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Ebook TOEFL BT insider the super guide part 2

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iERCISE 2, you briefly introduced the main speaker's opinion. Now write a detailed summary of how
le explains and elaborates upon his/her opinion. Remember to use appropriate transitional phrases.

Exercise 4
Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, create an appropriate conclusion. Remember to
emphasize why the main speaker holds such a strong position on the issue.

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B-Ch3 | Fit and Expiam TasK

Additional Practice

Please read the following sample task 3 passage. Underline important information in the passage.

Announcement from Student Technology Services
Recently it was discovered that a small group of students has been abusing the use of the
Internet in campus computer labs. Due to these abuses, Student Technology Services will be
changing its policy concerning lab use. Beginning in January, all students will be required to
sign in using a valid student ID in order to use the campus computer labs. Anyone without a
student ID will be turned away. As an additional measure, the closing time will be changed
from 9:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below.

Now respond to the following speaking prompt.
T h e w o m a n e x p re s s e s h e r o p in io n o f th e a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e b y S t u d e n t T e c h n o lo g y Services.
S ta te h e r o p in io n a n d e x p la in th e re a s o n s s h e g iv e s fo r h o ld in g th a t o p in io n .


Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

¡e read the following sam ple task 3 passage. Underline important information in the passage.

Letter to the Editor
rst, I would like to thank the editor for bringing to our attention the new activity fees that
udents will be required to pay at registration next year. I myself feel that the extra hundred
jllars is unjustified. It’s nice that the university wants to build a new campus center, but 1
ould have appreciated, at the very least, some advance notice about the new fees, and at
ost, a say in whether or not we as a student body even wanted a new campus center to begin
ith, especially if we’re going to be paying the bill for the next few years.

L is te n to th e fo llo w in g c o n v e rs a tio n a n d ta k e n o te s in th e s p a c e p ro v id e d b e lo w .

N o w re s p o n d to th e fo llo w in g s p e a k in g p ro m p t.
T h e w o m a n e x p r e s s e s h e r o p in io n o f th e le tte r c o n c e r n in g a c tiv ity fe e s . S t a te h e r o p in io n a n d
e x p la in th e re a s o n s s h e g iv e s fo r h o ld in g th a t o p in io n .

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B‘ Ch3 | Fit and Explain Task


Please read the following sample task 3 passage. Underline Important information in the passage.

Announcement from the Office of the Registrar
Beginning with the upcoming fall registration period, all students, regardless of year, will be
required to see an advisor before they are allowed to formally register. Upperclassmen working
on a concentration will need to speak with a faculty member from their respective
departments. Underclassmen not yet working toward a major should contact the office of the
registrar to be assigned an academic advisor. Students registering in person at the office will
have to present a signed form from an advisor in order to register.

Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below.



Now respond to the following speaking prompt.
T h e w o m a n e x p re s s e s h e r o p in io n o f th e a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e b y th e O ffic e o f th e R eg istrar.
S ta te h e r o p in io n a n d e x p la in th e re a s o n s s h e g iv e s fo r h o ld in g t h a t o p in io n .

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

e read the following sample task 3 passage. Underline important information in the passage based

5 guidelines provided in the Guided Note Taking section.

Announcement from the Office of the Registrar
the interest of our student body’s health and wellness, all incoming freshmen for the next
ademic year will be required to take at least two physical education classes in order to
aduate. In addition, other underclassmen still working to complete their general

quirements may also be subject to the new policy, and should meet with their advisors to
scuss the matter further. Please refer to the new student handbook for complete details.


Listen to the following conversation and take notes in the space provided below.


Now respond to the following speaking prompt.
The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement made by the Office of the Registrar.
State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B-Ch3 | Fit and Explain Task




T___ B


[ In te g ra te d S p eakin g Tasks ]

Speaking Task- 4

General/Specific Task

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

ng Task 4, you will first read a short passage (75-100 words) which explains a general concept. You
sten to a short lecture (60-90 seconds) in which that general concept is applied to a specific situation.

at of the Reading
ng will h a v e a title th a t in d icates th e g e n e ra l c o n c e p t b e in g d iscu s sed . T h e re ad in g will g e n e ra lly
basic ex p la n atio n of th e g e n e ra l c o n c e p t a n d o n e o r tw o re le v a n t details. Lo o k a t th e e x a m p le below :

ing is an educational practice in which a student’s educational focus is determined by
dng the student’s inherent strengths and weaknesses. Once this has been determined,
udent receives an education that focuses on developing these talents. While some
educators endorse tracking as the best method to ensure each student’s various talents are
utilized, others oppose tracking, claiming it limits a student’s choices for the future.

Format of the Lecture
! lecture will be on a topic related to the general concept of the reading. It will provide one or two
cific applications of the general concept, with points that directly relate to the relevant details of the
ding passage. Listen to the following lecture and look at the outline below:


M a in Id e a : Schools can influence students' future
A p p lic a t io n 1: Vocational HS

Students receive specialized job training at expense of traditional academic instruction.
• D e ta il 1: Selection based on income and likelihood of attending college
• D e t a il 2: Students who attend vocational HS get job training but have little chance of

attending college.
A p p lic a t io n 2: Advanced placement programs

Advanced placement programs are for students with best grades.
• D e t a il 1: Students in these programs are greatly favored by top colleges.
• D e t a il 2: Not many students accepted into these programs, so other students' chances of

getting into a good college are lessened.

lerstanding the Connections Between the Reading and the Lecture
der to properly respond to task 4 you must understand the connections between the reading and the
ire. In the case of the example above, you must understand that vocational high schools and
meed placement programs are forms of tracking. You must also see the connections between the
ils of the reading and the details of the lecture (i.e., the way that students are selected for these
rams and how those programs affect a student's future options).

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B-Ch4 | General / Specific Task

Preparing Your Response

= Guided Note Taking
When taking notes for task 4, it is important that you note the key points both from the reading passage and
the lecture, as you will be asked to draw connections between the two.
As you go through the reading passage, be sure to take notes on the following:
1. C o n c e p t - This is generally stated in the title of the passage.
2. D e fin itio n - In a few words, summarize the definition as it appears in the passage.
3. K e y P o in ts - Note whatever details are most relevant to the explanation of the concept

(e.g. elaboration, examples, and applications).
As you listen to the lecture, be sure to take notes on these key elements:
1. M a in Id e a - What is the lecture about?
2. K e y P o in ts - Note relevant details, examples, or elaboration upon the main idea.
3. C o n n e c tio n s - How does the lecture relate to. apply, or elaborate upon the concept in the reading passage?

Exercise 1
Below is a sample reading passage in which key points have been underlined.

Homeostasis is a natural biological process that exists in nearly all organisms or organic

processes. The term refers to any self-regulating process by which biological systems achieve and
maintain stability. If this stability is threatened or disturbed, the system responds to such
changes by means of various built-in regulatory devices that work to adjust to those changes and
re-establish equilibrium. Homeostasis is essential to life because it allows an organism to remain
within the parameters in which life can be maintained, even in the face of fluctuating conditions.

Please listen carefully to the following sample task 4 lecture. Complete the notes in the space

provided. Use your notes from the passage above to draw connections.

M a in , idea: hu.Kw.aiA, body's self-reg . o f tem.p.

K tL j P o in tS:

C o n n e c t io n s t o th e r e a d i n g :

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

eating an Introduction
r introduction should include all the elements necessary to laying the foundation for the body of your
lonse. Begin with a brief summary of what the lecture is mainly about. Then briefly explain the overall
lection between the lecture and the concept presented in the reading. Look at the example below:
The p ro fe s s o r d is c u s s e s th e w a y s in w h ic h a s c h o o l a d m in is tra tio n c a n in flu e n c e a s tu d e n t’s fu tu re .
Explain h o w h is d is c u s s io n re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f tr a c k in g .

The professor explains how program s such as vocation al high schools a n d advan ced

placement programs can lim it a student’s options for the future. This relates to the concept
of tracking in that these programs are basically different forms of tracking.

can use the following phrases to help you create a strong introduction:

Explaining the connection between
the lecture and the reading

Jj^Jjum m arizing the main topic of the lecture
T h e p r o fe s s o r e x p la in s h o w /w h y -

T h is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f - in th a t -

T h e le c tu re is m a in ly a b o u t -

T h is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f - b e c a u s e -

Exercise 2
Use the notes you took in EXERCISE 1 to complete the introduction below.
T h e p r o fe s s o r ta lk s a b o u t te m p e r a tu r e re g u la tio n in th e h u m a n b o d y . E x p la in h o w h e r d is c u s s io n
o f th is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f h o m e o s ta s is .

The professor’s discussion of
relates to the concept of

In the passage, the concept of

in that

__ ___


Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

is defined as

B'Ch 4 | General / Specific Task


Providing Support and Elaboration
After you explain the main point of the lecture and its overall connection to the concept presented in the
reading, you need to start explaining these ideas in detail. The exact information that you will need to
include in your response will vary with each task 4 prompt, but generally you will need to explain:
1. Each application of the concept that appears in the lecture (there are usually 1 or 2
2. The relevant details of each application
3. How these details in the lecture relate to specific details of the concept presented in the
In your response, it is important that you are clear as to which of your statements refer to the reading
passage and which refer to the lecture. Here are just a few possible examples of phrases that will help you
construct your supporting statements in a clear and discernible fashion:

According to the professor, ~
The reading passage says that When the professor talks about

he is giving an example of -

The professor mentions - , which relates directly to the concept of -

Exercise 3
Use the following questions to generate connections between the reading passage and the lecture from
EXERCISE 1 and 2. Listen again to the lecture if necessary.

How does the regulation of body temperature exemplify the concept of homeostasis?


In what ways is the body shown to be a ‘self-regulating’ system? W hat points in the reading
passage does this relate to specifically?


Use your answers to 1 and 2 to create a coherent explanation of how the body’s regulation of
temperature illustrates the concept of homeostasis.

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

îveloping a Conclusion
(instructing a conclusion for task 4, it is important that you summarize the supporting details briefly
efficiently. In responses for task 4, these sentences will look something like your introduction sentence,
lat they should integrate your main idea with a brief summary of your supporting details. Look at the

mple below:

The professor explains how program s such as vocational high schools an d advanced
placem ent program s can limit a student's options fo r the future. This relates to the concept o f
tracking in that these program s are basically different form s o f tracking. According to the
professor, students who are not likely to attend college are enrolled in vocational programs
which stress teachingjob skills rather than academics. Thừ increases their ability to get a job
after high school, but virtually guarantees that they will not be able to attend college; thus it
limits their choicesfor thefuture. Likewise, advanced placement courses are reservedfor the
very best students. Since these courses are so important to admission to top colleges, advanced
placement programs limit the ability of many students to attend good colleges. In conclusion,
the programs described by the professor are both form s o f tracking. 4s such they
determine which students should receive which type o f education and therefore exert a
controlling influence on their futures.

Exercise 4
Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, answer the questions below to create an appropriate

Briefly restate the overall connection between the reading passage and the discussion.


Briefly summarize relevant details and/or examples from the lecture.


Use your answers from 1 and 2 to create a conclusion statement that briefly states your m ain
idea and briefly summarizes your supporting details.

In conclusion,

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

8‘ Ch 4 I General / Specific Task

Guided Practice 1
Exercise 1
Please read the following task 4 reading passage. Key ideas have been underlined for you.

Nature vs. Nurture
The concept of nature versus nurture comes from the debate over which of our physiological
and behavioral traits are innate (representing “nature") and which are products of our
environment (or “nurture”). The idea that humans gain all of their behavioral traits from
personal experience enjoyed wide acceptance for a long time, but through advances in the
science of genetics, scientists have been able to demonstrate that some behavioral traits may
actually be transmitted genetically, thus blurring the distinctions between “nature" and
“nurture” and reigniting a longstanding debate among specialists.

Please listen carefully to the following task 4 lecture. Complete the notes in the space provided.

h \ a i n s-piflteir's o p in io n :

HCey P o in ts :



C o n n e c tio n s to th e reacting :

Exercise 2
Use the notes you took in EXERCISE 1 to write an introduction that responds to the prompt below.
T h e p ro fe s s o r ta lk s a b o u t M o z a r t a s a c h ild g e n iu s . E x p la in h o w h e r d is c u s s io n o f th is re la te s to
th e c o n c e p t o f n a tu re vs. n u rtu re .

The professor’s discussion of
relates to the concept of

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

in t h a t

ircise 3
the following questions to generate connections between the reading passage and the discussion from
:RCISES 1 and 2.
How does the question of Mozart’s genius relate to the concept of nature vs. nurture?

What questions arise when considering Mozart's genius in light of the nature vs. nurture debate?

Use your answers to 1 and 2 to create a coherent explanation of how Mozart’s genius demonstrates
the nature vs. nurture debate.

Exercise 4

Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, answer the questions below to create an appropriate

Restate your introduction sentence, including the m ain idea.


Briefly state your supporting details.


Use your answers from 1 and 2 to create a strong conclusion statement.

In conclusion,

______ __________ ______________________

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

_______ ___________

B-Ch 4 | General / Specific Task


Guided Practice 2


Read the following task 4 reading passage and underline key ideas.

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a medical term that describes a type of eating disorder characterized by a
distorted body image and a manic obsession with weight control. It can and often does result
in a fatally low body weight. It is a condition that affects mostly young men and women in
industrialized Western nations. While there is no single cause of anorexia, researchers find that
those with traits like perfectionism or psychological disorders like obsessive compulsive
disorder are more likely to develop the illness.

Please listen carefully to the following task 4 lecture. Complete the notes in the space provided.


id e a :

K e y P o in ts :

Use the notes you took in EXERCISE 1 to write an introduction that responds to the prompt below.
T h e p ro fe s s o r ta lk s a b o u t e a tin g p h o b ia s a n d w o m e n in th e m ilita ry . E x p la in h o w h is d iscu s sio n of
th is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f a n o r e x ia n e rv o s a .

The professor's discussion of
relates to the concept of



Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

he following questions to generate connections between the reading passage and the discussion from
-low does the issue of eating phobias and women in the military relate directly to the description
sf anorexia nervosa in the reading passage?

io w do the pressures wom en face in the military relate to the description of anorexia nervosa in
he reading passage?

Jse your answers to 1 and 2 to create a coherent explanation of how eating phobias among
vomen in the military relate to anorexia nervosa.

Exercise 4
Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, answer the questions below to create an appropriate

Restate your introduction sentence, including the m ain idea.


Briefly state your supporting details.


Use your answers from 1 and 2 to create a strong conclusion statement.
In c o n c l u s i o n , _____________ ________________ ___ ______________________

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B‘ Ch4 | General / Specific Task



Additional Practice
Please read the following task 4 reading passage and underline key ideas

Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is the theory that the driving force in the evolution of societies is competition
among groups, races, and even nations for survival and dominance. Proponents of this theory
believe that different societies are locked in a struggle for existence, and that only those
societies fit for their environments (be it a political environment or an economic one) will
"survive’' the struggle. Supporters of this theory also believe that it is this struggle that drives
the advancement of human civilization.

Please listen carefully to the following task 4 lecture. Take notes in the space provided.

M a i n idea:

K tij Poi-wts:

C onnections, to the re a d in g :

Construct your response to the prompt below.
T h e p ro fe s s o r ta lk s a b o u t th e te c h n o lo g ic a l a d v a n c e s a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s o f th e C o ld W a r.
E x p la in h o w h e r d is c u s s io n o f th is re la te s to th e c o n c e p t o f S o c ia l D a r w in is m .


Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

e read the following task 4 reading passage and underline key ideas.

eudoscience is any variety of thought, theory, or concept that claims to be scientifically
unded but actually has no solid grounding in science or has not been acknowledged as true
plausible by the scientific community. Fields of study often characterized as pseudoscience
ually lack theories or claims that can be tested or verified utilizing the scientific method.
:spite their lack of scientific evidence, pseudosciences may gain widespread acceptance

long the general populace if they espouse ideas that help to confirm the beliefs or values of
e community.

Please listen carefully to the following task 4 lecture. Take notes in the space provided.

Mflwv idea:

K e y P o in ts :

C o n n e c tio n s to tine r e a d in g :

Construct your response to the prompt below.
The professor talks about 19th century attem pts to justify the practice of slavery. Explain how his
discussion relates to the explanation of pseudoscience.

B-Ch4 | General / Specific TasK

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN


Please read the following task 4 reading passage and underline key ideas.

Nuclear Fusion in Stars
Nuclear fusion is the process by which the nuclei of different atoms fuse together to form a
single nucleus. In order to fuse, nuclei must be subjected to enormous am ounts of heat and
pressure. In the natural world, such conditions are only found in the cores of stars.
Temperatures inside a star's core can reach tens of millions of degrees, and the immense
gravity of the star exerts a great am ount of pressure on nuclei. W hen nuclei fuse, they release
energy, primarily in the form of heat, thus inducing other nuclei to fuse as well.

Please listen carefully to the following task 4 lecture. Take notes in the space provided.

M a in id e a :

K e y P oin ts:

Connections to t h e reading:

Construct your response to the prompt below.
T h e p ro fe s s o r ta lk s a b o u t th e o b s ta c le s to p ro d u c in g fu s io n p o w e r. E x p la in h o w h is d is c u s s io n o f
th is re la te s t o th e c o n c e p t o f n u c le a r fu s io n in s ta rs .

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

Please read the following task 4 reading passage, then take notes on the key points in the space provided.

Xenophobia is an excessive and irrational fear of individuals who are different from oneself.
Xenophobia often centers on a fear and aversion to a specific social group. Generally,
xenophobia is rooted in a preexisting cultural prejudice but is often exacerbated or brought to
the surface by a traumatic experience involving a member of a certain group. Xenophobia can
result in discriminatory or violent behavior towards a group of individuals even in the absence
of provocation or justifiable cause.


Please listen carefully to the following task 4 lecture. Take notes in the space provided.



Mai.«, idea:
Key Points:
Connections to the reading:

Construct your response to the prompt below.
The professor talks about the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
Explain how his discussion relates to the concept of xenophobia.

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B'Ch 4 | General / Specific Task


[ Integrated Speaking Tasks ]

Speaking Task - 5

Problem I Solution Task

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

In Speaking Task 5, you will first listen to a conversation on campus which will last between a minute
and a minute and a half. Most often, this conversation will be between two students, but occasionally
it will be between a student and a professor. In the conversation one student will describe a problem
he or she is having and the other speaker will offer two possible solutions to that problem. You will
then be asked to summarize the student's problem and explain which of the two solutions you think
is b est a n d w h y . Y o u w ill h a v e o n e m in u te o f s p e a k in g time.

Format of the Conversation
The conversation could be about any campus related problem, but the conversations generally
follow the same basic flow. Listen to the following conversation and look at the outline below:
1. In tr o d u c tio n o f s t u d e n t ’s p r o b le m : Man has a big project due and not enough time to

finish it.
2 . D e t a ils o f s t u d e n t ’s p r o b le m : He has class late in the evening tomorrow and

Thursday is his heaviest day of classes.
3 . S o lu tio n 1: Skip classes to work on project
4 . P r o s /C o n s t o s o lu t io n 1: Professors might be angry if he skips classes
5 . S o lu tio n 2: Stay up all night to finish project
6 . P r o s /C o n s t o s o lu t io n 2: Student will be exhausted

Generally, all the conversations for task 5 will follow this same flow of ideas, meaning that as you
listen to those conversations, you should be listening for similar pieces of information.

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B*Ch5 | Prooiem / Solution Task


Preparing Your Response
» Guided Note Taking
Since each conversation for Speaking Task 5 follows the same basic format, you can use this knowledge
help guide your note taking. While listening to the conversation, you need to make sure you take notes or
the following things:
1. T h e s t u d e n t 's p r o b le m - Generally, you only need to listen for the basic problem. This should be stat

fairly early in the conversation. Students often get caught up in the specific details of the problem, but <
thorough understanding of these details is usually not necessary. Only focus on the basic problem, as
this is all you will need to explain in your response.
2 . T h e fir s t s o lu tio n t o t h e p r o b le m - Make sure you note down the basic solution to the problem.

Generally, it is not necessary to get all the specific details. However, if the speakers mention any pros cons to this solution, make sure to note these down.
3 . T h e s e c o n d s o lu tio n to t h e p r o b le m - Make sure you note down the basic solution to the problem.

Generally, it is not necessary to get all the specific details. However, if the speakers mention any pros
cons to this solution, make sure to note these down.

Exercise 1
Please listen carefully to the following sample task 5 conversation. Complete the notes in the
space provided. Remember to use abbreviations and symbols to help record ideas more efficien

s t u d e nJfs Problem.:

S o lu t io n 1 : transfer to other univ. + drive to see his g f
C ons to s o lu tio n :


S o lu t io n 2 :

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

Creating an Introduction
Starting with a strong introduction will help you complete the rest of the speaking task. You can use the
directions in the speaking prompt to help you create a strong opening sentence. Your opening sentence
should briefly and clearly state what the student's problem is. The following one or two sentences should
explain the two possible solutions and which solution you prefer. Look at the example below:
T h e s tu d e n ts d is c u s s tw o p o s s ib le s o lu tio n s to th e m a n ’s p r o b le m . D e s c rib e th e p r o b le m . T h e n
e x p la in w h ic h o f th e tw o s o lu tio n s y o u p r e fe r a n d w h y .

The m an’s problem is that he does not have enough time tofinish his sociology project.
The woman suggests that he should either skip his classes to work on the project or stay up
all night to work on it. I think skipping his classes tomorrow is a better solution.

You can use the following phrases to help you create a strong introduction:


Describing the problem

Describing the solutions

T h e m a n ’s p r o b le m is th a t -

T h e w o m a n s u g g e s ts th a t h e

Stating your preference

T h e w o m a n 's p r o b le m is th a t -

T h e m a n s a y s s h e s h o u ld -

In m y o p in io n , ~ is th e b e s t

o r th a t s h e s h o u ld -

o p tio n .


P e rs o n a lly , I th in k h e s h o u ld -

e ith e r - o r -

Exercise 2
Use the notes you took in EXERCISE 1 to complete the Introduction below.
The students discuss tw o possible solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem. Then
explain which of the tw o solutions you prefer and why.

The man's problem is that

The woman suggests that he either


In my opinion, the best solution is to

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B-Ch5 | ProDiem / Solution Task

Providing Support and Elaboration
After you explain the basic problem and which solution you prefer, you will need to support your choice w
a logical explanation of what makes it a better choice. You can do this in two ways: you can offer
explanations based on your own thoughts and opinions, or you can offer explanations based on the pros
and cons of the two solutions mentioned in the conversation. In order to create the strongest response
possible, you should try to use both types of support. The following phrases can help you support your

Support based on personal opinion
I p r e fe r th is s o lu tio n b e c a u s e I b e lie v e ~

Support based on pros/cons of the solution!
I fe e l th is is a b e t te r s o lu tio n b e c a u s e a s th e
w o m a n m e n tio n s ~

I th in k th is is th e b e s t id e a b e c a u s e -

In th e c o n v e r s a tio n , th e m a n p o in ts o u t th a t - ,

w h ic h is w h y I th in k h e s h o u ld -

Exercise 3
In EXERCISE 2, you stated which of the two solutions you thought was best. Now support your choice witl
detailed explanation. Try to use a mixture of your own opinions and details from the conversation to suppc
your choice.

I feel this is a better solution because____



In addition, as the man points out in the conversation,

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

Developing a Conclusion
n constructing a conclusion, you want to briefly summarize the most important ideas from your response,
-or Speaking Task 5 responses this will involve restating which solution you prefer and summarizing your
easons for that preference. Look at the example below:

The man's problem is That h e h as a huge project du e a t the end o f the w eek a n d h e doesn't
feel he has enough tim e to fin ish it. The w om an suggests that she should either skip his
classes tom orrow to work on the project or stay up all night to fin ish the project. I fe e l that
skipping his classes is a better solution. Personally, I d o n ’t like to work late a t night
because I don’t do very good work when la m tired. If the man stays up all night to finish

the project, he might not do a good job. In addition, as the woman points out, if he stays
up all night he will be really tired tomorrow. I don’t see the point in going to class when
you are exhausted, so he might as well just skip his classes and work on the project
tomorrow. In conclusion I see no advantages to staying up all night to finish the report.
Therefore, I think it would be better fo r the man to skip class and work on his project

Exercise 4
Using the ideas you developed in EXERCISES 1-3, answer the questions below and create an appropriate
T h e s tu d e n ts d is c u s s tw o p o s s ib le s o lu tio n s to th e m a n ’s p r o b le m . D e s c rib e th e p r o b le m . T h e n
e x p la in w h ic h o f th e t w o s o lu tio n s y o u p r e fe r a n d w h y .

1. Briefly restate which solution you prefer.



Summarize your reasons for this preference in one sentence.

Combine your answers to 1 and 2 to create a coherent concluding statement.

In conclusion,--

Therefore, I feel the best solution is to

Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN

B‘ Ch 5 I Problem / Solution Task

