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Human Computer Interaction
Assignment 1
Document Code: Ass1 – v1.1
Trần Công Phan Vinh (Mr)
Instructor and Evaluator
Huỳnh Anh Dũng (Mr)
Hanoi, Sep 18
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
Changed Items A*
M, D
Change Description New Version
Sep 18
Assignment 1 A Newly created 1.0
Sep 19
Conclusion M Add detail 1.1
(A – Added M - Modified D – Deleted)
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
ORIGINATOR: Trần Công Phan Vinh Sep 1 8
SE0417 Student
REVIEWERS: Huỳnh Anh Dũng Sep 20
Human Computer Interaction Instructor
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
1.1 Purpose..........................................................................................................................4
1.2 Scope.............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations........................................................................5
1.4 References......................................................................................................................5
1.5 Overview........................................................................................................................6
3.1 What is FFSJv3.x?...........................................................................................................7
3.2 What task does this software perform?...........................................................................8
3.2.1 Splitting...........................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Joining............................................................................................................................................10
3.2.3 MD5 Checksum..............................................................................................................................12
3.3 Present one way in which this software is usable for me................................................15
3.3.1 Summary of this software usability...............................................................................................15
3.3.2 Why it is usable for me...................................................................................................................15
3.4 How would someone else find this product difficult to use? ..........................................17
3.5 How could this difficulty be resolved?............................................................................17
4.1 What is Kana Tutor v4.2?..............................................................................................18
4.2 What task does the software perform?..........................................................................18
4.3 Present one way in which this software is difficult for you to use?.................................23
4.3.1 Summary of this software usability...............................................................................................23
4.3.2 Why it is not usable for me?..........................................................................................................23
4.4 How could this difficulty be resolved?............................................................................24
4.5 How would someone else find this software easy to use?..............................................25
1.1 Purpose
This document reports the usable aspect of two human-computer interaction
product, both are software, one uses to join and split files, another uses to learn the
Japanese alphabet.
- Software: Fastest File Splitter and Joiner v3.x (Usable)
- Software: Kana Tutor v4.2 (Not usable)
The purpose of this report is to practice describing and analyzing a product’s
interface as well as develop awareness to different kinds of users and to what
constitutes good or poor design.
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1.2 Scope
The software FFSJv3.x which was analyzed in this report is the joining and splitting
files software.
The software Kana Tutor v4.2 which was analyzes in this report is the software that
provides a way to learn the Japanese alphabet
In order to make sense of this assessment, this report will only describe the
attributes that related to HCI terms, joining and splitting files terms and
Japanese alphabet terms.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Acronym Definition Note
HCI Human Computer Interaction
FFSJ Fastest File Splitter and Joiner
Kana Japanese Alphabet
(Hiragana + Katakana + Manyougana)
1.4 References
No Document Issued
Source Note
1 Template Software
Requirements Specification
Sep 10
A report
2 Interaction Design
Beyond Human-Computer
Interaction 2
Sep 06
FPT University
Text book
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
1.5 Overview
The rest of this HCI report contains:
- My background – This can affect my opinions and decisions.
- An analysis of FFSJ v3.x usability:
o What is FFSJ v3.x?
o What task does the software perform?
o Present one way in which this software is usable for me.
o How would someone else find this software is not usable?
o How could this difficulty be resolved?
- An analysis of Kana Tutor v4.2 usability:
o What is Kana Tutor v4.2?
o What task does the software perform?
o Present one way in which this software is not usable for me.
o How could this difficulty be resolved?
o How would someone else find this software is usable?
- A short conclusion of the software FFSJv3.x and Kana Tutor v4.2.
In this report, I am the user and the one will do an assessment of those products. It is
obviously that my background is the most important aspect to consider those products are
usable or not. In this case, my psychological profile will be used to describe my
background in order to simplify the connection between my background and my opinions
in this report.
Related Information Status
Name: Trần Công Phan Vinh
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Cultural: Vietnamese cultural
Religion: No
Job: Software Engineering student
Years of experience in using Computer: More than 6 years
Interest in download file and the need of Yes
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
joining and splitting software?
Learning Japanese? Yes
Disability: No
Strengths: -experiences in using Window’s software
and application
-have learned Japanese for 2 years
Weaknesses: -impatient when doing a hard and
confusable task
Preferred Languages: English, Vietnamese
3.1 What is FFSJv3.x?
FFSJ is a small program for splitting and joining files, because nowadays, when
people upload or transfer data, they usually encrypt to prevent errors and save time.
FFSJ was developed by Le Minh Hoang since 2006, but FFSJv3.x was released
since 2007.
The owner has introduced the strengths of FFSJ as below:
- Very fast: FFSJ can optimize disk-cache and memory usage, this
makes FFSJ 3-5 times faster than HJ-Split, Win Split, Master Splitter in
both splitting and joining tasks. Of course, it is much faster than any
compression program.
- Simple: FFSJ works well on all Windows platforms.
- Small: FFSJ are small enough to fit on a floppy disk.
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- Easy to use: FFSJ has a friendly user-interface; it can be used to split any
- Easy to be integrated: Since v3.0, FFSJ published its
command-line interface. End-users can split/join multiple files using a
.BAT file. Developers can write their own interface (in any language) to
perform splitting/joining tasks from their applications.
- Secure: FFSJ uses an advanced encryption algorithm to make
your data much more secure from unauthorized access. Since v2.9, MD5
checksum algorithm has also been integrated to verify data integrity.
- Compatible: FFSJ can join parts produced by HJ-Split.
- Free and Safe: FFSJ free and clean, it do not contain any form of
adware, spywares, viruses, Trojans and backdoors.
I checked, and most of the above are true. FFSJ can join parts produced by HJ-
Split, if the split parts have the right format extension. FFSJ took 20 second to
join 4 parts; each part’s size is 150MB, when HJ-Split took 25 second. FFSJ’s
size is very small, only 350KB.
3.2 What task does this software perform?
FFSJv3.x can perform three main tasks: Splitting, Joining and MD5 Checksum.
3.2.1 Splitting
1. Switch to the "Splitting" tab:
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
2. Select the source file. There are several ways to select the source file:
- Choose the source file from open dialog
- Drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop to the "Splitting" tab
- Edit source file name directly.
3. Setup parameters according to your preference: change output directory,
change number of split parts, change part limit, etc.
Website: Email : Tel (: 0918.775.368
4. Click "Split" button, enter your password if you want to encrypt the data,
and wait until File Splitter completed the task. You will see the message:
5. Done.
3.2.2 Joining
All split parts must have the same name, except for their extensions (.001, .002,
.__a, .__b, etc.). Joining split parts is equivalent to restoring original file.