Kỹ thuật chia sẻ khóa bí mật Tiếng Anh

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Kỹ thuật chia sẻ khóa bí mật Tiếng Anh

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Kỹ thuật chia sẻ khóa bí mật Tiếng Anh

SECRET KEY SHARING1. Notation N : number of authorities A1, A2, … , An: N authorities t: maximum number of malicious and dishonest authorities A: any set of t+1 authorities M: number of eligible voters m: number of voters participating in the voting; m<=M V1, V2, …, Vm: M voters v1, v2, …, vm: intentions (voters) of the voters Zp: field of positive integers modulo p, where p is prime number Zn: set of integers modulo, i.e. {0, 1, …, n-1} Zn*: set of integers from Zn relatively prime to n a|b: an integer a is a divisor of an integer b gcd(a,b): greatest comon divisor of the integer a,b a||b: concatenation of the string a, b a⊕b: bitwise exclusive orx∈RX: x is a random element of the set X (uniformly distributed) X∈RY: X is a random subset of the set Y (uniformly distributed) x ?= y: check whether x=y 2. Secret Sharing Scheme Purpose of secret sharing scheme is to share a secret among N authorities. In such away that only some predefined coalitions of authorities can later reconstruct the secret. Other coalitions of authorities should get no knowledge about the secret. We introdure Shamir’s (t+1, N) secret sharing scheme from [Sha 79] that alows any coalition of t+1 from N authorities to get the secret. Any set of at most t authorities knows noting about the secret.1 Let the set of possible secrets forms a field F(for instants, F could be set of real numbers, or Zp). F should have a least N+1 distinct elements – we will denote them 0, 1, 2, …, N. Distribution of the shares. A secret s∈F is distributed among the N authorities; each authority gets it share sj∈F. The idea behind is simple: Choose a random polynomial f of degree t over the field F satisfying f(0)=s. Give the authority Aj its share sj = f(j). Reconstruction of the secret. Set of t+1 authorities A gains the secret s by reconstructing the polynomial f (using Lagrange interpolation) and computing s=f(0):s=f(0)=∑∈Ajf(j)λj,A =∑∈Ajsjλj,Aλj,A=∏−∈−}{ jatjtt Information that t or less authorities have about the polynomial f reveals nothing about the value f(0)=s. Whatever value for f(0)=r they choose, using their shares they can compute possible polynomial g satisfying g(0)= r.3. Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing scheme is the secret sharing scheme allowing verifying that the dealer has distributed valid shares (any set of t+1 authorities will obtain the same secret) and allowing catching the dishonest authority in forging its share. The following publicly verifiable secret sharing comes from [Sch99]. Initialization. The group Zp and the generators G, g are selected. The authority Aj choose its secret key zj and publishes its public key hj=gzj. The dealer wants to share a secret gs to the authorities1. Distribution of the shares. The dealer picks a random polynomial of degree t over Zp:p(x)=∑=tk 0αk xkwhere α0 = s and α1 , …, αt ∈Zp. The polynomial is kept secret and the commitment Ck=Gαk , 0≤ k≤ t as well as the encrypted shares Hj=hjp(j), j= 1, 2, …, N are published. Moreover, the dealer shows that the encrypted shares are consistent: Let Xj=∏ tk=0 Cjkk = G∑tk=0 αk j k = G p(j) ,the dealer proves that:2 log GXj=log hj Hjusing the non – interactive proof from the section 4. Reconstruction of the secret. The authority Aj decrypts its share Sj= gp(j) by computing Sj= Hj/Zjj. Aj also proves that logGhj = - logHjSj (again the proof from the section 4). Further, suppose that t+1 authorities Aj, j∈A. The secret gs is reconstructed by Lagrange interpolation∏∈AjAjjS,λ= ∏∈AjAjjpg,)(λ= gAjAjjp,)(λ∑∈= gp(0) = gsWhere λj,A =∏−−∈jttjAt }{ is a Lagrange coefficient.4. Equality of Discrete Logarithms In this secsion, we present protocol that shows equality of discrete logarithms. The prover has an 4 – tuple (g, x, h, y), g, x, h, p ∈Zp, and he shows possession of an α∈Zp satisfying x= gα and y = hα. The protocol is depicted in the figure. Security properties of this protocol can be found for instance in [CGS97]. Prover Verifier |(x, y) = (gα, hα)|w∈RZp(a,b)  (gw, hw) cR∈Zpr  w + cα gr =? α xc hr =? α ycFigure: Proof of knowledge for log gx = log hy For random c, r anyone can construct (gr x –c, hr y –c, c, r), which is the accepting conversation with the right distribution. However, the prover sends a, b before he receives the challenge c, without the knowledge of α he cannot compute the respond r that meets verifier’s requirements. Prover Verifier3rca, bd, rca, b (x1, y1), …, (xL, yL)(x, y), …, (xt gv, yt hv)di∈R Zp, i = 1, …, Lri∈R Zp, i = 1, …, L w  v dt + r tai = (xxi)di gri c∈RZpbi = (yyi)di hri d t  c - ∑≠ jijd c ?= d1 + …+ dL ai ?= (xxi)di gri bi ?= (yyi)di hri Figure: 1 – out – of – L re – encryption proofNon – interactive version • The prover’s computations are the same as in the interactive proof, but he generates the challenge c for himself as c= H(a || b|| x || y), where H is a secure hash function. The prover stores c, r as a proof.• The verification can be performed by checking whether c ?= H(gr x –c || hr y –c || x ||y)Notice that instead of four group elements that are communicated in the interactive protocol, the non – interactive version needs to store only two group elements.5. Ensuring the Knowledge of the Secret – key The following protocol is use to verify that the voter really knows his secret key zv corresponding to the public key hv=gz v. Even if the voter does not know his secret key and he acts according to the coercer’s orders (the coercer knows the secret – key), he finally gets to know his secret key.4 The voter’s knowledge of the zv is verified by the N authorities. It is assumed that at least t of them are honest. The untappable channel between the voter and the authorieties is needed.- The voter shares his secret key zv among the authorieties using (t+1, N) secret sharing scheme:• He chooses a random polynomial of degree t: fv(x) = zv + x1α+ …+ ttxα• He sends sj = fv(j) through the untappable channel to the authority Aj, j = 1, …, N• He commits to the coefficients of the polynomial by sending Gj = gαj to the bulletin board.- Each authority Aj verifies whether the receiver share sj corresponds to the committed polynomial:gsj ?= hvCj1C22j…Cjtt(= gz vgα1jgα2j … gαtj t =gf v(j))- If the authority Aj detects an error, it complains and the voter is asked to publish its share to the bulletin board. If the posted share does not correspond to the commitments, the voter is discarded.- Finally, every authority not complaining in the previous stage sends her share through the untappable channel to the voter.At least t honest authorities either complain (and their shares are published in the bulletin board ), or send their shares secretly to the voter. The voter can interpolate the received shares to obtain the secret key zv.5 123doc.vn

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2012, 10:36

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