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48 thi online 3 unit 8

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Thi online Unit 8(3)

I/ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 1: A. kitchen
B. mountain
C. fountain
D. maintain
Câu 2: A. representative
B. characteristic
C. technological
D. punctuality
Câu 3: A. diploma
B. financial
C. devastate
D. procedure
Câu 4: A. development
B. misbehavior
C. certificate
D. originate
Câu 5: A. overwhelming
B. incredible
C. optimistic
D. intellectual
II/ Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Câu 6: Neither of them will be treated preferentially, ________?
A. will them

B. will they
C. won‟t they
D. won‟t them
Câu 7: When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around.
objects ________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
A. needn't / may
B. should not / might C. mustn't / can't
D. should / must
Câu 8: They are having their house________ by a construction company.
A. to paint
B. being painted
C. painting
D. painted
Câu 9: I have ______ him to act for me while I am away.
A. authorized
B. notified
C. let
D. given
Câu 10: The members of the Red Cross were dedicated their whole life to________ the sufferings of
human beings.
A. reductive
B. reducing
C. reduction
D. reduce
Câu 11: - Thuy: This file is very important. You should include it in our document.
- Thu: I know. It is ________.
A. significant
B. optional
C. indistinct

D. indispensable
Câu 12: Helen is _______ seafood, so she never tries these delicious dishes.
A. allergic to
B. tired of
C. keen on
D. preferable to
Câu 13: Attitudes to animals _______ two extremes.
A. vary greatly between
B. vary greatly by
C. greatly vary through
D. vary greatly through.
Câu 14: - Nam: “Do you have a minute, Dr Keith?” - Hoa: “__________”
A. Well. I‟m not sure when
B. Good, I hope so
C. Sure. What‟s the problem?
D. Sorry, I haven‟t got it here
Câu 15: This carpet really needs_______. Can you do it for me, son?
A. being cleaned
B. clean
C. cleaned
D. cleaning
Câu 16: By 2050, medical technology _______ many diseases.
A. is conquering
B. will conquer
C. has conquered
D. will have conquered
Câu 17: A university education is of course important but it is essential that all employees undergo a
of intensive ________.
A. training

B. concentration
C. preparation D. learning
Câu 18: - Tom: “Oh, I have to leave. Bye.” - Bill: “___________________”
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


A. Bye. Nice to meet you too.
B. Good day!
C. Good job! See you later.
D. Please, don‟t move!
Câu 19: I realized _______ that he was a thief.
A. eventually
B. sooner or later
C. at the beginning D. all along
Câu 20: Every motorbike must be equipped with a _________ mirror.
A. front view
B. rear view
C. behind sight
D. inside sight.
Câu 21: Children shouldn't be ______ to adult.
A. respected
B. disrespected
C. disrespectful
D. unrespectful
Câu 22: Going on this diet has really ________ me good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic!

A. made
B. taken
C. done
D. done
Câu 23: Designers are experimenting with a new material ________ flexibly with lightness.
A. combines
B. combination of
C. combining
D. is combining
Câu 24: This room ________ since the last time I was here.
A. has painted
B. has been painted C. painted
D. had been painted
Câu 25: Tony is so ______ that his friends tend to tell him all their problems.
A. optimistic
B. critical
C. sympathetic
D. confidential
Câu 26: __________, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. How an antiseptic is used
B. An antiseptic used
C. When used as an antiseptic
D. An antiseptic when used
Câu 27: When she died, she gave ________ all her money to a charity for cats.
A. on
B. off
C. out
D. away
Câu 28: - Nhung: “If you ask me, action movies are great!” - Tuy:“ ____________________ “
A. You can say it again

B. Never mind
C. That‟s that
D. Sure. It‟s my pleasure.
Câu 29: - Tai: “Let me do that for you” - Nam: “ ______________”
A. Don‟t worry yourself
B. Please don‟t bother
C. Please don‟t bother
D. Make yourself at home
Câu 30: This naughty fellow ______ at his wife at any time.
A. nags
B. looks
C. irritates
D. conflits
III)Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Câu 31: The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered.
A. open and frank
B. sweet
C. discreet
D. casual
Câu 32: Mr Henderson was determined to remain neutral.
A. unmarried
B. uncommitted
C. untroubled
D. unhurried
Câu 33: The educational quality is decidedly improved.
A. repeatedly
B. admittedly
C. noticeably
D. obviously

IV/Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the one above or that has been completed
from the given word cues
Câu 34: Don‟t let her treat you like that
A. You are not let be treated like that by her
B. Don‟t allow you to be treated like that
C. Don‟t let yourself be treated like that by her
D. She doesn‟t treat you like that
Câu 35: "Shall I help you with the washing-up, Jane?" John said.
A. John told Jane to help him with the washing-up.
B. John asked if Jane should help him with the washing-up.
C. John suggested helping Jane with the washing-up.
D. John offered to help Jane with the washing-up.
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


Câu 36: "Good morning, Mary! How are you?" Henry said.
A.Henry said good morning Mary and asked how was she.
B.Henry greeted Mary and asked how is she.
C.Henry said good morning and asked Mary how she is.
D.Henry greeted Mary and asked how she was.
Câu 37: Tom regrets to say that he has left his tickets at home.
A.Tom regrets leaving the tickets at home
B.Tom was sorry that he has left the tickets at home
C.Tom wishes he hadn‟t left the ticket at home
D.Tom regrets to leave the ticket at home

Câu 38: It is such a wonderful opportunity that we mustn‟t miss it
A.The opportunity is too wonderful for us to miss.
B.The opportunity is wonderful enough for us to miss
C.It is a wonderful opportunity so that we can‟t miss it
D.The opportunity is so wonderful that we are not able to afford it
IV)Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Câu 39:She was unhappy that she got in touch with a lot of her old friends when she went abroad to
A.put in charge of
B.made room for
C.lost contract with
D.lost control of
Câu 40: His boss has had enough of his respect, and doesn‟t want to hire him any more.
VI/Read the following passage on native Americans, and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks from 41 to 50.
Carefully conducted (41) ______ that have followed the children of working mothers have not been
able to any long-term problems, compared with children of working mothers stayed at home. My
personal (42)______ is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish. Whether we like it or
not, there a number ofmothers who just have to work. There are those who have invested such a big
part of their lives in establishing a
career that they cannot afford to see it lost. Then there are many who must work out of pure
economic (43)______. Many mothers are not (44) ______ out to be full-time parents. After a few
months at home with a muchloved infant, they feel trapped and isolated.There are a number of
options when it (45) ______ to choosing childcare. These range from child minders andnannies

through to Granny of the kind lady (46) ______ the street. (47) ______, however, many parents
don‟thave any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No matter how good
the childcare maybe, some children are going to protest wildly if they are left. This is a (48) ______
normal stage of child development. Babies separate well in the first six months, but soon after that
they start to get a crush on Mum andclose family members. Make sure that in first week you allow
plenty of time to help your child settle in.All children are different. Some are independent, while
others are more attached to their mothers. Remember that if you want to (49) ______ the best for
your children, it‟s not the quantity of time you spend wit them, it‟sthe (50) ______ that matters.
Câu 41: A. questionnaires
B. studies
C. researchers
D. interviews
Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


Câu 42: A. idea
Câu 43: A. task
Câu 44: A. born
Câu 45: A. comes
Câu 46: A. of
Câu 47: A. In addition
Câu 48: A. very
Câu 49: A. do
Câu 50: A. behavior

B. view
B. necessity
B. brought
B. turns
B. opposite
B. In reality
B. extremely
B. give
B. manner

C. thought
C. reason
C. cut
C. concerns
C. next to
C. In contrast
C. perfectly
C. have
C. attitude

D. decision
D. duty
D. made
D. refers
D. across
D. In fact
D. perfectly
D. make
D. quality

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948
Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


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