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Giaã ¸n tiÕng anh 11- ctc- Kú 2 tr êng thpt phongch©u
Planning date: 1/1/09
Period 53: unit 9 : the post office
Lesson 1: reading
- Students know and express their opinion about some services of the post office.
- Reading for gist and for specific information.
* By the end of this lesson, Students will able to:
- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general
information, and guessing meaning in context.
- Use the information they have read to express their ideas about the post office and its
- Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
1, Class organization:
Class 11A1
Teaching date
2. Oral test: No
3. New lesson:
teacher act’ students act’
Warm up
*Ask Ss some questions:
1, Have you ever used the Telephone?
2, What do you use it for?
3, How far it from your house to the nearest

post office?
4, What services do you think the post office
-Listen to teacher.
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully, compare and then present
before the class.
-Give comments.
TrÇn Hoµng Minh H»ng- -- Tæ: §Þa- NN -GDCD
Giaó án tiếng anh 11- ctc- Kỳ 2 tr ờng thpt phongchâu
*Teaching Vocabulary:
-equip: (v)=trang bị
-spacious (adj)=roomy=rộng rãi
-offer (v)= cung cấp
-well-trained (adj)=skilled=lành nghề
-staff (n)= (toàn thể) nhân viên
-courteous (adj)=polite=lịch sự
parcel (n)=bu kiện, gói hàng
-speedy (adj)=quickly, fast=nhanh chóng
-secure (adj)=bảo đảm, an toàn
-transfer (v)=chuyển (n)= sự chuyển
-notification (n)= sự thông báo..
*Give some practice on pronunciation
(Read-Ss repeat)
Task 1: (p.102)
-Ask Ss to look at their book and work
-Ask Ss guess the meaning of the words
based on the contexts in the sentences.

-Check that Ss understanding the words
-Ask Ss work individually to do the task
-Go around to help Ss if necessary and ask
Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss.
-Ask Ss explain their choices.
Task 2: (P,102)

-Check if Ss can answer the comprehension
questions in TASK 2 without having to read
the passage again. If Ss cannot, T gets them
to read the questions carefully and gives
them some tips to do the task.
+First, skim the six questions to understand
+Go back to the first question and locate the
information for the question by finding the
key words in the passage and mark the
+Read the part carefully to find the answer.
-Ask Ss to work individually to do the task,
Listen and read after to T
-Read the text carefully then discuss in pairs.
-Work in groups and know how to use them
in a new context.
-Using new words to make sentences.
-Write on note book carefully.
Listen to teacher and do as required.
*Expected answers:

1, C (cramped)
2, B (rude)
3, D (slow)
4, C (changed)
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully then discuss and compare
and then present before the class.
*Expected answers
1, Thanh Ba post office is equipped with
advanced technology and a spacious and
pleasant front office.
2, They are Mail and Parcel Service, Express
Money Transfer, Phone Calls and Faxes, and
Press Distribution.
3, They are air mail, surface mail and Express
Mail Service.
Trần Hoàng Minh Hằng- -- Tổ: Địa- NN -GDCD
Giaã ¸n tiÕng anh 11- ctc- Kú 2 tr êng thpt phongch©u
then discuss their answers with their peers.
-Call on some Ss to write their answers on
the board and ask them to explain their
-Give the correct answers.
Task 3: (P.102)
-Ask Ss read the text carefully and find
evidence in the text to support these
-Ask Ss to work individually to do the task,
then discuss their answers with their peers.

-Call on some Ss to write their answers on
the board and ask them to explain their
-Give the correct answers.
Discussion: (Work in groups)
-Ask Ss to work in groups and answer two
questions in the text (P.102).
-Go around to help Ss when necessary.
-When all groups have finished. Call some
Ss to report their ideas to the class.
-Elicit corrective feedback.
4, It’s used for notifying the recipient of the
time and place to receive the call.
5, We have to subscribe to our favorite
newspapers and magazines.
*Expected answers:
1, The post office opens daily from 7a.m to
2, We offer a very competitive rate for parcels
under 15kg.
3, We also have the EMS and your EMS mail
will be delivered in the shortest possible
4, We offer.......in less than 24 hours.
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully then discuss and compare
and then present before the class.
-Give comments.
4, Consolidation : (1min) -The content.
5, Homework: (2mins)

-Ask Ss practice once more and do Ex in Exercise book.(p.52-53)
-Prepare next period.
TrÇn Hoµng Minh H»ng- -- Tæ: §Þa- NN -GDCD
Giaó án tiếng anh 11- ctc- Kỳ 2 tr ờng thpt phongchâu
Planning date: 2/1/09
Period 54: unit 9
Lesson 2: speaking
- Students should know how to practice to make requests and talking about different
postal and
telecommunication services..
- Speaking for gist and for specific information.
* By the end of this lesson, Students will able to:
- make a conversation for each of the following situations.
- give instructions on how to do sth.
- Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board, porters....
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
1, Class organization: (2ms)
Class 11A1
Teaching date
2. Oral test: No
3. New lesson:
teacher act students act
*Ask Ss some questions:

1, Have you ever used the Telephone?
2, What do you use it for?
3, Can you log on the Internet at home?
4, What kind of access is it?
*Teaching Vocabulary:
-install (v) = cài đặt
-installation (n)=sự cài đặt..
-registration (n)= sự đăng ký.
-Listen to teacher.
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully, compare and then present
before the class.
-Give comments.
-Listen and read after to T
-Read the text carefully then discuss in pairs.
Trần Hoàng Minh Hằng- -- Tổ: Địa- NN -GDCD
Giaã ¸n tiÕng anh 11- ctc- Kú 2 tr êng thpt phongch©u
-fee (n)= phÝ thuª bao
-clerk (n)= nh©n viªn
-rular network (n) =m¹ng líi n«ng th«n.
-demand (n)= yªu cÇu, sù cÇu (v) yªu cÇu..
Activity 1: (Task 1 P.103)
-Ask Ss to read the Task and then answer the
-Ask Ss to discuss and then present their
answer before the class and understand how
to make a conversation.
-Give comments.
Activity 2: (Task 2 P.104)

-Ask Ss to work in pairs.
-Ask Ss to make the dialogue silently and
asks them what points are mentioned in the
-Check with the whole class and makes clear
that: in the dialogue the clerk and a
customer talk about a telephone line
installed at home, its time and activities.
-Encourage Ss to remember the dialogue so
that they can act it out more naturally.
-Go around to observe.
-When Ss have finished, T calls on some
pairs to act out the dialogue and give
*Discussion: (Task 3 P.104)
-Get Ss to work in pairs and imagine that
one of them is a clerk at a post office and the
other is a customer, make a dialogue for
each of the following situation.
-Go around to observe and offer help.
-Call on some pairs to act out the
conversation and asks other Ss to comment.
-Correct some typical errors in the end.
-Work in groups and know how to use them
in a new context.
-Using new words to make sentences.
-Write on note book carefully.
-Listen to teacher.
-Do as required.
*Expected answer:

-The service the customer is using is the fax
-Work in pairs.
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully then discuss to make a
conversation between the clerk and a
customer about a telephone line installed at
home , compare and then present before the
-Give comments.
-Work in pairs.
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully then discuss to make a
conversation for each of the following
situation, compare and then present before the
-Give comments.
4, Consolidation : -The content.
5, Homework: -Ask Ss practice once more and do Ex in Exercise book.(p.74)
-Rewrite Task 3 on notebook carefully.
-Prepare next period.
TrÇn Hoµng Minh H»ng- -- Tæ: §Þa- NN -GDCD
Giaó án tiếng anh 11- ctc- Kỳ 2 tr ờng thpt phongchâu
Planning date: 3/1/09
Period 55:unit 9
Lesson 3: listening
A. Aims:
- Students should know how to practice listening skill.
- Listening for gist and for specific information.

* By the end of this lesson, Students will able to:
- Listen for general & specific information.
- Finish multiple choice questions and answers some questions correctly.
- Text book, CD player, cards, sheets of paper, chalk and board
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
1, Class organization: (2ms)
Class 11A1
Teaching date
2. Oral test: No
3. New lesson:
teacher act students act
Ask Ss some questions:
1, Is your family on the phone? What is your
phone number?
2, Does any member of your family have a
cell phone? What make is it?
3, What do you think are the advantages and
disadvantages of a cell phones?
*Teaching Vocabulary:
-commune (n) =xã
-rural network (n)=mạng lới nông thôn
-communal growth (n)=sự phát triển cộng
-capacity (n)=khả năng , năng lực.
-digit subscriber (n)=số lợng dăng kí.

Task 1: (P.105)
-Instruct Ss how to do this kind of exercise:
-Play the tape once for Ss to do the task.
-Ask for Ss answers and writes them on the
-Listen to teacher.
-Do as required.
-Practice carefully, discuss and then present
before the class.
Give comments.
-Listen and read after to T
-Read the text carefully then discuss in pairs.
-Work in groups and know how to use them
in a new context.
-Write on note book carefully.
-Listen to teacher.
-Work in pairs.
-Do as required.
Trần Hoàng Minh Hằng- -- Tổ: Địa- NN -GDCD

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