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1. advanced [əd'vɑ:nst](a)
tiên tiến
2. courteous ['kə:tjəs] (a)
lịch sự
3. equip [i'kwip] (v)
trang bị
4. express [iks'pres] (a)
5. Express Mail Service (EMS) dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh
6. facsimile [fæk'simili] (n)
bản sao, máy fax
7. graphic [græfik] (n)
hình đồ họa
8. Messenger Call Service (n) dịch vụ điện thoại
9. notify ['noutifai] (v)
thông báo
10. parcel ['pɑ:s(ə)l] (n)
bưu kiện
11. press [pres] (n)
báo chí
12. receive [ri'si:v] (v)
13. recipient [ri'sipiənt] (n)
người nhận
14. secure [si'kjuə] (a)
an toàn, bảo đảm

-> security [si'kjuərəti] (n) an ninh
15. service ['sə:vis] (n)
dịch vụ
16. spacious ['spei∫əs] (a)
rộng rãi
17. speedy ['spi:di] (a)
nhanh chóng
18. staff [stɑ:f] (n)
đội ngũ
19. subscribe [səb'skraib] (v) đăng ký, đặt mua (dài hạn)
20. surface mail (n)
thư gửi đường bộ , đường biển
21. technology [tek'nɔlədʒi] (n) công nghệ
22. thoughtful ['θɔ:tfl] (a)
sâu sắc
23. transfer ['trænsfə:] (n;v) chuyển
24. transmit [trænz'mit] (v)
gửi, phát, truyền
25. well-trained (a)
lành nghề
26. clerk [klɑ:k] (n)
thư ký
27. customer ['kʌstəmə] (n) khách hàng

28. document ['dɔkjumənt] (n)
tài liệu
29. Flower Telegram Service (n) dịch vụ điện hoa
30. greetings card (n)
thiệp chúc mừng

31. install [in'stɔ:l] (v)
lắp đặt
32. registration [,redʒi'strei∫n] (n) sự đăng ký
33. telephone line (n)
đường dây điện thoại
34. advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] (n) thuận lợi ≠
disadvantage (n)
35. capacity [kə'pæsiti] (n)
công suất
36. cellphone (n)
điện thoại di động
37. commune ['kɔmju:n] (n)

38. demand [di'mɑ:nd] (n)
nhu cầu
39. digit ['didʒit] (n)
chữ số
40. expansion [iks'pæn∫n] (n)
sự mở rộng
41. fixed [fikst] (a)
cố định
42. reduction [ri'dʌk∫n] (n)
sự giảm bớt
43. rural ['ruərəl] network (n) mạng lưới nông thôn
44. subscriber [səb'skraibə] (n) thuê bao
45. upgrade [ʌp'greid] (v)
nâng cấp
46. attitude ['ætitju:d] (n)

thái độ
47. dissatisfaction [di,sætis'fæk∫n] (n) sự không hài
lòng ≠ satisfaction (n)
sự hài lòng
48. punctuality [,pʌηkt∫u'æləti] (n) tính đúng giờ
49. quality ['kwɔliti] (n)
chất lượng
50. reasonable ['ri:znəbl] (a)
hợp lý
51. resident ['rezidənt] (n)
người dân
52. - arrogant (a) :
kiêu ngạo

I. Vocabulary
Exercise 1: Complete each following sentences with one word in the box






At present, 93 per cent of _________________ across Viet Nam have telephone services
Newspapers and magazines are often ____________ early in the morning.
He was a kind and ____________ mailman.
Fax transmission has now become a cheap and ________way to transmit texts and graphics over distance.
We offer a wide range of goods at very ___________________ prices.
If you are _______________ with our service, please write to the manager.
I need to________________ $1,000 to my daughter’s account.
If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, our ______________ service
will help you.
9. Thank you for phoning when I was ill. It was very ____ of you.







I have been using the services provided by Thanh Ba post office for many years. And now , I would like to
write to you to express my satisfaction and (1)…………….. about the post office’s…………….
Firstly, your post office is well- equipped the quality of (2)………… is good. My friends have never (3)
……………about the quality of the documents I sent them.
Secondly, the (4)………..of services is reasonable and I am always satisfied with the (5)………….of
delivery of letters and newspapers. However I am dissatisfied with the (6)………….conditions of the post
office. Although the parking area is large, no one keeps motorcycles or bicycles. I always feel worried about
leaving my motorbike there.
My last dissatisfaction is the attitude of some of your (7)……….. They sometimes seem a bit cold and not
I hope your post office will increasingly develop in the future
Execise 2: choose the words that has the closest meaning with the underlined words
1. He was a kind and courteous mailman.
a, polite
b, strict
c. unpleasant
d. rude
2. Newspapers and magazines are often delivered early in the morning.
a. offered
b, given
c. provided
d. distributed
3. There was no mention of the incident (bất ngờ) in the national press.

a. television
b. newspapers
c. Internet
d. radio
4. I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness to return o work soon.
a. thoughtful
b. gradual
c. well-trained
d. quick
5. The Messenger Call Service helps you to notify the recipient of the time and the place to receive the call.
a. receiver
c. call
d. telephone
6. Thanh Ba post office has a spacious and plesant front office
a. large
b. beautiful
c. cramped
d. small
7. It is impolite when you ask an american about their age, marriage and income
a. courteous
b. rude
c. friendly
d. thoughtful
Exercise 3: Read and answer the questions
When you have a post-office box, the postman does not bring letters to you , but you go to the post-office and
get your letters and parcels from your box. The box is locked , and you have the key, so the letters are quite safe.
One day, the headteacher of a school wrote to the post-office and asks for a post-office box for his school. He
soon got an answer. It said, “We will give you a post-office in one month”
Three months later, the headteacher wrote to the post-office again and said,” Why haven’t we got a pot-office

yet?”. This was how the post-office answered:
“ Dear Sir,
We gave you a post-office box 2 months ago and wrote to you then to tell you. Here is the key to your box.
You will find our letter to you in it”
1. What happens when you have a post-office box?
2. Why are letters safe when they are in a post-office box?
3. Why did the headmaster write to the post-office?
4. Why did he write to the post-office 3 months later?
5. When do you think the headmaster will receive the key to his post-box?
II. Preposition
1. We subscribed __________several sports channels on television.
2. I would like to send these letters ________ air mail.


could you please provide us ____________ some modern equipment?
How far is your house away _____________ the city center?
Our office is equipped _________ advanced technology
Are you satisfied ____________ the security of the post office

III. Matching : Match the saying/questions in A with the responses in B

1. Could you send this document to my office by fax ? A. Your’re welcome
2. Thank you for the nice present.
B. I would like to make a phone call, please.
3. Excuse me!
C. It is thirty thousand dongs
4. How much is monthly fee?
D. Yes? What can I do for you, Madam?
5. Good morning, sir. What can I help you?
E. Certainly!
6. Can I give you some more coffee?
F. How do you do!
7. How do you do?
G. No, thanks

1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____

Exercise 1: Multiple choices
1. I cannot tell you all ____ I heard.
A. which
B. that

C. as
D. because
2. I can answer the question ____ you say is very difficult.
A. which
B. whom
C. who
D. whose
3. This is Mr. Jones, ____ invention has helped hundreds of deaf people.
A. which
B. that
C. whose
D. whom
4. Tom, ____ sits next to me, is from Canada.
A. that
B. whom
C. who
D. whose
5. The volunteers, ____ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly.
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. that
6. Many scientists have claimed that ____ like music are often good at mathematics.
A. children
B. children who
C. children whom
D. whose children
7. My friend, ____ I visited lask week, is taking a holiday soon.
A. that
B. whom

C. which
D. whose
8. The doctor is examining a patient ____ was taken to hospital last night.
A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. whose
9. A pacifist is a person ____ believes that all wars are wrong.
A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
10. My friend, ____ hated horror film, refused to go to the cinema with me.
A. whom
B. which
C. whose
D. who
11 Summer is the time of the year ____ the weather is the hottest.
A. when
B. which
C. that
D. B & C are correct
12. The reason ____ Jim has just lost his job is that he didn’t work hard enough.
A. why
B. which
C. that
D. B & C are correct
13. The woman ____ Ann must take care of is very poor and old.
A. whom
B. that

C. who
D. All are correct
14.Ann, ____ lives next door, is very friendly.
A. who
B. whom
C. that
D. All are correct
15. She ate an apple ____ was still green.
A. who
B. which
C. whose
D. whom
16.Betty is the most intelligent girl ____ I have ever met.
A. who
B. whom
C. that
D. All are correct
17.This is Henry, ____ sister works for my father.
A. who
B. whose
C. that
D.All are correct
Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clause
Defining relative clauses:
1. You live in a town. The town is very old.

2. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday

3. I saw a lot of people and horses. They went to the market.
4. The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.
5. The students are from Japan. They sit next to Mary
6. The police caught the thief. He had stolen the money
7. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it
Non-defining relative clauses:
1. Freddie Mercury died in 1992. He was a famous singer.
2. The Eiffel Tower is a famous French landmark. The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel
3. Picasso is known all over the world now. His paintings were not understood at first.
4. Madrid is the capital of Spain. My uncle is living there
5. Tom Cruise is a famous actor. Tom Cruise’s wife is also an actress.
6. Jack is my new friend. His parents come from China.
7. I’ve just met Susan. Her husband works in London.
8. This house belongs to my family. It was built over 100years
Defining relative clauses , non-defining relative clauses:
1.I met Mr Da Silva. He is the President of Brazil

2.Our television is always making funny noises. It cost us a lot of money.
3. I heard some news. The news shocked me
4.This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the championship last year.
5.The woman has arrived. I was speaking of her.
6.The boys clapped heartily. They were watching the match.
7.Freddie Mercury died in 1992. I admired him very much.
8.The Eiffel Tower is a famous French landmark. The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel
9.What's the name of the lady? She was wearing the blue dress.
10. The students are from Japan. You talked to them last night

I. Complete the following sentences



1. Thanh Ba post office has a _____________ and plesant front office

2. It is _______________ when you ask an american about their age, marriage and income
3. Our office is _________ with advanced technology
4. I would like to have a telephone line ____________ at home
5. Your ________ sometimes seem a bit cold and not helpful
II. Give meaning oø the following words
1. Deliver: __________________
4. Security: _____________
2. upgrade: _________________
3. satisfaction: ________________
5. speedy: _______________
III. Write the sentences using relative clause( who, whom, whose, which…)
1. I’ve just met Susan. Her husband works in London.
2. Television is very popular nowadays. It attracts millions of viewers in the world
3.That house belongs to my family. You saw it yesterday
4. What's the name of the lady? She was wearing the blue dress.
5. The students are from Japan. You talked to them last night

I. Complete the following sentences



6. Thanh Ba post office has a _____________ and plesant front office
7. It is _______________ when you ask an american about their age, marriage and income
8. Our office is _________ with advanced technology
9. I would like to have a telephone line ____________ at home
10. Your ________ sometimes seem a bit cold and not helpful
II. Give meaning oø the following words
4. Deliver: __________________
4. Security: _____________
5. upgrade: _________________
6. satisfaction: ________________
5. speedy: _______________
III. Write the sentences using relative clause( who, whom, whose, which…)
2. I’ve just met Susan. Her husband works in London.
2. Television is very popular nowadays. It attracts millions of viewers in the world
3.That house belongs to my family. You saw it yesterday
4. What's the name of the lady? She was wearing the blue dress.
5. The students are from Japan. You talked to them last night
