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Bài tập trắc nghiệm môn tiếng anh 12 (4)

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Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. The harder this farmer works, ________ he becomes.
A. the poorest B. the poorer
C. the more poor D. poorer
2. My father is________ as yours.
A. old
B. as old
C. older
D. so old
3. HCM city is________ than Hanoi.
A. large
B. largest
C. more large
D. larger
4. She is the________ daughter in the family.
A. older
B. more old
C. eldest
D. oldest
5. She speaks English as________ as you.
A. clear
B. clearly
C. clearness
D. very clear
6. HCM city is________ than Nha Trang.
A. more large B. as large
C. not so large
D. larger
7. Your pencil is________ as mine.

A. as sharp
B. not sharp
C. sharper
D. sharp
8. This car is________ than mine.
A. less expensive
B. as expensive C. expensive
D. not so
9. The________ he is, the more miserable he gets.
A. richer
B. more riches
C. more rich
D. none is correct
10. He is the________ student in this class.
A. very intelligent
B. most intelligent
C. more intelligent D.
less intelligent
11. Our house is______ than theirs.
A. small
B. smaller
C. more smaller D. the smallest
12. I'm________ than my brother.
A. tall
B. more taller
C. taller
D. the tallest
13. Tortoises live _________ than cats.
A. longer

B. more longer
C. long
D. the longest
14. Electrical goods are usually ________in America than in Britain.
A. more cheap B. the cheapest
C. cheaper
D. more cheaper
15. Electrical goods are usually _________in Britain than in America.

A. more expensive
B. most expensive C. expensiver D.
16. Bob Dylan is a__________ singer than George Michael.
A. more good B. better
C. gooder
D. best
17. I think mathematics is _________than English.
A. difficult
B. more difficult C. difficulter
D. the most difficult
18. Oxford is quite near to London but Liverpool is___________
A. far
B. farer
C. further
D. farther
19. Today is a_________day. The sun shines all the time.
A. windy
B. sunny
C. cloudy

D. rainy
20. Ba is a hard- working student and he works _________on all the subjects .
A. hard
B. slowly
C. carelessly
D. carefully
