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Năm học 2012-2013

Môn: TIẾNG ANH (chuyên)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút


Đề thi này có 07 trang

Điểm bài thi

Họ, tên và chữ ký 2 giám khảo

Bằng số: ....................................

Giám khảo 1: .........................................

Bằng chữ: ..................................

Giám khảo 2: .........................................

(Do hội đồng chấm
thi ghi)

PART A. PHONETICS (1.0 point)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others by

circling A, B, C or D. (0) is an example. (0.5 p)

A. climate

B. comprise

©. notice

D. divide


A. hobby

B. honest

C. humor

D. happen


A. mention

B. option

C. federation

D. suggestion


A. ghost

B. office

C. long

D. modern


A. locate

B. celebrate

C. considerate

D. nominate


A. photographs

B. passengers

C. catalogues


II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling A, B, C or
D. (0) is an example. (0.5 p)
0. A. ethnic

B. area

©. comprise

D. Buddhist

1. A. prevent

B. purpose

C. pollute

D. protect

2. A. notice

B. peaceful

C. region

D. divide

3. A. primary

B. religion

C. tropical

D. friendliness

4. A. magazine

B. understand

C. embroider

D. entertain

5. A. territory

B. mausoleum

C. recognition

D. federation

I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences by circling A, B, C or D.
(0) is an example. (1.0 p)
0. After two hours traveling by bus, we finally ______ Vung Tau.
A. came
B. got
©. reached
D. went

1. Let’s go somewhere for a drink, ______?
A. will we
B. won’t we
C. shall we
D. shan’t we
2. My sister can make her own clothes and design her own ______.
A. models
B. labels
C. sizes
D. styles
3. The new secretary in the sales department is a fast typist but her letters are full of





A. errors
B. mistakes
C. tricks
D. faults

His uncle was the last man ______ in the Second War World.
A. to die
B. died
C. to be died
D. was died
"What are you doing?" - “________”
A. It doesn't touch you.
B. It’s none of your business.
C. You don't enter at all.
D. Look after your own affairs.
Eating, together with chatting, ______ among the most popular activities at recess at school in
A. are
B. is
C. has been
D. have been
Ba and his family had ______ to their home village.
A. a two-days trip
B. a two-day trips
C. a two-day trip
D. two-day trips
He devoted a lifetime ______with disabled children.
A. to work
B. work
C. to working
D. working
Advice is given ______ students can choose the best course.
A. so as
B. for
C. in order that

D. in order to
It is strongly recommended that the machines ______every year.
A. check
B. checked
C. are checked
D. be checked

II. Each of the following sentences has ONE mistake. Underline the mistake and write the
correction in the provided blank on the right. (0) is an example. (0.5 p)



She is taking trip with her friends.


However cheap it is, poor quality products never appeal to customers.


So far, Linda has been writing five novels on the problems teenagers
have to cope with in the new world.


The mother was pleasant surprised when her daughter came to visit


My cousin composes not only the music, but also sings the songs for
the major Broadway musicals.

a trip

5. They thought that it had been a very satisfied dinner.
III. Give the correct form of the words in capital letters. Write your answers on the numbered
blanks. (0) is an example. (1.0 p)
Have you ever got really caught in the excitement and emotion of good action film, and
wondered in (0. AMAZE) amazement how film stars manage to perform dangerous acts like
jumping off buildings or driving at great speed? Of course, it is only a ( 1.MOMENT)











____________________ are almost invariably stunt men or women, who can earn a very good
(3.LIVE) ____________________ by standing in for the stars when necessary. The work is
incredibly demanding, and before qualifying for this job they have to undergo a rigorous training
program and (4.PROOF) ____________________ their ability in a number of sports
(5.INCLUDE) ____________________ skiing, riding and gymnastics.


(6.NATURE) ____________________, the safety of the stunt performer is of the utmost
importance. Much depends on the performer getting time exactly right so everything is planned
down to the (7.TINY) ____________________ detail. In a scene which involves a complicated
series of actions, there is no time for careless mistakes. A stunt man or woman often has only
one chance of getting things right, (8.LIKE) ____________________ film stars, who can if
necessary, film a scene (9.REPEAT) ____________________ until it gains the director’s
(10.APPROVE) ____________________.
IV. Fill in each gap with an appropriate preposition or particle. (0) is an example. (0.5 p)
0. Could you look


the baby while I was going out?

1. You can't rely ______________ the post. It’s always late.

2. Don't blame me ______________ what happened. It wasn't my fault.
3. Keep away ______________ those electrical wires.
4. I'm rather anxious ______________ her, I haven't received a letter from her.
5. He promised her an Oxford dictionary, but disappointingly he went ______________ on his

PART C. READING (3.0 points)
I. The reading passage ‘Hire me’ has 6 sections I-VI. Choose the most suitable heading for each
section from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate letters (A-H) in the space provided
next to each section. There are two extra headings which you will not need. Section I has been
done as an example. (1.0 p)
A. Learning from the experienced
B. Networking on the bus
C. Finding out about your interests
D. Meeting more people
E. Talking to friends and family
F. Checking help wanted ads
G. Attending job fairs
H. Using telephone directory
Section I. ………E……………
Many of the leads on new jobs will come from people that know you the best. To
increase referrals from this group, make sure they know the types of jobs you are seeking. You
also need to be looking out for them, so know their interests. Remember, networking is a twoway street.
Section II. ……………………
You name it and there is an association or group for it. Associations are groups of
people that have at least one thing in common. You can start by using the yellow pages under
associations to find one that may appeal to you. They usually meet once a month to network
and share ideas that are related to their interests. This is a great way to build your networking
contacts with people that share some of your goals.

Section III. ……………………


We use it every day to find doctor, dentist, plumber or anything else in town. Why not
use the yellow pages to find a job? Before you open the yellow pages, write down what you
want to find out so that you won’t waste either your time or the employer’s time. The best times
to call most businesses are from 9:30 a.m to 11:00 a.m and 1:30 p.m to 3:00 p.m. All you are
asking is, “How do I obtain employment with your company?” Some companies now have
voicemail called “job lines” to tell you of the procedures. Be ready to write down the information.
I recommend that you purchase a street map book of the city. The book will help you pinpoint
the location of the business. The book will also prevent you from asking the question, “Can you
give the directions?” Always thank them for their time. Remember – you interrupt their day.
Section IV. ……………………
Every Sunday thousands of employers place job openings in the major papers and
smaller local community papers throughout the city to attract needed personnel to service their
customers. Before you seek the information, you will need to ask the following three questions:
1) Where do I want to work? 2) Which fields interest me? 3) Do I have the required skills to
apply for this position? For the best results, respond to the ad within 48 hours of printing. Many
ads only want you to fax or apply in person – so follow the rules.
Section V. ……………………
Hidden behind all those voicemail boxes is a real person. Job fairs enable you to meet
them face to face. Plan on attending at least four job fairs per year. At each job fair, meet at
least 6 to 10 people. Follow up with the people you meet with a thank-you card or letter. Job
fairs can be a great opportunity to find out what skills you need to learn to get into a specific
field. Job fairs are like a wedding reception line. Shake hands, talk for one or two minutes and
move on to the next in line. Your goal is to get a contact inside the company.
Section VI. ……………………
Every working day we get in our cars and line up like cattle to move down the roadways,

each of us alone in our cars. Try taking the bus and use this time to network. Think of the bus as
a small informational meeting of 40 people. Start your approach with a friendly “Hello”. Some
people may not say it back to you. In time you may meet some contacts through taking the bus.
If networking on the bus doesn’t work for you, at least you can take advantage of the other
benefits of riding the bus – using the time to organize your day, read the paper or a good book,
saving over 200 gallons of gas per year, paying no parking fees – and you can wave at your
friends stuck in the slow lane.
II. Fill in each numbered blank from 1-10 with one suitable word. Write the words in the spaces
provided. (0) is an example. (1.0 p)
Hawaii is famous (0)


over the world for its stable climate. The

temperature (1) __________________ changes that much and ocean currents keep it cool,
even (2) __________________ the area lies within the tropics. The western sides of the islands
are dry, while further to the north, (3) __________________ the island is more mountainous,
there is a high level of rainfall, in some places higher than (4) __________________ else in the
The stable climate and the fertile soil are the reasons (5) __________________











__________________ grown all year round. Tourism is also important, although it is banned on
(7) __________________ few of the islands.
Hawaii is covered with flowers the (8) __________________ year round. There are
more than 1700 species of flowering plants and trees and many of them (9)
__________________ been imported from around the world. You will never forget a visit (10)
___________________ this island paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


III. Read the passage and circle the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each of the questions
below. (1.0 p)





It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an
education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go
to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important.
Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows
no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a
kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the
whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered
grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.
Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A
chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other
religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad,
inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and
one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern
varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at
approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar
textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned,
whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually
been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students
know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their
communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite
conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.

1. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Getting an education

B. The difference between schooling and education
C. Education is much more open-ended than schooling
D. It’s never late to get an education
2. What does the author probably mean by using the expression "children interrupt their
education to go to school" (lines 2-3)?
A. Going to several different schools is educationally beneficial.
B. School vacations interrupt the continuity of the school year.
C. Summer school makes the school year too long.
D. All of life is an education.
3. The word "bounds" in line 5 is closest in meaning to
A. rules

B. experiences

C. limits

D. exceptions

C. education

D. job

4. What does the word “it” in line 6 refer to?
A. school

B. schooling

5. All of the following are true about education EXCEPT ______
A. It is a bigger term than schooling.
B. Its agents vary greatly.

C. It consists of both formal and informal learning.
D. It takes places almost everywhere except the schools.
6. The word "chance" in line 10 is closest in meaning to ______
A. unplanned

B. unusual

C. lengthy

7. The word "they" in line 18 refers to


D. lively

A. slices of reality

B. similar textbooks

C. boundaries

D. seats

8. The phrase "For example," line 19, introduces a sentence that gives examples of
A. similar textbooks

B. the results of schooling

C. the workings of a government

D. the boundaries of classroom subjects

9. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?
A. Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.
B. Education systems need to be radically reformed.
C. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
D. Education involves many years of professional training.
10. The passage is organized by
A. listing and discussing several educational problems
B. contrasting the meanings of two related words
C. narrating a story about excellent teachers
D. giving examples of different kinds of Schools

PART D. WRITING (3.0 points)
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given in capital letters at the end. Do not change the word given. There is an example at
the beginning (0). (1.0 p)
0. It’s a pity I can’t come to your birthday party. COULD
 I wish I could come to your birthday party.

Please don’t tell my mum the truth. RATHER

 I’d ………………………………………………………my mum the truth.
2. “Why don’t we meet to discuss the pay order?” John to me. SUGGESTED
John …………………………………..….…………….………the pay order.
3. Tim’s brother thought that somebody had killed him with a gun. BEEN
 Tim………………………………………….………………………………..………………… with a gun.
4. I couldn’t concentrate because of the noise coming from the next room. HARD

 The noise coming from the next room…………………….…………...………………..to concentrate.
5. That contestant didn’t succeed in getting to the final round of the quiz show. TO
 That contestant didn’t ……………………………..…………to the final round of the quiz show.
6. Since we’ve run out of tea, I’d better go and buy some. LEFT
 Since there……………..……………………..…….……I’d better go and buy some.
7. The police asked the woman to describe the thief in detail. FULL
 The police asked the woman to give them…………………………….……..………………the thief.
8. The flooding led to the road being closed. RESULT
 The road had to ……………………………………………………… the flooding.
9. It’s a pity I have to go to my cousin’s wedding today. ONLY
 If……………..……………………..………………………..… to my cousin’s wedding today.
10. “You’d better not go out for a walk,” said my father. ADVISED
 My father……………..……..………………………….…………going for a walk.
II. Use suggestions to make complete sentences. Make any changes necessary. You can

add more words but cannot omit the given words. Write your answers in the spaces
provided. (0) is an example. (1.0 p)
0. She/ usually take/ bus/ school.
She usually takes a bus to school.
1. Mr.Brown/ teach English/ six years now.
2. The recent earthquake/ cause/ serious damage/ Japan’s economy.
3. If/ I/ you/ I/ take/ public transport/ school/ avoid traffic jams/ save energy.
4. It/ essential that/ the boy/ have/ good command/ English.

5. We/ having/ very good/ time/ together/ help us/ strengthen/ friendship.
III. Writing an argument. (1.0 p)
Pollution is becoming more and more serious, not only in developed countries but also
in developing and underdeveloped ones all over the world. It is said that “Pollution comes from
human activities”. What’s your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Your argument must be between 120 and 150 words.
--------THE END-------

