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(đề thi gồm 06 trang)
Môn: Tiếng
Thời gian làm bài: 90
(80 câu trắc
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Họ, tên thí sinh:..................................................................... Số báo danh: .............................
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 1 đến
Galaxies are not e v e nl y distributed throughout the universe. A few are found alone, but almost all are
grouped in formations termed galactic clusters. These formations should not be confused with stellar
clusters, g l o b ul a r clusters of stars that exist within a galaxy. The size of galactic clusters varies
enormously, with some clusters containing only a dozen or so members and others containing as many as
10,000. Moreover, galactic clusters themselves are part of larger clusters of clusters, termed
superclusters. It is surmised that even clusters of superclusters are possible.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of a galactic cluster called the Local Group, which has twenty
members and is typical in terms of the types of galaxies it contains. There are three large spiral galaxies:
Andromeda, the largest galaxy in the group; the Milky Way, the second-largest galaxy; and the Trianglum
Spiral, the third largest. There are also four medium-sized spiral galaxies, including the Large Cloud of
Magellan and the Small Cloud of Magellan. There are four regular elliptical galaxies; the remainders are
dwarf ellipticals. Other than our own galaxy, only Andromeda and the Clouds of Magellan can be seen
with the naked eye, and the Clouds are visible only from the Southern Hemisphere.
In the vicinity of the Local Group are several clusters, each containing around twelve members. The
nearest cluster rich in members is the Virgo Cluster, which contains thousands of galaxies of all types.

Like most large clusters, it emits X-rays. The Local Group, the small neighboring clusters, and the Virgo
Cluster form part of a much larger cluster of clusters – the Local Supercluster.
The existence of galactic clusters presented a r idd l e to scientists for many years – the “missing mass”
problem. Clusters are presumably held together by the gravity generated by their members. However,
measurements showed that the galaxies did not have enough mass to explain their apparent stability. Why
didn’t these clusters disintegrate? It is now thought that galaxies contain great amounts of “d a rk m a tt e r ”,
which cannot be directly observed but which generates gravitational pull.
This matter includes gas, dust, burnt-out stars, and even black holes.
Câu 1: Which of the followings does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Clusters and superclusters of galaxies.
B. The incredible distance between galaxies.
C. An astronomical problem that has never been solved.
D. A recent development in astronomy.
Câu 2: The word ‘evenly’ is closest in meaning to .
A. paradoxically B. predictably C. relatively D. uniformly
Câu 3: What conclusion can be made about galaxies that are NOT found in clusters?
A. They are outnumbered by galaxies that do occur in cluster.
B. They are not actually galaxies but parts of galaxies.
C. They are larger than other galaxies.
D. They have never been observed.
Câu 4: The word ‘globular’ is closest in meaning to _.
A. brilliant B. immense C. spherical D. dense
Câu 5: The author would probably characterize the existence of clusters of superclusters as .
A. theoretical B. certain C. impossible D. surprising
Câu 6: According to the passage, in what way is the Local Group typical of galactic clusters?
A. In its size. B. In its shape.
C. In the number of galaxies it contains. D. In the type of galaxies that make it up
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Câu 7: In the Local Group, which of the following types of galaxies are most numerous?
A. Large spirals. B. Dwarf ellipticals

C. Medium-sized spirals. D. Regular ellipticals.
Câu 8: All of the following are visible from somewhere on Earth without a telescope EXCEPT _.
A. the Triangulum Spiral B. Andromeda
C. the Clouds of Magellan D. the Milky Way
Câu 9: According to the passage, the Local Group and the Virgo Cluster have which of the following in
A. Both emit X-rays. B. Both are small clusters.
C. Both are rich in galaxies. D. Both are part of the same supercluster
Câu 10: The word ‘riddle’ is closest in meaning to .
A. clue B. theory C. tool D. puzzle
Câu 11: Which of the following is NOT true about the ‘dark matter’?
A. It may include black holes. B. It is found in the space between galaxies
C. It is impossible to observe directly. D. It helps explain the “missing mass” problem.
Câu 12: As used throughout the passage, the word ‘members’ refers to .
A. galaxies B. stars C. clusters D. scientists
Từ câu số 13 đến câu số 22, chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần
nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn hoặc hoàn tất các câu sau đây.
Câu 13: Let’s go shopping.
A. She suggests going shopping. B. She allows us to go shopping.
C. She says we can go shopping. D. She agrees to go shopping with him.
Câu 14: Whatever subject you choose makes no difference to me.
A. You can choose any subject, there’s no difference.
B. What subject you choose is important to me.
C. It doesn’t matter to me what subject you choose.
D. I don’t care about you.
Câu 15: You should have persuaded him to change his mind.
A. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t.
B. You should persuade him to change his mind.
C. You persuade him to change his mind but he didn’t listen.
D. You didn’t persuade him to change because of his mind.

Câu 16: After several months, the problem continues to be discussed.
A. The problem was solved after several months’ discussion.
B. The discussion of the problem ceased several months ago.
C. The solution to the problem has already been found after several months.
D. The discussion of the problem is not over yet.
Câu 17: He talked about nothing except the weather.
A. He talked about everything including the weather.
B. His sole topic of conversation was the weather
C. He had nothing to say about the weather.
D. He said that he had no interest in the weather.
Câu 18: However hard you work, you will never be promoted here.
A. You will never be promoted here; however you work hard.
B. No matter how you work, you will be promoted here.
C. Although you work really hard, you will never be promoted here.
D. If you didn’t work hard, you would never be promoted here.
Câu 19: As soon as they set off, it began to rain.
A. It began to rain before they set off. B. No sooner they set off than it began to rain.
C. Hardly had they set off when it began to rain. D. They set very soon before it began to rain.
Câu 20: It is essential .
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A. that everyone to know what to do when there is a fire
B. that everyone knows what to do when there is a fire
C. for everyone who knows what to do in the event of fire
D. for everyone knowing what to do in the event of fire
Câu 21: He offered to help her with the heavy suitcase, which was kind.
A. The suitcase which he offered to help her with was kind.
B. It was kind of him to offer to help her with the suitcase.
C. He offered to help her but the suitcase was too heavy.
D. It was kind of her to have him help with the suitcase.
Câu 22: Peter and Lucy had a quarrel, but they soon made up.

A. Peter and Lucy made a mistake but they soon corrected it.
B. Peter and Lucy hate each other since their argument.
C. Peter and Lucy had a quarrel but they soon let it go.
D. Peter and Lucy had a quarrel, but now they are friends again.
Từ câu số 23 đến câu số 27, chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân
cần phải sửa để các câu sau trở thành câu đúng.
Câu 23: If either o f you take a vacation, we will not be able to finish the work .
Câu 24: U n l e s s we polish metals f r e qu e n t l y , they r u s t o r tarnish when exposure to air
Câu 25: S e v e r a l people have apparent tried to change the man’s mind, but he refuses to listen.
Câu 26: Do you k n o w that there i s a high rate in interest on this loan.
Câu 27: T h e a i r that surrounds o u r p l a n e t is both odourless, colourless, and invisible.
Từ câu số 28 đến câu số 32, chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn
vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu.
Câu 28: A. interest B. appoint C. poisonous D. damage
Câu 29:
Câu 30:
A. security
A. exclusive
B. precious
B. prejudice
C. extreme
C. detective
D. apologize
D. suppose
Câu 31: A. influence B. definite C. desperate D. suggestion

Câu 32: A. vegetarian B. intention C. production D. desirable
Từ câu số 33 đến câu số 62, chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.
Câu 33: Having passed the entrance exam, go away for a holiday.
A. he is allowing to B. his parents allow him to
C. his parents allow him D. he is allowed to
Câu 34: By the end of next year, we this advanced training course.
A. will be finished B. will have finished C. are finishing D. have finished
Câu 35: Motorists of speeding may be banned from driving for a year.
A. judged B. arrested C. charged D. convicted
Câu 36: In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know .
A. what are each vegetable’s requirements B. what requirements for each vegetable are
C. that the requirements for each vegetable D. that is required by each vegetable
Câu 37: It’s only a small flat but it my needs perfectly.
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A. fills B. settles C. supplies D. meets
Câu 38: I’d like to this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it.
A. replace B. interchange C. exchange D. convert
Câu 39: further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Had D. Were
Câu 40: David is the captain of the school basketball team, his father before him.
A. just like B. similar to C. such as D. as well as
Câu 41: The door is unlocked. here last night.
A. Something strange should have happened B. Something strange was happened
C. Something strange had happened D. Something strange could have happened
Câu 42: Although he supports the Council, he does not take an active in politics.
A. part B. play C. affair D. charge
Câu 43: Why don’t you wear that blue dress of yours? It you.
A. goes with B. agrees C. suits D. watches
Câu 44: Although he claims to have left his job voluntarily, he was actually for misconduct.
A. dispelled B. dismissed C. released D. resigned

Câu 45: Olympiakos 0 - 0 with Real Madrid in the first leg of the semi-final in Athens.
A. equal B. equalized C. shared D. drew
Câu 46: The doctor told him that the he would gain from a healthy diet would be well worth the
A. advantages B. welfare C. profits D. benefit
Câu 47: Doctors usually have to study for at least seven years before becoming fully .
A. approved of B. tested C. qualified D. examined
Câu 48: Many minerals near the earth’s surface exist in small .
A. amounts B. number C. numbers D. amount
Câu 49: The young children are very on camping holiday.
A. interested B. keen C. eager D. enthusiastic
Câu 50: other mammals, whales do not have a sense of smell.
A. Dislike B. Unlikely C. unlike D. Not alike
Câu 51: Many people read newspapers waiting for the bus.
A. while B. as they C. during D. if
Câu 52: The director retired early ill-health.
A. on account of B. ahead of
C. on behalf of D. in front of
Câu 53: If you are you are kind and helpful to other people.
A. outgoing B. sociable C. polite D. caring
Câu 54: She’s annoyed me just because I’m late.
A. of B. with C. on D. for
Câu 55: In the long past, it was unclear whether Australia was to Antarctica.
A. united B. coupled C. connected D. integrated
Câu 56: The little boy was to steal the money when he saw it lying on the desk.
A. tempted B. appealed C. attracted D. brought
Câu 57: You can’t drive without a .
A. certificate B. diploma C. license D. degree
Câu 58: The government’s policy then was seen as a to local democracy.
A. threat B. suppression C. weakness D. harm

Câu 59: He refused to give up work, he had won a million dollars.
A. however B. even though C. as though D. despite
Câu 60: The company received complaints about the quality of its products.
A. continued B. continuing C. continual D. continuous
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