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tiếng anh 10 thí điểm Unit 1 language

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School: Nguyen Van Cu High School
Time allotted: 45 min Week: 6

Class: 10A
Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Tờ Vân Anh
Period: 3
D.O.P: September 17th, 2016


Seen, Sep 19th, 2016

Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Lê Thị Huyền
+Pronounce consonant clusters /tr/ , /kr/ and /br/ correctly in isolation and in context
+Use lexical items and collocations related to household chores and duties.
+Understand and use the present simple and the present continuous tense
2 Skills: Apply the language items above to do the matching, multiple-choice, gap-filling, listing
and discussion.
3 Behaviour: think about sharing household chores with other family members.
Methods, teaching aids:
- Methods: Communicative Approach.
- Teaching aids: textbook, board, posters, handouts, projectors, speakers.
1.Class Stabilization:

- Greeting
- Checking up the attendance
2.Check-up: Make sentences using some words or phrases:
1. do (household) chores
2. take out garbage
3. do laundry
4. shop for groceries
5. do heavy lifting
6. do washing-up
7. be responsible for household finances
3.New lesson:
Teacher and Student’s activities
T asks Ss to read the words and phrases in the box, then
 Task 1: Match the words and phrases with
discuss and find the meaning for each of them.
their meaning below.
Ss work individually.
1. f
2. e
3. a
4. h
asks students to compare the answers with a partner.

8. c
T asks some students to read the answers.
Checks and gives the correct answers
T asks Ss to read the conversation (Students book, page  Task 2: List all the household chores that
6) again and get information to do Task 2 individually.
are mentioned in the conversation. Then
add more chores to the list
Ss elicit more chores to add to the list.
- prepare dinner
- cook (do the cooking)
Ss compare the answers with a partner.
- shop
- clean the house
T asks some students to read the answers.
- take out the rubbish
- do the laundry
- do the washing up
- do the heavy lifting
- be responsible for the household chores
- mop/sweep/tidy up the house
- bathe the baby
- feed the baby
- water the house plants - feed the cat and dog
- iron/fold/put away the clothes
- lay the table for meals - mow the lawn…
T asks Ss to discuss two questions.
 Task 3: Discuss the questions below:
1) What household chores do you usually do?

T gives some useful language.
2) how do you divide household duties in your
Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
T encourages Ss to use the chores in the list in their family?
• Useful language:
T asks some pairs to ask and answer the questions.
 I often help my parents V/to V

School: Nguyen Van Cu High School
Time allotted: 45 min Week: 6

Class: 10A
Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Tờ Vân Anh
Period: 3
D.O.P: September 17th, 2016

 I often help with N/Ving in my family
 I take the responsibility for Ving/N
 I am responsible for
 My main responsibility is to V
 ....
T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then repeat
the words twice.

 Task 1: Listen and repeat.
/tr/ trash, tree, train, treat, true
T asks some Ss to read the words.
/kr/ create, critical, cream, crane, crack
T gives the meaning of the words if necessary.
/br/ breadwinner, breakfast, brown, brother, brush
T helps Ss distinguish the three sound clusters.
T corrects Ss’ pronunciation.
T helps Ss with the pronunciation.
T asks to read the words in rows, paying attention to the  Task 2: Listen to the sentences and circle
difference between the sound clusters.
the word you hear.
brother borrowed her motorbike and
T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen then circle the
crashed it - b
word they hear.
2. The crane has been there for quite a while - b
T asks Ss to work individually.
3. I like bread with butter - c
T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner.
T checks Ss’ answers by asking them to call out the 4. Is it true that he quit? - a
letter (a, b or c) corresponding to the word they hear.
T asks Ss to read the text once and asks them to pay
attention to the words / phrases such as every day,  Task 1: Read the text and choose the
correct verb form.
today, at the moment…, and asks them what verb forms
1. does

are often used in the sentences that have these words /
2. cooks
3. cleans
Ss choose the correct verb form individually.
4. is watching
T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner.
5. is doing
T checks Ss’ answers and elicits from them the rules of
6. is doing
using the present simple and the present continuous
7. is tidying up
8. is trying
T gives feedback.
T asks Ss to do the task in pairs
 Task 2: Use the verbs in brackets in their
correct form to complete the sentences.
Ss present their answers and give clues for their answers
1. does, is not cooking, is working
2. is taking out
3. cleans, is cleaning
4. is preparing
5. look after, works
6. is watching, watches
- Vocabulary related to household chores
- The present simple and the present progressive
- The pronunciation of /tr/, /cr/, /br/

- Learn by heart the words and phrases related to household chores and duties
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 1 - Reading
+ Vocabulary
+ Do the tasks in advance.
IV Experiences:
T gives feedback.



School: Nguyen Van Cu High School
Time allotted: 45 min Week: 6


Class: 10A
Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Tờ Vân Anh
Period: 3
D.O.P: September 17th, 2016

