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Copyright © 2013 by Hey Sup Bye Publishing
All rights reserved.
This book is a work of fiction. No part of this book or this book as a whole may be used, reproduced, or transmitted
in any form or means without written permission from the publisher.

Letter from the Author
Hey there friend!
First of all, I want to thank you for joining Uncle Amon’s Book Club! You are in for quite a
treat. I specially created this book for you to enjoy.
You’re going to find seven of my best stories from various books I have written. Be sure to
check out the puzzles, activities, and the printable coloring books I’ve added as an additional
bonus! It’s truly a joy for me to know that I can bring smiles and laughter to children’s faces all
over the world with these stories and activities. Feel free to share with a friend.
With all that said, go ahead and enjoy your new book and have fun.
Have an Awesome Day!
Uncle Amon
“I always shoot for the moon. And if I miss? I’ll land in the stars.”

Uncle Amon’s Website

Table of Contents
The Dogs Won't Leave Us Alone!
Super Dog Makes the Football Team
Cat and Mouse
Dog and Cat Finally Become Friends
The Little Fluffy Kitten
A Fast Dog Learns a Lesson from a Slow Dog

The Kitten That Was Different

Can You Find the Missing Dogs?
Who Cut the Cheese?
Printable Coloring Books

More Books By Uncle Amon

The Dogs Won't Leave Us Alone!

Peter dove into the fort, raising a little dust cloud as he slid into Paul. Paul, being the bigger of
the two, effortlessly lifted Peter off him.
“What's the matter,” Paul asked.
“It's the dogs again,” Peter panted. “They chased me here again.”
Mary, who was batting at a toy mouse in her corner of the fort, stood and took a cautious look
out through the door.
“I don't see them.”
“Well of course you don't. I wouldn't lead them right here. I gave them the slip at the empty lot.”
Their fort, a giant cardboard box onto which they had scribbled a few windows and the word
“Fourt”, while a great place to hangout, was no match for the three dogs that constantly pestered
them. Ever since their family moved here, those dogs had been nothing but trouble, chasing Peter
and his friends up and down the neighborhood.
Paul stamped his feet. “We have to do something about them.”
“What,” said Mary.
“Why?” asked Peter.
“Eventually they'll find our fort. I don't know about you but I doubt we'll be able to defend this

“It is pretty flimsy.” Mary batted at the cardboard, shaking the entire fort.
“Right,” Peter continued, pacing and looking very seriously at the ground, “So we have to make
them leave us alone before they find this place.”
“What do you suggest?”
“Why not invite us to your sweet fort,” said one of the dogs.
All three cats panicked and ran around the fort, occasionally trying to leave through the door and
then remembering the way was blocked by the three dogs.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” the lead dog said calmly. He explained, “Sorry about chasing you guys.
We just wanted to hang out with you. Um, if that's okay?”
After a moment of confused silence, Peter stepped forward. “Sure, but we're going to need more

Super Dog Makes the Football Team

“We’re going to lose again!” Jimmy said as he and his friends prepared for another football game
with the neighborhood big kids. “We also lose to those bid kids! They’re too fast!”
The teams lined up and began to play and, sure enough, the big kids started scoring.
It was staggering! Jimmy and his friends didn’t even know what hit them.
“I know what hit me,” said one of Jimmy’s friends. “A big kid!”
It was halftime and Jimmy’s friends didn’t even want to go back out for the second half.

“What’s the use?” they said. “We’re just getting used as target practice. They’re treating us like
Jimmy jumped up when he heard this.

“That’s it! Dogs!”
The other kids looked at Jimmy like he was crazy!
“Maybe you’ve been hit too many times, Jimmy,” they said.
“No, no, you don’t understand! My dog, Griswald, he always steals the football and runs away
from me! We’ll get him to play!”
“The big kids will never go for that!” Jimmy’s friends said.
“Why not? The rules say that anyone in the neighborhood can play. Griswald lives with me, so
he’s in the neighborhood!”
“OK, OK, let the dog get tackled instead of us. Good idea,” they all said.
And so in the second half of the game Jimmy and his friends marched out onto the field with
Griswald trotting merrily besides them!
“Is that your mascot?” the big kids laughed.
“No, he’s out star player!” Jimmy fire back.
The popular kids kicked the ball off. Jimmy caught it and immediately threw the ball back to
“Go, boy!” he yelled.
Like a flash of yellow lightning Griswald took off down the field. He didn’t know the rules of
football but he was almost entirely sure he didn’t want to get tackled! So he weaved in and out of
the big kids! They threw themselves at him, ran on all fours after him, but nobody could keep up.
“Touchdown!” Jimmy yelled.
If Griswald had known how to spike a football he would have, but he was more than happy to
accept the belly rubs of his teammates.
“OK, OK,” said one of the big kids. “We can play this way, too.”
And when the big kids got the ball back they had a new teammate, too.
It was Griswald’s bully, the black Labrador, Hugo!

“Are you confident you can stop him, Griswald?” Jimmy asked.
Griswald did not look confident he could stop him.
“I believe in you, boy!”

On the next play Hugo ran right past Griswald, who was too afraid to chase him.
“Looks like your dog is too small, just like you!” the big kids taunted.
“Griswald,” Jimmy said. “I know Hugo is bigger than you but I believe you can beat him. You
don’t have to be the best to win, just the one who tries the hardest!”
And Griswald suddenly felt like he could outrun a cheetah.
The next time the big kids had the ball they handed it off the Hugo. He ran with the ball in his
mouth and shot past everybody.
“Go, Griswald!” Jimmy shouted.
As Hugo approached the end zone he turned back for one last look at Griswald. But his eyes
opened with surprise when he saw Griswald right behind him! Griswald had chased him down!
The smaller dog took the ball right out of the bigger one’s mouth and started running the other
“No!” The big kids yelled.
Griswald scored his touchdown and all of Jimmy’s friends cheered.
“Even if we don’t win the game,” Jimmy said while patting Griswald’s head, “I’m glad you
stood up to your bully!”

Cat and Mouse

“You'll have to come out of there eventually”, said the cat.
The mouse replied, “And you'll have to leave eventually. Why don't we both go at the same
The cat rubbed up against the wall. He peered into the hole where the mouse lived. “Oh, no, I
insist you go first.”
The mouse pressed himself tightly to the wall, keeping out of sight. “That's okay. I think I'll just
stay here. I have been meaning to catch up on my reading.”
“You know,” the cat mused, “I have a lot of reading I'd like to do too. So why don't you just
come out so I can get back to it?”
“Well, because then I wouldn't get to finish my own reading. That doesn't seem very fair, does

The cat sat down facing the hole. “I guess not. All right, you can finish your reading and then
come out.”
“Are you sure? I have a lot of books.”

The cat rolled his eyes. “Yes I'm sure. Just hurry up.”
The mouse relaxed and scurried into his den. “Okay. Oh, but after I finish reading I'll still have to
do my laundry.”
“Laundry? Why does a mouse need to do laundry?”
“You don't expect me to sleep on dirty sheets, do you?”
“I guess not” said the cat.
The mouse pushed their cabinet away from the wall. “Oh, and then I still have to finish painting
my bathroom.”
The cat began to lie down, still staring at the hole with heavy lidded eyes. “Paint your
“Yes, I've been meaning to do that for some time.”
“Okay,” yawned the cat.
“I'll be done in an hour,” the mouse yelled as he disappeared into the hole behind his cabinet.
“I'll just wait here, then,” the cat said as he began to fall asleep.

Dog and Cat Finally Become Friends

Dog and Cat had been enemies for as long as they could remember.
“I don’t like you, Cat,” said Dog.
“I like you even less, Dog,” said Cat.
Since the day they had been brought home as Kitten and Puppy, Cat and Dog had been fierce
rivals. Their masters tried everything to help them become friends. They tried putting their food
bowls next to each other, but the two just ate while staring angrily at each other. Once their

masters even tried putting matching bows on them during the holiday season, and Cat ended up
running away for a week.
But one day the masters brought something else home.
The proud parents walked through the front door with a little bundle of blankets held between
them. Cat and Dog followed the peculiar site, being careful never to walk close to one another.

The parents placed the baby down in its crib. The little girl immediately started crying, but they
gave her a toy rattle and that made her happy. Dog and Cat watched all of this. The parents
smiled and turned towards Cat and Dog.
“Alright you two,” the mother said. “Keeping an eye on the baby is your responsibility, too.”
Dog and Cat looked at each other and then walked away in different directions.
That night Dog awoke to a terrible noise.
“Oh no!” he cried. “What is that? It’s keeping me up!”
Dog walked into the room with the crib, which is where the noise was coming from. Cat was
already there.
“It’s the baby!” Cat said. “She’s sad.”
“But why?” Dog asked.
Cat peered into the crib, and then realized the answer.
“She has lost her toy! She’s sad because it is gone. We have to find it, Dog!”
Dog took a step back.
“We do not get along so well, Cat!”
“Dog!” Cat cried. “This is bigger than both of us! The baby’s toy has been lost!”
Dog listened to the crying of the baby and his heart broke.
“Where do we start?” he asked.
The two partners took off through the dark house, all the while hearing the baby crying in her
Cat jumped up into areas only she could reach, and Dog pushed into cupboards that only he
could force open.
“Did you find anything?” Dog asked when they met each other again.

“Nothing!” Cat responded. “And the baby is still crying.”
“I have an idea!” Dog declared, and ran off towards his play area.
Cat followed.
“What are you doing, Dog?” she asked.

Dog lifted his head to show the tennis ball in his mouth.
“This is my tennis ball!” he proudly declared. “I broke a hole in it today while I was playing!”
“Congratulations. How does that help us?” Cat said.
“We can fill it with the marbles that you play with, Cat! And then shake it for the baby!”
Cat’s eyes lit up.
“Of course! Just like a rattle!”
The two partners retrieved the marbles and Cat pawed them into the tennis ball while Dog held it
steady. But then Cat saw a problem.
“The hole! The marbles will fall out when you shake the tennis ball!”
Dog thought very hard about this, and then laughed!
“I have another idea!”
And so Dog went and retrieved one last thing: the bow that the masters had once tied around
“I kept it because I thought it was pretty,” Dog said shyly.
They wrapped the tennis ball with the bow and then returned to the crying baby. Dog put the ball
in his mouth and shook it back and forth with a gentle rhythm. The baby stopped crying for a
moment, then giggled, and then fell asleep!
“We did it!” Cat declared as they walked back to their bedrooms. “Thank you so much for the
help, Dog!”
“No problem, Cat! We make very good parents.”

The Little Fluffy Kitten

Everyone, everywhere just loves that little, fluffy kitten! She is just so little. And fluffy!
“I hate it,” said the little, fluffy kitten. “Everyone thinks it's so great being fluffy but I can hardly
see with all this hair everywhere. And being little? It makes it so hard to get noticed. Just the
other day I was at the Post Office and it took me ten minutes to get the clerk's attention. And then
he spent another ten minutes going 'Aw look at the widdle kitty!' I mean, I had important
business to attend to and he kept me busy for twenty minutes!”
Yes, everywhere the little, fluffy kitten goes she is being adored by her many fans. When she
enters a building it is all eyes on her.
“Do you realize how weird it is,” the little, fluffy kitten continued, “to walk into the grocery store
and have everyone staring at you? It's unsettling. All I wanted was to buy some apples and now
everyone is just fawning over me, offering me things I don't want. I just wanted some apples,
thank you.”
The little, fluffy kitten creates a buzz everywhere she goes. Rumor has it she is dating a famous
actor now!

“That's just not true. And even if it was, why does everyone care so much? I'm just a kitten.
There are more important things to be excited about, like sports or the weather.”
This just in, the little, fluffy kitten is just mad about football and cumulonimbus clouds and you
should be too!
“Okay, now you're just making things up. You know what,” the little, fluffy kitten said, her
adorable little paws pulling the microphone clip from her soft fur, “this interview is over. I'm
shaving my hair.”
And with that, the little, fluffy kitten walked out.
Tune in tomorrow when, I believe, buzz cuts are going to be all the rage.

A Fast Dog Learns a Lesson from a Slow Dog

Speedy didn’t know how to stop. Every day he flew around the house, the neighborhood…he’d

fly around the world if his owners would let him!
He was the envy of all the other dogs on the block. When the dogs took turns jumping off of the
pier, Speedy would always win. The other dogs would get a few feet out into the water when
they jumped, but Speedy would practically jump over the whole lake!
The dogs on the street called him “the blur.” He was like a superhero!
The other dog in his house, however, was not a superhero.
Tuttles was the slowest dog in the neighborhood. He plodded slowly around the house, and it
seemed to take him the whole day just to walk once around the yard!
“It’s fitting that they call him Tuttles,” the other dogs would say, “because that’s the noise he
makes when he walks! ‘Tuttle, tuttle, tuttle!’”
Speedy often stood up for Tuttles, but even the super dog was a little embarrassed by being
friends with such a slow dog.
One day, Speedy was running his usual lightning-fast laps around the house when master
interrupted him.
“Speedy!” master said. “I have misplaced my car keys! I need to find them quickly or else I will
be late for work! Only you can help me, Speedy!”
“Say no more!” Speedy said as he took off like a flash.

Master stood there for a moment.
“Don’t you want to know what the keys look like…?”
But Tuttles had seen the keys before. He had often studied the fun little things in the house
because he moved slowly enough to appreciate them. Tuttles turned and plodded happily into the
house while Speedy continued his search.
The super-fast dog flew around the neighborhood.
“Up in this tree, perhaps?”
“On the other side of the neighborhood, of course!”
“Perhaps the bottom of this pool!”
Speedy was so obsessed with searching every nook and cranny of the neighborhood that he
didn’t even think where a set of keys would logically be!

“Speedy!” a very annoyed dog said as he barreled into her doghouse. “What are you doing in
her? I certainly don’t have any car keys!”
The blur that was Speedy zoomed around the neighborhood for a good while longer. Finally,
even super dog ran out of breath and he collapsed in front of his house.
And then master came running out!
“Oh, no,” thought Speedy, “I don’t have the keys!”
But master didn’t seem to be angry. In fact, he seemed happy!
“Thanks again!” master called to Tuttles before getting in his car and zooming away.
“Tuttles?” said Speedy as he rose to his feet. “You found the keys? Where were they?”
Tuttles smiled politely
“They were on the ground next to master’s car! Just a few feet from where we’re standing now.”
Speedy’s eyes grew so large they might have bulged from his head!
“But I ran by that car more times than I can count!”
“Yes, Speedy, but you never stopped once to look around!”

The Kitten That Was Different

There was a litter of kittens that were all orange in color except for one kitten that was a smoky
grey color. The smoky grey kitten was very different from the rest. The other kittens seemed to
stay away from him. They all played together.
One day the orange kittens were laughing and playing together. The little grey kitten was all by
"My dear son," said mother, watching the other kittens play, "Come here and sit with me."
"Okay," said the little grey kitten sadly.
"I know you are sad because the other kittens won't play with you," said mother. "However, have
you thought about just going over to them and playing with them?"
"Well no," said the grey kitten.
“Don’t you think you should?” asked mother.
“I guess,” said the little grey kitten. “What if they still don’t want to play with me?”

“I think they will let you play with them,” said Mother.
The grey kitten thought about what his mother had said to him and he knew that he should just
go and play with the other kittens. The other kittens loved to play with their little brother. They
thought that because he was different that he wanted nothing to do with them.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Mother, one day while cleaning all the kittens. "You aren't even grey at all.
That was just dirt."
Mother licked the little grey kitten until he had turned from grey to orange.
"I am just like the rest of the kittens," said the little grey kitten.
The rest of the kittens came over to him and started playing with him. They were all having so
much fun and soon everyone had forgotten all about the fact that he was once different.

Can You Find the Missing Dogs?

Who Cut the Cheese?

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More Books by Uncle Amon


Copyright © 2013 by Hey Sup Bye Publishing
All rights reserved.
This book is a work of fiction. No part of this book or this book as a whole may be used,
reproduced, or transmitted in any form or means without written permission from the publisher.
The images used in this book are licensed and © Graphics Factory.com.

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