ITC 101
1. CITY ZOO STORE………………………………………………...2
1.1. Introduction of City zoo store…………………………………………………2
1.2. Type of business carried out and its target customers………………………....2
1.3. How information system has helped its business grow………………………..3
1.4. Future plans…………………………………………………………………….4
2. VIETTEL…………………………………………………………….5
2.1 Introduction of Viettel…………………………………………………………5
2.2 Type of business carried out and its target customers………………………….5
2.3 How information system has helped its business grow……………………...…5
2.4 Future plans…………………………………………………………………..…6
3. AGRIBANK…………………………………………………………...7
3.1 Introduction of Agribank …………………………………………………….…7
3.2 Type of business carried out and its target customers………………….……….7
3.3 How information system has helped its business grow…………………………7
3.4 Future plans………………………………………………………………..….…8
4. VIET GERMANY HOSPITAL……………………………………10
4.1 Introduction of Viet Germany hospital………………………………………...10
4.2 Type of business carried out and its target customers…………………….…...10
4.3 How information system has helped its business grow………………………..10
4.4 Future plans…………………………………………………………………….10
ITC 101
In the modern life, the development of technology brings about many benefits to companies. It
drives our life into a new way: more convenient, easier etc. It not only affect individual but also
change the way organizations carry out their business. In my assignment,in order to have a wider
overview of information systems applied in companies as well as its functions and many
advantages, we are going to research about the situation of information systems in the
development and successes of four companies: Viettel, Agribank, City zoo store and Viet
Germany hospital. We desire to find how they applied IS in their business.
1. City zoo – the chains of production for pets:
1.1 Introduction about City zoo store:
City zoo is a store specializing in providing products for animals like dogs, cats, hamsters,
rabbits. All products are about food, clothes, shampoos, nutritional medicine, toys, beds and
houses for dogs and cats, etc… It is known as the largest retailer in the Northern area. A store‟s
address is at 114A, XuanDieu Street. Specially, there are so many foreigners living and working
here, so their demand to raise a pet is so high. That is why the city zoo is a reliable place to take
care of their pets.
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Type of business carried out and its target customers
I do part-time job at City Zoo about 6 months and I see great thing here is that the retail system
through their computer. Before doing part time job at City Zoo, I have did at a clothes store in a
fashion street – CauGiay. Honestly, I have many bad memories at this store when even they live
in 21st century; they still manage to sell, import, and check inventory by rudimentary. I mean
doing process by hand writing. It is so hard to write each product we sold in a notebook and when
we got mistakes in writing process, we did need to erase them. I mean it looks dirty and not
How information system has helped its business grow
Going back to City Zoo store, they use information system in retail to manage all products they
sold already, to check inventory, to keep patrons‟ information to sell off to them, to retain of cash
revenues, payment of cash, etc… I will talk more details about this system right now.
Firstly, this retail system is really easy to use. It is divided into two vertical and horizontal
toolbars. In the horizontal toolbars, it includes: Manu, help, report …
For example, when customers come to store and buy something like dog‟s food, and shampoos.
We open category named: “Selling in day” in the 1st place at vertical toolbar, click into “Quick
selection” then writing these products code into space: “Enter products”. The prices of these
products will be showed immediately and if this is a discounted item, we put a number (5%, 10%
or 15%) to discount in the space named: “Discounted” below, the prices will change and we need
not to calculate as before in the past. After that, we click double enter to save data. There are easy
steps to sell one or many products just by typing and clicking enter. It is different from the ways
to sell products in the past.
Talking about selling in the past, to know how many items that they sold per day and month, after
selling, they write down in a notebook the product name, code and price. Looking back
nowadays, all things we do is tying then data will be saved in a “Report” catalog in the horizontal
toolbars, select “Report selling per day” to check the profit at that moment or choose day to day
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to check money that we sold in a period of time. Finish a day, we aggregate sales, print it and
keep that receipt with money selling per day.
Besides, if you want to know how many inventories that you still have, you just to click in
“Report inventory” and know what and how many products that you have instead of checking by
hand in warehouses.
When we import products, we will check by hand items code, quantity, price in a paper to make
sure they are consistent with the number of products, which transfer from warehouse. After that,
we enter data into retail system. Then we can check all quantity and price of products in store.
An important part in selling is how to remember and manage the money to spend on fees such as:
electricity, water, rental store, tax, driver shipping, etc…In the past, only way we could do was
wring note. That was unlucky if we could lose it. In the future, we can keep information in that
retail system by select “payment bills”, writing who do you pay for? What is reason? How much
are you paying? And pay by cash, and the last step is choosing save button.
At the end of month, we can check all profits that we have in “report” part and check products
that we sold. Besides, we can know which products we lost, or mistakes in typing wrongly code.
Furthermore, we can fix it easily. [1]
Future plans
City zoo store already have own website but it is not work as well as they want at the moment.
Therefore, in the future, they will improve their website by hiring a web designer create one for
them. Moreover, they will hire a search engine optimizer to attain a high ranking in major search
engines like in order to help their search engine optimizer by creating keywords that
best describe their pet supply products and offerings. [2]
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2.1 Introduction
Viettel Telecom Company under the Viettel General Telecommunications Army Company was
established on 05/04/2007, on the basis of the merged companies: Viettel Internet, Viettel Fixed
Telephone and Viettel Mobile Phone.Viettel Corporation has many achievements, for example:
Vietnam's most powerful brand in the industry Post-Telecommunications-Informatics, the first
business which broke the monopoly in the Telecommunications sector in Vietnam, leading
mobile network in Vietnam with the GPRS services providers nationwide, and is one of the
mobile network speed of the fastest growing world.[3]
Type of business carried out and its target customers
With the goal of becoming the best provider of telecommunications services in Vietnam, Viettel
Telecom has always considered innovation as a guideline for action. It is not only a pioneer in
technology but also creativity in business philosophy, understand and satisfy customer needs.
They distribute services about telecommunications, postal, communications network and other
services that relate to technological information to all Vietnamese at home and abroad. Thus,
Viettel always working at the highest level so customers are always "say it your way” said the
style of their own. For Viettel, the satisfaction and confidence of customers is the source for the
prosperity and sustainable development.
How information system has helped its business grows.
Recently, Viettel has turned to open source software for more than 2,200 computers and thus
saves cost nearly 24 billion purchase of closed source software license. According to a research,
2,200 computers were installed operating system and open source software as the computer has
nearly 700 shops and services in 100 post offices Viettel Corporation of Postal Viettel on
nationwide. The computers are installed Ubuntu open source operating system to replace the
Windows operating system and office software applications Open Office office applications
instead of Microsoft Office, Vietnamese typing scim-Unikey and replace the X-UnikeyVietkey
type, e-mail software Mozilla Thunderbird to replace Outlook Express and MS Outlook.[4] Using
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the operating system and open source software alternative operating systems and commercial
software is a trend growing in popularity around the world. Moreover, Viettel use System for
processing payroll to pay salary for all their staffs. Wage is the concern and the motivation of the
employees work. In particular, in the context of the labor market is the scarcity of people do
today. By constantly reviewing and adjusting, we will have the dedication of our employees;
stimulate enthusiasm and motivation to work towards their common goals of the business.
Viettel‟s enterprises are managed by the IT systems, especially enterprise resource planning
systems (ERP). “Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems take a business process view of the
overall organization to integrate the planning, management, and employing a common software
platform and database. The major objectives of ERP systems are tightly integrate the functional
area of the organization and to enable information to flow seamlessly across the functional areas.
In essence, ERP systems provide the information necessary to control the business processes of
the organization.” [5] When we apply ERP to operate has brought a lot of benefits for Viettel
Mobile Group. First of all, it is a useful assistance for managers to make decision. ERP systems
provide important and necessary information on business performance across functional areas.
Second, ERP systems may reduce hardware, software and transaction costs. Third, ERP systems
are required to have the ability to integrate with other systems which are often available in the
organization or add to customer relationship. In addition, ERP systems integrate and develop
Viettel‟s business processes, resulting in significant enhancement in the quality and efficiency of
customer service. Last but not least, it helps synchronize data sources and process of duplicate.
Future plans
As we all know, when usingenterprise resource planning systems, companies must face with two
problems that are staff to operate the new system and expensive cost. In Viettel‟s case, its
problem just is personnel. Therefore, training staff to become more expertly in using ERP system
is what Viettel need to do now and future. Furthermore, applying the software which allows
telecommunication system and that will be replicated.
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Agribank was established on 26 March, 1988 and operating under Law on Credit Institutions and
now, Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) is the leading
commercial bank in Vietnam, holding the dominant role in the economic development of
Vietnam, particularly in the investment for agriculture, farmers, and rural areas.Agribank is one
of the Vietnamese banks with strong correspondent banking relationship, being a correspondent
bank of 1,034 foreign banks in 95 countries and territories.[6]
Type of business carried out and its target customers
Agribank is the biggest bank in Vietnam in terms of assets, number of staff, branch network. In
December 2009, Agribank‟s leading position has been confirmed in many aspects:
Total capital resources: VND 434,331 billion
Equity: VND 22,176 billion
Total assets: VND 470,000 billion
Total outstanding loans: VND 354,112 billion
Branch network: 2,300 branches and transaction offices nationwideg
Employees: 35,135
Agribank is determined to maintain and confirm its leading and dominant positions to provide
loans for the cause of industrialization and modernization of agriculture and rural development,
economic development in conformity with the policies and objectives set by the Party and the
How information system has helped its business grow
Information technology is one of the key tasks to modernize Vietnam's banking system. The
application of information technology on banking activities in recent years has created favorable
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conditions for the people, the investor access to products, banking services. ATM System as well
as the account number of people in the banking system is rapidly increasing. Bank card have
become popularly in payment, common to all customers.
Banks ran the information system that is one of the important systems effectively and Agribank
used accounting information system with a lot of different components such as general ledger
system,mortgage-banking applicants,
applicants.Different component provides different value‟s profit for bank. For example, the
General ledger system is at the core of account processing and IS in banking. Besides that,
although loan accounting applications, bank personnel can do the forms and paperwork needed to
make a decision on a customer's credit standing. [8]
Another way which information system has helped Agribank grow is that since the information
system works base on computer system, then processing of orders are settled with computer
clearly, quickly and automatically. Large of information will share by using the accounting
information system in shorter time in which making decisions easily. The information system
helps bank to solve process of transactions, manage online transactions and provide better
customer care services. With help from IS, operations in Agribank are done efficiently, so
transaction from different customers can occur at the same time in which result is productivity
increases. Thus, Agribank can estimate market and respond quickly to the market change.
Moreover, Internet Banking services help Agribank develop services, raising competitiveness,
development and brand development, but also to meet the growing needs of our customers, keep
up the ongoing development of society, and the country is on the way industrialization,
modernization of integrated world economy.
Future plans
Agribank will continue and develop their information systems with better software. They will
provide even more convenience, efficiency and most importantly, security to their users.
Moreover, they must repair some mistakes in withdrawing money.Agribank‟s customers will be
so satisfy with the way they work because accuracy and security of transaction information and
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customers‟ profile must be cared firstly. If they can have the trust of customers, their future is so
On 7-1-1902, Paul Doumer signed a decree to establish the Hanoi Medical University and two
years later, the hospital's practice is built with the some different names in every phase of
development of the country and now it is called Vietnam-Germany Hospital. It is a surgical
center of Vietnam. Vietnam-Germany hospital names associated with famous surgeon - Ton That
Tung with method Vietnam liver surgery that bring his name, has been widely popular in the
world for four decades.[9]
Type of business carried out and its target customers
Viet Germany hospital is a polyclinic hospital; it cures every kinds of disease and every patient
now. They have 30 operating rooms of the depth of specialized surgery is equipped with modern
standards of advanced countries: brain surgery, cardiovascular surgery, hepatobiliary surgery,
gastrointestinal surgery, urology surgery, pediatric surgery etc . Along with a team of professors,
doctors, the surgeons and technicians trained in basic domestic and foreign. The main activities
of Viet Duc hospital include medical examinations and treatment, scientific research,
international cooperation, direction and management of health economics.[9]
How information system has helped its business grow
Currently, the application of information technology management in hospitals has become an
important part to improve the quality of hospital management, hospital contributing to the overall
development, each step to meet the requirements of medical and health care for people. Many
hospitals have the potential to build financial management software system hospital uniform and
successful application of computerized hospital management like Viet-Germany hospital. Many
doctors to reflect 75% of funds they spend time in the day to handle the administrative work
involved. Therefore, the health ministry said that the application of information system medicine
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is essential activities and urgent. Ministry of health has implemented various information system
applications. More than 65% of hospitals nationwide reporting software application of hospital
statistics, 20% hospital software applications overall hospital management ... Some hospitals
have formed the central satellite system hospital telemedicine systems such as VietnamGermany, Bach Mai.[10]An information system that assists hospitals to operate and manage is
hospital management information system. “Hospital management information system (HMIS)
has been defined as a system that provides an appropriate information support to each decision
making level of the health care delivery system. It can be composed of one or a few software
components with specialty-specific extensions as well as of a large variety of sub-systems in
medical specialties.” [11]
In case of Viet Germany hospital, HMIS is a part of operating and managing plan of Viet
Germany hospital. “Medisoft manages patients comprehensively within the long process through
multiple treatments. This software consists of two systems: patient management and problems
related to patients‟ activities; hospital management including issues related to the operation of the
hospital that board of directors need to know to plan to lead and make decision.” [12]Medisoft
manage all events of patients, these events will affect most of the treatment and related expenses.
These events are in series and seem to a perfect chain that cannot be disordered. Besides, doctors
of Viet Germany hospital can follow the patients‟ status clearly when treating and know patients‟
profile though they left Viet Germany hospital. These events are also closely related to other
hospital management functions such as personnel, accounting, materials, etc.
Future plans
Viet Duchospital still has some limitations so they have to do some plans in the future. First of
all, Viet Duc will invest money to buy more high speed computer to meet the standard of
medisoft.In order to approach more customers, Viet Duc hospital will launch software to send
directly free SMS to customers. When it has full medical examination results of patients, the
system will automatically send a notice to customers so that they can actively come to hospital or
the website to get the results.
ITC 101
In conclusion, the global business use information system and information technology in right
way to achieve their profitable, close relationship,provide better customer services, and manage
daily operations not exceptViettel, Cityzoo store, Viet-Duc hospital or Agribank. Although they
are not included in same industry, four companies use the information system effectively to effort
enhancement and ensure the success of their system. Therefore, information system has brought a
lot of advantages for companies. Most companies can reach their goals more quickly and
effectively by applying information system.
Total words: 2954.
ITC 101
[1] Information of City zoo store – viewed 13st May 2012
< />[2]Future plan for a retail store – viewed 13 May 2012
< />
[3] Introduction of Viettel – viewed at 15th May 2012
< />
[4]“Vietteltiếtkiệm 24 tỷđồng do triểnkhaiphầnmềmnguồnmở” – Viewed at 15th 2012
< />
[5] R. Kelly vs G. Cegielski, „Information systems and the modern organization‟, Introduction to
IS enabling and transforming business, 3rd edn, p. 292.- viewed at 20th May 2012
[6]Agribank‟s history – viewed at 20th 2012
< />[7] Introduction of Agribank- viewed at 20th May 2012
< />[8] />[9] Introduction of Viet Duc Hospital
< />.[10] - viewed at 21st May 2012
[11] Hospital management information system- viewed at 24th May 2012
< />
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[12]Medisoft – viewed at 24th May 2012
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