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I. Pronunciation :
1. a. love
b. some
c. come
d. from
2. a. both
b. cloth
c. hot
d. spot
3. a. homework
b. opposite
c. possible
d. comic
4. a poor
b. score
c. school
d. more
II. Complete the definitions below, using The + one of the adjectives:
poor, rich, dumb, deaf, blind, disabled, sick, dead.
are people who are disabled.
are people who do not have enough money to have a comfortable life.
are people who have a lot of money or property.
are people who are ill.
are people who have died.

are people who are unable to see.
are people who are not able to speak.
are people who can not hear.
III. Combine the following sentences, using which as a connector:
1. Peter didn’t get the job. It’s made him very depressed.
2. The police blocked off the road. That caused a traffic jam.
3. My car has broken down. This means I can’t go away tomorrow.
4. The house we has just bought is modern and comfortable. This means we are
5. Mr. Lam paid for the meal. That was very kind of her.
6. My younger brother is lazy. This annoys his teachers.
→ ________________________________________________________.
7.Phong usually comes to class late. This makes his form teacher angry.
→ ________________________________________________________.
IV. Prepositions:
1. Thuy’s class is different
other classes because the children are
2. At first the parents were opposed
the idea of sending their children to the
special class and prevent them
having proper school.
3. Her job is taking care

mentally retarded children in the area.
4. Our teacher is very proud
her work.
V. Reading:
A. Read the passage below and choose the correct word or phrase for each
The Internet has (1).................and become part of our life .It’s very fast and
convenient way to get information. People use the Internet (2)...............many
purposes: education, communication, (3).....................and commerce. The Internet
helps people communicate (4)..................friends and relatives by (5)..............of
email or chatting. However, the Internet has limitations. It is time-(6)..............and
costly. It is also dangerous because of virus and bad programs. (7)................the
other hand, the Internet (8).................sometimes have to suffer various risks such

as spam or electronic junk mail and
enjoying surfing, be alert!
5.A- mean


personal information leaking. So, while
C- meant


B. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
Every year, millions of tourists visit California. California is known for its
beautiful scenery, warm climate and excellent food. There are twenty national parks
in California. They are visited by over thirty million people every year. Many worldfamous museums are located there too.
The state is divided into two parts, called Northern California and Southern
California. San Francisco is located in Northern California. It is surrounded by water
on three sides and is a city with beautiful bay and several bridges. Its streets are
always filled with tourists. There is an area in south of San Francisco that is famous

for its computer industries; it is called Silicon Valley.
Los Angeles, Hollywood and Disneyland are found in Southern California.
Southern California is known for its desert areas, which are sometimes next to
snowcapped mountains. Southern California is one of the few places in the world
where you can ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon.
1. What is California known for?


How many national parks are there in California?
Which parts is California divided into?
Where is the Silicon Valley?
Where can desert areas be found?

Why can you ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon in California?
VII/ Complete the sentences with “used to+V” or “didn’t use to+V”:
1/ Tom __________________________a famous singer but he doesn’t sing now.
2/ They eat rice now but they __________ potatoes when they were in the village.
3/ Now most of us have a motorbike to get to work. We _____________a bike to
school when we were pupils.
4/ Now there are several restaurants in this town but there _____________only
one a few years ago.
5/ When my brother was a little boy she _______ _play in rains but he doesn’t now.
6/ The little girl doesn’t cry now but she _______________ a lot after she was born.
7/ He likes jogging now but he ______________________________ doing it.
8/ My neighbors play with me now but they ____________ with mw and my sisters.

9/ My uncle ____________________________but now he has given up smoking.
10/ She lives with her parents now but she _________________________ alone.
VI. Combine the sentences to make one sentence. Make any necessary

1. I can't think of (go) _____ to visit her in hospital without (buy) ______ some
2. I am looking forward to (see) _____
the film again.
3. She still plans on (marry) ______ him even after he refused (buy) ________ her
an engagement ring.
4. She enjoys (go) _____ to parties and (dance) _____ in the discos all the night
5. I stopped (live) _______ in London when I realized it was time for me (move)
6. Don't forget (turn) _______ off the heating before (leave) ______ the house.
7. You should think about (save) ______ until you have enough money.
8. You mustn't mind (take) ______ trouble over the cooking if you want your guests
(enjoy) ______ their meal.
9. I like (watch) _______ the clouds at sunset because it seems (relax) _______
and puts me in the right frame of mind (sleep) ______..
10. He wanted (see) ________________the house where the president was born.
11. He is expected (arrive) _____________________in a few days.
12. I would like him (go) _____________ to a university but I can’t (make) him go.
13. I am looking forward (see) _____________________ you.
14. I wish (see) _____________________the manager.
15. Don’t forget (clock) ______________the door before (go) ___________to bed.
16. My mother told me (not speak) ________________too anyone about it.
17. He tried (explain)_________________but she refused (listen)_____________.

18. At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) ______________between the courses.
19. He decided (disguise) __________________ himself by (dress) ________as a
VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first one:
1/ We haven’t seen her since 1999.
→ We last __________________________________________________.
2/ How long have you learning English?
→ When ___________________________________________________?
3/ They went to Paris for the first time.
→ It was ____________________________________________________.
4/ That policeman arrived too late, so the robber escaped.
→ By the time that policeman arrived, _____________________________.
5/ Do you know New York at all?
→ Have you ever _____________________________________________?
6/ When did you buy your laptop?
→ How long _________________________________________________?
7/ Her visit interrupted my family’s dinner.
→ My family was _____________________________________________.
8/ We haven’t seen your sister for 2 years
→ _It has been _______________________________________________.
VIII/ Rewrite the first sentences
1/ We worked very hard for the exam. Then we passed it.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
2/ First my sister considered what to say. Then she decided to talk to
her headmaster.

→ After _____________________________________________________.
3/ I learned my lessons. Then I went out for a walk.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.

4/ Her brother bought a new washing machine. First he checked the prices.
→ After _____________________________________________________.
5/ My mother took an aspirin. Then she felt a little better.
→ Before ____________________________________________________.
IX. Complete the sentence with Past simple or Present perfect
1. I (just / finish) _______ my homework. I'm going to watch TV.
2. Mary (already / write) ______ five letters. She's going to send one of them.
3. Tom (move) _______ to this town in 1994. He likes this city very much.
4. My friend (be) ______ in Canada two years ago. Now she is living in Australia.
5. I (not / be) _______ to Japan so far. I hear that it's a beautiful country.
6. I (already / travel) _______ to London a couple of times. London is an exciting
7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) ______ to the cinema.
8. I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) _______ a new film yet.
9. (they / spend) _______ their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
10. (you / ever / see) ______ a grey whale?
X. Complete the sentence with Past simple or Past perfect.
1. They (spend) ______ their honeymoon in Paris, where they (meet) _______
two years before.
3. He (show) _______ us the place where he (hurt) ________ his leg.
4. I (look) ________ at the photoes that he (send) ______.
5. Yesterday I (read) ________ an interesting article which my teacher
(recommend) _________ to me.
6. Andy (win) _______ the match although he (not / play) _______ squash before.
7. When I (leave) _______ the house, I (not / have) _______ breakfast yet.
8. Jim (crash) ______ into another car because he (not / realize) _______ the red
traffic light.
9. I (work) ______on Saturday, so I (not / go) _______ to the party the day before.
10. Who (live) _______ in that house before the Smiths (buy) ______ it?
11. Before I(apply) ______ for that job, I(ask) ________ my parents for advice.

12. After Fred (spend)_______ his holiday in Italy, he(want) ______ to learn
13. By the age of 35, my uncle(start) ________ his own business.
14. I(forget) ________ to bring my camera so I(not take) _________ any
15. When she (arrive)_______, the match (start) _________.
16. I (give)_________ you the work to do again because you(do) _______ it
17. Ted(win) ________ the match although he(practise) _________ before.
18. We(live) _______ in the house that my grandparents(build) _________.

19. They(be) _______ at the office when we(phone) ________ them.

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