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(For teachers)

Hanoi - 2015

We wish to express our sincere thanks to our colleagues who have helped us create these exercise practice
materials from so many sources.
Above all, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to all those who are willing to share their valuable
experience, remarks and comments.
We wish all of you every happiness and success.

Lê Thị Thu Lan, M.A.
Trần Lan Anh, M.A.
Lý Thanh Tú, M.A.
Bì Văn Tự, M.A.

Liz and John Soars & Sylvia Wheeldon, 2012, New Headway 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press.
Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore- Knowles, 2008, Destination B1- Grammar & Vocabulary, Macmillan
Publishers Limited.

Michael Vince, 2008, Intermediate Language Practice, Oxford Heinemann English Teaching.
Lý Thanh Tú, 2013, English Sample Tests for Students of National University of Civil Engineering.

Grammar Reference 1
Review 1

Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs
Past simple, past continuous, used to

Grammar Reference 2
Review 2
Grammar Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous
Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous
Grammar Reference 3
Review 3
Grammar Future, time (present continuous, will, be going to)
Prepositions of time and place
Grammar Reference 4
Review 4
Grammar The passive 1
The passive 2
Grammar Reference 5

Review 5
Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns
Grammar Reference 6
Review 6
Grammar Pronouns and possessive determiners
Relative clauses
Grammar Reference 7
Review 7
Grammar Modals 1: ability, permission, advice
Modals 2: obligation, probability
Progress Test 1
Grammar Reference 8
Review 8
Grammar Modals 3: the modal perfect
Questions, question tags, indirect questions
Grammar Reference 9
Review 9
Grammar So and such, too and enough
Comparative and superlatives
Grammar Reference 10
Review 10 Grammar Conditional 1: zero, first, second
Conditional 2: third
Grammar Reference 11

Review 11 Grammar Reported speech
Reported questions, orders, requests













Grammar Reference 12
Review 12 Grammar

Direct and indirect objects

Grammar Reference 13
Review 13 Grammar -ing and infinitive
Both, either, neither, so, nor
Grammar Reference 14
Review 14 Grammar Connectives
The causative
Progress Test 2
Sample Test 1
Sample Test 2








Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs
Past simple, past continuous, used to

A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same line
Collecting records
These days, most of us have a CD (1) …………………. Before the CD, COLLECT
(2) ………………………. made LPs, or „long-playing‟ records. Although SING

many (3) ………………….. have never seen an LP, they were once very CHILD
popular. To play these records, you needed a record (4) PLAY
…………………… with a needle that ran along the record and produced
the sound. Some (5) ……………………… say the sound of LPs was MUSIC
better than CDs- and many (6) ………………………… agree! LPs are no COLLECT
longer very popular as a form of (7) ………………………. , but many ENTERTAIN
people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their (8) CHILD
……………………… and listening to records reminds them of the past
B. Complete using correct forms of the verbs in the box. You may use one word twice.
carry eat give join send take turn
9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to ……………………….... it with me!
10. It‟s noisy in this restaurant. Could you ask them to …………………..… the music down?
11. There was a fight during the match and the refree ……………………….. two players off.
12. We …………………….. out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time.
13. I love this song! …………………………...............................................................… it up!
14. I used to play the trumpet, but I …………………. up last year because I didn‟t have time.
15. We stopped playing because of the rain, but when it stopped we ……...……………… on.
16. A good way of getting more exercise is to ……………………. up a sport, like basketball.
C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match.
Jack …………………………………………........…….football and never misses a match.
18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty.
My uncle …………………………….................................................….until he was thirty.
19. Do you want to watch TV?
Do you ……………………...............................................................………………….TV?
20. John participated in a swimming competition last week.

John ……………………………...............…………in a swimming competition last week.
21. June and I had a game of tennis.
I had ……………………………….......................................................................….. June.
22. I played chest almost every day when I was young.
I …………………………………….......…….chess almost every day when I was young.

23. Volleyball doesn‟t really interest me.
I‟m not ……………………………................................................................…..volleyball.
24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party.
I …………………………….........................................…………….at your birthday party.
25. Young children like Disney land.
Disneyland …………………………...................................................…….young children.
26. Karen doesn‟t like watching sport on TV.
Karen …………………………....................................…………….watching sport on TV.
D. Choose the correct answer.
27. When you rang, I ………………….....................................................................…my bike.
A. cleaned
B. was cleaning
C. used to clean
D. clean
28. At my last basketball club, we …………....................…….every Saturday for three hours.

A. were training
B. training
C. train
D. used to train
29. I really ………………….............................…the meal we had at your house last Tuesday.
A. was liking
B. liked
C. like
D. am liking
30. We ………………..........................……to the beach every day when we were on holiday.
A. went
B. were going
C. go
D. used to going
31. I broke my leg when Tony and I ……….......................…………for the school sports day.
A. practised
B. used to practice
C. were practising D. were practised
32. Leon never ……………............……….about it, but he was once a world champion skier.
A. talks
B. is talking
C. was talking
D. talk
33. I ……………………like golf, but now I really like it.
A. don‟t use to
B. don‟t used to
C. didn‟t used to D. didn‟t use to
34. Denise ……………………at the stadium until she finds a better job.
A. works
B. is working

C. used to work D. was working
E. Match the two halves of the sentences
35. I waited outside the tennis club for
.............. A. fun, and I don‟t want to do it as a job.
36. When you rang, I was in
.............. B. stage, with all the audience clapping.
37. We finally got to the stadium just in
.............. C. time to see the match start.
38. I just play football for
.............. D. a long time, but George didn‟t appear.
39. I loved that film and when it comes out .............. E. on DVD, I‟ll definitely get it.
40. It‟s great to appear on
.............. F. the middle of cleaning my football boots.




 Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous
 Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous

A. Complete using the words in the box






My German teacher says I‟ve made a lot of ……………........................………..this term!
What time are you taking the French ……………...........................……………tomorrow?
I‟m not in ……………………...............…of giving students lots of homework each night.
Being able to drive a car is a very useful ……..........…………………………………….. .
Have we got to learn all these irregular verbs by …...........……………………………….?
Some languages, like Russian for …….………. , don‟t have words for „a‟, „an‟, and „the‟.
I got a very good ……………………….....................................……in my geography test.
Many people hate learning phrasal verbs, but in ….……………..they‟re not that difficult.
Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace words in bold. The first letter of
the first word is given to help you.
9. Simon r…..................................……….the wrong answer and wrote the right one.
(removed with a rubber)
10. Why did you r……………………….. …........…….that piece of paper? (tear into pieces)
11. If you make a mistake, just c…………………......….. it…………. (draw a line through)
12. You should l…..……….words you don‟t know in a dictionary. (find information about)
13. Carol, will you r…..............……………….your poem to the class, please? (say out loud)
14. Our teacher p……………….......…….………….that we only had five minutes left. (said)
15. Have you all w………………...............………. What the homework is? (made a note of)
C. Complete by changing the form of the words in capitals.

16. What‟s the name of Dave‟s driving ……………………….?
17. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are example of ………………..books.
18. I‟ve only been learning Arabic for a few months, so I‟m still a ...................
19. In maths, you have to learn to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and...........DIVIDE
20. Three of your answers were …………..……… , so you got 17 out of 20.
21. Are you really going to take part in the singing competition? I admire your ……BRAVE
22. I think every child should get a good ………………….....................….. .
23. There‟s a …………………………….to Albert Einstein in the town square. MEMORY
24. I want complete …………………………….. , so no talking at all!
25. This maths problem is too difficult for you, so I‟ll ………………it a little. SIMPLE
D. Choose the correct answer.
26. The first time …………………..............................................all the answers right in a test!
A. I‟ve got
C. I‟ve been getting
B. I‟d got
D. I‟d been getting
27. The exam ……………………….when Jimmy finally found the right room.



A. has already started
C. had already started
B. already started
D. already starts
28. ……………………….....that crossword for over an hour and you still haven‟t finished it!
A. You‟ve done
C. You‟ve been doing
B. You‟d done
D. You‟d been doing
29. When they let us go in, we …………........….outside the exam room for over half an hour.
A. have stood
C. have been standing
B. had been standing
D. are standing
30. Claire hasn‟t finished her homework …………..........................................................……
C. just
B. yet
D. ever
31. Have you ………………..............................................................…..been on a school trip?
A. yet
C. before
B. for
D. ever

32. Lizzie has been having dance classes ………….......................……she was four years old.
A. for
C. since
B. from
D. when
33. Had you been learning French ………….several years before you took your first exam?
A. for
C. since
B. from
D. when
E. Write one word in each gap.

You‟re doing a history test. Your friend, who‟s sitting next to you, really wants to succeed
(34) ………….the test. There‟s a question (35) ………………the First World War, which
you‟ve been learning (36) ……………recently. You know a lot (37) …………….it, but your
friend isn‟t really capable (38) …………… answering the question properly. Your friend
whispers „Help me!‟ to you. What should you do? Should you help your friend (39)
…………………….the question, or just continue (40) ……………your own test?
Every student has to cope (41) ……………….this difficult situation at some point. What‟s
your opinion (42) …………………cheating? Should you help your friend cheat (43)
…………….the test or not?
F. Write a suitable sentence using the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE :
43. Ann‟s hair was dirty. Now it‟s clean. (wash) ……..............................................................
Ann has washed her hair.
44. Tom was 80 kg. Now he‟s 70. (lose weight)
45. Bill played football yesterday. Now he can‟t walk; his leg is in plaster. (break)
46. My sister is looking for her pen. (lose)

47. Mary is on holiday in France. (go)

48. Mr. Hill was in Canada last week. He‟s back in London now. (be)
49. Look! Mrs. Smith has got a lot of packages. (buy)
50. I can‟t eat anything now. (eat too much)
51. Mrs. Jenkins is very tired. (clean / house)
52. Tony needs a holiday. (work / hard / this year)
Example: She can‟t go to the party. (catch a cold)
She can‟t go to the party because she has caught a cold.
53. He can‟t walk very fast. (hurt / leg)
54. I can‟t get in. (lose / key)
55. I know this story very well. (see the film)
56. I can‟t post the letter. (not put / stamp / on it)
57. He can‟t stand up. (eat too much)
58. They can‟t go on holiday. (not save / money)

59. I know him. (meet him before)
60. We don‟t know how he is. (not hear from him)
61. He won‟t take a cigarette. (give up smoking)
62. She can‟t get in. (he / lock the door)
H. Follow the example and do the same using ALREADY:
Example: Bring the milk in, please.
- I have ALREADY brought it in.
63. You must find the tickets soon.
64. Tidy your room.
65. Could you post the letters, please?

66. Why don‟t you see a doctor?
67. Brush your teeth, will you?
I. Follow the example and do the same using JUST:
Example: he / go out
- What has he JUST done?
- He has JUST gone out.
68. She / leave the room

69. They / watch the news
70. He / put on the jacket
71. Thomas / catch a fish
72. The teacher / walk out
J. Follow the example and do the same using YET:
Example: She has been in the shop. (buy anything)
- She has been in the shop but she hasn‟t bought anything YET.
73. I‟ve written to them three times. (not reply)
74. She went to the bus-stop half an hour ago. (the bus / not come)
75. I lent him $10 last month. (not give it back)
76. He lost his pen a week ago. (not find it)
77. She went to New York six months ago. (not return it)
K. Rewrite the following sentences twice, using SINCE and FOR:
Example: I haven‟t seen you. (Christmas / 3 days)
a) I haven‟t seen you SINCE Christmas.
b) I haven‟t seen you FOR 3 days.
78. We‟ve been here. (an hour / 4 o‟clock)
79. She hasn‟t spoken to me. (2 weeks / last week)



80. They‟ve lived in this street. (1970 / a long time)
81. I haven‟t had time to do it. (last Monday / a few days)
82. We haven‟t bought a new one. (ages / many years)
L. Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PRESENT
83. ……………………….. Tim ……………….........................………. (finish) his work yet?
84. ……………………….. he ……………………….........................… (finish) it yesterday?
85. They …………...........................………………………..........................…. (just / go) out.
86. They ……………………………..................................................… (go) out a minute ago.
87. …………………… Ann …….........................……………... (study) yesterday afternoon?
88. …………………… you …………………….........................……. (send) the letters yet?
89. …………………… she ……………...……......................……….. (call) him a week ago?
90. They …………………………....................................……………. (not / see) the film yet.
91. The train …………………………………………….................................... (just / arrive).
92. ………………………. you ………………….........…………. (ever / be) in a TV studio?
93. …………………… you and Tom …………………..……… (enjoy) the party last night?
94. …………………… you …………………………….....…. (not / finish) school last year?
95. I ………………………………….....……. (lose) my dictionary. I can‟t find it anywhere.

96. His hair looks short. He …………………..........……………………….. (have) a haircut.
97. When ……………………………………………........................ (he / give up) smoking?
98. Jane …………………………………….............................. (buy) her car two weeks ago.
99. My bicycle isn‟t here. Somebody ………………………….......………………. (take) it.
100. Why ……………………………..………… (Jim / not want) to play tennis last Friday?
101. The car looks clean. …………….....………….. you ……………………….. (wash) it?
102. When we were on holiday, the weather ………...........…………………… (be) terrible.





Future time (present continuous, will, be going to)
Prepositions of time and place

A. If a line is correct, put a tick ( √ ). If there is an extra word in a line, write the word.
Unseen London
1 …………………………
Of course, London is famous for that its attractions like Big Ben
2 …………………………
and the Tower of London. Millions of tourists look at these

3 …………………………
buildings every year- but not far distance from these places,
4…………………………… there are other interesting sights. Next time you set off to visit
5 …………………………
London, why not plan to go to some of the places close in to the
6 …………………………
centre of the city that tourists rarely go to? Get into of a taxi and
7 …………………………
ask the driver to take you to Billingsgate fish market, for
8 …………………………
example. When you arrive there at the market, you‟ll be amazed
9 ………...………………
at the sights and sounds of real London. You can ask to the fish
10 ………......……………
sellers about their work- and you don‟t have to wait on for hours
to get a ticket!
B. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
11. Did they give you a map of the area?
Did they …………………………………………………………........…a map of the area?
12. My intention is to travel to Malta by ferry.
I ……………………………………………………..........……….travel to Malta by ferry.
13. I like staying by the sea when I‟m on holiday.
I like staying ………………………………………………................when I‟m on holiday.
14. Be careful when you leave the bus.
Be careful when you …………………………….....................................…………the bus.

15. The beach is close to the hotel, so we can walk there.
We can…………………..................……….from the hotel to the beach because it‟s close.
16. Why don‟t you drive to Brighton this weekend?
Why don‟t you go to Brighton ……...............................……………………this weekend?
17. We‟re going to return to Bali again this summer.
We‟re going to ………………………...................................……..Bali again this summer.
18. I like to watch the planes leaving the ground when I‟m at the airport.
I like to watch the planes ………….................................…………when I‟m at the airport.
C. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.
19. We thought of driving to Berlin, but in the end we …….........……………… . FLY
20. Could you ask the ……………………………to slow down a bit, please?
21. Experienced ………………..will enjoy our hotel‟s comfortable double room. TRAVEL
22. Paris is really ……………………in the spring. Shall we go?
23. Let‟s fly in business- it‟s much more …………than the cheap seats!

24. Please check the ………………………..time on your ticket carefully.
25. We looked at all the hotels and in the end we …………………the Majestic. CHOOSE
26. I think we went in the wrong …………at the last turning and now we‟re lost. DIRECT
D. Choose the correct answer.
27. I ………………......................................................................…..around the world one day.

A. travel
C. am travelling
B. Am going to travel
D. travelled
28. Do you think Curtis …………….........................................……….the car race tomorrow?
A. will win
C. is winning
B. wins
D. won
29. What‟s the weather like ………………......................................….. Russia at the moment?
A. on
C. in
B. at
D. to
30. I can‟t come to your party because I …………..........................…… my cousin that week.
A. visit
C. visited
C. will visit
D. am visiting
31. I think there‟s a picture of the hotel ……………........................................… the first page.
A. on
C. in
B. at
D. to
32. We usually go away somewhere on holiday …………………........................... New Year.
A. on
C. in
B. at
D. to
33. Watch out, or you ……….................................................................………….off the boat!

A. fall
C. are falling
B. are going to fall
D. fell
34. It‟s my birthday ………………........... Friday, so we‟re spending the weekend in London.
A. on
C. in
B. at
D. to
E. Choose the correct answer.
35. I got ………………..........…..the car, turned the key and realised I didn‟t have any petrol!
A. into
C. onto
B. off
D. on
36. I hope our plane leaves on........... ………………………. ...................................................
A. timetable
C. schedule
B. plan
D. hour
37. My mum ……………........……...........….the bus to work every morning, but Dad drives.
A. catches
C. runs
B. does
D. goes
38. We had a long way to go so we ………..............................................………off very early.
A. made
C. put
B. set
D. had

39. I prepared ………………......…..my trip very carefully, and I still I forgot my toothbrush!

A. With
C. about
B. On
D. for
40. Public …………...........................……… in this city is quite good, and it‟s not expensive.
A. Travel
C. vehicle
B. Journey
D. transport
41. Mum …………..........................................................……….away on business quite often.
A. Sets
C. does
B. Takes
D. goes
42. It‟s easier to travel abroad when you can speak ……..……………..language like English.
A. A strange
C. an unknown
B. A foreign
D. an outside





The passive 1
The passive 2

A. Complete using the verbs in the box.
apologise defend





1. „Who‟s that over there?‟
„That‟s Graham Western, the actor. Let me …………………..................................…you.‟
2. „Hi, Harry!‟
„Oh! Hi, Rita! I didn‟t ………….............................………..you with your new hair style!‟
3. „I‟m really sorry!‟
„There‟s no need to …………......................................................................……………. .‟
4. „I‟m thinking of moving house soon.‟
„Do you want to buy or ……………………........................................................ a place?‟

5. „I wish I hadn‟t told Rebecca some of my secrets.‟
„Don‟t worry. You can ………………….................…. Rebecca. She won‟t tell anyone.‟
6. „Mr Parker is going to run a marathon for charity.‟
„Yes, I really ……………...........……… Mr Parker. He does such a lot of charity work.‟
7. „I‟m sure Billy didn‟t say that!‟
„Why do you always ……………....................……. Billy? He‟s not perfect, you know!‟
B. Write one word in each gap.
8. Could you look ……………….............………………our rabbit while we‟re in holiday?
9. Tim was Sandy‟s boyfriend, but they split ………………................…………last month.
10. Kim and Katy have fallen .................…………with each other, so Kim isn‟t going to
invite Katy to her party.
11. Phil was brought …………....................................………………….by his uncle and aunt.
12. Is Gareth really going …………………..................................................………..with Liz?
C. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.
13. I‟ve got so much ……………………….for Darren.
14. Susie is so ………………………… . She‟s always breaking things!
15. Tony said his dad is a millionaire, but he‟s such a ……………………….. . LIE
16. Lots of …………………………people live full and happy lives.
17. Karen apologised, so I …………………..her immediately.
18. Andrea has got a great ……………………… . You‟ll really like her!
19. I‟m not sure I‟ve got the ……………….to sing in public!
20 I hate people who are ………………………. .
D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning

to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
21. We gave my dad a surprise party on his fortieth birthday.
My dad ……………..................…………………a surprise party on his fortieth birthday.

22. After the play, they introduced us to all the actors.
After the play, ……………………………………………………..to all the actors.
23. They‟ve caught the person who stole your bike!
They‟ve caught the person who stole your bike ……………….......………caught!
24. No one had told me that Jill was coming!
I ……………………………….....................................………that Jill was coming.
25. Our English teacher and our German teacher are husband and wife.
Our English teacher ……………...............................………….our German teacher.
26. A neighbour is feeding our dog while we‟re away.
Our dog ……………...........................................…….a neighbour while we‟re away.
27. Use a sharp knife to cut the cake.
The cake …………………………………....................................……..a sharp knife.
28. I‟m not interested in what you think!
I ………………………………….........................................………..what you think.
29. My parents don‟t let me watch much TV at home.

I ………………………………..................................….to watch much TV at home.
30. They‟re going to invite over a hundred people to the wedding reception.
Over a hundred people ………………................…………to the wedding reception.
E. Choose the correct answer.

Parents and friends
We can choose our friends, but we can‟t choose our (31) ………………....... . That doesn‟t
mean, though, that members of our family can‟t also be our friends. Many children have such
a good relationship (32) ………………………… their parents that they see them as friends.
Of course, when you‟re a teenager, you‟ll have (33) …………………… with your parents.
There will be times when you don‟t (34) ……………………..on very well with them. That‟s
only natural. There will be times when you want to be (35) …………………..and solve your
problems (36) ……………… yourself. You‟ll also (37) …………………….your parents
down sometimes. After all, nobody‟s perfect and we all make mistakes. But your parents
understand that. And as you grow (38) …………………and become an adult, you‟ll probably
realise you have lots of things in (39) ………………with your mum and dad and become
even (40) ………………to them.
31. A couples
B guests
C strangers
D relations
32. A by
B for
C with
D from
33. A moods
B arguments
C lies
D dishonesty

34. A get
B take
C put
D set
35. A divorced
B single
C grateful
D independent
36. A on
B by
C for
D with
37. A let
B make
C take
D fall
38. A on
B over
C out
D up
39. A private
B common
C contact
D love
40. A fonder
B more proud
C closer
D more ordinary


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