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i h c tháng 6.2014

I H C 2014 – THÁNG 6




I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose stress pattern is
different from that of the others in each of the following questions.
1. A. consolidate
B. temperate
C. opposite
D. decorate
2. A. credit
B. conclude
C. migrate
D. apply
3. A. simplify
B. contribute
C. multiply
D. criticize
4. A. delivery

B. approval
C. invent
D. compromise
5. A. address
B. accept
C. enter
D. affect
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
6. The little boy heard the rustle of biscuit wrappers and look up at his mother ________.
A. expectantly
B. decisively
C. conceitedly
D. intricately
7. He held me personally ________ whenever anything went wrong in the project.
A. responsibility
B. responsible
C. responsibly
D. responsive
8. He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an ________ container for his father, a ________ watch for
his mother and a doll with ________ hair for his little sister.
A. airtighted; water-proofed; snow-whited
B. tight air; proof water; white snow
C. tight aired; proof watered; white snowed
D. air-tight; water-proof; snow-white
9. The sky was gray and cloudy. ________ , we went to the beach.
A. Consequently
B. Nevertheless
C. Even though
D. In spite of

10. “John should have warned you about that.”
“ Yes, but ________, he’s still my good friend.”
A. moreover
B. despite that
C. although
D. on the contrary
11. Once used up, ________.
A. these minerals can never be replaced.
B. we can never replace these minerals
C. but these minerals can never be replaced
D. can these minerals be never replaced
12. “Can I help you?”
“ ________________ ”
A. No, thanks. I’m just looking.
B. Yes, I’m watching.
C. No, I’m seeing.
D. Yes, I’m thinking.
13. “Must we do it now?”
“No, you ________ .”
A. won’t
B. mustn’t
C. can’t
D. needn’t
14. I had a red ________ day yesterday.
A. tape
B. wood
C. pepper
D. letter
15. Governments decided to take ________ measures to deal with terrorism.
A. profound

B. enormous
C. tough
D. threshing
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16. Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my ________ !
A. muscles
B. brains
C. nerves
D. blood
17. Each time I sneezed, everyone said: “________ you!”
A. Cough
B. Bless
C. Cold
D. Thank
18. Don’t worry about the lunch, I’ll ________ to it.
A. succeed

B. apply
C. devote
D. see
19. I ________ the short story just as Karen ________ in from work.
A. finished; came
B. finish; comes
C. had finished; came
D. finished; had come
20. If Penny ________ a place at Oxford University, she ________ philosophy and politics.
A. gets; is going to study
B. will get; is going to study
C. gets; studies
D. is getting; will study
21. The teacher ________ against talking to strangers.
A. recommended
B. suggested
C. advised
D. said
22. The trouble with Jean is that she is ________ with sport!
A. obsessed
B. packed
C. matched
D. dealt
23. You’ve lived in the city for most of your life, so ________ you’re used to the noise.
A. apparently
B. presumably
C. allegedly
D. predictably
24. The interviewer told Alison that she would earn $30,000 a year, ________ she to be offered the job.
A. were

B. should
C. lest
D. would
25. ________ it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.
A. Providing
B. Unless
C. But for
D. If only
26. I have just taken a Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL ________ short.
A. of
B. in
C. on
D. for
27. “Your fur coat looks very expensive.”
“________ . It was secondhand.”
A. Yes, it does
B. I’m sorry
C. Really? It wasn’t expensive
D. No, it isn’t
28. If you say you are using a word ________, you mean you are choosing it after thinking about it very
A. advice
B. advisedly
C. advisement
D. advisory
29. Sensible ________ he is, he had acted foolishly in this case.
A. even though
B. how
C. as
D. if

30. “Excuse me. Do you do watch-repair?”
A. Why not?
B. That’s all.
C. Yes, we do, madam.
D. Here we are.
31. Marianne seemed to take ________ at my comments on her work.
A. annoyance
B. insult
C. offence
D. indignation
32. He wasn’t sure if he’d be any good at tennis, but actually he took ________ it immediately.
A. after
B. on
C. in
D. to
33. “The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?”
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn’t
C. No, it is going to fall down
D. Yes, it doesn’t fall down.
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34. “Sorry! I forgot to post the letter for you.”
“Never mind. ________ it myself tonight.”
A. I’m going to post B. I’ll post
C. I’m posting
D. I will have posted
35. Children should be taught to ________ peace rather than wars.
A. make
B. produce
C. bring up
D. do
III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 45.
In the city, we are barraged with images of people we might become. Identify is presented as plastic, a
matter of possessions and appearances; and a very large proportion of the urban landscape is taken up by
slogans, advertisements, flatly photographed images of folk heroes – the man who turned into a
sophisticated dandy overnight by drinking a particular brand of drink, the girl who transformed herself
into a femme fatale with a squirt of cheap scent. The tone of the wording of these advertisements is usually
pert and facetious, comically drowning in its own hyperbole. But the pictures are brutally exact: they
reproduce every detail of a style of life, down to the brand of cigarette-lighter, the stone in the ring and the
economic row of books on the shelf.
Yet, if one studies a line of ads across from where one is sitting on a tube train, these images radically
conflict with each other. Swap the details about between the pictures, and they are instantly made illegible

if the characters they represent really are heroes, then they clearly have no individual claim to speak for
society as a whole. The clean-cut and the shaggy, rakes, innocents, brutes, home-lovers, adventurers,
clowns all compete for our attention and invite emulation. As a gallery, they do provide a glossy mirror of
the aspirations of a representative city crowd: but it is exceedingly hard to discern a single dominant style
an image of how most people would like to see themselves.
Even in the business of the mass-production of images of identity, this shift from the general to the diverse
and particular is quite recent. Consider another line of stills: the back-lit, soft-focus portraits of the first
and second generations of great movie stars. There is a degree of romantic unparticularity in the face of
each one, as if they were communal dream-projections of society at large. Only in the specialized genres
of westerns, farces and gangster movies were stars allowed to have odd, knobby cadaverous faces. The
hero as loner belonged to history or the underworld: he spoke from the perimeter of society, reminding us
of its dangerous edges.
The stars of the last decade have looked quite different. Soft-focus photography has gone, to be replaced
by a style which searches out warts and bumps, emphasizes the uniqueness not the generality of the face.
Voices, too, are strenuously idiosyncratic: whines, stammers and low rumbles are exploited as features of
“star quality”. Instead of romantic heroes and heroines, we had a brutalist, hard-edged style in which
isolation and egotism are assumed as natural social conditions.
In the movies, as in the city, the sense of stable hierarchy has become increasingly exhausted; we no
longer live in a world where we can all share the same values, the same heroes. (It is doubtful whether this
world, so beloved of nostalgia moralists ever existed; but lip-service was paid for it, the pretense, at least
was kept up). The isolate and the eccentric push towards the centre of the stage; their fashions and
mannerisms are presented as having as good a claim to the limelight and the future as those of anyone
else. In the crowd on the underground platform, one may observe a honeycomb of fully-worked-out
worlds, each private, exclusive bearing little comparison with its nearest neighbor. What is prized in one is
despised in another. There are no clear rules about how one is supposed to manage one’s body, dress, talk,
or think. Though there are elaborate protocols and etiquettes among particular cults and groups within the
city, they subscribe to no common standard.
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For the new arrival, this disordered abundance is the city’s most evident and alarming quality. He feels as
if he has parachuted into a funfair of contradictory imperatives. There are so many people he might
become and a suit of clothes, a maker of car, a brand of cigarettes will go some way towards turning him
into a personage even before he has discovered who that personage is. Personal identity had always been
deeply rooted in property, but hitherto the relationship has been a simple one – a question of buying what
you could afford, and leaving your wealth to announce your status. In the modern city, there are so many
things to buy, such a quantity of different kinds of status, that the choice and its attendant anxieties have
created a new pornography of taste.
The leisure pages of the Sunday newspapers, fashion magazines, TV plays, popular novels, cookbooks,
window displays all nag at the nerve of our uncertainty and snobbery. Should we like American cars,
hard-rock hamburger joints, Bauhaus chairs…? Literature and art are promoted as personal accessories:
the paintings of Mondrian or the novels of Samuel Beckett “go” with certain styles like matching
handbags. There is in the city a creeping imperialism of taste, in which more and more commodities are
made over to being mere expressions of personal identity. Tire piece of furniture, the pair of shoes, the
book, the film, are important not so much in themselves but for what they communicate about their
owners; and ownership is stretched to include what one likes or believes in as well as what one can buy.
36. What does the word “barraged” mean?
A. manipulated

B. bombarded
C. impressed
D. obsessed
37. What does the writer say about advertisements in the first paragraph?
A. Certain kinds are considered more effective in cities than others.
B. The way in which some of them are worded is cleverer than it might appear.
C. They often depict people that most other people would not care to be like.
D. The pictures in them accurately reflect the way that some people really live.
38. The writer says that if you look at a line of advertisements on a tube train, it is clear that ______.
A. city dwellers have very diverse ideas about what image they would like to have
B. some images in advertisements have a general appeal that others lack
C. city dwellers are more influenced by images on advertisements than other people are
D. some images are intended to be representative of everyone’s aspirations
39. What does the writer imply about portraits of old movie stars?
A. Their tried to disguise the less attractive features of their subjects.
B. Most people did not think they were accurate representation of the stars in them.
C. They made people feel that their own faces were rather unattractive.
D. They reflected an era in which people felt basically safe.
40. What does the word “cadaverous” mean?
A. extremely pale and thin
B. energetic and enthusiastic
C. dangerous
D. skeptical
41. What does the writer suggest about the stars of the last decade?
A. Some of them may be uncomfortable about the way they come across.
B. They make an effort to speak in a way that may not be pleasant on the ear.
C. They make people wonder whether they should become movie selfish.
D. Most people accept that they are not typical of society as a whole.
42. What does the word “hierarchy” mean?
A. methodology

B. hypothesis
C. ideology
D. system
43. The writer uses the crowd on an underground platform to exemplify his belief that______.
A. no single attitude to life is more common than another in a city
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B. no one in a city has strict attitudes towards the behavior of others
C. views of what society was like in the past are often inaccurate
D. people in cities would like to have more in common with each other
44. The writer implies that new arrivals in a city may ______.
A. change the image they wish to have too frequently
B. underestimate the importance of wealth
C. acquire a certain image without understanding what that involves
D. decide that status is of little importance
45. What point does the writer make about city dwellers in the final paragraph?
A. They are unsure as to why certain things are popular with others.

B. They are aware that judgments are made about them according to what they buy.
C. They want to acquire more and more possessions.
D. They are keen on to be the first to appreciate new styles.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blacks from 46 to 55.
Why does English spelling have a reputation for being difficult? English was first written down when
Christian monks came to England in Anglo-Saxon (46)______. They used the 23 letters of Latin to write
down the sounds of Anglo-Saxon (47) ______ as they heard it. However, English has a wider range of
basic sounds (over 40) than Latin. The alphabet was too small, and so combinations of letter were needed
to (48) ______ the different sounds. Inevitably, there were inconsistencies in the way that letters were
With the Norman invasion of England, the English language was put at risk. English survived, but the
spelling of many English words changed to follow French (49)______, and many French words were (50)
______ into the language. The result was more irregularity.
When the printing press was invented in the fifteenth century, many early printers of English texts spoke
other first languages. They (51) ______ little effort to respect English spelling. Although one of the shortterm (52) ______ of printing was to produce a number of variant spellings, in the long term it created
fixed spellings. People became used to seeing words spelt in the same way. Rules were (53)______ , and
dictionaries were put together which printers and writers could refer to. However, spoken English was not
fixed and continued to change slowly – just as it still does now. Letters that were sounded in the AngloSaxon period, like the “k” in “knife”, now became (54)______. Also, the pronunciation of vowels then
had little in common with how they sound now, but the way they are spelt hasn’t changed. No
(55)______, then, that it is often difficult to see the link between sound and spelling.
46. A. times
B. centuries
C. ages
D. years
47. A. chat
B. communication
C. speech
D. discussion

48. A. explain
B. tell
C. perform
D. express
49. A. guides
B. plans
C. patterns
D. types
50. A. announced
B. found
C. started
D. introduced
51. A. made
B. did
C. brought
D. put
52. A. actions
B. effects
C. conclusions
D. meanings
53. A. handed out
B. filled in
C. got across
D. drawn up
54. A. dumb
B. quiet
C. speechless
D. silent
55. A. idea
B. wonder

C. problem
D. mention
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
56. Until recently, women were forbidden by law from owning property.
A. Until recently
B. were
C. by law
D. from owning
57. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.
A. It is
B. extremely
C. for
D. to know
58. The committee decided to cancel its law suit, to approve the contract, and that it would adjourn the

A. to cancel
B. its
C. law suit
D. that it would adjourn
59. Mathematics is such important field and serves so many of the sciences that it is a prerequisite for
studying every scientific discipline.
A. is
B. such important
C. it
D. for studying
60. It may be argued that modern presidents have far great responsibilities than their predecessors did.
A. argued
B. great
C. their
D. did
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best way to complete each of the
following sentences.
61. ________ is not worth buying.
A. That ugly old yellow Chinese toy car
B. That ugly yellow old Chinese toy car
C. The yellow ugly old toy Chinese car
D. An ugly old Chinese yellow toy car
62. ________ I visited last year, is a nice city.
A. New York that
B. New York, where
C. New York, which
D. New York, in which
63. One man ________ outside his own country is tipped to become the new President.
A. little knowing
B. to know little

C. little known
D. to be little known
64. The chairman requested that ________.
A. the member studied the problems more carefully
B. with more carefulness the problem could be studied
C. the problem was more carefully studied
D. the members study the problems more carefully
65. Pease don’t talk so loudly while I am studying. Actually, ________ .
A. I’d rather you not talk loudly while I am studying
B. I’d rather you didn’t talk loudly while I was studying
C. I’d rather you don’t talk loudly while I am studying
D. I’d rather you didn’t talk loudly while I am studying
Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the question.
The adage that "a woman’s place is in the home” no longer applies to the dauntless ladies in space. The
first woman in space was a Soviet who orbited the Earth with a male companion in 1963 and landed
unscathed after a three-day sojourn abroad a spacecraft. Seemingly, it was inevitable that another Soviet
woman would repeat her feat. The second woman in space was Svetlana Savitskaya, a parachutist and test
pilot, who served as researcher aboard Soviet Soyuz T-7, which had a rendezvous with Salyut 7, the space
station in which the longest manned orbital flight was complete.
Ms. Savitslaya’s aptitude for space travel was patent in her past experience in aviation. Holder of several
women’s records in aviation, she had flown sundry types of aircraft and made over 500 parachute jumps.
Her father was a Soviet Air Force marshal, and her husband a pilot. Without a qualm she boarded the
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spacecraft with her commander. Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Popov, and another rookie astronaut who was
the flight engineer.
Soviet authorities announced that they were looking forward to gaining further information about the
“weaker sex”, so-called in the Soviet newspaper Tass, under the stressful conditions of space travel. Sex,
however, is considered and impediment but rather a benefit in space, for the Soviet have lauded women
for their precision and accuracy in carrying out experiments.
As planned, the American put their first woman in space in mid-1983. Sally Ride was their choice. Ms.
Ride joined the NASA program with five other woman and thirty-four men to train as astronauts in the
space shuttle program. She faces an epoch when space travel will no longer be a glamorous adventure but,
rather, a commonplace day’s work.
66. The word “rookie” is closest meaning to ______.
A. well-known
B. novice
C. experienced
D. practicing
67. You can infer that women have been included in the space program as a result of ______.
A. public outcry
B. their husbands
C. their qualifications
D. their ability of working under stress
68. Soviet authorities apparently think that men and women are ______.
A. equal
B. different

C. weaker
D. inevitable
69. The Soviet Salyut 7 was ______.
A. joined by Soyuz T-7 B. manned by a woman C. an experiment
D. a training craft
70. Ms. Savitskaya was chosen to travel into space because ______.
A. her father was in the Soviet Air Force
B. she was dauntless
C. her ability to endure stress and her precision in doing experiments
D. she was experienced in aviation
71. How do you know whether the statement “Ms. Savitskaya showed no fear of space travel” is true or
A. It was stated.
B. It was implied.
C. No information was given.
D. None of them is correct.
72. From the use of the term “weaker sex”, you can infer that the Soviet ______.
A. think that Soviet women are not strong
B. entertain a bias against women
C. think that Soviet men are better than women
D. question the women’s movement
73. The word “lauded” is closest in meaning to ______.
A. recruited
B. promoted
C. evaluated
D. praised
74. An American woman has traveled ______.
A. to the moon
B. to NASA
C. in the space shuttle

D. with the Soviets
75. Space travel will soon be ______.
A. glamorous
B. adventuresome
C. an everyday experience D. a lot of work
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the sentence in italics.
76. Nobody is helping me, so I can’t finish my science project on time.
A. I could finish my science project on time if I were being helped by someone.
B. I needed help with my science project, but everyone just ignored me.
C. My science project will be difficult to do alone, so I should ask someone for help.
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D. No one had time to help me, so I couldn’t finish my science project on time.
77. People who are unhappy sometimes try to compensate by eating too much.
A. Unhappy people are usually overweight because they tend to eat too much.
B. Eating too much occasionally makes people unhappy and depressed.

C. For some people, eating too much is a reason to be miserable.
D. When depressed, people occasionally attempt to offset their misery by overeating.
78. One can hardly expect profits to double again this year.
A. Profits will probably drop by as much as 50 percent again this year.
B. It’s not likely that profits will again go up by 100 percent this year.
C. It’s quite possible that profits this year will be halved again.
D. It won’t be easy to double the profits again this year.
79. What can we do to convince him that the project is sure to succeed?
A. How should we go about persuading him that the success of the project is assured?
B. Why can’t he admit that the success of the project is in doubt?
C. Why can’t we persuade him that the scheme is sure to fail?
D. Doesn’t he want us to believe that the project is sure to succeed?
80. I’ve been out of the country for nearly a year, so I’m out of touch with everything here.
A. A year or so abroad will make you feel different about your own country.
B. On my return after almost a year, I was touched to find so few changes here.
C. I feel quite like a stranger now that I’m back after almost a year abroad.
D. The year abroad has estranged me, so I don’t want to go back to my own country.

1. A
11. A
21. C
31. C
41. B
51. A
61. A
71. A

2. A
12. A

22. A
32. D
42. D
52. B
62. C
72. B

3. B
13. D
23. B
33. C
43. A
53. D
63. C
73. D

4. D
14. D
24. A
34. A
44. C
54. D
64. D
74. C

5. C
15. C
25. A
35. A
45. B

55. B
65. D
75. C

6. A
16. C
26. D
36. B
46. A
56. D
66. B
76. A

7. B
17. B
27. C
37. D
47. C
57. D
67. C
77. D

8. D
18. D
28. B
38. A
48. D
58. D
68. B
78. B

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9. B
19. C
29. C
39. D
49. C
59. B
69. A
79. A

10. B
20. A
30. C
40. A
50. D
60. B
70. D
80. C


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