Ton That Ninh Hiep
Test for general it knowledge
Time: 45 minutes
PhÇn A:
1) When installing a manually configured adapter, what information must you know
to avoid resource conflicts?
1. IRQ
2. Number of bits
3. Base I/O port address
4. Base Memory address
5. Operating System
2) Which IRQ is usually assigned for the primary IDE hard disk controller?
6. 5
7. 7
8. 9
9. 14
10. 15
3) Which IRQ is assigned to the first serial port?
11. 2
12. 3
13. 4
14. 5
15. 7
4) What PC resource is used by a hardware device to save time by writing to
memory without the intervention of the CPU?
16. IRQ
17. DMA
18. I/O Address
19. Base Memory
20. CMOS
5) A NE2000 Ethernet NIC installed in a workstation with the following
configuration -- IRQ=3, I/O=360, MEM=CC000 -- could cause which problem?
21. No problem, the PC is configured correctly
22. A potential IRQ conflict with COM1
23. LPT2
24. A potential IRQ conflict with COM2
25. Memory conflict with CC000
6) You have a new TCP/IP network environment. You would like to verify that the
TCP/IP configuration has been initialized. What Microsoft Windows NT Utility will
give you this information?
26. PING /IP_Address ALL
28. PING /IP
7) Other than the controller, how many devices can be installed on the SCSI bus?
31. 4
32. 5
33. 6
34. 7
35. 8
8) What type of cable would you recommend a University client use if they were
going to connect two buildings on different campuses? The campuses are
approximately 1.2 miles apart, and high bandwidth is a must.
36. STP
37. UTP
38. Coax
39. RG11
40. Fiber-optic
9) Thinnet cable can carry a signal up to approximately what distance?
41. 500 meters (about 1,640 feet)
42. 185 meters (about 607 feet)
43. 100 meters (about 328 feet)
44. 2 kilometers (about 6,562 feet)
10) UTP cable can carry a signal up to approximately what distance?
45. 500 meters (about 1,640 feet)
46. 185 meters (about 607 feet)
47. 100 meters (about 328 feet)
48. 2 kilometers (about 6,562 feet)
11) Thinnet is in the RG-58 family. What would its impedance be in ohms?
49. 25
50. 50
51. 100
52. 150
12) What type of wireless transmission would you configure for transferring data
from one computer to another rather than communicate among several computers?
53. Infrared
54. Point-to-Point
55. Bridge
56. Transceiver
13) True or False? NetBEUI is a transport protocol that does not support routing.
57. True
58. False
14) Which three selections describe NWLink?
59. Does not support routing
60. Microsoft's version of IPX/SPX
61. A transport protocol
62. NWLink IPX determines packet type during setup
63. The IPX protocol is not tied to a particular frame type
15) Name three examples of the OSI Reference Model Network layer protocols.
64. IPX
65. TCP
66. SPX
67. NetBEUI
68. IP
16) What is the main function of a routable protocol?
69. To connect two computers together
70. To connect a computer and a server together
71. To provide a path for the packets to flow between nodes
72. To support multiple LAN to LAN communications among networks
17) When is a default gateway necessary?
73. When communicating outside your subnet if you have not
74. configured the route in the local routing table
75. When connecting to the server
76. When connecting to PCs in your subnet
18) You need to add resource record to your DNS server. It needs to be an alias for
the FTP server. What type of record must you add?
77. MX
19) Which utility would you use to locate the NT Server on your network that is
receiving the most TCP/IP packets /sec?
82. Ipconfig
83. Performance Monitor
84. Network Monitor
85. Tracert
20) Which is a function of ARP?
86. Reports messages and errors regarding packet delivery.
87. Provides addressing and routing functions.
88. Obtains hardware addresses.
21) Which address is used to ping your local host?
22) Which is a function of UDP?
94. Provides connection oriented packet delivery service.
95. Provides connectionless packet delivery service.
96. Obtains hardware addresses required for communicating with a destination host.
97. Provides addressing and routing functions.
98. Reports messages and errors regarding packet delivery.
23) Which is a function of ICMP?
99. Reports messages and errors regarding packet delivery.
100. Provides addressing and routing functions.
101. Obtains hardware addressees.
102. Provides connectionless packet delivery service.
24) Which is a function of TCP?
103. Reports messages and errors regarding packet delivery
104. Provides connection-oriented packet delivery service
105. Obtains hardware addresses required for communicating
106. with a destination host
107. Provides addressing and routing functions
Phần B:
25) WWW đợc xây dựng trên mô hình nào, u điểm và nhợc điểm của mô hình đó?
26) Có mấy loại Web? Sự khác nhau giữa chúng?
27) Giao thức đợc sử dụng chính trong WWW là gì (nêu rõ)?
28) Các ký mã Javascript, Vbscript đợc sử dụng trên Web Browser hay Web
29) ASP chạy ở đâu?
30) ISAPI là gì?
31) Tóm tắt hoạt động của mô hình ASP ?