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tieng anh 12

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I. Put in A, AN or THE
1. There was.......man and............woman in the room. The.........man was American, and........woman
looked Italian.
2. This morning I bought.........newspaper and.............magazine. ..............newspaper is in my bag, but I
don't know where............magazine is.
3. My parents have.........cat and...... dog. .............dog never bites.........cat, but...........cat often
4. I saw..........accident this morning. .........car crashed into..........wall. ...........driver of ........car was
badly damaged.
5. When you turn into Pine Tree Drive, you will see three houses:..........red one,........blue one,
and.......white one. I live in..........white one.
6. We in.......old house in........middle of town. There is...........garden behind..........house. ..........roof
of..........house is in bad condition.
7. When we were on vacation, we stayed at..........hotel. In the evenings, sometimes we had dinner
at.........hotel and sometimes in..........restaurant.
8. For lunch I had........sandwich and ..........apple. The sandwich wasn't very good.
9. I saw ........movie last night. ..........movie was about.........soldier and..........beautiful woman.
...........soldier was in love with.........woman, but..........woman was in love with..........teacher. So.......soldier
shot.........teacher and married...........woman.
10. Last night we went out for.......meal in.........restaurant.
II. Put A, AN, THE or NO ARTICLE in the blanks to complete the passage.
1. Last week I went to.....(.1.)..exhibition of paintings at......(2..)...Tate Gallery in London. I'm not
really...(3)....great art lover but I'd read a lot of good reviews of..(.4.)...exhibition and I was keen to see it. When
I arrived, there were already some people waiting outside for...(.5)......doors to open. I joined....(.6.)....queue and
in......(7).....end.......(8.)....doors opened and we went inside to see...(.9.)......show.
Now, I must be honest and admit that many of......(10)......paintings disappointed me. Although I spent a
lot of time looking carefully at......(11)......each one, I had some difficulty in understanding what......(12)....artist
was getting at. Finally, as I looking rather stupidly at one of...(13)....paintings and trying to decide if it was .....
(14.)...right way up or not. ......(15.)....old gentleman came up behind me and started to explain......(16)......whole
thing to me. He kindly answered all of.....(17)......my questions and we talked for over.....(18.).....hour. Then he

said he had.....(19).....appointment and had to go, so we shook hands and said goodbye. I went round.....
(20)....gallery once more and now I found that all.....(21).....paintings seemed really beautiful.
It was only as I was leaving.....(22).....gallery that I found out who....(.23)....old man was-his self-portrait
was on.....(24)....posters advertising......(25).....exhibition.
2. He was born in the United States at....(1)......turn of the century. As...(2.)..young man, he was....
(3.).....active, and spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. He started working as.....(4)....journalist, but during.....
(5.)....first World War he was......(6.)......ambulance driver in Italy, where he was badly wounded in1917. After
fighting in....(7).......Spanish Civil War, he worked as....(.8).........army correspondent until 1954, when he went
to live in......(9.)....Cuba. In 1954 he won.....(10).....Nobel Prize. He stayed in Cuba until.....(11).....Castro
Revolution in 1959, and then returned to live in........(12).....United States. He was married......(13.)......four
times, and later in his life he became physically and mentally ill. On 2
July 1961, he committed....
Fill each gap with a preposition from the box. Some are used more than once.
of about to in with for on
1. I think you’ve wrong. I don’t agree …….. you at all.
2. I’m not interested ……. what you think or what you want.
3. We might have a picnic. It depends …….. the weather.
4. What are you listening……..
5. If you have a problem, talk ……. the teacher.
6. “What did you talk ……..?” “Oh, this and that.”
7. You aren’t concentrating on your work. What are you thinking ……..?
8. “What do you think …….Pet?” “ I really like him.”
9. Where’s the cash desk? I’d like to pay ………. this book.
10. “I’ve lost your pen. Sorry.” “It’s all right. Don’t worry………. it.”
with for between on about to out of in of
1. The factory workers are ……….. strike because they want more money.
2. Thousands of people are ……… work in this town. It’s really difficult to get a job.

3. I got a cheque ……… a hundred pounds this morning.
4. You’ve really annoying me. You’ve doing it …….. purpose, aren’t you?
5. Can you tell the difference ……..butter and margarine?
6. There have been a lot of complaints …….. your behaviour.
7. The trouble …… you is that you don’t listen to anybody.
8. I’m fed up with cooking. Let’s eat out ……… a change.
9. How much do you spend a week ……… average?
10. Watch your step with Dad. He’s …….. a terrible mood.
11. Could you take a photo ……. me, please?
12. I had a crash this morning. Fortunately I didn’t do much damage ……. my car.
for at about with to in of from
1. “What are you so excited …….?” “We are going on holiday tomorrow.”
2. “I’m very angry …… you.” “ Why? What have I done?”
3. Are you any good …… maths? I’m hopeless.
4. Jenny’s getting married ……..Harry. Did you know?
5. We keep a light on at night because I’m afraid ……. the dark.
6. My sister’s very different ……. me. I’m blond but she’s brunette.
7. I’m tired ……. work. I want a holiday.
8. I feel very sorry …….Kathy. Five kids and a foul husband. What sort of life is that?
9. I’m not acquainted ….. those fellows.
10. Teenagers are often rude ……. their parents.
11. I’m very proud………..my children. I think they’re wonderful.
12. Did you know that chewing gum is good…….. your teeth? Well, it is.
13. Everyone likes Bill. He’s good-looking, witty, and charming, and I’m very jealous ….. him!
14. “I told her I thought she was stupid.” “That wasn’t very kind…… you.”
15. John is skilful ……dancing.
16. My homework was full …… mistakes.
17. Italy is famous …… its antiquities and its ice-cream.
18. “The train leaves at 10.00.” “Are you sure ……..that?”
19. When you leave home, you’re responsible …….. everything!

20. I’m fed up …….this weather! Where’s the sunshine gone?
21. I’ll be back …… an hour.
22. We are confident…… the success.
23. Our country is rich …….natural resources.
24. Mr. Smith is not accustomed …… to hot weather.
25. Many young people want to be independent …….. their parents.
26. We are grateful …….. our teacher.
27. He is friendly ……. everybody.
28. This sweater will keep your safe …….. the cold.
29. We were present ……. the lecture yesterday.
30. Your profession is similar ……mine.
I. Put in A, AN or THE
1. There was.......man and............woman in the room. The.........man was American, and........woman
looked Italian.
2. This morning I bought.........newspaper and.............magazine. ..............newspaper is in my bag, but I
don't know where............magazine is.
3. My parents have.........cat and...... dog. .............dog never bites.........cat, but...........cat often
4. I saw..........accident this morning. .........car crashed into..........wall. ...........driver of ........car was
badly damaged.
5. When you turn into Pine Tree Drive, you will see three houses:..........red one,........blue one,
and.......white one. I live in..........white one.
6. We in.......old house in........middle of town. There is...........garden behind..........house. ..........roof
of..........house is in bad condition.
7. When we were on vacation, we stayed at..........hotel. In the evenings, sometimes we had dinner
at.........hotel and sometimes in..........restaurant.
8. For lunch I had........sandwich and ..........apple. The sandwich wasn't very good.
9. I saw ........movie last night. ..........movie was about.........soldier and..........beautiful woman.

...........soldier was in love with.........woman, but..........woman was in love with..........teacher. So.......soldier
shot.........teacher and married...........woman.
10. Last night we went out for.......meal in.........restaurant.
II. Put A, AN, THE or NO ARTICLE in the blanks to complete the passage.
1. Last week I went to.....(.1.)..exhibition of paintings at......(2..)...Tate Gallery in London. I'm not
really...(3)....great art lover but I'd read a lot of good reviews of..(.4.)...exhibition and I was keen to see it. When
I arrived, there were already some people waiting outside for...(.5)......doors to open. I joined....(.6.)....queue and
in......(7).....end.......(8.)....doors opened and we went inside to see...(.9.)......show.
Now, I must be honest and admit that many of......(10)......paintings disappointed me. Although I spent a
lot of time looking carefully at......(11)......each one, I had some difficulty in understanding what......(12)....artist
was getting at. Finally, as I looking rather stupidly at one of...(13)....paintings and trying to decide if it was .....
(14.)...right way up or not. ......(15.)....old gentleman came up behind me and started to explain......(16)......whole
thing to me. He kindly answered all of.....(17)......my questions and we talked for over.....(18.).....hour. Then he
said he had.....(19).....appointment and had to go, so we shook hands and said goodbye. I went round.....
(20)....gallery once more and now I found that all.....(21).....paintings seemed really beautiful.
It was only as I was leaving.....(22).....gallery that I found out who....(.23)....old man was-his self-portrait
was on.....(24)....posters advertising......(25).....exhibition.
2. He was born in the United States at....(1)......turn of the century. As...(2.)..young man, he was....
(3.).....active, and spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. He started working as.....(4)....journalist, but during.....
(5.)....first World War he was......(6.)......ambulance driver in Italy, where he was badly wounded in1917. After
fighting in....(7).......Spanish Civil War, he worked as....(.8).........army correspondent until 1954, when he went
to live in......(9.)....Cuba. In 1954 he won.....(10).....Nobel Prize. He stayed in Cuba until.....(11).....Castro
Revolution in 1959, and then returned to live in........(12).....United States. He was married......(13.)......four
times, and later in his life he became physically and mentally ill. On 2
July 1961, he committed....
I. Fill each gap with a preposition from the box. Some are used more than once.
of about to in with for on

1. I think you’ve wrong. I don’t agree …….. you at all. with
2. I’m not interested ……. what you think or what you want. in
3. We might have a picnic. It depends …….. the weather. on
4. What are you listening…….. to
5. If you have a problem, talk ……. the teacher. to
6. “What did you talk ……..?” “Oh, this and that.” about
7. You aren’t concentrating on your work. What are you thinking ……..? about
8. “What do you think …….Pet?” “ I really like him.” of
9. Where’s the cash desk? I’d like to pay ………. this book. for
10. “I’ve lost your pen. Sorry.” “It’s all right. Don’t worry………. it.” about
with for between on about to out of in of
1. The factory workers are ……….. strike because they want more money. on
2. Thousands of people are ……… work in this town. It’s really difficult to get a job. out of
3. I got a cheque ……… a hundred pounds this morning. for
4. You’ve really annoying me. You’ve doing it …….. purpose, aren’t you? on
5. Can you tell the difference ……..butter and margarine? between
6. There have been a lot of complaints …….. your behaviour. about
7. The trouble …… you is that you don’t listen to anybody. with
8. I’m fed up with cooking. Let’s eat out ……… a change. for
9. How much do you spend a week ……… average? on
10. Watch your step with Dad. He’s …….. a terrible mood. in
11. Could you take a photo ……. me, please? of
12. I had a crash this morning. Fortunately I didn’t do much damage ……. my car. to
for at about with to in of from
1. “What are you so excited …….?” “We are going on holiday tomorrow.” about
2. “I’m very angry …… you.” “ Why? What have I done?” with
3. Are you any good …… maths? I’m hopeless. at
4. Jenny’s getting married ……..Harry. Did you know? to
5. We keep a light on at night because I’m afraid ……. the dark. of
6. My sister’s very different ……. me. I’m blond but she’s brunette. from

7. I’m tired ……. work. I want a holiday. of
8. I feel very sorry …….Kathy. Five kids and a foul husband. What sort of life is that? for
9. I’m not acquainted ….. those fellows. with
10. Teenagers are often rude ……. their parents. to
11. I’m very proud………..my children. I think they’re wonderful. of
12. Did you know that chewing gum is good…….. your teeth? Well, it is. for
13. Everyone likes Bill. He’s good-looking, witty, and charming, and I’m very jealous ….. him! of
14. “I told her I thought she was stupid.” “That wasn’t very kind…… you.” of
15. John is skilful ……dancing. at
16. My homework was full …… mistakes. of
17. Italy is famous …… its antiquities and its ice-cream. for
18. “The train leaves at 10.00.” “Are you sure ……..that?” about
19. When you leave home, you’re responsible …….. everything! for
20. I’m fed up …….this weather! Where’s the sunshine gone? with
21. I’ll be back …… an hour. in
22. We are confident…… the success. of
23. Our country is rich …….natural resources. in
24. Mr. Smith is not accustomed …… to hot weather. to
25. Many young people want to be independent …….. their parents. of
26. We are grateful …….. our teacher. to
27. He is friendly ……. everybody. with
28. This sweater will keep your safe …….. the cold. from
29. We were present ……. the lecture yesterday. at
30. Your profession is similar ……mine. to

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