Education is vital to the future of any society in today world. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement.
Nowadays, human resources become the first power to improve socioeconomic development. In the other hand, education is the key to open the
future-door of society, because human is product of education. Some
theoretical points below can prove my idea clearly.
Firstly, the human resources become the main power of any socioeconomic development in today world. So that, the education with good
quality is the most effect sector in society.
Secondly, the world’s economy changing from wide-development to
deep-development with growth of knowledge-economic vigorously. This
process need to good education to provide the high labour force for economy
and good human resource for society.
However, there is an opposite view that, the future society wills no
need education. Because education taught people the way to damage the
world. In my opinion, it is not education’s mistake. Education is the best
way to escapes this situation. Good education will heighten the people’s
awareness of natural protection, saving of resources. Besides, it can widen
knowledge of them about poor, drawback and inequality in society. As
result, that awareness will promote people to struggle with all those for
driving, equality, progression and better life.
In conclusion, human is the power of every society, education is
establishments to form humanity, so we can not build the high labour force
to develop socio-economic without education. The government should build
the good education and additional invest to which. If these actions are taken,
we can ensure the firm development of our country in the future.
(Daft-2 open)
Education is vital to the future of any society in today world… do you
agree or disageee with this statement..
Nowadays, human resources are becoming the first power to improve
socio-economic development. In the other hand, education is the key to open
the future-door of society because human is product of education. Some
theoretical points below can prove my idea clearly.
Firstly, human resource becomes the main power of socio-economic
development in todays world. We are living in the period with limitation of
developed resources except human force. For example, coal only enoughs to
use about 50-70 years late, oil estimates 150 years, forest and farmland are
restricting quickly, many large areas polluted heavily etc. So the
development mainly depends on nature resources that are not suitable. The
socio-economic development bases on human resource that are main trend.
As result, human is becoming the major power of growth and development.
So that, the education is the largest effect sector.
Secondly, education provides the high quality labour to modern
economy. The world’s economy are changing from wide-development to
deep-development with the growth of knowledge-economy vigorously. So
the high quality labour is major factor of the economic growth. Because the
more quality of labour improve, the more value of product will increase. The
good education can provides the high quality labour to economy and good
human resource to society. Addition, education creates the consume-culture
of people and that will establish the goods-need of society, through it
education influences on translation of economic structure. In summary, the
economy won’t growth without good education.
However, there aresome opposite views that, the future society won’t
need education. Because education teachs people the way to damage the
world. It is due to fact that, the more technology and economy develop, the
more poor, violence and social inequality go up. The more human’s
knowledge widen, the more naturalistic world will destroy heavily.
In my opinion, Poor, injustice and environmental destruction begin
from un-knowledge condition of people, also the low level of science and
technology and local interest of people groups in society. In contrast,
education is the best way to escape this situation. The good education will
heighten the people’s awareness of natural protection, saving of resources.
Besides, it can widen knowledge of them about poor, drawback and
inequality in society. As result, people will struggle against with all those for
equality, progression and better life.
In conclusion, human is the power of every society, education is
establishments to form humanity, so we can not build the high quality labour
for develop socio-economic without education. To help education
implements its role the governments, non-government orgnizations and
individuals should build the good education and additional invests to which.
If these actions are taken, we can ensure the firm development of our
country in the future.
(Daft-3- add detail-793 words)
Education is vital to the future of any society in today world…
What’s cause making a poor nature resources country as Japan
become a one of the richest country in the world? What’s the cause making a
rich nature resources area as Africa still cotinues in poor and
underdeveloped. The answer is the quality of labour force. It is the cause
make up this different. Nowadays, human resource becomes the first power
of socio-economic development. In the other hand, education is the key to
open the future-door of society, because human is product of education.
Some theoretical points below can prove my idea clearly.
Firstly, human resource are becoming the main power of any socioeconomic development in todays world. The earth is exhausting nature
resources, coal only enough to use about 50-70 years late, oil estimates 150
years, farmland are restricting quickly, many large areas were polluteds
heavily and becames useless. The development mainly depends on nature
resources are not suitable; it don’t bequeaths any thing for future generations
except the exhaustion resources, destructive nature and social inequality. For
example, many countries possess rich nature resources as Kenya, Uganda,
Tanzania, Sudan, Nigeria and others those not only developmentless but also
continues in poor and less devolopment. The low level of human resource is
one of the most cause which kepts these countries in the drawback until
nowadays. By Contrast, despite Japan has very poor nature resources but has
the good education. that provideds the high quality labour to economy,
science, health, management, art field so on. Which are main causes changes
Japan from the exhausted country after World War II to the well-to-do
society todays. Besides, the facts in worldwide shows that, the best
developed countries not are richest nature resources countries but are highest
human resource countries. We are living in the period of limitative resources
except human force. Human with widen knowledge are becoming the major
power of society in the industry civilization and perhaps in the after industry
civilization too. So that, the education with good quality as rising as the
most effect sector on society.
Secondly, the world’s economy are changing from wide-development
to deep-development with growth of knowledge-economy vigorously. This
process needs the good education to provide the high quality labour for
economy and good human resource for society. Thanks to education provide
the high quality labour to use in production, science and technology, culture
and management sector etc. We can make up the product with bigger added
value, increase the productivity, income also the new spirit value.
Concurrently, we can create the new technology and product, using the high
technology, fresh technology and environment friendship technology. In the
knowledge-economy, the knowledge crystallizes in the product are main
factor of its value. So, the more quality of labour improve, the more value of
product will go up. As a result, the high quality labour is major force of the
economic growth. Addition, education creates the consume-culture of people
and that will establish the goods-need of society, through it education
influences on translation of economic structure. In summary, the economy
won’t growth without good education.
However, there are some opposite views that, the more technology
and economy develop, the more poor, violence and socio-inequality go up.
The more human knowledge widen, the more naturalistic world will destroy
heavily. Development is the road to ruin and the modern society is the
wrong of creator. So that, the future society won’t need education, science
and technology. Because education taughts people the way to damage the
world. This suggestion shows the true is that, our civilization bases on the
consumption and possession of nature. That lead to the pollution, exhausted
nature resources, poor and social injustice.
It is a good idea but authors may wrong when assessed the role of
education. In my opinion, poor, inequality and destructive environment
begin from un-knowledge of people, the low level of science and technology
and local interest of people groups in society. Education is the best way to
escape this situation. Good education will heighten the people’s awareness
of natural protection and saving of resources. Besides, it can widen
knowledge of them about poor, drawback and inequality in society. As
result, people will struggle against with all those for equality, progression
and better life.
The fact in the world show that, the countries own clean
environments, socio-driving and high of HDI indicator are countries with
good education such as Japan, Singapore, Denmark, France, England and so
on. Furthermore, that countries are investing great financial and others
resources to education, it mean that they are preparing for their future.
In conclusion, human is main power of every society, education is
establishments to form humanity, so we can not build the high quality labour
without education. To help education implements its role the governments,
non-government orgnizations and individuals should builds the good
education and invests to which vigorously. If these actions are taken, we can
ensure the firm development of our country in the future.