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Unit 10. Speaking 11CB

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Date: 10 / 01 / 09 Unit: Ten Period: 62
A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
I. Knowledge: - Use appropriate language to talk about endangered nature and ways to
protect it
. II. Skills: - Speaking, listening.
I. Settlement (2'): Check Ss' attendance
II. Checking (5'): Call on Ss to give some vocabulary and answer the questions in the reading
III. New lesson: Part B: SPEAKING
I. Warm-up: (5') Brainstorming
- Divide the class into two groups and get them to
discuss to give words related to environment
- Lead Ss to the main content of the lesson
- Discuss in groups to give words related to
Suggested answers
+ pollutant, extinct, forest, air, animals,
endanger, planet, tree, water, nature.

- Listen
II. Pre-speaking (5'): TASK 1
- Introduce the task and get Ss to look at the lines on
page 118 and put them in the order of importance.
(Pair work)
- Go around to observe and provide help
- Call on some Ss to present their opinions
- Comment and give feedback

- Listen carefully, take notes, and look at
the lines on page 118 and put them in the
order of importance. (Pair work)
- Present their opinions
S1: 1. Burning forests: Forests are green
lungs of the earth. Trees take in CO2 and
produce oxygen. Without trees the climate
will change for worse.
2. Cutting down trees for cultivation:..
3. Discharging chemical pollutants into
4. Using fertilizers and pesticides for
5. Killing endangered animals for fur, skin
and food
- Listen carefully and take notes
III. While-speaking (16')
- Put Ss in pairs and get them to read through the task.
- Explain new words, then ask Ss to match the
problems in task1 with appropriate solutions in task 2.
- Elicit more solutions from Ss
- Read through the task.
- Listen and take notes, then match the
problems in task1 with appropriate
solutions in task 2.
- Help them express their ideas correctly

- Call on some Ss to give their ideas.
- Comment and give corrective feedback
- Give some solutions
+ Killing animals – Killing animals..
+ Keeping animals – Keeping animals as..
+ Hunting or capturing – Animals should..
+ Burning forests – Zoos and national..
+ Cutting down – Planting trees should...
+ Using fertilizers – Decreasing the use of
+ Discharging – Discharging chemical..
- Give feedback.
- Listen and take notes
IV. Post-speaking (7'):
TASK 3: - Explain the task, put Ss in groups of 3-4.
One S will play the role of a reporter and the other play
the role of environmentalists.
- The reporter will interview the environmentalists
about the solutions to existing environmental
- Go around checking and offering help.
- Call on some Ss to present their group's ideas.
- Write the ideas on the board as Ss talk. Then elicit
comments from the class and provide feedback
- Listen and play the role of a reporter and
the other play the role of
R: What do you think our environment?
E: It is very bad. It is destroyed by people.
For example: they hunt rare animals every
day for food, fur, medicines...

R: Could you please give some solutions to
protect our environment?
E: In my opinion, We should give many
strong measures to prevent everything
from being lost, wasted, damaged, or
destroyed...Governments should enact laws
to protect wildlife from commercial trade
and over hunting...
- Listen and take notes
IV. Consolidation: (3')- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
V. Homework: (2') - Ask Ss to learn by heart some new words / phrases and structures
- Ask Ss to prepare Part C – Listening

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