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bài tập unit 1 lớp 8

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I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.
1. I ………… a letter from my old friend last week.
A. sent
B. gave
C. received
2. “Would you …………to go to the movies with me?” – “I’d love to.”
A. like
B. want
C. love
3. He is not …………get married.
A. enough old to
B. enough old for
C. old enough to
enough for
4. She is wearing a ………… dress.
A. red new pretty
B. new pretty red
C. pretty red new
pretty new red
5. Her mother …………this city two years ago.
A. left
B. leaves
C. is leaving
6. I find Peter is not communicative. He’s rather …………in public.
A. kind
B. reserved
C. sociable

7. They enjoy …………jokes.
A. to tell
B. tell
C. telling
8. The River Amazon …………into the Atlantic Ocean.
A. flow
B. flows
C. flowed

D. old
D. will
D. told
D. is

II. Complete the paragraph. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense.
Nien (be) …………Hoa’s next-door neighbor in Hue. She (be) …………very beautiful.
She (have) …………big brown eyes and lovely smile. Last week, she (go) …………to Ha Noi
(visit) …………Hoa. They (travel) …………around the city and (see) …………a lot of
interesting places. Nien (think) …………Ha Noi (be) …………beautiful but so noisy and busy,
so she (not like) …………(live) …………there.
III. Supply the correct word form.
1. People in my country are very warm and ……………………. (friend)
2. An …………………….is a child whose parents are dead. (orphanage)
3. L.A. Hill is a …………………….writer. (humor)

4. I’m …………………….sorry for the delay. (extreme)
5. She looks more …………………….than her sister. (beautifully)
6. They were very …………………….to survive a shipwreck. (luck)
7. I love the …………………….of summer evenings in the countryside. (peaceful)
8. Those cats look ……………………. (love)
IV. Make questions for the answers.

- Nguyen Bao Quoc.
- Fifteen.
- Tall, thin, short curly hair.
- At 2/16A Tran Hung Dao Street.
- Humorous, kind and helpful.

- His parents and elder sister.
- Swimming, reading and fishing.
- Phong and Nam.
V. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions.
Do you have any close friends? I think everybody at least has one close friend in their life.
And so do I. I have two close friends, Hanh and Mai. We are in the same class at the primary
school, and then secondary school. We are also neighbors so we spend most of our time in
learning and playing together. Hanh is a beautiful girl with big black eyes and an oval rosy face.
She is an intelligent student who is always at the top of the class. She likes reading, and she often
goes to the library whenever she has free time. Mai isn’t as beautiful as Hanh, but she has a
lovely smile and looks very healthy. Mai is very sporty. She spends most of her free time playing
sports. Mai is a volleyball star of our school. She is also very sociable and has a good sense of
humor. Her jokes always make us laugh. I love both of my friends and I always hope our
friendship will never die.
1. Does the author have any close friends? If yes, what are their names?

2. What does Hanh look like?
3. What does she like?

4. What does she often do in her free time?
5. Is Mai more beautiful than Hanh?
6. What is Mai’s hobby?
7. Which sport does Mai play in the school team?
8. What is Mai’s character?
VI. Put the words or phrases in correct order to make sentences.
1. enough/ Jane/ stay/ to/ alone/ old/ isn’t/ at home.
2. you/ going/ to/ are/ what/ do/ next weekend?
3. she/ hair/ black/ has/ long/ straight.
4. in the east/ rises/ sun/ the/ in the west/ sets/ and.

5. table/ large/ was/ in the kitchen/ there/ a/ wooden/ round.
6. awful/ an/ what/ house!
VII. Write a paragraph
about Trung,
using the information
Name: Nguyen
Manh Trung
Age: 15 in the box.
Appearance: tall, fat, short curly hair
Characters: sociable, generous, kind
Address: 24 Nguyen Du Street, Ho Chi Minh City
Family: mother, father and two younger sisters



VIII. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not)
Adjective + enough + to infinitive.
1. My sister is old. She can drive a car.
2. The radio isn’t small. You can’t put it in your pocket.
3. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter.
4. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.
5. The weather was fine. We could go camping.
6. Those apples aren’t ripe. We can’t eat them.

7. Mr. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

8. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.
IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense.
1. She (not drink) ………………coffee. She (drink) ………………Coca Cola.
2. It (be) ……………… often hot in the summer.
3. What ………………you (do) ………………every evening?
4. The earth (circle) ……………… the sun once every 365 days.
5. I (see) ………………her very often.
6. Most rivers (flow) ………………into the sea.
7. Vegeterians (not eat) ………………meat.
8. Bees (make) ………………honey.
9. Rice (not grow) ………………in cold climates.
10. Where ………………Martin (come) ………………from?
-He (be) ………………Scottish.
X. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.
Hang is fourteen years old. She is a pretty girl (1) ………………long black hair. She goes
(2) ………………school five days a week and usually goes swimming (3) ………………some
friends (4) ………………Saturday mornings. She lives (5) ………………a large house (6)
………………her mother, father and younger brother (7) ………………2/34 Nguyen Train
Street. Hang has a lot (8) ………………friends. (9)………………all her friends, Nga and Thuy
are the ones she spends most of her time (10) ……………… They are all like listening (11)
………………music and playing sports (12) ………………their free time.

- receive (v)
- I don’t think so.

Tôi không nghỉ vậy.

- next-door neighbor
- photograph (n)

- slim (a)

hàng xóm kế nhà

mảnh mai

- straight (a)


- curly (a)

xoăn (tóc)

- blond (a)

vàng hoe (tóc)

- smile (v, n)

cười, nụ cười

- bald (a)


- Christmas (n)

lễ Giáng sinh

- fair (a)

trắng (da), vàng nhạc (tóc)

- lucky (a)

mai mắn

- character (n)

tính cách

- sociable (a)

hòa đồng

- in public

- extremely (adv)

cực kỳ, rất

- peace (n)

sự bình yên

- kind (a)

tốt bụng, tử tế - quite (n)

sự yên tĩnh

- generous (a)

rộng lượng, phóng khoáng

- volunteer work

công việc tình nguyện

nơi đông người

- outgoing (a)

cởi mở

- tell joke

nói đùa

- local (a)

địa phương

- sense of humor

tính hài hước

- orphanage (n)

trạ trẻ mồ côi

- annoy (v)

làm phiền

- hard-working (a)

chăm chỉ

- close friend = best friend

bạn thân

- grade (n)


- humorous (a)

hài hước

- unlike (a)

không giống

- helpful (a)

hay giúp đỡ

- reserved (a)

kín đáo, dè dặt

- send (v)


- the Earth

trái đất

- neighbor (n)

hàng xóm

- around (adv)


- introduce (v)

giới thiệu

- set (v)


- the sun

mặt trời

- silly (a)

- rise (v)

mọc lên, nhô lên

- strong (a)

- planet (n)

hành tinh

- move (v)

di chuyển

- lift (v)

ngớ ngẩn, ngu ngốc

nha6a61cle6n, nâng lên

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