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The best way of learning about life

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( Word Reader - Unregistered ) www.word-reader.com

The best way of learning about life
Some people believe that the best way of learning life is by
listening to the advice from family members and friends. Other
people hold a different view that the best way of learning about life
is from ones` personal experience. In my view, I agree the latter
view based on my years of observation. The main reasons are listed
as below.
First, the advice from family members and friends always rely on
the situation happened in the past. Things are changed and the
presuming past events cannot ensure that it could occur in the
current new situation. To illustrate this matter, there is an example
that my parents persuaded me to stay in the physiology institute and
not change my job to a pharmaceutical company. They claim that
the job in institute is stable and promising, they reason that they
worked in the same institute until they retired. From their
experience, the work was very good in their times. However, I did
not take their advice since I find there are lots of chances outside
the institute.
Second, why I have such a view is that we have to make our own
decisions in many occasions in our lives. The other people`s advice
can only be used for reference. As people are different in many
aspects, even they are your close friends or parents, they are not
yourself and they cannot make decisions instead of you. For
instance, your friend is good at mathematics and can get good
scores after only one-day preparation before the
exam. However, you cannot follow her study method since you are
not expertise in this subject, therefore, you should spend more time
on your preparation to get the same score.
Admittedly, the advice from the close friend and family members

do help us in some occasions and give us many valuable
references. It is less useful than the advice directly from the life.
Based on the above-mentioned reasons, I shall say that I find the
best way of learning life is from personal experience.

( Word Reader - Unregistered ) www.word-reader.com

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