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(Chữa trong video)

1. There (is/are) no girls in this class.
2. There (is/are) no key for this door.
3. 80% of the students (has/have) voted.
4. Geography (is/are) fascinating.
5. Where (is/are) my gloves?
6. Each ticket (costs/cost) $5.
7. The boy with his dog (is/are) here.
8. John or Tom (is/are) bringing the car
9. His hair (is/are) turning gray
10. (Is/Are) there anybody at home?
11. Neither praise nor blame (seem/seems) to affect him
12. Three fourths of his fortune (was/were) devoted to scientific research.
13. Two-thirds of these books (is/are) novels.
14. The crowd (was/were) wild with excitement
15. Why (is/are) the police standing there?
16. So far everything ( has/have been ) all right
17. More men than women (is/are) left-handed.
18. Our team (is/are) going to win the game
19. None of my classmates (speak/speaks) Arabic.
20. Every student (is/are) tested twice a year.
21. Each of the items in the bill (is/are) correct
22. 10 years in prison (was/were) too long for him.
23. None of the children (was/were) awake.
24. No smoking or drinking (is / are) allowed.

25. Indians (eats / eat) a lot of junk food.
26. More than one student (was/ were) late for class this morning.
27. The United Nations (was/ were) found in 1945.
28. Some of the water (is/are) gone.
29. One and a half days (is/ are) what I need.
30. There (is/are) still the possibility of heavy rain and high winds.
31. Politics (is/are) a constant source of interest to me.
32. The pilot as well as all the passengers (was/were) rescued from the crash
33. Half of the cookies (have/has) been eaten.
34. The hiker and the cyclist (enjoy/enjoys) the great outdoors.
35. The senior writer and editor (was/ were) promoted to the position of editor-in-chief.




36. Most of the fish I caught (was/were) too small to keep for dinner.
37. No information (was/were) given about how the study (was/were) conducted.
38. Not one of the hundreds of families affected by the noise (want/wants) to move
39. If anybody (calls/call), tell them I’m not at home.
40. If either of you (take/takes) a vacation now, we’ll not be able to finish the work.
41. No problem (is/are) harder to solve than this one.
42. I would say that 50% of the houses (need/needs) major repair
43. A part of our success (was/were) devoted to his recent work.
44. All the old equipment in this factory (is/are) being replaced.
45. A number of students (has/have) participated in intensive language programs abroad.

46. An inflation rate of only 2% (make/makes) a big difference to exports
47. The issues which have been considered in the previous section (allow/allows) us to speculate
on problems that learners might encounter
48. An early analysis of the results (show/shows) that the Socialists have won.
49. The number of students who knew the answer to the last question on the exam (was/were)
very slow.
50. The United States of America (consists/consist) of 50 separate states.
51. The view of these disciplines (vary/varies) from time to time.
52. The actress, along with her manager,( is/are) going to the party tonight.
53. It was the speaker, not his ideas, that (has/ have) provoked the students to riot.
54. The country’s first general election since it won independence (is/are) to be held next month
55. Mr. Robinson, accompanied by his wife and children, (is/are) arriving tonight.
56. Neither the boys nor Carmen (have/has) seen the film before.
57. John, bringing his girlfriend to see me, (has/have) just arrived.
58. The majority (believe/believes) that we are in no danger.
59. Neither of the French athletes (have/has) won this year
60. Nobody but Ted and Bill (was/were) eager to help
61. Not only John but also you (was/were) responsible for the error
62. A lot of the pollution (is/are) caused by the paper factory on the edge of the town
63. The secretary and accountant of the company (have/has) not come yet.
64. Twenty five dollars (seem, seems) too much to pay for this book.
65. In my opinion, living in happiness for 10 years (is/are) not a long time.
66. Physics (study/ studies) mechanics, heat, light, sound and electricity.
67. His silence (mean/ means) that he agrees with us.
68. Their news (come/ comes) to us once a year.
69. The students and the instructors each (hope / hopes) for a new facility by next year.
70. The police ( have/has made) many enquiries about the murder up till now.
71. His knowledge of butterflies (is/are) very wide.
72. One of the girls (go/ goes) to visit that old man once a week.
73. His family (is/are sitting) in the front row.

74. All of the food served in this restaurant yesterday (was/were) excellent.




75. Neither you nor I (are/am) responsible for the result.
76. There (is/are) different ways to do that work.
77. Whatever (happen/ happens), remember to be calm.
78. Both Mary and Peter (work/ works) for that company.
79. Either he or his friends (is/are) mistaken.
80. The quality of these recordings (is/are) very good.
81. The pair of scissors (is/are) on the table.
82. There (has/have) been a number of telephone calls today.
83. John or George (bring/ brings) the car now.
84. Neither Carmen nor the boys (have/has) seen the film before.
85. Not studying (cause/ causes) him many problems.
86. (Don’t / Doesn’t) Portuguese speak in Brazil?
87. Baseball and swimming (is/are) popular summer sports.
88. The fear of rape and robbery (cause/ causes) many people to flee the cities.
89. Why (is/are) there a shortage of certified teachers at the present time?
90. John, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party.
91. Money as well as workers (is/are) needed.
92. The boy with his dog (is/are) here.
93. We’ve got 2 cars but neither of them (is/are) new
94. A large crowd (was/were) gathering around him

95. The mayor as well as his brothers (is/are) going to prison.
96. Two-fifths of the vineyard (was/were) destroyed by fire.
97. Each and every student and instructor in this building (hope/ hopes) for a new facility by next
98. The department members but not the chair (has / have) decided not to teach on Valentine's
99. Rice and beans, my favorite dish, (reminds/ remind) me of my native Puerto Rico.
100. To an outsider, the economics of this country (seems/ seem) to be in disarray.


