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Chuyên đề bài tập các từ hay nhầm lẫn trong Tiếng Anh

Exercise 1 Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. The train has been (delayed / postponed) by ten minutes.
2. Did you (notice / remark) what he was wearing?
3. Please (bring / take) that book over there.
4. She loves reading about the (last / latest) fashion.
5. They were (delighted / delightful) that she had won.
6. He (laid / lay) down on the sand and went to sleep.
7. The bus leaves from the (station / stop) nearest the office.
8. He put up a big (note / notice) advertising the concert.
9. We (wait for / expect) him to arrive tomorrow morning.
10. 1066 is one of the most (historical / historic) moments in British history.
11. They (robbed / stole) him of all his money.
12. My teacher (complemented / complimented) me on my essay. She said it was the best thing she
had read
for a long time.
13. I find it impossible to sleep because of the (continuous / continual) noise from the party in the
flat above.
14. What I thought was a genuine Van Gogh turned out to be a forgery. As a result, the painting is
quite (worthless / invaluable).
15. It’s too hot. Let’s go and sit in the (shadow / shade) for a while.

Exercise 2 Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. I bought my (stationary / stationery) from this shop.
2. Sulin is a member of the student (counsel / council).
3. Justin is an (eminent / imminent) figure in the advertising industry.
4. Your handwriting is so (illegible / eligible). I cannot read what you have written.

5. These images are designed to (illicit / elicit) sympathy from the viewers of the charity show.
6. In this country, temples are considered very (sacred / scared) places.
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Chuyên đề bài tập các từ hay nhầm lẫn trong Tiếng Anh
7. The government has given their (assent/ ascent) to build a casino on that island.
8. Sorry, I have no (access / assess) to this room. You may wish to check with the security
9. Take this painkiller. It can (alleviate / elevate) your pain.
10. Everything has been ironed (except/ accept) this pair of pants.
11. The residents of Nias have been very much (affected/ effected) by the recent earthquake.
12. Can you please (advice / advise) as to what I should do regarding this naughty student?
13. The beautiful bride walked down the (isle/ aisle), accompanied by her father.
14. I recorded what happened today in my (diary / dairy).
15. The manager (misused / abused) the funds intended for the dental care of her workers.
Exercise 3 Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. The outbacks of Australia are mostly (deserts/ desserts).
2. The burden proved too much for her to (bare / bear) so she collapsed.
3. This cloth is very (course / coarse). It would not be suitable for making pajamas.
4. You (ensure / insure) that everything goes on smoothly, we have to run through the procedure a
5. The birds (migrated / emigrated) to the warm south to escape the harsh winter.
6. The (allusion / illusion) of a body being cut into two inside the box is but a trick.
7. I (ransacked / rummaged) through my drawer to look for the missing key.
8. This oven special digital features, unlike the common (contemporary / conventional) ones.
9. She was (credited / rewarded) with a gold pen for her contribution to the project.

10. The (principal / principle) of this school has retired.
11. Susie (lies / lays) her dress on the bed and wonders if she should wear it to the party.
12. Can you please (take / fetch) her to the bus stop?
13. The rising sun (emerged / immerged) from the horizon.
14. Dr Wee is a (human / humane) physician. He treats the poor for free.
15. Where exactly do you (live / stay)?
Exercise 4 Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. When the (brake / break) of a car is engaged, it will not move.
2. The store has a (wide / big) range of products.
3. Mrs Husher, an (affirm / infirm) elderly, is a resident at the Home for the Elderly.
4. I will let you know my decision (later / latter).
5. Why don’t you (accede / exceed) to my request for once?
6. The dream was so (clear/ vivid) it seemed real.
7. This species of tropical insects has (adapted / adopted) well to winter climates.
8. People who (violate/ break) the law should be punished.
9. She was (credible / credulous) enough to believe his lies.
10. The perfume (diffused / defused) through the room and left a pleasant fragrance.
11. The only (criteria / criterion) for entering this cafe is that you must be formally dressed.
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Chuyên đề bài tập các từ hay nhầm lẫn trong Tiếng Anh
12. An effective couple always (complements / compliments) each another in strengths and
13. The (current / currant) trend amongst teenagers today is to own a handphone.
14. When you leave this place, please remember to (take / bring) this souvenir with you.
15. The police arrived at the accident scene and (disbursed / dispersed) the crowd
Exercise 5 Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. The motorist admitted to (breaking / passing) the speed limit.
2. Julie is (envious / jealous) of the doll that Jane has. She has never owned one as exquisite before.
3. The gangsters decided to settle their differences in a (dual / duel).
4. We do not see eye to eye regarding this matter because our opinions (differ / vary).
5. When she passed her examination with flying colors, she shouted joyous (exhilaration /
6. Please pass me that (hangar / hanger) so that I can drape my dress.
7. We need to (instil / install) good values in our young ones.
8. From the evidence, the detective (inferred / implied) that the killing took place in the kitchen.
9. You can check the records if you wish to certiíy your employee’s (marital / martial) status.
10. All the subjects in the school curriculum are taught in the English (medium / median).
11. So sorry, I must have (overlooked / overseen) this area of work.
12. Tom climbed to the top of the wall to take a (peep / peek) at what his neighbors were doing.
13. This tuition centre is constantly expanding the (perimeters / parameters) of its curriculum.
14. Mali is (persecuted / prosecuted) by her own parents for choosing Christianity over their family
15. This is a (personal / personnel) matter, please do not interfere.
Exercise 6 Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. Next year we’re going on a cheap (package / charter) holiday to Portugal.
2. That colour doesn’t (fit / suit) you.
3. It was a tough decision to (make/ do).
4. The coach trip to Bruges was fully (booked / reserved).
5. Don’t you know that never liked egg (yolk / yoke)?
6. This (troop / troupe) of períòrmers are from London and they are good in their craft.
7. We cannot understand Sandra at times because she speaks English with a Japanese (accent /
8. Are you meeting your (perspective / prospective) husband today?
9. A sting from this insect can be (fatal / fateful).
10. Her (empathies / sympathies) lie with her íamily and she is bound to take sides with them.
11. To start a business, you would need (Capital / capitol).

12. In (advẹrse / averse) circumstances, we must leam to be flexible.
13. His explanation is so confusing and (ambiguous / ambivalent) that I have no idea what he is
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Chuyên đề bài tập các từ hay nhầm lẫn trong Tiếng Anh
14. She bought the hand-carved elephant as a (souvenir / memory) of the safari.
15. Can you help me to pass this (message / massage) to her?
Exercise 7 Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. The footballer was suspended for (foul / fowl) play.
2. There will be an (aural / oral) examination next week. The teacher will give you some tips to
your conversation skills.
3. If there is no (cohesion / adhesion) in the group, it is difficult to forge unity.
4. My wallet was (stolen / robbed) right under my nose, yet I was not even aware of it.
5. Kevin takes on a holiday job to help his family out financially. He is a very (sensible / sensitive)
6. This piece of information is extremely (valuable / invaluable). It has helped me a lot.
7. It is already (past / passed) two o’clock and she is still not here yet.
8. Do not walk through the dark (alley / ally) at night alone as it can be dangerous.
9. The counselor has been asked to (mediate / meditate) a parent-teacher dispute.
10. The dead bird was (laying / lying) on the floor for the longest time but no one took notice of it.
11. Can you please help me to (sew / sow) this button onto the skirt?
12. The little girl (wandered / wondered) off without her mother’s knowledge.
13. Since Sally did not mention that she is coming for this party, Jane (assumes / presumes) that she
is not

14. Joan has gone (aboard / abroad) the ship.
15. It is not your (fault / mistake) that she fell down. It was purely an accident.
Exercise 1
1. delayed 2. notice 3. bring 4. latest
5. delighted 6. lay 7. stop 8. notice
9. expect 10. historic 11. robbed 12. complimented
13. continuous 14. worthless 15. shade
Exercise 2
1. stationery 2. council 3. eminent 4. illegible
5. elicit 6. sacred 7. assent 8. access
9. alleviate 10. except 11. affected 12. advise
13. aisle 14. diary 15. misused
Exercise 3
1. deserts 2. bear 3. coarse 4. ensure
5. migrated 6. illusion 7. rummaged 8. conventional
9. rewarded 10. principal 11. lays 12. take
13. emerged 14. humane 15. live
Exercise 4
Nguyễn Tiến Dũng-Ad fanpage: Hội học sinh, sinh viên chuyên anh4


Chuyên đề bài tập các từ hay nhầm lẫn trong Tiếng Anh
1. brake 2. wide 3. infirm 4. later
5. accede 6. vivid 7. adapted 8. break
9. credulous 10. diffused 11. criterion 12. complements
13. current 14. take 15. dispersed

Exercise 5
1. breaking 2. envious 3. duel 4. differ
5. exhilaration 6. hanger 7. instill 8. inferred
9. marital 10. medium 11. overlooked 12. peek
13. parameters 14. persecuted 15. personal
Exercise 6
1. package 2. suit 3. make 4. booked
5. yolk 6. troupe 7. accent 8. prospective
9. fatal 10. sympathies 11. capital 12. adverse
13. ambiguous 14. souvenir 15. message
Exercise 7
1. foul 2. oral 3. cohesion 4. stolen
5. sensible 6. valuable 7. past 8. alley
9. mediate 10. lying 11. sew 12. wandered
13. assumes 14. aboard 15. fault

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