. off C. in D. on
3. There are saving methods and inventions to use solar energy.

A. energy B. energize C. energetic D. energetics 4. I had to pay much
money this month for the international………………
A. calls B. calling C. W call D. called
5. A new air-conditioner will be this morning.
A. installed B. to install C. installing D. to install
6. Scientists are looking for an way to reduce energy consumption.
A. effective B. affection C. effect D. effectively
7. We can easily in the daylight.
A. read B. to read C. reading D. readed
8. She won’t take all these suitcases she likes to travel light .
A. because B. but C. so D. therefore
9.They are completely short of water now. A number of people have died because of this………………
A. shortage B. short C. shorten D. shortly
10. What can we do to spend less lighting?
11. She is very tired. ,she has to finish her homework.
A. however B. so C. and D. moreover
12. Is he an actor ……………………. singer?
A. or B. and C. with D. so
13. He’s tired. he took a rest before continuing the work.
A. so B. and C. but D. if
14. She forgot off the gas before going out.
A. turning B. turn C. to turn D. turned
15. I suggest money for the poor people in our neighborhood.
A. saving B. to save C. save D. saved
16. Who looks your children when you are away from home?
A. after B. at C. for D. to
Unit 8
1. Can you tell me the reason for…………………….the Mother’s Day?
A. celebrating B. celebration C. celebrate D. celebrated
2. We think that Mother's Day should be celebrated……………………

A. nation wide B. nationhood C. nationality D. nation
3. We are going to the anniversary of our 50 th wedding.
A. celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrating D. to celebrate
4. She cried with when she heard the new. It was her time.
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
A. joy /joyful B. joyful /joy C. joyfully/ joy D. joy/ joyfully
5. There used to be a military in Red Square on 1
A. parade B. festival C. party D. celebration
6. What activities do you want to in at school and at the club?
A. take part B. taken part in C. take part in D. took part
7. The lady gave her new friend a hug before they said goodbye.
A. gentle B. gently. C. gentled D. gentleness
8. He is a generous man. He is known for his generosity.
A. well B. good C. better D. best
9. Its very nice you to say so.
A. of B. on C. in D. at
10. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all people.
A. Jewish B. English C. Vietnamese D. Japanese
11. Auld Lang Syne is a song is sung on New Year's Eve .
A. which B. whom C. whom D. when
12. Peter, . . . . . . , can compose many pieces of music, sings very well.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
13……………he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it.
A. Though B. As C. Since D. Despite
14. Do you know the man you met yesterday?
A. whom B. who C. which D. whose
15. The men and animals you saw on TV were from China.

A. that B. whom C. which D. who
16. Tet is a festival occurs in late January or earl, February.
A. which B. who C. whom D. when
Unit 9
1. According to the weather …………… it will rain, tonight.
A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting
2. The tsunami in December 2004 in South East-A killed more than 160,000 people.
A. disaster B. disastrous C. disastrously D. disastering
3. We must find a shelter now, because of the storm.
A. forecasted B. forecast C. forecaster D. forecasting
4. The roof under the weight of snow last night.
A. collapsed B. collapsing C. collapses D. collapse
5. He warned me of the . . . . . . . . . . . . in the forest.
A. dangers B. dangerousness C. dangerously D. dangerous
6. Pompeii was completely in AD 79 by an eruption Mount Vesuvius.
A. destroyed B. destroy C. to destroy D. destroying
7. Many people become because of the natural disasters every year,
A. homeless B. homesick C. homeland D. homework
8. Mount Pinatubo, is a volcano erupted in 1991.
A. which B. who C. whom D. that
9. Tornadoes and funnel-shaped storms can suck is in their path.
A. that B. whom C. who D. whose
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
10. We since we left school.
A. haven't met B. didn't meet C. won't meet D. don't meet
11. I'll bring some raincoats just in case. I hope my friends laugh at me.
A. won't B. didn't C. don't D. haven't
12. In 1995 a huge earthquake the city of Kobe in Jape
A. struck B. striking C. striked D. strike

13. Tidal waves the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth.
A. are B. were C. is D. was
14. I can't hear what you are saying. Can you the radio?
A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up D. turn off
15. Neil. Armstrong, . . . . . . walked on the moon, lived in the U S A.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
16. Marie Curie, . . . . . . . . . . . . . is one of the greatest women discovered radium.
A. who B. whose C. whom D. which
Unit 10
1. UFOs mean flying objects.
A. unidentified B. unknown C. unable D. unknown
2. Some scientists say that flying saucers might be people's
A. imagination B. imagine C. imaginative D. imaginary
3. Imagine someday you would live without .
A. electricity B. electric C. electrician D. electrical
4. Tim is an child.
A. imaginative B. imagine C. image D. imagination
5. There is no that he has been here.
A. evidence B. evidential C. evidentially D. evident
6. The disease was thought to have in Africa.
A. appeared B. disappearing C. disappeared D. appearing
7. The man without trace.
A. disappeared B. disappearing C. appeared D. appearing
8. My parents do not allow me , so I had to stay at home.
A. to go B. go C. going D. gone
9. 'There no sounds on the moon.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
10. If there were flying saucers, there traces of their landing.
A. would be B. will be C. are D. is
11. Do you think you will be able a space trip?

A. to take B. take C. taking D. taken
12. He won't be happy if you come!
A. don't B. haven't C. didn't D. won't
13.If I a bird, I would be a dove.
A. were B. is C. was D. am
14. If we became rich, we would travel the world.
A around B. on C. at D. up
15. She would come to see you if she your address.
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
A. had B. has C. have D. having
16. Where will you go if you a car?
A. have B. has C. had D. having
I/ From & Use
1 S+wish+S + WOULD+V(-TO) điều ao ước có thể xảy ra ở tương
Tomorrow, next,
in the future

điều ao ước không có thật ở hiện tại Now, right now, at present,
at the moment, at once,
3 S+wish+S+had+V

điều ao ước không thật ở quá khứ Yesterday, last, in the past
Ex: I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.
I wish I were rich.
She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house.
EX: I wish I had met her yesterday.
= If only I had mer her yesterday.
II/ Rewrite sentences using WISH CL:
1/ TYPE 1:
EX: + He won’t come to my party. I wish he would come to my party.
+ He wants to be a teacher. He wishes he would be a teacher.
 Dùng WISH 1 viết lại câu khi câu đó ở thì tương lai hoặc ngụ ý ở tương lai, viết lại đổi thể. Nếu
trong câu có “want” (muốn), “hope” (hi vọng) thì viết lại không đổi thể.
2/ TYPE 2:
EX: What a pity. I don’t have free time. I wish I had free time.
 Dùng WISH 2 viết lại câu khi câu đó ở thì hiện tại, viết lại đổi thể.
3/ TYPE 3:
EX: + I’m sorry, I didn’t help you. I wish I had helped you.
+ I regret not telling you the truth. I wish I had told you the truth.
 Dùng WISH 3 viết lại câu khi câu đó ở thì quá khứ, hoặc ngụ ý quá khứ, viết lại câu đổi thể.
Notes: Khi viết lại câu dùng WISH CLAUSE ta không viết lại các thành ngữ như:
I’m sorry, what a pity,…
I/ Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:
1. She wishes her father (be) ____her now to help her.
2. I wish you (not give) ____them my phone number yesterday.
3. I wish they (visit) _____us when they were in town.

4. I wish somone (give) _______ me a job next month.
5. If only I (can take) ______the trip to Hanoi with her next summer.
6. We wish we (understand) ______all the teacher’s explantion yesterday.
7. He missed an exciting football match on TV last night. He wishes he (watch) _______it.
8. If only I (have) _____more time to do this job.
9. I wish she (come) _______to see me yesterday.
10. I wish that someday I (be) ____able to marry her.
II/ Rewrite the sentences below, using Wish or If Only to express wishes:
1. My father isn’t here now. I want him to be here now.

Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
2. You talk more than you work. The teacher wants you to work more than to talk.

3. John would like to be an astronaut when he grows up.

4. I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday. 
5. I regret that you didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth.

6. Mary is afraid she won’t be able to attend your wedding next week.

7. We regret that we didn’t have enough money to buy that house.

8. You drive too fast. I’d like you to drive more slowly.

9. You are too lazy. The teacher wants you to be more studious.

10. I’m afraid he won’t get over his illness soon.

11. I’m not a doctor. 

12. I haven’t enough money to buy this book
. 
13. I live in a big city, but I don’t like it. 
14. Nam is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job.

15. Tomrrow is a workday. 
16. We have to work this Saturday. 
17. I feel sick because I ate too much ice-cream.

18. It’s pity that you were not here last week. 
19. I regret speaking to him so impolitely yesterday
20. Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him 20$. 
21. I want the baby to stop crying. 
22. He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party.

23. The hotel wasn’t good. 
24. I didn’t understand the lesson. 
25. My friend didn’t pass his exam. 
I / Choose the best options:
1. If I found a wallet in the street, I ________take it to police.
A. will B. should C. would D. shall
2. I don’t really want to go their party, but I probaly will go. They’d be offended if I ____go.
A. didn’t B. don’t C. will D. will not
3. What would you do if you _____a million pounds?
A. win B. won C. will win D. A and C
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ

4. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I _______to bed now.
A. go B. went C. had gone D. would go
5. I _____that coat if I were you.
A. wouldn’t buy B. didn’t buy C. don’t buy D. won’t buy
6. I don’t know many people. I wish I _____more people.
A. know B. knew C. have known D. should know
7. I have to work tomorrow. I wish I ______in bed.
A. would stay B. should stayC. stay D. stayed
8. Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If he__it, he would have been late for his interview.
A. missed B. has missed C. miss D. had missed
9. I wan’t tired last night. If I had been tired, I _____home earlier.
A. would have gone B. will go C. go D. went
10. I wish _____so much.
A. I B. I hadn’t eaten C. I do not eat D. I won’t eat
11. Hadn’t it been for your help, I ______.
A. would get lost B. got lost C. would have got lost D.had got lost
12. I wish I ____applied for the job.
A. will B. should C.had D. have
13. If Margaret hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she _________injured.
A. has been B. would has been C. would be D. would have been
14. If the driver in front ________so suddenly, the accident wouldn’t have happened.
A hasn’t stopped B. hadn’t stopped C. didn’t stop D. don’t stop
15. If you didn’t do this, you ______punished.
A. are B. will be C. should be D. would be
16. They helped me a lot. I don’t know what I _______without their help.
A. have done B. had done C. would have done D. will do
17. I wish you _____something instead if just sitting and doing nothing.
A. do B. should C. will do D. would do
18. I wish Sarah _______here now.
A. is B. were C. would be D. will be

19. When we were children, in summer, if the weather was fine, we _all get up early and go for a swim
A. would B. will C. should D. A and B
20. The teacher _____the essays if he has time.
A. will grade B. would grade C. will have graded D. graded
21. The bus won’t stop _____you ring the bell.
A. when B. if C. if not D. unless
22. _____a car to drive now.
A. If I had B. Only I had C. If only I had D. Better I had
23. I wish I ______to the party last night.
A. went B. go C. had gone D. have gone
24. –What are you going to do next year?
_ I wish I _____the answer to that question.
A. knew B. had known C. would know D. will know
25. _It’s a pity the weather was bad yesterday.
_ Yes, if it hadn’t been cold, we _________swimming.
A. would go B. would have gone C. had gone D. went
26. She wishes she _____a doctor in the future.
A. is B. were C. will be D. would be
27. I wish I ___your wedding, but I was in Paris.
A. could attend B. would attend C. attended D. could have
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
28. If only _____taller, I might be better at basketball.
A. I am B. I were C. I be D. I have been
29. Cathy refused the job offer. I wish she _____that.
A. not do B. not to do C. couldn’t have done D. hadn’t done
30. If a catalyst _____, the reaction occurs more rapidly.
A. uses B. was used C. is used D. will be used
31. Mary jogs every day _____lose weight.

A. so she can B. so that she can C. because she can D. so that to
32. We’ll be late ______we hurry.
A. if B. despite C. unless D. when
33. She failed the test _____she studied hard.
A. although B. even though C. as D. A and B
34. You should bring an umbrella _______it rains.
A. if B. unless C. in case D. because of
35. He went on working ______feeling unwell.
A. although B. unless C. due to D. despite
36. They decided to go ______the danger.
A. because B. in spite of C. although D. so
37. _____, they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer.
A. However B. In spite of C. If D. Although
38. Jane has a computer, ______she doesn’t use it.
A. and B. since C. but D. in spite of
39. ____we had got on the plane, it stared to rain.
A. If B. While C. Before D. As soon as
40. We have to wait ______every body else finishes their turn.
A. when B. but C. so D. until
41. Mark heard the news on the radio _______he was driving home.
A. while B.as C. until D. A and B
42. What are you going to do ________graduating from university?
A. before B. after C. so D. because
43. I am not so good at English, __________ I have to practice more.
A. but B. so C. while D. despite
44. ______the fact she failed the exam, she didn’t look disappointed.
A. Although B. Despite C. In spite of D. B and C
45. We didn’t go to France last summer ________we couldn’t afford to.
A. so B. when C. because D. because of
46. You can’t drive a car ________you have a license.

A. unless B. so C. in case D. if
47. _____ the flight delay, they did not attend the conference.
A. Because B. As C. Although D. Because of
48. The storm was so strong, __________, all the crops were destroyed
A. However B. As a result C. Consequently D. B and C
49. Everyone thought she would accept the offer. ________she turned it down.
A. However B. So C. Too D. Moreover
50. Mrs. Jones has car and a villa. _______________, she owns a big company.
A. I n addition B. But C. Therefore D. However.
Tröôøng THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
1. I wish my father were here now.
2. The teacher wishes you worked more than you talked.
3. John wishes he would be an astronaut in the future (when he grew up)
4. I wish I had helped you yesterday.
5. I wish you had given me a chance…
6. Mary wishes she would be able to attend…
7. We wish we had had enough money…
8. I wish you drove more slowly
9. The teacher wishes you were more studious.
10. I wish he would get over…
11. I wish I were a doctor.
12. I wish I had enough money…
13. I wish I didn’t live in a big city.
14. Nam wishes he had accepted the job.
15. I wish tomorrow weren’t a workday.
16. We wish we wouldn’t have to work this Saturday.
17. I wish I hadn’t eaten too much ice-cream.
18. I wish you had been here last week.

19. I wish I hadn’t spoken to him so impolitely yesterday.
20. Alan wished he hadn’t askes Arthur to lend him 20$.
21. I wish the baby stopped crying.
22. He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.
23. I wish the hotel had been good.
24. I wish I had understood the lesson.
25. I wish my friend had passed his exam.
1C 2A 3B 4B 5B 6B 7A 8D 9A 10B 11C 12C 13D 14B 15D
16C 17D 18B 19A 20A 21D 22C 23C 24A 25B 26D 27D 28B 29D 30C
31B 32C 33D 34C 35D 36B 37D 38C 39D 40D 41D 42B 43B 44D 45C
46A 47D 48D 49A 50A
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ

+ Câu có câu hỏi đuôi gồm có hai phần: mệnh đề chính ( main clause) và câu hỏi đuôi ( tag
question) . Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề chính ở thể khẳng đònh thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ đònh và
ngược lại.
A/ Form
Main clause Tag question
(1) Khẳng đònh
(2) Phủ đònh
Phủ đònh
Khẳng đònh
Ex: You like watching movies, don’t you ?
You don’t watching movies, do you ?
B/ Một số quy tắc ở câu hỏi đuôi.
+ Phải ở hình thức đảo ngữ ( V + S )
+ Nếu động từ ỡ mệnh đề chính là những động từ đặc bòêt như : be , have, will, shall , can, may,
must, would , should… ta giữ lại những động từ này ở câu hỏi đuôi . Nhưng đối với những động từ

thường ta phải mượn các trợ động từ như : do , does, did .
Ex: He will not come, will he ?
She likes pop music, doesn’t you ?
+ Phải viết tắc ở hình thức phủ đònh ( isn’t, aren’t, don’t, haven’t, won’t , shan’t , can’t, mustn’t
Ex : The boat is coming , isn’t it ?
+ Chủ ngữ phải là đại từ nhân xưng ( he, she, it , they, ……)
C/ Một số thay đổi từ mệnh đề chính ( main clause ) sang câu hỏi đuôi ( tag question )
* Main clause * Tag question
- S ( tên nam ) he
- S ( tên nữ) she
-S ( vật số ít ) it
- S ( số nhiều ) they
- S ( tên tàu thuyền , phi cơ, con vật ) she
- S ( you and I ) we
- S ( this, that ) it
- S ( noone, nobody, anyone, anybody,
someone, somebody, everyone, everybody) they
-S ( nothing, something, anything, everything) it
( Câu hỏi đuôi )
Trường THCS Tân khai Ho ngà Thị Ngọ
-Noone, nobody, nothing, hardly ( any) scarcely, never, seldom khẳng đònh
- I am aren’t I
- Let’s shall we
-Mệnh lệnh khẳng đònh ( V + (O) …….!) won’t you
-Mệnh lệnh phủ đònh ( Don’t + V + (O) …… !) will you
Lưu ý : There ( đứng đầu câu ) và các đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ ta giữ lại ở câu hỏi đuôi .

A. prefixes
I. adj
un/in + adj = adj
Un adj Adj
Un happy Unhappy
Un lucky Unlucky
Un Necessary Unnecessary
Un Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
In Active Inactive
In Dependent Independent
In Expensive Inexpensive
Ir Regular Irregular
Im Possible Impossible
im Polite Impolite
Im Patient Impatient
en Rich Enrich
En Able Enable
II. nouns
Un N N
Un truth Untruth
Dis Pleasure Displeasure
Dis Advantage Disadvantage
Mis Understanding Misunderstanding
III. Verb
Un Verb Verb
Un do Undo
Mis Understand Misunderstand
in Dependence Independence
Dis Agree Disagree
B. Suffixes


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