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ENGLISH NEGOTIATION EXERCISE25 Skills To Improve Effectiveness In Business Transaction

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Lai not dgu


1. Market research


Di6u tra thi trudng
2. Appointment


Hen gap d6i tac
3. Understanding the importance of local


Am hi6u tam quan trong caa phong tuc, tap quan
dia phtiong trong kinh doanh
4. Prepare for the meeting


Chugn bi cho bu6i gap mat
5. Treat the customer


Ti6p dal khach hang

6. Introduce about your products


Gidi thiau ye sin pha'm caa ban
7. Internal prepare for negotiation


Cong tac chugn bi nOi be) cho qua trinh dam phan
8. Start to negotiate


Bet dgu dam phan
9. How to win in contract terms and conditions


Lam th6 nao de chitin thing ye dieu khosin
trong hop dung

10. To win a negotiation on price


DO thuong ludng thanh cong v4 gia ca
11. Negotiation for custom entries and duties


Dam phan hiep Binh vo thug quan nhu the nao
12. Negotiation about benefits and responsibility of
insurance policy

Dam phan A quyen idi va trach nhiem chinh sach
bao ham
13. Negotiate about commission


Dam phan vg tiOn hoa hong
14. Negotiation of technology transfer


Dam phan v4 van dO chuyen giao kr thuet
15. How to negotiate brand and trademark issue 109

Dam phan nhu the nao ve van do nhan hieu hang h6a
16. Negotiation of joint-venture business


Dam phan v4 kinh doanh gOp Von
17. Negotiation of sole agency issue


Dam phan A dal ly d6c quyen nhu the nao
18. Negotiation of assembling business


Dam phan nhu the nao trong giao dich lap rap gia cOng
19. Negotiation of goods transaction

Dam phan nhu the nao A van de giao dich
hang h6a


20. A proper ending of a negotiation


Ket th0c cu6c dam phan mot cach hcip ly
21. How to solve compensation issue


Giei guy& nhv the nao ye wan de Lc& ,vdng
22. NeGotiation of Barter trade


13/ nhV the nao ye van de d6i hang
23. Negotiation of compensation trade


Xt.? /3"/ th6 nao ye giao dich c6ng bang
24. Negotiation of compensation trade


Xis lk nhti the nao trong dam phan ye buOn ban
b0 trif
25. Solve tender invitation and bid matter


lk van de gOi theu va dV theu


Digu tra thi tru'o'ng



How will we start selling this new product?

Chang to se belt cldu ban scin phtim mol the 'new?


Do you often carry out market research?
Ong c6 thu'o'ng lam nghien caw thi tru'eing khong?


What's the objeit of market research?
Muc dich cica nghien ctdu thi tru'Cing la gi?


One of the purposes of market research is to find out
whether there's a market for the product.
M6t trong nhfing mizc dich caa nghien cau thi
tru'iing la tim ra thi tru'ang cho sdn


Sometimes the companies do their own market research,
and sometimes they employ specialists to do it.
poi khi ding ty thtking tit lam nghien cau thi
nhu'ng c6 doi lzic ho nhCi ccic chuyen gia ben.ngoai.


In the early stage, the regional managers do the research.
Trong giai ctoan dau, quern ly yang thu'eing la ngu'di

lam nghien ca'u.


Market research is actually an analysis of a specific
market for a particular product.
Nghien caw thi tru'dng thu'c ra la su' pha n tich thi
tru'dng chi tiet cho mat sdn phdm cu the'.


Marketing research is the study of all processes
involved in getting goods from the producers to
Nghien czi'u thi tru'dng la mat nganh hoc nghien ca'u
ccic giai loan czla viec pha n phdi sdn pha m tie nha
sdn xudt den khcich hang I ngu'di tieu clang.


We forecast that the market for this kind of product
will decline rapidly over the next several years.
Chang toi du' docin thi tru'dng cho scan phdm nay se
gidm manh trong vai nam

10. Marketing research is broader and involves more
functions of sales.

thi tru'dng rOng han va bao gam nhieu
cha'c nang ho'n ban hang.
11. The preliminary market test is due to start next month.
Kiem tra so' ba ve thi tru'dng se bat dciu veto (tau
12. Our sales reached the target and the customers'
reaction was good.
Doanh so da dat muc tieu va phdn a'ng khcich hang
rat khd quan.
13. They have no problems with production during the
market test phase.
Khong có bat ca' van de gi ve sdn xudt trong suot
qua trinh
nghiem sdn phdm.

14. We have to run the market test for two months.

Chang ta phcii this' ngh*n thi tru'ang trong yang
2 thang.
15. Everyone knows that there've been some major
changes in our market over the last five years.

Mai ngu'ai deu bidt rang có vai thay cai to low trong
thi tru'ang cUa Wing ta 5 nam tru'ac.

Giao dich 1


Now, did you look at my proposal?

Anh da xem bdn cue xueit cda toi chu'a?

Yes, I did.
To i dei xem r





Why do you suggest this length?

Sao Lai ctj nghi cda anh lai dai ucty?

Short is definitely in.

Ro rang la nein ma.

Could you explain that in more detail?

Anh có the' gidi thich ro han khOng?

Certainly. There's this fashion boom now.

Dude rOi. Hien tai gang có mot su' bang no trong
nganh thai trang.

B: Boom?
Bang no'?

You know how well our workout suits sell.
Anh biet dd tap dm Chungto ban chay nhu' the new
rdi day.

B: People don't look out in miniskirts.

Moi ngu'al khong hang tha

vay ngcin.

Yes, but after working out, they go to the clubs in

Thing, nhung sau khi tap luyen, ho di den ccic cau

lac 14 vol no.
B: I see. So the shape-up boom has created a free-up boom.

Toi ham Vay tile la bang no theo kie'u dcing da tao
ra cuOc bang no khong theo khuon mciu khcic.
A: More or less, but I needed to do more design
Da it da nhieu thi toi vein can phdi thvc hien
thiet ke"them da.
B: Okay. Get back to me by Thursday.
Thick roi. Dula no lai cho toi tilt& tha 5 nay nhe.

Giao dich 2
A: How is market research carried out?
thi tru'ang da du'cfc
the nao?


hanh nhu'

B: That's a very wide question. But to put it in a very
simple way, one of the objects of market research is
to find out whether there's a market for the product
and whether we can sell the product in the market.
D6 la ca u hOi rat rOng ddy. Nhu'ng do'n gidn ma not

thi mot trong nhieu muc dich caa nghien ca 'u thi
tru'O'ng la tim ra thi tru'eing cho sdn phdm va xem
lieu sdn pha'm co the' ban du'o'c trong thi tru'dng d6

Who does this kind of job then?

Ai se lam cong viec do?

Sometimes we carry out our own research, but for
major products where development costs are likely to
be high, we employ specialists.

Doi lac chang ta tu' thu'c hien viec nghien ca'u,
nhu'ng ctoi voi phdn pheim co chi phi ph&
triin cao, chang ta se thue ccic chuyen gia

Do our own salesman take part?

DOi nga ban hang có tham gia khong?

In the early stages, only the regional managers do. If
we decide to have some test marketing, some of
senior salesmen will be brought in.

Lac dd u thi chi cc-) quern 13; yang thoi. Neu chi ng ta

quyet Binh this nghiem thi tru'o'ng thi mot vai nha n
vier?, ban hang có therm nien se lank dieu do.

It seems to me that the salesmen receive some
special training.

Hinh nhu' dOi ngii nhan vien ban hang phcii duvc
tap hudn dOc biet.

B: Yes, they all have initial training course when they first
join the company, and this includes product training.

Dung vay. Khi ho veto cong ty ho (la clthic tap hudn
ban ddu, trong do bao gOm ca tap huci-n sdn pheina.

What is that?

Do la gi vdy?
B: As a salesman, he or she must fully understand the
various applications, designs features, special
advantages and almost everything of the products we

Nha n vien ban hang phcii thut su' hilu can ke ccic
ang dung, thiet ke-, ccic lo'i the dac biet vet hdu het
ccic scin phdm ma to scin xuat.


Hen gap cloY tic

Find right person
Tim citing ngitai

Excuse me. Whom am I speaking to?
Xin hoi ai dang not chuyen ddu day the a?


Excuse me. Is this Novel Company in Houston, Texas?
Xin loi. Day co phdi la cong ty Novel a Houston,
Texas khong


Excuse me. Is this 713 - 555 - 9999?
Xin h6i day có phdi so may 713 555 9999 khOng a?
4. It seems I got the wrong number. Sorry to have
bothered you.
Hinh nhu toi det goi nhdm so: Xin loi vi da lam
phien anh.


I was trying to reach another party. Sorry.
Toi dang cogoi cho ngu'ai khac. Xin loi.

Wish for meeting

Mong mudn ducic gap mat
It is imperative for us to meet as soon as possible. It
cannot be put off any longer.
Chang to can phdi gap nhau tang sam cang
Vic nay khong the' tri hoan lau ho'n du'o'c nria.


There is a matter of great importance. It can only be
solved by a direct meeting. When is the earliest time
we can meet?

Win de nay cue kj, quan trong. Chi c6 the' gidi quyet
bang ccich gap tru'c tie-p. Chang to c6 the' gap nhau
sdm nit& la khi nao?

I believe it is best to have a face-to-face meeting as
soon as possible. When are you available? Please

suggest a date of your convenience.

Toi tin rang tot nhdt la phdi gap mat tru'c tie'p. Khi
nao thi anh rdnh? Hay cho toi bie-t ngay nao la
thuan ti'en nhat cho anh.

This matter cannot be dragged on. I am willing to fly to
see you just to resolve this issue. How about the end
of this week? If you cannot make it, please
recommend some other dates.

Vi"ec nay khong the' cha'n chi' ho'n du is na'a. Toi s ern
sang dcip chuye-n bay de-n, gap anh de'gidi quyet van
d6. Cudi tucin nay thi the nao? Neu anh thdy
khong chick thi hay de dat ngay khcic va:y.
Time of appointment
Thai gian hen

My preference would be May 1st or 2nd.

Toi muon hen veto ngay mang 1 hock mang 2 thcing 5.

Could you make it May 1st and 2nd?

Ngay mang 1 va mang 2 thcing 5 c6 du'o'c khong?


Can you suggest an alternative?
Anh c6 the.'cle xudt mot ngay khcic khong?


As an alternative, I wish to propose May 3rd.
Toi mudn thay the vao ngay mang 3 thcing 5.



Giao dich 1
A: Hello. Is this the Novel Company?
Xin chao. Cho hOi day c6 phdi cong ty Novel khOng?
B: Good morning. Yes, this is Novel. May I help you?
Chao Ong. Va ng clang rdi. Toi c6 the9 gizip gi cho Ong?
A: My name is Jack from ABC Company. I would like to
speak with someone who is responsible for imports.
Toi la Jack cong ty ABC. Toi mudn not chuyen vOi


ngu'efi phu trach mcing nheip khdu.
B: I suppose the person you want is James Smith of our
International Marketing Department. I will transfer
your call to him.

TOi cho rang ngu'efi ma Ong mudn gap la Ong James
Smith phbng Marketing Qudc te: Toi se chuyen


may cho Ong geip "Ong ay.



Thank you. I will speak to him.

Ccim do co. Toi se not chuyen vii Ong

He is on the line.

Ong ay gang nghe r6i day a.

Giao Bich 2

I would like to set up an appointment with you,
possibly the later part of April. How does that sound?

Toi muo-n dat mot buoi hen vo'i Ong, co the' vao mai
thcing Td. Ong tha:y sao?

Let me check my calendar. Unfortunately, I have
plans to travel around that time. How about the first
week of May?

toi kie'm tra lai lich xem sao. That khong may,
toi co ke- hoach di du lich vao khocing thal gian
do. Tuan dau tien ctia thcing Nam thi sao?

I see some complications. However, I think I can
move it around. I have to check with my colleagues.

Toi thely co mot chat khO khan. Tuy nhien toi nghi
toi có the' chuy'e'n
Toi phai h6i d6ng nghiep
xem sao.

I understand. Will you let me know then?

Toi hieu roi. Vay hay thong bdo cho Vol biet sau nhe?
A: Yes, I will come back to you as soon as possible.



toi se lien lac lai vdi Ong ngay khi có the.

Am hie9u tam quan trong ctia phong tuc, tap
quan did phuong trong kinh doanh

The iipportance of local culture in business

phong tuc tap quern dia
Tam quan trorig
phu'o'ng trong kinh doanh

businesswomen increasingly find themselves working
in Multicultural environments, dealing with real
differences in everything from communication styles
to social etiquette to core values.
Ngdy nay, c6 rat nhieu ccic thu'dng nhan quo-c to lam
vi& trong moi tru'O'ng cta van hoci c6 su' khcic bit
trong tat ca moi tha' tit giao tie-p den quy u'dc xei hoi
hay ca nhring gici tri nen tang cot loi.


Some people often make the mistake of seeing

foreign cultures through their own habitual cultural
thu'dng nhiim lan khi nhin nhan van
MO so
hoci nu'dc ngoai qua Ong kinh van hoci ban dia cUa
chinh ho.


Among the issues to consider before entering into
international negotiations are cultural influences,
cultural types, and cultural variables.

Nhiing vein de nen du'dc xem xet can trong tru'dc khi
tie-n hanh dam phcin glide to la nhring dnh hu'dng
van hod, ccic kali van hod, vet ccic khuynh hu'dng
van hod.

Globalization has changed the way the world does

Toan edit hoci dd thay &di cung each kinh doanh
tren the gidi.

The globalization of economies has created a
confluence of cultures when it comes to business


Toan cdu hod cdc nen kinh to da tao ra su' giao
thoa gii-ta ccic nen van hod khi du'a veto thu'c tin
kinh doanh.

Cultures shock can hit you both coming and going,
something many individuals and companies take little
notice of.

Nha'ng ca so-c van hod cinh hu'dng trric tie-p den viec
ban gia nhap hay torch ra, do la dui' ma nhieu ca
nhan va ccic tong ty chang may khi cha y tdi.

It is far easier to manage your responses than to
change those of others.

Thay dal phdn zing cUa ban de' ho'n la phdi thay doi
dieu ay d Oiling ngu'efi khcic.


A society's culture is far from stagnant; rather, it is
forever evolving and reinventing itself.

n hoci xa hoi khOng phdi la tri tre,

do, no luon luon van ctOng va phcit


thay vao

Cultural identities can stem from the following
differences: race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion,
country of origin, and geographic region.

Ccic chinh clang van hoci có the' bat nguo'n tit nhiing
sit khcic biet nhu' chdng toe, dan tOc, gidi, tang ldp,
ton gicio, nguan go'c xudt va ctia 1Y.
10. Often our own picture of the situation becomes our
own reality, and we dismiss the other sides point
of view.
Thu'dng thi each chicng ta nhin nhan tinh hinh


tra thanh chinh nhan sinh quan cda chang ta, vet ta
thu'dng loaf bo ccic each nhin khcic.
11. People in a national culture also belong to many
different subcultures, such as region, religion, class,





subcultures can be just as important in shaping an
individual's behavior as national culture.

Con ngu'di trong cling mot ddt nu'ac cling thuik ve
nhieu nen van hoci n1u3 khcic biet, vi nhu' la yang,
ton gicio, tang lap, dan Vac, nghe nghiep. DOi khi
chinh nhrtng nen van hod nh 6. nay cling gap phdn
quan trong trong viec hinh thanh hanh vi ca nhan
nhu' van hod dan tOc.

12. It's often not what you say that counts but what you
don't say. A wink, a subtle gesture can all be signals
that punctuate the spoken words.
Thu'eing thi khong phdi nhiing dieu ma ban noi se
du'o'c tinh den ma lai chinh nha'ng dieu ma ban
khong noi. Mot ccii nhciy mat, mot cu' chi Oleo leo
cang có the' la dciu hieu thay cho ngon nga' hay la'i noi.
13. We should try to avoid a slavish adherence to
stereotypes and to leave room to evaluate individual
behavior in an overall cultural context.
Chang to nen trcinh nhring co hilu ma qudng ddi
voi viec ddnh dong tat ca ma nen ddnh gid hanh vi
cd nhcin trong tong quan van hod.

14. Important aspects of cultural education are cultural
Khia canh quan trong caa gido duc van hod la
nhan thac van hod.


Giao dich 1

A: We seemed to get along great on the telephone. It
was a relief after several years in Eastern Europe to
actually be doing business with the British. At least
we speak the same language.
Moi viec du'o'ng nhu' deu rat troi chdy qua dien thoai.
Thdt may sau vai nam () Bong Au lai du'yc lam viec
thitc sit vdi ngirni Anh. It nhat tOi cang
noi cang mat ngon nga'.


I couldn't agree more. The American and the British
are almost alike, aren't they?

Ding the: Ngu'iii My va ngu'al Anh gein nhu' la gidng
nhau dung khong?

We thought so at first. And I trusted this guy I had
developed a phone relationship with.

Ban dew chang Col cling nghi the da'-y. Va toi rat tin
tu'O'ng et& tele ma toi lien lac trao cai qua den thoai.

Until when?

Den lac neto?

Until I traveled to London to meet face to face with my
British colleague to sign a contract. There was
something that didn't seem right.

Den khi toi bay de'n Luan Don gap mat dOng nghiep
ngu'di Anh de9 ky, kip dOng. Lac deiy mol tha'c sit' co
mot so van de nay sinh.

What happened then?

Co chuyen gi the?
A: Throughout the presentation none of the Bristish, not
even the guy I had developed a phone relationship
with, would look us in the eye. It was like they were
hiding something. Many of us felt uneasy though we
signed the contract later. And I just couldn't get that
failure of them to look at me in the eye out of my head.

It almost ruined the relationship and sunk the deal.

Trong mot buOi thuyet trinh, chang ai trong so
nha'ng ngu'ai Anh ay, therm chi den eel ngu'ai ma toi
hay trao dOi qua dien thoai, cang khong nhin vao
mat chang toi. Gidng nhu' kie'u ho gang the gidu

let chang tai cam thci'y khong
this' gi do. Thu'c
thoai mcii clic rang sau cang hop ddng vein dilcic ky
ket. Vet Mi. khOng the' ngieng suy nghi ve hanh de)ng
do. No gem nhu' lam hang meji quan he va lam suy
gicim ccic thoa thudn.
B: You have to understand this, James. Whereas
Americans believe that looking at someone directly in
the eye during negotiations indicates honesty and
sincereity, the British believe such a guesture to be a
mark of rudeness.

Anh phcii hdu dieu nay James a. Trong khi ngu'o'i
M5, tin rang nhin theing vao mat ai do trong qua
trinh dam phcin la bdu thi diet sif thanh theit va
chein thanh thi Anh lai cho do la mot cei chi
khie'm nhei.

I understand it now. I guess I shouldn't have taken it
so personally, but I still don't like it.

Gib' thi tai hdu rdi. Toi bie't minh khong nen
qua cam tinh nhu'ng tai van khong thich dieu do
chat nao.

Giao dich 2

In my professional career, there are some cases in
which cultural differences have led to
misunderstandings in business.
Trong sit nghiep dia tai, thvc sit dei có vai trilling

hop ma su' khcic biet van hoci den tai nhiing hdu
nhcim nhdt Binh.



Oh. Go ahead please.
0 the et. Chuyen the new vOy?
Koreans, you know, like to have time to think about
their response and thus they gain by nodding and
simply saying "yes". So if someone says "yes" in
Korea, it often means "I hear you" rather than

Anh biet khong, ngu'di Han Qudc rat thich demh
thdi gian suy nghi phdn fing ceta ho vet vi
the ho tiet kiem du'dc thdi gian bang each gOt dciu
hay chi ctdn gian la not "yang". Neu có ai do not
"yang" thi no co nghia let , "v1Ing toi dei nghe anh not
roi" chez' khOng phcii gong y.

But this can often lead to confusion for Westerners.

Nhu'ng diju nay thu'dng dein tdi szt nheim lan ddi vdi
ngu'di phu'dng Tay.

Right. I remember a business meeting in Seoul with a
sales representative from a French perfume company.

Thing the achy. TOi van nha cuOc hop Seoul vdi deti
dien ceta mot ding ty nitric hoa Phcip.

What did you work at then?


I was a buyer for a Korean department store. At the
beginning of the meeting, the French salesman asked
me if his company's perfume was selling well and whether
it was competitive in the Korean market. I answered "yes"
to indicate that I had understood his questions.

Toi la ngu'di mua, dai dien cho mot cel'a hang ceta

The new cd?

Han Qudc. Lac deiu, Ong ban hang Pheip ay h6i toi
lieu nu'dc hoa ceta cong ty Ong ely c6 ban chay khOng
vet d thi tru'dng Han Qudc scin pham ddy c6 khei
nang canh tranh kh6ng. Toi trci ldi "yang" de' am
chi let toi ca hie'u tau h6i cica Ong to rOi.

B: But he misunderstood you, right?

Nhu'ng Ong ay

lcim y anh phcii khOng?

Yes. He thought I had answered "yes" to his questions
and started to make proposals to increase the price
and decrease consumer incentives.

Thing day. Ong ay nghi toi del trci
let "Vet' ng có"
va the la bcit dciu thoci thuan de' tang gici vet giam
khuyen meii cho khcich hang.

Oh, that's so embarrassing.

Oi, that la ngai.
A: Quite. As a matter of fact, his product was not at all
competitive and I needed the time to decide how to
present this negative information to him.

bang the: Van d let san pharrt c Ua
. 'Ong ta khong có
canh tranh va toi can thdi gian de' quyet ctinh let
nen lam the new de' not vdi Ong ta thong tin hdi tieu
c u'c ctay.


Chuin bf cho budi gap mat


Arrange welcoming schedule

SAp xep lich trinh tie.p dOn

I'd like to check with you the program for Monday
again to make sure everything is in order.

Toi mudrt
tra lai chu'o'ng trinh horn this' 2, Vol

mart chific chein Wing moi the' deu

We've arranged for a car to pick up Mr Johnson and
his colleague at the airport. They're due to arrive at

Chang toi se sap xe'p o to don ngeti Johnson vet gong
nghiep caa Ong ay a san bay. Ho se den veto lac 8:30.

How will they know who is waiting for them?

Sao ho biet ngu'o'i new se cho' ho?

The driver will be at the exit to the Customs Hall,
holding a placard with Mr Johnson's name on it.

Lcii xe se cho a ceta Hai quan, cam tam bcing có ten
ngai Johnson et do.


Maybe, I should go to the airport myself...

Co the' toi nen tu' minh di den san bay...

If there is any problem, he'll ask for an announcement
to be made over the public address system, asking
Mr Johnson to come to the reception desk.

Neu có bdt c' vein de gi, Ong ay se thong brio qua


thong phdt thanh, cte nghi ngai Johnson den ban
tie:o tan.

If all goes well, they will get to us by 9:30.

Neu moi th' mon se , ho se. den day vao lac 9:30.

I've arranged for coffee, soft drinks and biscuits to be
served in the board room at 9:45.

Chang tOi cla clat ca phe, nu'dc ngot va bcinh quy tai
phbng hop lac 9:45.

Every detail counts, even the coffee. I'll make it myself
if necessary.

Moi thti deu phdi tinh town can thdn, thdm chi cd
ca phe

Toi se tu' phuc vu neU can thiet.
Arrange agenda

Sap xe-p

to trinh

How is it going with the travel arrangement?

Lich trinh chuyen di the nao?

I've managed to book a seat on the flight you want,
and I've made a room reservation for you in a hotel in
yo for five nights. Tokyo is more of a problem. All
the hotels have had their rooms reserved.

TOi dd ddt chj tren chuyen bay ma ngai nation, va
toi cling cla ddt phOng cho ngai tai mot khcich san
kyo trong nam ct,em. Tokyo cuing la clang có van
Tat cd cdc khcich san clew did du'vc clat tru'oc cd.


Are you having any luggage problems?

Hanh ly c a' ct ngai khong có van cte gi chit a?


How to get a room is a problem.

Lam sao

c6 du'yc mot ccii phOng that la mot



Gicio dich 1

How is it going with the travel arrangements, Susan?

Susan, co sap xep lick trinh di the nao ro'i?

I've managed to book a seat on the flight you want,
and I've made a room reservation for you in a hotel in
London for five nights. Berlin is more of a problem.
There is a big trade fair to be held there next week.
All the hotels have had their rooms reserved.

dat mot chi; tren chuyen bay Ong mudn, vet
phOng nghi tai mot khcich san Luan Don trong 5

ngay. Berlin dung la c6 vein c$e. Tucin tai, se có mot
h6i cho' thdang mai low to chic Y do. Tat cd ccic
khcich san deu du'o'c chat chf; het rdi a.

You can find me something, surely?

Nhu'ng Mee cang tim du'o'c mot chj chic' hd?

Maybe, but it'll be probaly far away from downtown.

CO the nhu'ng no han se rat xa trung tam ddy a.


Well, keep trying. You know, it's a very important
meeting and I must keep the appointment. Are you
having any language problems?

V ay co cr.? co- g'dng tim xem. CO biet ddy buSi hop do
rat quan trong va toi thi phdi gii? thing hen. CO co
gdp phcii an de gi v'j ngon ngie khong?

No, all the hotel receptionists speak good English.
How to get a room is a problem.

Thu'a khong, tat cd ccic le tan khcich san deu not
tie-ng Anh rat tot. That sit thi lam sao de' Wit du'o'c
mot phang mai la van ctj.

Try some of the smaller ones.

Hay thee tim veil ccli nhO how xem.
B: I already have.
Toi dci thet ro'i a.

Well, if necessary, I'll look for something when I arrive

Ii, ne-u can V& se tim khi toi den d6 vely.

You might end up wandering in the streets.

Co the' Ong se phdi di long thang tren khcip ccic
pia mat.
A: I've just come up with an idea. My first appointment is
with Mr Brown. His secretary is particularly helpful
when I speak to her. It might be worth giving her a
ring and asking if she has any ideas.

Toi vita nay ra 3 nay. CuOc hen &Ili tien cda Mi la
viii Ong Brown. Thu' kji cda Ong ay dek biet rat nhiet
tinh khi toi not chuyen vdi co ay. Co the' to n'en goi

cho co ay va hOi 3i kie-n co ay xem sao.

