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Unit 7 Your house lesson 2 A3-5

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Your house

Unit 7
Period 40

LESSON 2: A3,4,5




Minh: ______ there a lake near your house?
Hoa: Yes, ______is.
Minh: Are ______ any flowers near your house?
Hoa: No, there ______.

Your house

Unit 7
Period 40

LESSON 2: A3,4,5



Minh: Is there a lake near your house?

Hoa: Yes, there is.
Minh: Are there any flowers near your house?


 

Hoa: No, there aren’t.
Is there + a/ an + N + near your house?
Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.

Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
No, there aren’t.

Yes, there are. 

Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có
hay không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở
gần nhà bạn) không?”

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.


Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.
Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay
không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


Is / lake/ your house

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.
Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.
Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay
không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


Is / post office

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.
Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.
Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay
không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


Is / supermarket

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.


Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.
Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay

không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


Are / banks

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.


Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.
Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay
không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


Are / trees

Your house

Unit 7

LESSON 2: A3,4,5

Period 40

Is / lake

Are / banks

Is / post office

Is / supermarket

Are / trees

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?

- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.
Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?
-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.

Listen and draw the
picture you hear.

Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay
không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


1. Picture drill
2. Listen and draw
III. Production
S1 S2




Is there……?




Are there….?

/ No, there…

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Presentation


(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
2.Modal sentences
Is there + a/an+ N + near your house?
- Yes, there is.
- No, there isn’t.
Are there + any + Ns/es + near your house?

-Yes, there are.
–No, there aren’t.

Listen and draw the
picture you hear.

Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có hay
không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở gần nhà
bạn) không?”


1. Picture drill
2. Listen and draw
III. Production
S1 S2


Listening: Listen and draw the picture you hear.
There are some mountains behind the house.
There are some tall trees to the right. There’s a
lake to the left.

Minh: Is _______a

there ________
Hoa: Yes, _______
there any trees in your
Minh: Are ______
Hoa: No, there
_____ _______



Modal sentences
+ Is there a yard? Yes, there is.
+ Are there any trees? No, there aren’t.

Is/ Are there + a/any+ ...... ?
Yes, there is/are.
No, there isn’t/ aren’t.
Lưu ý: are not = aren’t
Cách dùng: Đây là câu hỏi trả lời có
hay không. Dùng để hỏi “ Có cái gì (ở
đâu) không?”

Unit 7
Period 40

Your house
LESSON 2: A3,4,5

I. Warm up:
II. Presentation

(a) Super market Siêu thị
(a) post office bưu điện
(a) bank ngân hàng
1.What / that / hotel

4. that / supermarket

2.What / those / flowers

3. What / that / bank

5. this / restaurant

6.that / post office

7. this / hospital

8.these/ tall trees

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