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Khóa h c Ti ng Anh 10 – Cô Nguy n Th Ph


Cách thành l p tính t

Giáo viên: NGUY N TH PH


1. Thêm các h u t vào sau danh t .
harm => harmful (có h i)
use => useful (có ích)
hope => hopeful (đ y hi v ng)
beauty => beautiful (đ p)
What a beautiful view! (SGK trang 102)
Chú ý: N u danh t k t thúc b ng “y” ta chuy n thành “i” tr c khi thêm “ful”
b. –less (mang ngh a ph đ nh)
use => useless (vô d ng)
hope => hopeless (không có hi v ng)
home => homeless (vô gia c )
rubbish and useless things (SGK trang 122)
c. –ly
man => manly (nam tính)
woman => womanly (n tính)
friend => friendly (thân thi n)
year => yearly (hàng n m)
month => monthly (hàng tháng)

day => daily (hàng ngày)
Your school’s football team is going to play a friendly match with New Stars Football Club. (SGK trang 149)
A friendly match: tr n đ u giao h u
d. –like (gi ng nh , t ng t nh )
child => childlike (gi ng nh tr con)
brother => brotherlike (nh anh em)
e. –y
rain => rainy (có m a, m a nhi u)
snow => snowy (có tuy t, ph đ y tuy t)
dust => dusty (đ y b i)
ice => icy (có b ng, ph b ng)
mud => muddy (l y l i)
risk => risky (nguy hi m)
health=> healthy (kh e m nh)
If we resurface and raise the roads, they won’t be flooded and muddy when it rains. (SGK trang 85)
At times, this can be risky, and some keepers have been injured and one has been killed. (SGK trang 107)
Chú ý: N u danh t k t thúc b ng “e” ta b “e” tr c khi thêm “y”
f. –ish (có tính ch t c a, gi ng nh )
fool => foolish (ngu ng c)
self => selfish (ích k )
child => childish (gi ng nh tr con)
g. –al
magic => magical (thu c v ma thu t)
music => musical (thu c v âm nh c)
nation => national (thu c qu c gia)
industry => industrial (thu c công nghi p)
nature => natural (thu c t nhiên)
culture => cultural (thu c v n hóa)
person=> personal (thu c cá nhân)
inter-nation=> international (thu c v qu c t )

Ví d :
I like to learn English best because it is an international language. (SGK trang 22)
It is a personal communicator which helps you to interact with other computers and with people around
the world. (SGK trang 55)
Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr

ng chung c a h c trò Vi t

T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa h c Ti ng Anh 10 – Cô Nguy n Th Ph


Cách thành l p tính t

It is a magical typewriter which allows you to type and print any kind of document: letters, memos or
requests for leave. (SGK trang 55)
Trees, grasses, and other plant life play an important part in the natural circulation of water, and thus help
conserve it. (SGK trang 105)
What trees and animals can you see in a national park? (SGK trang 112)
Scott was born in Texas in 1886, into a poor but musical black family. (SGK trang 129)
Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam is a famous historical and cultural site in Hanoi. (SGK trang 166)
Chú ý: N u danh t k t thúc b ng “y” ta chuy n thành “i” tr c khi thêm “al”
N u danh t k t thúc b ng “e” ta b “e” tr c khi thêm “al”
h. –ous
poison => poisonous

danger => dangerous
nerve => nervous
fame => famous
adventure => adventurous
mystery => mysterious
I was really nervous. (SGK trang 30)
New York is also the place where tourists can visit some world famous art galleries and museums. (SGK trang 157)
Chú ý: N u danh t k t thúc b ng “y” ta chuy n thành “i” tr c khi thêm “ous”
N u danh t k t thúc b ng “e” ta b “e” tr c khi thêm “ous”
i. –able
fashion => fashionable (h p th i trang)
comfort => comfortable (tho i mái)
value => valuable (có giá tr )
A student who can do his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in a much better position than a
student who does his homework in a small noisy room with the TV on. (SGK trang 72)
j. –ic
photograph => photographic (thu c v nhi p nh)
atom => atomic (thu c v nguyên t )
scene => scenic (thu c v c nh v t)
history => historic (quan tr ng trong l ch s , có th t trong l ch s )
Ví d :
I joined a photographic club when I was at secondary school. (SGK trang 48)
Soon after, she was award a Noble Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium. (SGK trang 33)
We visit shops, offices, and places of scenic beauty with the help of computers. (SGK trang 54)
Chú ý: N u danh t k t thúc b ng “y” ta chuy n thành “i” tr c khi thêm “c”
2. Thêm h u t vƠo sau đ ng t
act => active (n ng đ ng, ch đ ng)
attract => attractive (h p d n)
its attractive characteristics at present. (SGK trang 174)

suit => suitable (phù h p, thích h p)
eat => eatable (có th n đ c)
drink => drinkable (có th u ng đ c)
achieve => achievable (có th đ t đ c)
change => changeable (có th /d thay đ i)
Ví d : Fill each of the blanks of the summary below with a suitable word from the reading passage.
Chú ý: N u đ ng t k t thúc b ng “e” ta b “e” tr c khi thêm “able” nh ng khi danh t t n cùng b ng
“ge” thì ta gi nguyên và thêm “able”
c. –ed
interest => interested (quan tâm v ) + in
crowd => crowded (đông đúc)
Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr

ng chung c a h c trò Vi t

T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa h c Ti ng Anh 10 – Cô Nguy n Th Ph


Cách thành l p tính t

disable => disabled (khuy t t t)
retard => retarded (ch m phát tri n)
He has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded streets to get to school. (SGK trang 23)

The twenty-five children, who are learning how to read and write in her class, are disabled. (SGK trang 44)
Some are deaf, some dumb and others mentally retarded. (SGK trang 44)
d. –ing
interest => interesting
Besides, many of us have never been inside a cave, so I suppose the trip will be very interesting. (SGK trang 64)
3. Thêm ti n t vƠo tr c tính t .
a. SuperNatural => supernatural (siêu nhiên)
Fine => superfine (th
b. Under
Developed => underdeveloped (kém phát tri n)
Done => underdone (tái)
Ethiopia is an example of an underdeveloped country.
c. OverConfident => overconfident (quá t tin)
Crowded => overcrowded (quá đông)
Being overconfident is not a good thing.
d. SubConscious => subconscious (thu c ti m th c)

ng h ng)

4. M t s tính t mang ngh a ph đ nh đ c thành l p b ng cách thêm ti n t vƠo tr c tính t .
a. Unhappy => unhappy (không h nh phúc, không vui)
fortunate => unfortunate (không may m n)
comfortable => uncomfortable (không tho i mái)
I feel uncomfortable when travelling in crowded streets.
b. inconvenient => inconvenient (b t ti n)
formal => informal (không trang tr ng, thân m t)
informal letter
inconvenient place
c. impatient => impatient (không kiên nh n)
possible => impossible (không th )

Marie Curie harboured the dream of a scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that time.
(SGK trang 32)
d. ir- (tr c nh ng t b t đ u b ng r)
regular => irregular (b t quy t c)
relevant => irrelevant (không liên quan)
Ví d : irregular verbs (đ ng t b t quy t c)
e. il- (tr c nh ng t b t đ u b ng l)
legal => illegal (phi pháp, b t h p pháp)
logical =>illogical (không logic, phi lý)
Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr

ng chung c a h c trò Vi t

T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa h c Ti ng Anh 10 – Cô Nguy n Th Ph


Cách thành l p tính t

literate => illiterate(mù ch , th t h c)
She is wrong when she puts them in an illogical order.
f. dishonest => dishonest (không thành th t)
I don’t like him because he is a dishonest person.
5. M t s tính t kép đ c thành l p b ng cách k t h p m t danh t v i m t quá kh phân t .
Man + made =>manmade/man-made (nhân t o)

Hand +made =>handmade/hand-made (làm b ng tay/ th công)
another man-made satellite (SGK trang 62)
6. K t h p well/ill v i quá kh phân t
Well + done => well-done (n u chín)
Well + prepared => well-prepared (đ c chu n b t t)
Well + known => well-known (n i ti ng) = famous
Ill + prepared => ill-prepared (đ c chu n b t i/không c n th n)
It can also mean that the school becomes well-known for being good at certain sports. (SGK trang 153)
Giáo viên: Nguy n Th Ph
Ngu n

Hocmai.vn – Ngôi tr

ng chung c a h c trò Vi t

T ng đài t v n: 1900 58-58-12




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