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1. In an effort to reduce --------, Robertson and
Sons has halved the amount of money its
salespeople can spend on their business
(A) values
(B) expenses
(C) customs
(D) refunds
2. That corporation is involved in the
manufacture, sale and ------- of high-quality
(A) solution
(B) distribution
(C) exception
(D) repetition
3. There was a significant -------- in sales in the
manufacturing sector during the past two
(A) increase
(B) access
(C) accent
(D) impression
4. The ------ from the latest analysis prove that
the country has more oil reserves than was
previously thought.
(A) results
(B) stages
(C) deductions
(D) products
5. Nanotechnology has enormous ------ to alter

the fields of both manufacturing and
(A) mark
(B) proposal
(C) potential
(D) indication
6. Stanley asked for a meeting with the
individual who has the most ------- to agree
to contract terms.
(A) permission
(B) conclusion
(C) allowance
(D) authority
7. Foreign tourists often have a strong ------ for
the day-long tours of the city as opposed to
the two-hour tours.

(A) choice
(B) preference
(C) placement
(D) decision
8. Our employee take every ------- to ensure
that customers receive the items they
ordered as quickly as possible.
(A) precaution
(B) advice
(C) rule
(D) idea
9. If David is not in the office, then all -----should be made to Randal, who will be able
to assist you.

(A) problems
(B) concepts
(C) inquiries
(D) positions
10. Be sure to purchase the next ------ of the
magazine since it will include several
articles on the upcoming presidential.
(A) condition
(B) issue
(C) price
(D) promise
11. Once you submit your résumé with a
completed ------, we can look over your
information packet and consider you for
some of the jobs currently available.
(A) appointment
(B) application
(C) commission
(D) process
12. Kruffman, Inc. recently changed its -------on allowing its employees to use company
cars on personal business.
(A) accommodation
(B) policy
(C) handling
(D) measure
13. Employees are permitted to use company
------ such as the health club whenever they
are not on duty.
(A) facilities
(B) guidelines

(C) limits
(D) management

Mr Hoàn TOEIC – 0969.229.625 – Số 7 Hào Khê Cát Bi – Hải Phòng


14. Please complete the evaluation -------- and
submit it to Ms. Charles prior to departing.
(A) bill
(B) receipt
(C) form
(D) claim
15. For a small fee, buyers may extend the oneyear ------ on any electronic appliances that
they purchase.
(A) warranty
(B) subscription
(C) expiration
(D) supply
16. It is crucial for construction companies to be
in ------- with the building codes when they
are building a new house.
(A) compliance
(B) competence
(C) arrangement
(D) advancement
17. The secretary scheduled several training ---in order to accommodate people’s diverse

(A) materials
(B) sessions
(C) expressions
(D) positions
18. Thanks to the implementation of improved
farming methods, high agricultural ------ is
becoming a fact of life for farmers in this
region .
(A) instruction
(B) suggestion
(C) output
(D) access
19. All ------- with the director are scheduled by
his personal assistant, Mr. Thomas Baker.
(A) techniques
(B) developments
(C) consequences
(D) appointments
20. The law firm requested -------- from a
number of places when it was considering
renovating its office.
(A) estimates
(B) sponsors

(C) deliverance
(D) recollections
21. For your -------, please find within this
envelop a signed copy of the contract to
which we agreed.
(A) reference

(B) learning
(C) direction
(D) meaning
22. A government agent’s actions must be in ---with federal and state laws at all times.
(A) accordance
(B) regards
(C) reference
(D) proximity
23. Ms. Fernandez made a brief ------- about the
role she intends to play in the design of the
company’s next line of automobiles.
(A) administration
(B) arrangement
(C) presentation
(D) profession
24. All customers who renew their ------- to the
news magazine will be rewarded with a free
bonus issue.
(A) prescriptions
(B) subscriptions
(C) descriptions
(D) inscriptions
25. Doctors at the Hampden Hospital are
supposed to participate in ------- regularly to
keep informed about medical advances.
(A) agendas
(B) conferences
(C) contributions
(D) prescriptions
26. Because an Asian manufacturing company

has released a similar product on the market,
Concell Labs’ research ------- on the new
prototype has been canceled.
(A) project
(B) scheme
(C) method
(D) format

Mr Hoàn TOEIC – 0969.229.625 – Số 7 Hào Khê Cát Bi – Hải Phòng


27. Because of the failure of the -------- between
her computer and printer, Ms. Patel called
the technical service center .
(A) relevance
(B) connection
(C) acquaintance
(D) mixture
28. The report indicated that the annual earnings
--------- of the company was lower than
analysts had estimated.
(A) growth
(B) rise
(C) increase
(D) enlargement
29. We can customize the new stock managing
program for your company at no extra ------.

(A) value
(B) charge
(C) frequently
(D) product
30. Even though restaurants of all kinds abound
in Hong Kong, there are only a few which
uphold a strict -------- of excellence.
(A) standard
(B) category
(C) rate
(D) qualification
31. The ------ for the proposed office building is
at the intersection of Dawson Street and St.
Louis Avenue.
(A) belief
(B) advancement
(C) travel
(D) site
32. The local university is hosting a ------- of
public lectures on social responsibility that
are being given by prominent social
(A) present
(B) scheme
(C) series
(D) progression
33. To receive a -------, you must bring the
original receipt and return the merchandise
within 7 days.
(A) refund

(B) purchase
(C) limit
(D) registration

34. When operating heavy machinery, all
factory workers should follow the standard
------- exactly.
(A) developments
(B) procedures
(C) categories
(D) qualifications
35. One of the important functions of a bank is
to accept -------- from the public for the
purpose of lending.
(A) economies
(B) deposits
(C) finances
(D) placements
36. The -------- for sending an invoice is
outlined in the company’s handbook.
(A) establishment
(B) measurement
(C) transaction
(D) procedure
37. Due to an -------- in the demand for the
popular software, production is expected to
double this month.
(A) increase
(B) error
(C) effort

(D) intend
38. In advertising, it is important to present a
clear -------- for selecting one product over
(A) rationale
(B) revision
(C) cooperation
(D) management
39. The Banneree Foundation is making
fundraising for its global health project a
high ------- for next year.
(A) adjustment
(B) rate
(C) change
(D) priority
40. The Wells Community Center has made a
successful ------- to a computerized
accounting system.
(A) location
(B) transition
(C) cooperation
(D) suspension

Mr Hoàn TOEIC – 0969.229.625 – Số 7 Hào Khê Cát Bi – Hải Phòng


41. In order to build customer --------, TMT

Supermarket is offering special discounts on
selected items every week.
(A) brands
(B) honesty
(C) locations
(D) loyalty
42. We are seeking candidates with experience
to organize and manage a small business
from its very --------.
(A) cause
(B) solution
(C) growth
(D) inception
43. To be an effective speaker at the conference,
remember that the ------ of a presentation
must not be more than 30 minutes.
(A) length
(B) instant
(C) attention
(D) significance
44. The salesman from Happy Kids gave the
audience no ------- about the validity of the
information on the new toy regarding its
(A) assurance
(B) acceptance
(C) location
(D) confidence
45. Rising ------- from the overseas education
market will force universities to be more

aggressive in recruiting students.
(A) challenge
(B) competition
(C) encounter
(D) opponent

48. The new turbine at the Florida plant is
scheduled to be ------ in late March.
(A) set up
(B) taken to
(C) given out
(D) put down
49. If you join our special membership club, you
will receive a 10% discount every time you
------- a purchase.
(A) make
(B) shop
(C) owe
(D) use
50. All visitors to the headquarters in Melbourne
are required to -------- a visitor’s pass at the
security desk.
(A) allow
(B) achieve
(C) remind
(D) obtain
51. The deadline for the new building complex
proposal has been --------- to July 4.
(A) opened
(B) finished

(C) progressed
(D) extended

46. Too many employees are forgetting to turn
in ------- for reimbursement to the
Accounting Department.
(A) procedures
(B) journeys
(C) directions
(D) receipts
47. The deadline for contributions to submit
essays for inclusion in Professor Alford’s
textbook is rapidly -------.
(A) assigning
(B) approaching
(C) setting
(D) declaring

Mr Hoàn TOEIC – 0969.229.625 – Số 7 Hào Khê Cát Bi – Hải Phòng


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