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Giao an tieng anh lop 10 Unit13 Reading

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Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
Develop such micro-reading skills as scanning for specific information, summarising main
ideas, scanning for specific ideas, and guessing meaning in context.
- Use the cinema vocabulary such as silent films, screen, character and so on in order read.
II. Teaching methods: Integrated, mainly communicative approach

III. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures, video, laptop, loudspeakers, chalk and board.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Guessing Game
- Watch the following clips and guess
 What kinds of film are they?


Student’s activities
Work individual.
Suggested answers:
+ cartoon film
+ love story film
+ horror film
+ action film
+ fiction film

Lead in the new lesson.

2. Pre- Reading :
- Ask Ss to see 2 films and work in groups to
compare films nowadays and films in early
 Order the features in suitable films
A. Films in early
Black and white
B. Films nowadays.
- Ask Ss to present their answers.
- Check the answers.


Work in groups.


Present their answers.

 Vocabulary:

- Ask Ss listen to the passage.
- Introduce some new words/structure.


+ audience (n) /'ɔ:djəns/: a number of people or a


Listen to T and answer the
Guess the meaning of the

Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
particular group of people who watch, read or listen to
the same thing (khán giả).

+ motion (n) /'məuʃn/: the act or process of moving or
the way something moves (sự chuyển động).

(motion picture)
+ still(adj) /stil/: not moving (đứng yên, tĩnh lặng).
Synonym: silent.
+ screen (n) /skri:n/: the large flat surface that
films/movies or pictures are shown on (màn hình).
+ discover (v) /dɪˈskʌvər/: find out some thing new.

(khám phá).

+ film maker (n) /fɪlmˈmeɪkər/: a person who makes
films/movies (nhà làm phim).

E.g: Viet Max is a famous film maker in Viet Nam.
+ exist (v) /ɪɡˈzɪst/: to be real, to be present in a place .
(tồn tại, có thật)
Lesson plan – English 10


Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
 Existence (n) /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/: the fact of being real

or living or of being present. (hiện tượng có
E.g: Do you believe ghosts exist ?
= Do you believe in the existence of ghosts ?
- Read the words again and ask Ss to repeat.
- Call some Ss read again.
- Ask Ss to copy down the words/structure to
their notebooks.
3. While- Reading:
Task 1: Choose the words in the box below all
appear in the reading passage and match with the
definition on the right column.

Film-making industry.
Series of related events or
A period of ten years.
Quickly and in a short
Part of film.
A person in a film.
- Ask one student to read task 1’s requirement.
- Let them work in pairs.
- Ask Ss to find the words in the box appear in the
passage and underline them.
- Ask Ss to read the passage in silently.
- Check and correct mistakes.

Task 2: True or False
- Ask one student to explain the requirement of
task 2.
- Ask Ss to work in groups.

- Ask Ss to read the passage again and do the
- Wall around the classroom and offer help if
- Ask them read these sentences first and then call
them to give prediction.
Lesson plan – English 10



Listen to T and repeat the
Copy down the
words/structure in notebooks.

Work in pairs.

Suggested answers:
1. cinema
2. sequence
3. decade


Work in groups.

4. rapidly
5. scene

6. character

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

Give correct answers.


Give the prediction.

Take note if necessary.
Suggested answers:
1. F – (early – line1)
2. T
3. F (two decades. – line 4)
4. F (at the end of the 1920s. –
line 13)
5. T

Task 3: Choose the best answer:
- Ask Ss to do task 3 in individual.
- Ask Ss to compare their answer in pairs.
- Ask Ss to present their answers.
- Check and correct mistakes.

4. Post- reading:

- Ask Ss to work in groups and complete the
Summarize the history of cinema
(1)............................... History of cinema began.
(3)............................... Audiences were able to
enjoy the first long time.
Late 1920s
Sound was introduced,
.The cinema changed
- Correct Ss’ answers.
- Learn the new words by heart.
- Prepare new lesson: Unit 13:Films and cinema

Work individual.
Compare the answers.
Give the answers.
Suggested answers:
1. A - 2. C - 3. B - 4. A - 5. B



Work in groups.

Suggested answers:
1. In the early 19th century.
2. The films were about five or
ten minutes long.
3. 1910s.
4. Film became an industry.
5. Old silent films were replaced
by spokent ones.


Listen and take note.

Task 2: Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F):
1. The history of cinema today began in the middle 19th the century.
Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

Films in early days had sound.
The cinema developed rapidly in the first three decades.
The cinema changed completely at the end of the 1910s.
The cinema really became an industry in 1915.

Task 3: Choose the best answer:
1. When did the history of cinema begin?
A. In the early 19th century
B. At the end of 19th century
C. In the early 18th century
2. When was sound introduced?
A. In 1915s
B. In the early 1920s
C. At the end of 1920s
3. When were audiences able to see long films?
A. In the early 1905s
B. In the early 1910s
C. At the end of the 1915s
4. What form of films appeared as the old silent films were being replaced by spoken

A. The musical cinema
B. The painted cinema
C. The industry cinema
5. The best title for the passage is:
A. The Story of a Film Maker
B. A Brief History of Cinema
C. The History of the Film Industry

Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên



Objective: By the end of the lesson Ss will able to :
+ Know more vocabulary about kinds of films and adjectives about feeling
+ Ask and answer about films and cinema, express their attitude about a film
+ Practice a set of structures to express preferences in meaningful way
Teaching methods: Integrated, mainly communicative approach,
Teaching aids: projector, pictures, handout and textbook
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities

1. Warm-up

Fill categorization
- Divide the class into 2 groups.
- Show the following film posters on the

- Stick the following table on the blackboard
and ask Ss to stick the films with the correct
Science fiction film
Horror film
Detective film
War film
Romantic comedy
- The group finish first and all the correct
answers will be the winner.
Lesson plan – English 10


Work in groups.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
2. Pre- Speaking:
- By using pictures and e.g.
- Show some kinds of films on the screen and
let Ss call the name of each kind of film.
+ thriller /ˈθrɪlər/ (n): a film with an exciting story,

especially one about crime (Phim giật gân).
+ detective film /dɪˈtektɪv fɪlm /(n): a film in which
there is a murder or other crime and a detective who
tries to solve it. (Phim trinh thám).
+ action film /ˈækʃn fɪlm / (n): a film that has a lot
of exciting action and adventure (Phim hành động).
+ moving /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ (adj) : causing you to have deep
feelings of sadness or sympathy (cảm động).
Synonym: emotion.
+ violent /ˈvaɪələnt/ (adj) : involving or caused by
physical force that is intended to hurt or kill
somebody (bạo lực).
+ terrifying /ˈterɪfaɪɪŋ/ (adj) : making somebody
feel extremely frightened (kinh khủng).
- Read the words and ask Ss to repeat.
- Ask some Ss to read the words again.
- Ask Ss to give an example of kinds of film.
- Ask Ss to copy down the words.


Guess the meaning of the words.


Listen to T and repeat the words.


Copy down the words into their



Work in pairs.


Practice asking and answering
with their partner.


Some pairs of Ss stand up and
speak aloud the answer.

3. While- speaking:

Task 1:
- Give each student a handout, ask them to
work in pairs and do it quickly.
How much do you like each kind of film? Put a tick
() in the right column. Then compare your
answers with a partner’s.
Kind of film.
Not very
Not at all

Love story
Science fiction
- Give Ss answer basing on the structure:
* Ask: Do you like__________ films?
* Answer: + I like________ films very much.
+ I like________ films but not very
+ I don’t like________ films at all.
Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
E.g: I like cartoon films very much.
- Call some Ss to stand up and give.
- Give feedback.
Task 2:
- Ask Ss to look at the table in Task 2, page
135, use the kinds of films in column A and
the adjectives in column B to make a
dialogue with 3 Ss a group.
- Show a sample dialogue for Ss to practice
speaking easily.
A: What do you think of A: What do you think of
thriller films?

thriller films?
B: Oh, I find them really B: Oh, I find them really
C: I agree with you/
C: I don’t quite agree
Exactly/ You’re right.
with you. I find them
- Have Ss work in groups of 3 and practice on
3 minutes.
- Call some groups to stand up and play their


Read carefully the table in Task
2, page 135.


Create a dialogue using the table
and practice with their partners.


Work in groups.


Raise hand and play the dialogue
in front of the class.


Pay attention to the structure
“Prefer something to
Create a conversation base on
the sample dialogue and the
kinds of films they have just

Give feedback.

Task 3:
- Show 2 kinds of film on the screen to
introduce the structure “ prefer something to
Show a sample dialogue and ask Ss to base
on it and kinds of films Ss have just learned
to make their own conversation.
Ex: A: Which do you prefer, cartoon films or
science fiction films?
B: Well, it’s difficult to say. But I suppose I
prefer science fiction films to cartoon ones.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- Have Ss practice on 3 minutes and then play

the conversation in front of the class.
- Give feedbacks.

Lesson plan – English 10


Work in pairs.
Raise hand and play the
conversation in front of the class.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
4. Post- Speaking
- Ask Ss to open the textbook, page 135, Task



Ask Ss to work in pairs.
Have Ss practice talking about a film they
have seen, using the questions provided in
Task 4.
Review some questions that Ss have learned
in Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3.

Ask Ss to use these questions to make their
conversation effectively, combining some
questions in Task 4.
Call some pairs stand up and talk about their
- Give feedback.


Work in pairs.
Talk about a film they have seen.


Stand up and talk about their

Suggested answers:
A: Which film do you like best?
B: Oh, I like the film “Boys over
flowers” best.
A: Where did you see it?
B: I saw it on the Internet.
A: Really, What kind of film is it?
B: That is a love story film.
A: Who are the main characters?
B: The main characters are Gu Jun Pyo
and Geum Jan Di.
A: How do you feel about it?
B: It’s is exciting and moving.

A: Why do you prefer it to other films?
B: Because 4 main characters are very
5. Homework:
- Ask Ss learn the vocabulary by heart
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 13-


Lesson plan – English 10


Listen and take note.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information, talking notes
whiles listening, and summarising main ideas.
II. Teaching methods: Integrated, mainly communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures, laptop, loudspeakers, chalk and board.
Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities

1. Warm up:


Skim game
Divide class into 4 groups
Show 8 activities and ask Ss try to
remember them.
Ask Ss from each group take turn to
write down these activities on the
The group finish first and have all the
correct answers will be the winner.

Ask Ss some question:
How often do you go to cinema?
How often do you watch TV?

Lesson plan – English 10

Listen to the rule.
Work in groups.
Suggested answers:
- Visit grandparents
- Watch TV

- Go on a picnic
- Chat on the net
- Go to a singing club
- Listen to music
- Go dancing
- Go to the cinema


Answer the questions.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
How often do you listen to radio?
- Lead in the new lesson.
2. Pre- listening:
- Set the scene : “You are going to listen
to 2 friends Lan and Huong taking
about their plans for the next week.”
- T introduces some new words:
+ suppose /səˈpoʊz/ (v): to think or believe
that something is true or possible. (tin rằng,
nghĩ rằng)
E.g: I suppose you think it's funny, do you?
+ cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ (n): a building in which
films/movies are shown. (rạp chiếu phim)


Guess the meaning of the words.


Listen to T and repeat the words.


Copy down the words into their

+ guess /ɡes/ (n): to try and give an answer.
(suy đoán )
E.g: Can you guess his age?
+ instead /ɪnˈsted/ (adv): in the place of
somebody/something. (thay cho, thay thế).
E.g: Because we had no sugar, we used honey
+ picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/ (n): an occasion when
people pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors.
( dã ngoại )

E.g: It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic.
- Read the words and asks Ss to repeat.
- Ask some Ss to read the words again.

Ask Ss to copy down the words to their


Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
3. While listening:
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to

the tape and verify their prediction.
- Play the tape once for Ss to listen.
Task 1: Listen to the dialogue and choose
the best answer:
What are Lan and Huong planning to go
A. To listen to the song of the film.
B. To see a play.
C. To watch Titanic on Tv.
D. To go to the cinema to see Titanic.
- Play the tape once again, stop where
necessary and conduct the correction.
- Give the correct answer.

Task 2: Listen and decide whether the
following statements that Huong say are
true (T) or false (F).
- Ask Ss to read each sentence in pairs


Listen to the T.


Listen to the tape and do the task.


Give their answer.

Suggested answers:
D. To go to the cinema to see Titanic.


Listen to the T.


Work in pairs.
Give their answer.

and highlight the key words in each of

the sentences before listening.
Help Ss to focus on main
ideas/information while they are


Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice.


Ask Ss to work in pairs.


Play the tape once again, stop where
necessary and conduct the correction.


Check Ss’ answer.

Task 3: Listen again. Write their plans for
next week on the calendar .
Lesson plan – English 10

Suggested answers:
1. T
2. F – On Wednesday.
3. T
4. F – some of her friends.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm

Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên


Show Lan and Huong’s plans for next
week on the calendar .
Depend on task 2 and task 3. Listen
again and finish the table.
Work in groups.
See a ...(1)....



Work in group and listen again.

Suggested answers:
1. play
2. grandparents
3. Chinese
4. work (busy)
5. picnic

Work and go
to the singing






Take ...(3)....


Answer the question: They can go to
the cinema on Tuesday.


Listen and fill in the gaps.

Go on a......

Ask question: On what day can they go
to the cinema together ?
4. Post- listening:

- Give Ss handout.
- Ask Ss to listen to the song “ My heart
will go on” and fill in the gaps in
My heart will go on

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you..(1)…on
Far across the distance
And spaces ...(2)... us
You have come to ...(3)... you go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the ..(4)… does go on
Once more you ...(5).. the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one..(6)…
And last for a lifetime
And ..(7)... let go till we’re gone
Lesson plan – English 10

Suggested answers:
1. go
2. between
3. show
4. heart
5. open
6. time

7. never
8. love
9. you
10. on

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
…(8).. was when I loved you
One true time I hold you
In my life we’ll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more..(9).. open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and ..(10)…
5. Homework:
- Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about


Listen and take note.

your plan for next week.

Ask Ss to prepare the next lesson:
Writing – look up the new words and
read through the lesson.

Task 2: Listen and decide whether the following statements that Huong say are true (T) or
false (F).

On Wednesday , Huong have lots of work to do during the day.
On Tuesday, Huong is going to the singing club at night.
She is taking Chinese classes on Fridays.
She is going on a picnic to Hoa Lu with her parents on Sunday.

Task 3: Listen again. Write their plans for next week on the calendar .

See a ...(1)....


Visit ....(2).......



Work and go to the singing
Take ...(3).... classes

Lesson plan – English 10

Go on a ......(5)......

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

I.Objectives:By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

make questions and answer about films.
write about a film that they have seen.
use English to describe a film.
II. Teaching methods: question-answer, interactive methods, explanation.

III. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures, laptop, loudspeakers, chalk and board.

Teacher’s activities
1. Warm- up:
- Divide class into 4 groups and each group take
turn trying to list some films of various types they
- Lead in the new lesson.
2. Pre-writing:
 New words:
- tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ (adj): making you feel very sad,

usually because somebody has died or suffered a
lot (bi kịch, bi thảm)
E.g: He was killed in a tragic accident at the age of 24.
- sink /sɪŋk/ (v) to move downwards, especially by
falling or sitting down. (chìm)

Lesson plan – English 10

Student’s activities

Work in groups and write down
their answer on the board.


Guess the meaning of the words.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên


luxury /ˈlʌkʃəri/ (n) the enjoyment of special and
expensive things.( sự xa sỉ, sự xa hoa)


voyage /ˈvɔɪɪdʒ/ (n) a long journey, especially by
sea or in space (chuyến đi xa)


adventurer /ədˈventʃərər/ (n) a person who enjoys
exciting new experiences (người phiêu lưu)


iceberg /ˈaɪsbɜːɡ/ (n) an extremely large mass of
ice floating in the sea (núi băng trôi)


Read the words and ask Ss to repeat.
Ask some Ss to read the words again.
Ask Ss to copy down the words to their
 Task 1:

Lesson plan – English 10


Listen to T and repeat the words.


Copy down the words and
phrases into their notebooks.


Work in pairs.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

Ask Ss read the description of a film in the
textbook and filling in the blanks by answering
the following questions:
1. title
2. type

7. ending
6. main


3. plot

5. based on

4. filming

 Questions:

What is the name of the film?
What kind of film is “titanic”?
What is it about?
Where is it made?
What is it based on?
Who is/ are the main character (s)?
What do you know about character (s)?
- Ask Ss to give their answer.
- T checks Ss’ answer.

Give their answer.
Check their answer, and then

correct their work if they have the
wrong answer.
Suggested answers:
1.The name of the film is Titanic.
2.It is a love story film.
3.It is about the sinking of a luxury ship
on its first voyage.
4.It is made in America.
5.It is based on the true story of the
Titanic disaster.
6. The main character are Jack Dawson
and Rose De Witt Bukater.
7.The man is a young generous
adventurer. And the woman is one
coming from a rich and high class
family who is very hopeless when she is
forced to get married with a person she
doesn’t love.

Lesson plan – English 10

Listen and take note.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

 Make an outline

Show Ss the structure of a paragraph used to
describe a film to help students brainstorm what
they are going to write.


- Of all the films I have
seen, ............. is the
one I like best.
- I really like the
film .......................
Topic sentence
- For many
years, ...........................
has been always my
favourite film.
- The film I like best
is .................................
The information about the film.
+ The kind of the film:
- It is a ………. ( cartoon, horror,
action…) film
+ The content of the film:
- The film is about
- The film tells us a story
+ Filming place:
- The film is made in

+ Base on :
- The film is based on
+ The main characters: the main
characters are….
+ The ending of the film:
- The film has a (happy/sad) ending
Ex: It is an action film. It is about a
man who is chased by the bad
Concluding - The film makes me happy/ sad/
want to become a good person.
- The film gives me a good
Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên



description about the history/
knowledge about love and

- I find it very funny/ moving/
Give some tips used in writing:
+ use the simple present
+ place:
The film is shot and set in
made in
+ content:
The film discusses St/tells a story about
It (the film) is about…
Show “ Summary of Titanic”



Type/ Kind

Love story film.


A tragic love story film and the


sinking of a luxury ship in the
Atlantic Ocean, causing more than
1000 people to die.



Based on

The true story of the Titanic
disaster in 1912.


Jack: a young and adventurer, died
in the disaster.
Rose: saved by Jack, the one she
fell in love later.

3. White-writing:
- Ask Ss depend on the outline .
- Has Ss work in groups to do task 2.
- Ask one student to explain the requirement.
 Task 2: Arrange these sentences into the correct

order to make a complete description of a film.
Lesson plan – English 10


Work in groups.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
A. She looks for her father everywhere and luckily,
she finds the castle. However, she must stay in the
castle so that her father can go home. One day,
Belle’s father goes into the forest and the Beast
takes him into a castle.
B. It is about the love between a beauty and a Beast.
C. It is based on a French novel.
D. The main characters are a beautiful girl named
Belle and a prince turned into a beast by a witch.
E. The film I like most is Beauty and the Beast.
F. Gradually, she and the Beast fall in love with
each other.
G. Belle cries for the Beast and suddenly he is alive
and turns into a charming prince.
H. It is a cartoon film.
I. Then a man named Gaston goes to the castle and
tries to kill the Beast to take Belle away.
J. He kills the Beast but he is also dead.
K. They love each other and live happily ever after.
L. The film taught me what the real love is.
M. The film is made in America.
- Has some Ss write their answer on the board.
- Give comment and show Ss the correct order.

- Give the answer.
Suggested answers:


4. Post-writing:

Let Ss watch “ Tom and Jerry”.
Ask Ss look at the summarize of Tom and Jerry.
Summary of Tom and Jerry


Tom and Jerry
Cartoon film

Plot/ Content

The conflicts between a cat and a
mouse namely Tom and Jerry
living under one roof
America, by Walt Disney,
Entertainment Corporation

Filming place
Based on

The contrary natural
characteristics of cat and mouse.

Lesson plan – English 10


Watch the film.

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên

Tom: envious and fond of
surpassing the others; have a
superficial mind.
Jerry: quick- minded; have
cunning tricks.


Despite their conflicts, there is
still a good friendship between
Tom and Jerry whenever they are
in serious situations.
The film gives me a good lesson
about friendship.



Has Ss work in groups and write a paragraph to
describe a film that they have seen (use the designed
Has 2 groups finish first to present their writing.
Check and give feedback in front of class.


Work in groups.


Present their writing.

Suggested answers:
Of all the films I have seen, Tom and
Jerry is the one I like best. “Tom and
Jerry” is a cartoon film. It’s about the
conflicts between a cat and a mouse
namely Tom and Jerry living under one
roof. The film is made by Walt Disney,
Entertainment Corporation, America.
It’s based on the contrary natural
characteristics of cat and mouse. The
main characters are Tom and Jerry.
Tom is envious and fond of surpassing
the others, but he has superficial mind,
while Jerry is quick- minded and has
cunning tricks. Despite their conflicts,
there is still a good friendship between

Tom and Jerry whenever they are in
serious situations. The film gives me a
good lesson about friendship.

Closure: “Every film or story has a plot and many
other factors such as the surroundings, characters.
A description of a film is simply a summary about
what is the story about. We have studies the steps to
make a description, yet we still get stuck in how to

Lesson plan – English 10

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Điểm
Strudent: Nguyễn Thị Thủy Tiên
write a complete idea partly because of the lack of
grammatical correction. Therefore, we are going to
study more about grammar in the next lesson”.
5. Homework:
- Ask Ss to write a description of a film that you have
- Ask Ss to prepare the next lesson.

Lesson plan – English 10


Listen and take note.
