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Socio cultural Slogans in English

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (235.58 KB, 21 trang )

1. Delivering environmental innovation through sustainable practices. (Có hình)
2. Every day is earth day – Take care of her (Có hình)
3. Every time history repeats itself the price goes up. (Có hình)
4. Kick the CO
habit – Towards a low carbon economy (Có hình)
5. Let’s keep our country clean. (Có hình)
6. Only you can prevent forest fires. (Có hình)
7. Plant a tree for life (Có hình)
8. Reduce, reuse & recycle (Có hình)
9. Renewable energy is homeland security (Có hình)
10. Take care of the earth (Có hình)
11. There is no planet B (Có hình)
12. We care green (Công ty dầu khí đường 30-4 Đà nẵng Street)
13. Every Day is Earth Day
14. Green Is the New Black
15. More Candy, Less Climate Change
16. One Answer Rises Every Morning
17. Renewable Energy, Sustainable Peace
18. Save the Earth – It’s the Only Planet with Coffee
19. Snowmen Against Global Warming
20. Wake Up and Smell the Planet
21. You Can’t Spell Ecological Without Logical
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22. A clean earth is a happy earth!
23. Don’t be mean, go green.
24. Don’t be so hollow, or civilization will be swallowed.
25. Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.

26. Go green or I’ll scream
27. Green is the new black!
28. Keep it GREEN, Keep it CLEAN!
29. Keep your surroundings clean make the earth green

30. Learn to recycle and use your bicycle
31. Love earth and earth will love you!
32. Love the earth: it’s the only one we’ve got.
33. One Earth, One Chance
34. Save Earth from Humans
35. Save Earth or Die!
36. Save the world, save yourself.
37. Take part in Earth Day, and in the future it will pay.
38. Turn off the lights before you perish.
39. We’re the green team, not the mean team.
40. Yesterday we smoked the green, today we keep it clean.
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41. Keep this workplace safe and clean (Có hình kèm theo)
42. Keep your country clean! (Có hình kèm theo)
43. Reusing and Recycling (Có hình kèm theo)
44. This is your restroom. Please keep it clean. (Có hình kèm theo)
45. You might as well eat from the trash can. (có hình kèm theo)
46. All visitors report to office. (Có hình kèm theo)
47. Donate blood today ! (Có hình kèm theo)
48. It is against the law to smoke in these premises (Có hình kèm theo)
49. Keep your country nice and clean ! (có hình kèm theo)
50. Parking bicycles on the pedestrian ramps is prohibited at all times (Có hình kèm theo)

51. Please keep off the grass ! (có hình kèm theo)
52. Quiet, Please….Important work in progress. (Có hình kèm theo)
53. Sleeping on the couches is not permitted at any time. (Có hình kèm theo)
54. Pets must be in suitable container. (Có hình kèm theo)
55. Please take your rubbish wih you. (Có hình kèm theo)
56. Passengers must have a valid ticket (Có hình kèm theo)

57. Please be considerate and do not make mobile phone calls inside this building (Có hình)
58. Please keep yourself and planet earth beautiful. Don’t litter your mind. (có hình)
59. Please remember to switch off the lights ! (có hình)
60. Keep this doorway free of obstructions, so fire doors can close (có hình)
61. Do not read this sign under penalty of law. (Có hình kèm theo)
62. Safety first (Có hình kèm theo)
63. Safety is something we can live with. (Có hình kèm theo)
64. Watch for cyclists. (Có hình kèm theo)
65. Safety …. is people not getting hurt (Có hình kèm theo)
66. Slow down – The cop hides behind this sign (Cảnh sát toàn cầu, p.32, số 2, ngày
67. Chance takers are accident makers. (có hình)
68. Darling I like you but not so fast (có hình)
69. Safety isn't just a slogan; it's a way of life.
70. Better to be safe than to be sorry!
71. Be alert! Accidents hurt.
72. A safer you is a safer me.
73. The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.
74. Remember - Safety is not a job; it is a way of life.
75. Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy

76. While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work
77. Safety doesn't slow the job down but mishaps do.
78. A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.
79. Your safety is everyone's responsibility, especially yours.
80. You can't get home, unless you're safe.
81. Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.
82. The adage "look before you leap" is a lifesaver.
83. When jogging, run against the traffic flow.
84. Wear the right protective equipment for the job.

85. Use the right tool for the job.
86. Just because you always did it that way, doesn't make it right.
87. Safety is something you learn from the start - Being accident free is doing your part.
88. Still water doesn't always run deep, look before you leap.
89. It’s better to lose one minute in life than to lose life in a minute.
90. In case of injury remember "rice"- rest, ice, compress and elevate.
91. Have another day - by being safe today!
92. Safety is a frame of mind - So concentrate on it all the time.
93. Don't learn safety by accident.
94. At work at play, let safety lead the way.
95. Safety is the light Let it shine.
96. Fail Safety and it will fail you.
97. Take the extra step for safety.
98. Safety rules are your best tools.
99. Safety first makes us last.
100. Safety is like a lock - But you are the key.
101. Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.
102. Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain.
103. Courtesy and common sense promote safety.

104. Safety is as simple as ABC Always Be Careful.
105. Safety isn't expensive its priceless.
106. Working safely each day will keep the doctor away.
107. Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction.
108. The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense.
109. Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!
110. Safety is a full time job, don't make it a part time practice.
111. Safety You will regret if you forget.
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112. Be careful. Carelessness can hurt you and others. (có hình kèm theo)
113. Don’t have an accident. Prevent one! (có hình kèm theo)
114. Good housekeeping is essential to safety (có hình kèm theo)
115. Safety helmets must be worn in this area. (có hình kèm theo)

116. Stay alert! …… so you don’t get hurt! (có hình kèm theo)
117. Think safety – Work safely. (có hình kèm theo)
118. Work safely. Let’s cut out injuries. (có hình kèm theo)
119. You are the key to safety (có hình kèm theo)
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120. The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.
121. Is better to crash into a nap than to nap into a crash?
122. Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!
123. Save life to obey the traffic rules
124. Follow traffic rules, save your future
125. The essence of road safety is to live healthy
126. Normal speed meets every need.
127. Alert today - Alive tomorrow.
128. Safety is not automatic, think about it.
129. Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer.

130. Stop accidents before they stop you.
131. Better to arrive late than never.
132. Don't Drink and drive
133. Drive for safety.
134. Better to arrive late than never. Drive carefully!
135. Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today.
136. Safety first because accidents last.
137. Safety can distinguish you. Lack of safety can extinguish you.
138. Safety a small investment for a rich future.
139. Stay Alert, Stay Alive!
140. Get smart! Use safety from the start.
141. Safety Awareness Helps Save Lives.
142. Don't put your life on the line. Think safety.
143. Don't be safety blinded, be safety minded.
144. Chance takers are accident makers.
145. Be safety smart right from the start.

146. Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you.
147. The safe way is the right way.
148. Safety's intention is accident prevention
149. Safe today - Alive tomorrow
150. Safety is people not getting hurt. (có hình kèm theo)
151. For your safety hardhat must be used. (có hình kèm theo)
152. You! Are looking at the person responsible for your safety today. (có hình)
153. Meet the person responsible for your safety. (có hình)

154. For your safety! Please observe maximum speed limit. (có hình)
155. For your safety, we request that drivers wait in the driver’s lounge during tank
cleaning. (có hình)
156. Ladies, poles are fitted for your safety. No dancing. (có hình)
157. Arsenic kills if you swallow it. Tobacco kills if you smoke it
158. Be smart don't start.
159. Breathe healthily, live happily.
160. Cancer cures smoking.
161. Everyone has a right to clean air.
162. If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for it.
163. If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.
164. Live it or burn it
165. Make your choices, it's your life.
166. Put it out before it puts you out.
167. Smoke away your worries, not your lungs.
168. Smokers don’t get to smoke, they have to smoke.
169. Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.
170. Smoking? You must be joking
171. Tar the roads, not your lungs.
172. There are cooler ways to die than smoking.
173. Too much smoke will leave you broke.
174. Trash the ash.

175. Your freedom ends where my nose begins.
176. You're a fool if you think smoking is cool.
Buzzle.com, Inc., 575 Anton Blvd, Suite 300, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA
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177. Go smoke in your own backyard.

178. Save your lungs, save your life.
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179. Smoking harms your health (
180. Quit smoking for your health (
181. Make every mother and child count. (
182. Take care of your body; it’s the only place you have to live.
183. Stay Strong, Live long
184. Take care of your body and it will take care of you
185. Rest a while and run a mile
186. Early to bed, early to rise keeps you healthy wealthy and wise
Anti-smoking POSTERS
187. A cigarette in hands is worth nothing. (có hình kèm theo)
188. Danger: Smoking causes heart disease (có hình kèm theo)
189. Danger: Smoking causes cancer (có hình kèm theo)
190. Smoke and die younger (có hình kèm theo)
191. Smokers die younger (có hình kèm theo)
192. Smoking causes ageing of the skin (có hình kèm theo)
193. Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer (có hình kèm theo)
194. Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes (có hình)
195. Smoking kills (có hình kèm theo)
196. Smoking seriously harms you and others around you. (có hình kèm theo)
197. Smoking harms your health. (có hình kèm theo)
198. Smoking when pregnant harms your baby (có hình kèm theo)
199. Tobacco companies kill their best customers (có hình kèm theo)
200. Tobacco is addictive (có hình kèm theo)
201. Tobacco seriously damages health (có hình kèm theo)

202. Your smoke can harm these around you (có hình kèm theo)

203. Switch off your computer terminal before leaving work (có hình kèm theo)
204. Leaks make your future bleak
205. The less you burn, the more you earn
206. Today's wastage is tomorrow's shortage
207. Life is energy. Energy is life
208. "Let there be light"-for our grandchildren
209. Practice conservation for future generations
210. Save today survive tomorrow
211. Think globally act locally
( />Take-Action&id=4108897)
212. Family planning advice – Use rear entrance (Có hình kèm theo)
213. Family violence is a CRIME
214. Make my home safe – Stop family violence
215. People who are violent towards animals rarely stop there. (Có hình kèm theo)
216. Stand up … Speak out … Against violence! (Có hình kèm theo)
217. Violence against women. Australia says no (Có hình kèm theo)

218. Have your taxes done today (Có hình kèm theo)
219. There’s Nothing Like Australia
Australia Unlimited

Fire Safety Slogans
221. A fire today - no job tomorrow
222. Electrical safety leads to fire safety
223. Fire destruction is one man's job, fire prevention is everybody's job
224. Fire defense is a self defense
225. Fire catches, so don't play with matches
226. Fires that are small soon will be tall!
227. Gather your clan, make a fire plan
228. Kill fire before it kills you
229. Know the roots of fire safety- enjoy the fruits of duty
230. Learn not to burn
231. Practice fire safety. Watch what you heat
232. Stop, drop, and roll
233. Think of fire before it starts
234. Unattended cooking means fire

Slogans on Safety
1. A cord with a bent or missing grounding plug is danger
2. A fire today - no job tomorrow
3. A good attitude makes safety work for you.
4. A hardhat on your head keeps you from being dead
5. A harness is better than a hearse.
6. A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.
7. A wound neglected may be a wound infected.
8. Accidents big or small, avoid them all
9. Accidents hurt - Safety doesn't.

10. Alert today - Alive tomorrow.
11. An electrical shock victim might make you another victim – you can’t touch
12. Anger is one letter away from danger. Drive gently.
13. Apply your good intention to accident prevention
14. Are you part of the safety TEAM (Together Employees Accomplish More)
15. As temperatures rise, stay safety wise. ( a summer slogan)
16. At work at play, let safety lead the way.
17. At work, at home, let safety be known
18. Be alert! Accidents hurt
19. Be aware of slips and trips.
20. Be hand-in-glove with safety.
21. Be safe at work or you might miss welcome home, a hug, a kiss
22. Be safe at work today; call in sick
23. Be safety smart right from the start.
24. Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
25. Before you do it, take time to think through it.
26. Before you start - Be safety smart
27. Being safe is like breathing you never want to stop.
28. Better dead sure than sure dead.
29. Better late than the late. (Thà muộn còn hơn là hết đời)
30. Better to arrive late than never.
31. Better to lock out than luck out
32. Business stalls if you slip and fall
33. Chance takers are accident makers
34. Check your shoes and don't let your day slip away.
35. Close call Don't ignore it, report it.
36. Consider yourself hugged
37. Courtesy and common sense promote safety.

38. Crushed hands or missing fingers may affect your golf swing.
39. Dare to be aware.
40. Death lurks in confined spaces
41. Dig in your heels against accidents.
42. Do your work with pride, put safety in every stride.
43. Don't be a fool! Inspect your electrical tools.
44. Don't be a fool, cause safety is cool, so make that your rule.
45. Don't be a fool, use the proper tool.
46. Don't be safety blinded, be safety minded.
47. Don't fall asleep at work and get your head caught in a splicing bar.
48. Don't fix the blame , fix the problem
49. Don't get caught in the web of unsafe acts. (This is written in the background of
a spider web.)
50. Don't get caught with your guard off it could be dis-arming
51. Don't get papercuts; They hurt
52. Don't just preach safety, profit from it.
53. Don't learn safety by accident
54. Don't let the light go out, wear eye protection
55. Don't let the safety net turn into a hammock.
56. Don't put your life on the line. Think safety
57. Don't watch her behind. Keep safety in mind!
58. Don't work alone Watch for others
59. Drive as if every child on the street were you own.
60. Drive with reason this holiday season.
61. Electrical equipment that smokes, sparks, shocks, smells, blows a fuse, or trips a
circuit can kill
62. Electrical hazards can shock you - use safety clothing
63. Electrical safety leads to fire safety

64. Electrical safety leads to fire safety

65. Ensure fire safety, save life save property
66. Eye protection is clearly the right choice
67. Eyes are priceless - eye protection is cheap
68. Fail Safety and it will fail you.
69. Falling objects can be brutal if you don't protect your noodle.
70. Fire catches, so don't play with matches
71. Fire defense is a self defense
72. Fire destruction is one man's job, fire prevention is everybody's job
73. Fires that are small soon will be tall!
74. First safety last
75. Flesh and Bone are no match for a grinding Stone
76. For a good time, Dial 911- operators are standing by!
77. Forget the hearse with safety first.
78. Forget the nurse with safety first.
79. Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!
80. Gag safety slogans (DON'T SEND THESE IN)
81. Gather your clan, make a fire plan
82. Generating safety Is a mega-watt savings.
83. Get in high speed pursuit of safety.
84. Get smart! Use safety from the start.
85. Get the safety habit
86. Get the safety itch.
87. Guard against man eating machines
88. Health & safety, words to live by
89. Hearing protection is a sound investment.
90. Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!
91. If everything comes your way, you are in the wrong lane.

92. If in doubt check it out - Safety First.
93. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

94. If you can't be good, be careful. If you can't be careful, we'll get a call.
95. If you don't go to work, you can't get hurt
96. If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke.
97. If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.
98. If you figgit with safety you could lose a diget. (Spelling?)
99. If you leave accidents behind don't leave a forwarding address
100. If you smell something bad, get out of the lab.
101. Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today.
102. Is there a special hazard to learn of a chemical you work with, so you won't
get burned?
103. It's better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one
104. It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole. Call 911.
105. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Safe and Sound
106. Keep a grip on life and protect your hands.
107. Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.
108. Keep your eyes on safety.
109. Keep your kids safe. They'll choose your nursing home.
110. Kill fire before it kills you
111. Knock out accidents
112. Know safety - No injury. No safety - Know injury.
113. Know the roots of fire safety- enjoy the fruits of duty
114. Ladder safety has it's ups and downs.
115. Ladder safety has it's ups and downs. (also works with elevator and escalator
116. Lead the way, safety today
117. Learn not to burn

118. Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer.
119. Let's take ladder safety a step at a time.
120. Life did not begin by accident. Don't end it as one.
121. Lift smart, think, then start.

122. Look sharp, don't get cut.
123. Luck runs out, but safety is good for life.
124. Machine guards keep you on your side.
125. Make it your mission, not to live with and unsafe condition.
126. Make safety a part of your workday
127. Make safety a priority
128. Make your plant the best, safer than all the rest
129. Near miss? Don't ignore it, report it.
130. Never forget about safety
131. Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain.
132. Night doubles traffic troubles.
133. No injuries to anyone, ever
134. Old firefighters never die, they just stop arson around!"
135. One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life.
136. One rung too high and you could die
137. One safe act can lead to another.
138. One split second of carelessness could change your entire future.
139. Only fools break safety rules.
140. Only you can prevent forest fires
141. Open the door to Safety: Awareness is the key!
142. Our aim, no accidents
143. Our job is anchored in safety
144. Our mission is and accident free condition
145. Our paramedics give you a charge!

146. Personal protective equipment is self defense
147. Play it safe
148. Positive attitudes have positive influence on safety
149. Possible ideas for graphics and logos
150. Practice fire Safety. Watch what you heat
151. Practice safety in all you do everyone depends on you!

152. Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.
153. Protect your back use a jack.
154. Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check.
155. Protect your hands Use your head.
156. Protect your thoughts and wear a hard hat.
157. Put safety first - Prevent the worst
158. Put safety first and a better day is sure to follow
159. Put safety in your head when you get out of bed
160. Put safety into action stay out of Traction!
161. Put safety into action - the wishbone will never replace the backbone.
162. Put your money on safety, it's a blue-chip investment.
163. Quench the thirst Safety First
164. Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger.
165. Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction
166. Safe and healthy!
167. Safe crane operation is uplifting.
168. Safe minds and safe actions equal a safe worker and satisfaction.
169. Safe operators are smooth operators
170. Safe today - Alive tomorrow
171. Safety - the food for life
172. SAFETY - The measure of success.
173. Safety Takes just a few seconds.

174. Safety : To be or not to be there's no question about it!
175. Safety and quality go hand in hand
176. Safety awareness saves lives
177. Safety begins with teamwork
178. Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary.
179. Safety comes in cans. I can, you can, we can.
180. Safety conscious, smart obvious.
181. Safety first makes us last.

182. Safety First, Last and Always
183. Safety fits like a glove; Try one on!
184. Safety is a 2 way street Look both ways.
185. Safety is a frame of mind, get the picture
186. Safety is a friend and an accident is an enemy.
187. Safety is a full time job, don't make it a part time practice.
188. Safety is a lifetime achievement
189. Safety is a mission not an intermission.
190. Safety is a product we can live by
191. Safety is a race we can all win
192. Safety is a state of mind accidents are an absence of mind
193. Safety is a working tool.
194. Safety is an administrative requirement.
195. Safety is as safety does.
196. Safety is as simple as ABC Always be careful
197. Safety is everybody's job
198. Safety is for life - just do it
199. Safety is great unless you're late.
200. Safety is no accident when you gamble with safety you bet your life
201. Safety is not an accident

202. Safety is not automatic, think about it.
203. Safety is of the essence.
204. Safety is our goal What’s yours?
205. Safety is our life line.
206. Safety is redundant!!!!!
207. Safety is something you can not live without
208. Safety is the key to life - don't get locked out
209. Safety is the light Let it shine
210. Safety is you
211. Safety is your life's work

212. Safety isn't expensive its priceless.
213. Safety isn't for helping you up, it's to keep you from falling.
214. Safety isn't just a slogan, it's a way of life.
215. Safety makes good dollars and sense
216. Safety never hurts!
217. Safety never takes a holiday
218. Safety pays
219. Safety pays all ways
220. Safety practices Do or die.
221. Safety rules are there to follow. So take care and we will see you tomorrow.
222. Safety rules are your best tools
223. Safety shoes to house your toes; safety glasses on your nose.
224. Safety slogans are nifty - Give me my fifty. (Charlie Balogh 080296)
225. Safety- standards we set to accomplish the goals we strive for
226. Safety starts with "S" but begins with "YOU"
227. Safety starts with me
228. Safety steps The walk of life.
229. Safety turns me on.

230. Safety ventured, safety gained.
231. Safety will improve, by controlling every move.
232. Safety will set you free.
233. Safety wins the checkered flag.
234. Safety wins the gold.
235. Safety works when people work together
236. SAFETY! "Behavior for Life"
237. Safety, a race to zero.
238. Safety, it's for life.
239. Safety, it's the real thing.
240. Safety, like a good retirement plan, provides for a better tomorrow!
241. Safety A commitment to yourself.

242. Safety Always in season.
243. Safety It can charm you, or ALARM you!
244. Safety You will regret if you forget.
245. Safety Been there, done that.
246. Safety Did it, done it, doing it tomorrow
247. Safety Do It For Family
248. Safety Do it for life
249. Safety Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.
250. Safety it's my job
251. Safety it's where we want to go today.
252. Safety you do make a difference
253. Safety's alright if you got all night.
254. Safety's fine if you got the time.
255. Safety's intention is accident prevention
256. Safety's OK if you got all day.
257. Safety's the key to accident free

258. Santa likes a clean chimney, so do we.
259. Save tomorrow. Think safety today
260. Search & rescue officers do it any time, any place, under any conditions and
they do it for free.
261. Smoke detectors make good stocking stuffers. (Xmas time sign)
262. Stay healthy, use electrical extension cords wisely
263. Stay safe, someone at home is waiting for you
264. Stop accidents before they stop you.
265. Stop! Safety pays
266. Stop! Think! Then Act!
267. Stop, drop, and roll
268. Support your local search and rescue squad - Get lost
269. Take care working with chemical baths or you may end up taking a shower.
270. Take safety home for the holidays. ( a good December slogan)

271. Take the extra step for safety
272. Take time out for safety
273. Team Safety. It's just good business.
274. Team up to safety
275. The best safety device is a safe worker
276. The chance taker is the accident maker.
277. The difference between preaching and practicing. Safety is measured one
safety rep at a time.
278. The door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense.
279. The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts.
280. The hotter it gets on the outside, the more water you need inside
281. The key to long life is to live safety
282. The right way is the safe way
283. The safe way is the only way

284. The safest RISK is the one you didn't take.
285. The safeway is the best way
286. Think of fire before it starts
287. Think safety and act safely.
288. Think safety before you start
289. Think safety!
290. Think safety, because I love you man
291. Think sharp never handle broken glass with bare hands.
292. Think smart before you start.
293. Those who work the safest way, live to work another day!
294. Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way
295. To avoid a scene keep your work place clean.
296. To see or not to see, use eye protection
297. Tomorrow - Your reward for working safely today.
298. Triumph is just an "umph" ahead of try.
299. Trying to make up time could cost you your life.

300. Turn your attention to accident prevention.
301. Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.
302. Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches.
303. Use safety as a vital tool, at work it's the "Golden Rule"
304. Use your eyes, don't lose them.
305. Use your wits use padded mitts.
306. Using safety gloves is all in your hands.
307. Van safety Drive it home.
308. Volunteers do it for free!
309. We need you! Work safely.
310. Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life.
311. What you don't know about safety could hurt you

312. What's it worth - safety first
313. When in doubt, safety wins out.
314. When safety is a factor, call in a contractor.
315. When you gamble with safety You bet your life.
316. When you're done messin' up, sweep your darn resin up
317. Why learn the hard way? Obey safety rules.
318. Why wear safety glasses? If not, you may end up in the dark
319. Wipe up and avoid a slip up!
320. Wishing won't keep you safe; safety will
321. Work safely and carry a big lunch box
322. Work safely or hurt greatly
323. Work to be safe, be safe so you can work
324. Work together work safely
325. Working safely each day will keep the doctor away.
326. Working safely is like breathing; if you don't, you die!
327. Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it
328. Working together gets the job done safely.
329. Working without safety is a dead end job.

330. Working without safety is a dead-end job
331. Yes safety is my business
332. You are the key! Make Palo Verde accident free.
333. You bet your life when you take a chance.
334. You can never over do safety
335. You can profit from safety or recover without it.
336. You come into this world tied off, so stayed tied off.
337. You fall, you call, we haul, that's all.
338. Your future brightens with safety
339. Your safety gears are between your ears.
