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UNIT 1 (Tiếng Anh lớp 11)

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I. Circle the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the other three.

A. show
A. closets
A. naked
A. about
A. dangerous

B. sugar
B. shows
B. knocked
B. mutual
B. village

C. sea
C. rats
C. walked
C. establish
C. passenger

D. fish
D. weeks
D. talked
D. cut

D. get

C. climate
C. defect
C. decay
C. embrace
C. candy

D. account
D. connect
D. divorce
D. sneaky
D. conceive

II. Circle the word whose stress is on the first syllable.

A. consign
A. neighbor
A. declaim
A. affect
A. forbid

Exercise 1:


B. accuse
B. decide
B. theory
B. protect
B. forget




1. I have a lot of ________ at work but I don't have any real friends.
2. Despite differences in background and outlook, their partnership is based on _________ respect, trust
and understanding.
3. Our relationship can not last longer because he seems to be very __________. He only thinks about
4. I met her at the school opening in 1990. We have been _________ friends since then.
5. To keep a friendship, you can not always resist on your own way - there has to be some _________.
6. When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained _________.
7. She is a brilliant mathematician, but as a lecturer, she is totally __________.
8. What do you know about a true _________? And what does it tell you?

9. You can _______ Jack to look after the money. He's completely honest.
10. The ________ of your love for Indian food really amazes me.
11. They really want to send my warm _______ to the people who lost their relatives in the earthquake
on December 13th.
12. That song is so ___________. It always brings a tear to my eye.
Exercise 2: Reading
Americans are geographically mobile and learn to develop friendship easily and quickly. Approximately
one of every five Amerian families move every year. People relocate because they begin their new jobs,
attend distant colleges, get married, have children or simply want to change their lives. Perhaps as
consequence of these, people form and end friendships quickly. Students attending two or three universities
during their undergraduate and graduate years may change their circles of friends several times.
Relationships based on a common activity may face or end when activity ends. Students might meet in
classes and remain friends for the duration of the course and then stop seeing each other after the final
examination. The same holds true for neighbors who are the closest of friends until one moves away. In
these friendships, shared daily experiences form the foundation for the friendship. Enduring their

friendships develop when individuals have similar interests and a common outlook on life. The high rate of
mobility in the United States can explain a great deal about transient friendships.
It is easy to be misled (bị hiểu sai) by instant friendship which may appear to be deep and personal but
are really superficial (hời hợt). Friendship and friendliness are not synonymous (đồng nghĩa). Friendliness is
characterized much of American daily interaction but is not always and indication of friendship. Strangers
may share life histories without any intention of pursuing a relationship. Characterizing instant friendship is
the appearance of two people becoming close but, in reality, there is no strong bond between them. Brief
encounters do not always imply desire for further contact. Many people frequently smile or say, "Have a
nice day!" or "See you later," or even extend an invitation as part of a cultural pattern of politeness. Such
expressions do not always suggest an offer of continued friendship.
Decide whether the following statements are true, false or not given:
6. ________ Americans are geographically mobile so they develop friendship easily and quickly.

7. ________ American families move because they change their jobs, attend distant colleges, get married,
and have children.
8. ________ Students in the United States don't like to change their friends.
9. ________ Students meet in class and become permanent friends after the course.
10. ________ Americans should form the foundation for the frienship by sharing daily experiences.
11. ________ Friendship and friendliness are characterized the same.
12. ________ Instant friendship is the close relationship between two people for a certain tie, such as job
or school.
13. ________ We must form our friendship basing on mutual trust and self-sacrifice.
14. ________ Friendliness is an indication of friendship.
15. ________ "Have a nice day!" is a good expression to start a conversation to make friends.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb forms
1. I can't think of (go) _____ to visit her in hospital without (buy) ______ some plowers.
2. The examiner gave the students some time (think) ________.
3. The play is programmed (start) ________ at 7 a.m, so we have decided (meet) _______ at 6.30.
4. I am looking forward to (see) _____ the film again.
5. I intend (study) ______ English (understand) ______ American business methods.
6. She still plans on (marry) ______ him even after he refused (buy) ________ her an engagement ring.
7. I can not resist (eat) ______ fish and chips when I am in England.
8. She enjoys (go) _____ to parties and (dance) _____ in the discos all the night long.
9. I stopped (live) _______ in London when I realized it was time for me (move) ______.
10. Don't forget (turn) _______ off the heating before (leave) ______ the house.
11. I understand (buy) ______ red roses for your girlfriend on St. Valentine's Day was a bit old-fashioned.
12. You should think about (save) ______ until you have enough money.
13. We all dislike (have) ______ (work) _______ even though we are all anger (spend) ______ money on
(have) ______ a good time and (get) ______ the things we want.
14. You mustn't mind (take) ______ trouble over the cooking if you want your guests (enjoy) ______ their
15. I like (watch) _______ the clouds at sunset because it seems (relax) _______ and puts me in the right
frame of mind (sleep) ______.

16. I enjoy (visit) ______ the internet cafe on my way home (check) ______ my e-mails and maybe (surf)
_____ the net for a while.
17. (Eat) ______ apples is better for you than (drink) ______ fizzy orange juice.

18. I meant (buy) ______ some croissants before (leave) _______ for work.
19. Don't hesitate (ask) ______ me if you have any questions.
20. (Be) _____ honest, she told me all her stories.
Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions
1. A selfish person is incapable _____ true friendship.
2. He was accused _____ being disloyal _____ the government.
3. How much time do you spend _____ homework?
4. Good friendship should be based _____ mutual understanding.
5. Do you keep in touch _____ any school friends?
6. Some adults have a total lack of sympathy _________ young people.
7. He′s more concerned ________ what people think about him than anything else.
8. She had been briefly acquainted _______ him more than 20 years earlier.
9. She thought ______ him very often.
10. Some people take _______ interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired _____ it.
Exercise 5
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in the box.

1. His __________ for music has stayed strong, throughout his 23 years in radio.
2. He showed unswerving __________ to his friends.
3. We all have great ___________ for the victims of the flood.
4. __________ is very important because uncertain people cannot have a lifelong friendship.
5. It was very __________ of him to offer us his room.
6. We were delighted by the wonderful ___________ of the local people.
7. The wine had made him ____________of thinking clearly.
8. Playing a game with the children is a good way of getting them _____________.
9. Inform the police immediately if you see anything ____________.
10. _________ need time to develop.

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